Synch iphone with ipad

how to synch contacts between ipad and iphone.

Sync both of them to the same address book on your computer or to a cloud service like iCloud.

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    You can't sync it to two computers.
    But you can plug it into a second computer and add things or take things out of apps (under the app tab, scroll down).
    Also you can take photos off on a second computer.
    There are a few things you can do on a second computer.
    But not a sync.

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    Sync both your iPad an iPhone to the same Apple ID in iTunes...

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    Office 365 is a Microsoft product. Please try:
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    Bluetooth is not supported for file transfer
    You can pair to tether.
    You have to use USB

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    How can I sync my iPhone contacts and iPhone calendar with my iPad. I transferred all my apps but not actual info.

    GuitarGuyDale wrote:
    That was a fast response! As you can see I’m new to the whole forum thing. I appreciate the quick reply.
    You are very welcome - short and 'to the point' questions are much easier to handle.
    I was never comfortable with uploading all my information to a server that I don’t know who monitors and can't tell if my information was being tampered with (I'm a little OCD when it comes to storing my information locally)
    Thats okay - its a personal choice. But do remember to backup regularly as we have hordes of people here every week having lost the lot due to lack of backups.
    For example purposes, say I'm outside of internet connection. I use my iPad to write some calendar updates, edit some contact info and then want to upload those to my iPhone. Since I only have the WIFI version, I would have to find a WIFI connection if I were to use the MobileMe option.
    Correct. However you could do all of that on your phone as well.
    But if a Bluetooth option existed, where I could pair the iPhone and iPad, then I could transfer the files locally, without an internet connection.
    Correct but it will never happen IMO - the Bluetooth connection is capable of 'misuse' and so Apple will not permit file transfer. there is however an App which allows people to 'bump' phones and swap contact cards so maybe you could use that for some scenarios.
    It would also be helpful if the Calendar app on the iPad allowed you to send calendar appointments via email.
    It does for Exchange calendars already however there appear to be some issues about having a common standard across all Calendar applications. I do not know for certain but I suspect that the most common Meeting Invite, from Outlook may be a proprietary format and thats why it only works with Exchange - but thats just a guess .

  • Can't sync iphone with ipad

    Hi All,
    I have searched the data base for answers, but none provided a workable solution. What I am having an issue with is having data pushed (through iCloud) between one device over to the other. From iPhone to iPad and vice versa. In particular, when I take a photo or video I am looking for it to appear on the "other" device. I followed all the instructions and all my settings are correct. I even followed recommendations from this forum about resetting the devices, but I still have no result.  What anI doing wrong? Is my apple ID bad? If yest how can I check it? I a mable to sign into iCloud with my OD so I suspect it is correct.
    Not sure what to do.  Thanks for all the help.

    I don't use iCloud for other stuff, but I do use photo stream and it works quite well. Take a photo on my iPad and as soon as my Touch is on wifi, the photo will show up.
    never tried it with videos but the same premise should apply

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    I assume that this senario is most common and should be best practice. So allow that I address this synch issue to the apple development team to elaborate a solution for this request soon.
    Thank you very much. Wolfgang

    Answering andy76sz's question, yes my behavior is the same as yours. Each time I try to resync my phone with the my other computer (no matter if it's my iMac at home or my work PC) all the syncing options are cleared and I have to recheck the ones I want. As sisterblue said, Apple probably intended this behavior to prevent inadvertent syncing to occur.
    So it seems this is just the way it is for now. I hope 2.0 of the iPhone firmware will address this common usage scenario (i.e., full synchronization of contacts and appointments between the iphone and 2 different computers). This has been a feature of Windows Mobile for a while now and many of us have come to depend on having our phones (formerly PDAs) provide a way synchronizing our busy schedules and dynmically changing contacts and their info between work and home. I agree with andy76sz's assessment that Apple probably didn't initially provide this capability because they were worried about people copying music/videos between different computers using the iPhone as a bridge. I don't even use my iPhone to listen to music or watch videos.
    I do have an idea though, that might work until Apple provides this capability... I have a couple of old Windows Mobile phone lying around gathering dust (T-Mobile SDA, SMT5600). What if I were to go back to using Missing Sync on my iMac and use these old phones as bridging device for syncing my calendar and contacts between my home iMac and my work PC. Would be a pain in the butt, but I think it may work. Any body tried this?

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    Launch iTunes. Menu. iTunes>Preferences>Devices. Check the box at the bottom. Then connect the iPhone, get the photos and after you disconnect uncheck that box.

  • How can I sync iPhone with iPad

    How can I sync iPhone with iPad

    Huh?  What are you trying to do?  Be more specific.

  • Synching iPhone and iPad with new iMac - former pc user

    I'm trying to determine to most efficient way to set up iTunes and synching of my iPhone 4 and iPad on my new iMac. I am finally moving away from using a pc and am facing the issue of trying to preserve all the content on my devices as I set up the iMac. I'm ditching the old oc iTunes library. The iMac will br the primary (and only) iTunes library going forward.
    I realize I'll need to manually transfer mp3 files from the pc to the iMac (those ripped from CDs and not purchased on iTunes) and re-establish the library. But how do I avoid losing all the aps and music I purchased on my old pc as I set up the iMac iTunes?
    I'm also interested in saving the contacts I've built on my iPhone - using that as the basis for my iMac contacts.
    I have no intention of using the pc again -- fully realize you cannot synch to two iTunes libraries.
    Any suggestions on how to begin to minimize hassle and minimize any file loss is much appreciated!

    Should try by copying the itunes folder from your pc to your iMac. That should work.

  • Need Help Badly - still unable to make iTunes synch apps with iPad

    iTunes 10.1.2, MSWindows. iPad WiFi/3G 64Gb. Cannot get all apps on iTunes to transfer to iPad so cannot restore an app I had to delete on iPad. Number of apps on iTunes doesn't match in quantity. Also, specific apps that are deleted from iPad still show up in iTunes. I download to the iPad from AppStore and then synch them to iTunes. Have read ALL tech bulletins, searched this site, searched other sites, etc. Rest of synching appears to work fine. has been going on for over a month. Similar threads on this site don't appear to have solutions either.
    Have tried to drag specific app icon in iTunes to Device iPad, no luck, has circle with slash. I do NOT use automatic synching so the iTunes deleting critical files issue during synch doesn't wipe the iPad. I synch manually by Device iPad right-clicking and synch. Transfer purchases says it works but the new purchases on the iPad don't show up in iTunes. I tried resetting synch history in preferences but synching again didn't act any different. In fact, that first synch didn't act like the warning said it would (will act as if synching for first time).
    I am completely at a loss. I love the iPad but it is now physically impossible to keep it synchronized with iTunes.

    I am going to be no help, except to say that I have similar issues. iTunes shows apps as loaded on my iPad but those apps are not on the iPad. Problem seems to involve a random selection of apps. I've synched, reset, and tried several ways to delete and reinstall but can't figure out a solution.. Strangely the same missing apps are working fine on my iPhone 4!
    I had some trouble with videos not working, which has happened twice, but an iOS restore resolved that issue. I only add that in case the issues are related.
    Awaiting a solution with baited breathe!   -  Blacksquare

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