Syncing Applications to iphone

I just purchased Quick office mobile suite from the iTunes store and it downloaded to iTunes okay but now won't sync to my iphone. It tells me I'm "not authorised to use the application on this computer". I have administrator rights with my logon ID.
Any help appreciated. Regards, Peter

I just purchased Quick office mobile suite from the iTunes store and it downloaded to iTunes okay but now won't sync to my iphone. It tells me I'm "not authorised to use the application on this computer". I have administrator rights with my logon ID.
Any help appreciated. Regards, Peter

Similar Messages

  • After syncing applications to iPhone...Any1 experiencing??

    When I click an icon on the iPhone the app pops up for a moment, then it flickers back to the main screen, showing all the icons. Not one application I have downloaded is able to be viewed. Any1 experiencing this problem??
    Thanks in advance

    I have the same problem since going from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 (the phone is much flakier since that "update"), but it varies from app to app. Note that I'm also syncing with iTunes version
    *Here are the apps I have that do NOT experience the issue of closing and going back to the home screen (yet):*
    + Jott
    + Twinkle (doesn't update anymore, though, so is worthless)
    + Wordpress (v1.1)
    + Pandora
    + Twitterific
    + Karajan Beginner (v1.0.1)
    + Cubes Lite
    + 2 Across LE (v1.1)
    + Jirbo Arcade
    + Bubbles
    + Domainer
    + Tilt Me Lite
    *Here are the apps that DO experience this frustrating issue:*
    + VNC Lite (after connecting to a remote computer)
    + NYTimes (after opening a news article to read)
    + Google (closes immediately)
    + (closes immediately)
    + iDoodle2lite (closes immediately)
    + Apple Remote (closes immediately)
    + Showtimes (closes immediately)
    + Bloomberg (closes immediately)
    + Exposure (closes immediately)
    + PhoneSaber (closes before the lightsaber actually comes out)
    + PegJump (closes after showing the splash screen)
    + Labyrinth LE (closes after showing the main screen)
    + Lander (closes immediately)
    + FootballLite (closes after showing the splash/loading screen)
    + DizzyBeeFree (closes after showing splash screen)
    + BubbleWrap (v1.2 - closes after showing splash screen)
    + AirMe (closes immediately)
    + CubeRunner (closes immediately)
    + Frotz (closes immediately)
    + HowFast (closes immediately)
    + Kazoo (closes after showing watermark background)
    + Palringo (closes immediately)
    + Tap Tap Revenge (closes after showing splash screen)
    + reMovem Free (closes immediately)
    + Crusher Lite (closes immediately)
    + Bible (closes after showing YouVersion splash/background)
    + BoxOffice (closes are showing logo)
    + Brain Tuner (closes after showing the main screen)
    The iPhone 3G is a great as a phone (except that the Contacts application is also now slow). It's now terrible for actually using applications, though, which just so happens to be a big reason why I purchased it.
    With what other apps do/don't people experience this issue?

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    Found the answer in another string - thanks

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    I'm having the same issue. In the iTunes interface, the 'Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected.' is also greyed out. I just got back from the Apple store where they backed up and restored the phone from backup and then I did a sync. I'm on the 2.2 firmware and still don't have an app store on my phone.
    Can anyone help?

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    I am unable to sync my all iphone application with itunes..

    are they missing, or are you out of space?

  • I can sync applications on my iPhone but not music

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    When I try to sync music it says "the required disk cannot be found" and "the disk could not be read from or written to".
    With other computers it works fine and on my computer I can sync music to my old 20gb iPod.
    So it's not a problem of the iPhone or of iTunes or of the usb ports.
    I can also read the filesystem using diskaid so I don't see where the problem could be.
    I tried all these combinations: iPhone 2.1 or 2.2, iTunes 8.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, tried to restore the iPhone OS and refresh my iTunes library. Nothing helps.
    What should I do?

    I am having the same exact problem with my iPhone 3G. I've tried reinstalling iTunes and the problem persists. The only difference is that I get the "the disk could not be read from or written to" error, but not the "disk can not be found" error.

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    I have problem with syncing application that are more than 50Mb. Any update of an application that are more than 50 MB, during syncing it will switched/restarted the iphone for many times until I decided to delete the apps. What should I do?
    I also had try to find out if there are any extended warranty to iphone in Australia, it seemed that there were none. Could anyone help? My reason was to maintain guarantee toward my Dec 2009 returning to Melb to service this phone.
    Any suggestion and help welcome.

    Welcome to the discussions,
    Did you try to reset your phone by holding the sleep and home button until you see the Apple logo?
    Do you use wifi to update apps with more than 50MB?
    I also had try to find out if there are any extended warranty to iphone in Australia, it seemed that there were none.
    After AppleCare for the iphone was introduced in the US it took some time until I could buy it in my Apple Store, so maybe you'll have to wait a little longer or call Apple Store Australia and ask if they know about that program.

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    I'm not sure I understand the question

  • ITunes 12.0.1 now just "hangs" and does not complete the sync with my iPhone (iOS 6.1.6).

    Hello all,
    I've seen similar posts earlier in Apple discussions, but I haven't come across a definitive answer yet…So, let me ask again:
    Up until 6-7 hours ago, iTunes 12.0.1 was working perfectly well including syncing with my iPhone (I use an oldie but a goodie and it suits my purposes, iOS 6.1.6, 3GS).  Specifically iTunes now "hangs" and will not complete the syncing process with my iPhone. It get to "2 of 6" in the backing up process, and then the spinning beach ball appears. I keep my iTunes library on a separate external HD (USB).
    Even if I only want to launch iTunes 12 to use it (and NOT sync), the application freezes.
    In similar posted questions, "Linc Davis" has asked that the user run a diagnostic using the Terminal utility.  I have done this, and I paste the results below.
    Any help with this is appreciated!
    System Version: OS X 10.8.5 (12F45)
    Kernel Version: Darwin 12.5.0
    Boot Mode: Normal
    Model: MacBookPro6,2
       USB Optical Mouse (KYE Systems Corp.)
    System diagnostics
       2014-11-06 iTunes hang
       2014-11-06 iTunes hang
       2014-11-06 iTunes hang
       2014-11-06 iTunes hang
       2014-11-06 iTunes hang
       2014-11-06 iTunes hang
       2014-11-06 iTunes hang
       2014-11-06 iTunes hang
       2014-11-06 iTunes hang
       2014-11-06 iTunes spin
    User diagnostics
       2014-10-26 DiskAid crash
       2014-11-03 CalendarAgent crash
    Kernel messages
       Nov 4 00:58:33   wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #2, bssid 4a:xx:xx:xx:xx:70 (note: I blocked these numbers out)
       Nov 4 09:11:52   SIOCPROTODETACH_IN6: utun0 error=6
       Nov 4 09:26:03   wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #8, bssid 4a:xx:xx:xx:xx:70
       --- last message repeated 5 times ---
       Nov 5 00:53:48   IOAudioStream[0xffffff8020a0b200]::clipIfNecessary() - Error: attempting to clip to a position more than one buffer ahead of last clip position (1,464)->(2,668).
       Nov 5 00:58:25   IOAudioStream[0xffffff8020a0b200]::clipIfNecessary() - Error: attempting to clip to a position more than one buffer ahead of last clip position (1,444)->(2,644).
       Nov 5 02:48:38   IOAudioStream[0xffffff8020a0b200]::clipIfNecessary() - Error: attempting to clip to a position more than one buffer ahead of last clip position (1,440)->(2,640).
       Nov 5 02:48:38   wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #8, bssid 4a:xx:xx:xx:xx:70
       --- last message repeated 1 time ---
       Nov 5 02:51:16   IOAudioStream[0xffffff8020a0b200]::clipIfNecessary() - Error: attempting to clip to a position more than one buffer ahead of last clip position (1,420)->(2,620).
       Nov 5 08:10:45   SIOCPROTODETACH_IN6: utun0 error=6
       Nov 5 08:26:07   wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #8, bssid 4a:xx:xx:xx:xx:70
       Nov 5 10:09:50   smb_ntstatus_error_to_errno: Couldn't map ntstatus (0xc0020050) to errno returning EIO
       Nov 5 12:43:34   SIOCPROTODETACH_IN6: utun1 error=6
       Nov 5 12:46:11   wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #8, bssid 4a:xx:xx:xx:xx:70
       Nov 5 16:55:00   SIOCPROTODETACH_IN6: utun1 error=6
       Nov 5 21:51:41   IOAudioStream[0xffffff8010256400]::clipIfNecessary() - Error: attempting to clip to a position more than one buffer ahead of last clip position (1,418)->(2,618).
       Nov 5 21:52:04   IOAudioStream[0xffffff8010256400]::clipIfNecessary() - Error: attempting to clip to a position more than one buffer ahead of last clip position (1,658)->(2,858).
       Nov 5 21:53:44   IOAudioStream[0xffffff801567f000]::clipIfNecessary() - Error: attempting to clip to a position more than one buffer ahead of last clip position (1,478)->(2,678).
       Nov 5 21:54:28   IOAudioStream[0xffffff801567f000]::clipIfNecessary() - Error: attempting to clip to a position more than one buffer ahead of last clip position (1,458)->(2,658).
       Nov 5 22:00:05   SIOCPROTODETACH_IN6: utun1 error=6
       Nov 5 22:08:48   IOAudioStream[0xffffff80180a4200]::clipIfNecessary() - Error: attempting to clip to a position more than one buffer ahead of last clip position (1,40c)->(2,60c).
       Nov 5 22:31:57   SIOCPROTODETACH_IN6: utun1 error=6
       Nov 5 23:01:19   wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #8, bssid 4a:xx:xx:xx:xx:70
       Nov 6 00:01:42   SIOCPROTODETACH_IN6: utun0 error=6
    Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions
       com.freecom.driver.BoulderScsi (1.0.0d1)
    Extrinsic daemons
    Extrinsic agents
    launchd items
       Library/LaunchAgents/ plist
       Library/LaunchAgents/ plist
    Extrinsic loadable bundles
       /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Flip4Mac WMA Import.component
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/AdobePDFViewer.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/DivXBrowserPlugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin
        (com.macromedia.Flash Player.plugin)
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/iPhotoPhotocast.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/SharePointBrowserPlugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/SharePointWebKitPlugin.webplugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/SonyOnlineMediaEngine.bundle
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/TVUPlugin.webplugin
       /Library/PreferencePanes/Flash Player.prefPane
       /Library/PreferencePanes/Flip4Mac WMV.prefPane
       /Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac WMV Advanced.component
       /Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac WMV Export.component
       /Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac WMV Import.component
       Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABDialer.bundle
       Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABSMS.bundle
    Extrinsic shared libraries
    Global login items
       /Library/Application Support/WDSmartWare/
    User login items
    Safari extensions
       Facebook Disconnect
       Twitter Disconnect
    Restricted user files: 21
    Font problems: 40
    Bad plists
    Desktop file count: 25
    Elapsed time (s): 75

    Dear Linc,
    Thanks, once again, for repeating yourself by sending me the message above (a message you have sent to MANY users with this problem)!
    However, you give me this great opportunity to say two things:  1) YAHOO! I fixed the problem, and 2) I want to share how I did so because I hope it helps others.
    With the help of reading info at this website -error-when-downgrading-itunes/, I followed this procedure:
    1) I deleted the iTunes 12.0.1 app from my computer
    2) In addition, in reading related details at the website above (i.e., by clicking on links on the page AND scrolling to the very bottom to view links to related articles), in my iTunes library folder, I changed MY CURRENT "iTunes Library.itl" to "iTunes Library.old", as the website advises. The current .itl file was the one being used by the iTunes app I had just deleted from my computer.
    3) I went to the "Previous iTunes Libraries" folder and dragged a copy of the second-most recent .itl file to my desktop (for me, this file was "iTunes Library 2014-07-23.itl").
    4) I re-named it to "iTunes Library.itl"
    5) I then dragged a copy of the file in step #4 to my iTunes folder (the folder in which you now also have the "iTunes Library.old" file).
    6) I closed all remaining apps on my computer that were opened and I restarted it.
    7) Now, you don't have any iTunes app on your computer, so I downloaded a .dmg of iTunes and installed the app (for example, you can download from here:
    8) Once installed, I opened iTunes and immediately I got the dialogue box, "updating iTunes library" -- THIS TOOK FOREVER AS I HAVE CLOSE TO 1,000 SONGS + OTHER ITEMS IN MY LIBRARY!
    9) I patiently waited until the library update completed, but it DID COMPLETE.
    10) Viola!  iTunes 12 is not "hanging" (or freezing) any longer.  I can navigate around the application.
    1) Before I first deleted "the corrupted" iTunes 12, I was able to open the Preferences panel, go to "Devices", and check the box that stops the app from syncing with my iPhone.  This setting seemed to carry over; thus, I have not tried to sync yet…WISH ME LUCK!
    2) After going through steps 1-10 above, I didn't immediately have Internet Radio available in the application (i.e., I didn't see it), but it is now showing up and it works!  I just had to wait for a few minutes...
    3) I also use iTunes Match, but I haven't turned it on yet in the newly installed app. On the iTunes Match page, it says, "Add this computer" or "No thanks". So, the app is behaving as if I'm just beginning to use iTunes Match for the first time.  Later, I will click on "Add this computer", and I hope it goes smoothly!
    4) This isn't a caveat, but I think I should say: my iTunes library is on an external USB HD (I have to say THANK GOD for that). Obviously, this has implications for doing steps 2 to 5 above. The newly installed iTunes 12 app had no trouble in finding where my library is (I had it set up this way back when I was using iTunes 10).
    5) One last piece of advice: Make sure that when you plug your iPhone into any other computer only to re-charge but the iTunes app on that computer wants to sync with your phone, you DON'T let it sync.  First, you should go to Preferences in the iTunes app and click on "Devices". Then check the box that says, "Prevent iPods, iPhones,…….from syncing automatically."  After that, you would be able to plug in your iPhone to another computer to re-charge it.
    FINALLY:  I THANK EVERYONE WHO WAS WILLING TO SUGGEST SOLUTIONS TO ME REGARDING THIS PROBLEM!  I see that MANY users are having this difficulty, so I thought it would be fair for me to share how I resolved the issue -- my iTunes is running fine now...

  • HT201317 My photos are syncing from my iPhone, to the iCloud PhotoStream and to our iPad, but it is no longer syncing to my computer (Microsoft, not Apple).   Why would this happen and how can I get it resolved?

    My photos are syncing from my iPhone to the iCloud PhotoStream and to our iPad, but they are no longer syncing to our home computer (Microsoft operating system, not Apple).   Why would this happen and how can I get it resolved?  I have since tried to remove and reinstall the iCloud application in my computer's control panel.  I have verified that I am using the latest Apple operating system and the latest iTunes.  I have reset my photo stream.  Not sure what else to try...   I was also having an issue with my calendar where it would sync from my computer to my iPhone but not vice versa.  Somehow in all the resetting that's resolved, but the photo issue is not.   Again - photos are going into the photostream, but not wirelessly being put into the file on my computer.

    To change the iCloud ID on your device you have to go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account, provide the password to turn off Find My iPhone when prompted, then sign back in with the ID you wish to use.

  • I have downloaded the latest version of itunes to my computer and when I sync my new iphone, it says it is syncing, but does not grab the music from my current library.

    I have downloaded the latest version of itunes to my computer and when I sync my new iphone, it says it is syncing but doe not pull the music in my library. Can anyone assist me in figuring out how to sync my iphone?  The computer that has my current music library is old so I want to get it synced before it dies...

    Download what applications?
    Apps in iTunes do not run on computers.
    What is the exact error and where specifically is it occurring?

  • Apple Address Book no longer sync'ing with iPhone

    I'm running Leopard Server 10.5.1. Address Book sync with my iPhone is no longer working properly. iTunes is getting Address Book information from someplace other than Address Book. This is what I did to test this theory:
    1. deleted all contacts in Address Book
    2. deleted ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook
    3. deleted ~/Library/Caches
    4. deleted ~/Library/Preferences/*.plist
    5. in iSync, Reset Sync History
    After the above, I logged out and logged back in; fired up iTunes, sync'ed and got a message saying if I continue the sync, there will be a greater than 5% change to the info on my iPhone - in the dialog box, it listed all the entries in my Address Book prior to me deleting them (oddly, all the contact names are there and all notes for contacts are there but the phone #s, email addresses, web pages, etc. are gone). I verified Address Book by opening it and none of the listed contacts are there, so, where is iTunes getting that data? Also, the Info tab in iTunes shows groups in the Contacts section that were all deleted.
    Can someone offer a solution?

    OK, I know why this is happening now. This is what I'm seeing in the logs when I do a sync from iTunes:
    1/30/08 8:39:29 AM AddressBookSync[86028] AddressBookSync (client id: error: Exception running AddressBookSync: can't remove object at /Network/Servers/ Support/SyncServices/Local/clientdata/633a1ba25cb8241bbde44acb603ee1e822cde772/ bbb82163e3ac8d890906c3d29deb27e226048c30: Permission denied
    1/30/08 8:39:29 AM[86003] 2008-01-30 08:39:29.345 AddressBookSync[86028:10b] AddressBookSync (client id: error: Exception running AddressBookSync: can't remove object at /Network/Servers/ Support/SyncServices/Local/clientdata/633a1ba25cb8241bbde44acb603ee1e822cde772/ bbb82163e3ac8d890906c3d29deb27e226048c30: Permission denied
    The permission on these files and the directory they're in is read & write access to me and no access for everyone else. So what should the correct permissions be? I have full access to create and remove files so why am I getting permission errors?

  • ITunes 9.2 not syncing music with iPhone 3GS?

    I'm suddenly having trouble syncing music to my iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.0.1.
    I have iTunes set up so that it will only sync selected playlists, artists, and genres. When I make any changes to the selections, iTunes remembers it (even after closing and re-opening) but when I use the sync button, the music or playlists do not transfer. I see iTunes backing up the iphone, transferring purchased items, syncing applications, and then it finishes without transferring anything else.
    Anybody seen this before?

    Disable your firewall and then try. Once synching begins, then enable your firewall. Simple.

  • Can't Sync Applications After HD Reformat/Reinstall

    A couple of days ago, I experienced some hard drive corruption and had to reformat my hard drive and reinstall the OS, via archive and install. I accidentally started up with a new user folder, but I fixed that by copying my old one over from the backup disk.
    Now iTunes is acting up, including not syncing a video I had synced to my iPhone before, and not syncing any of my applications. All my music, calendars and other information sync just fine. When I try to sync the apps, I get the message:
    "The application "XXX" was not installed on the phone "XXX" because an unknown error occurred (-4)."
    I tried erasing the phone completely (three times now), then downloading the apps to the phone but not to the computer. That led to no error message, but no syncing at all. When I download the apps to the computer, whether or not they're on the phone, I get the message. There seems to be something stuck somewhere that iTunes knows the apps were once synced to that phone, but I even set up a new phone name, so where's the connection? I'm stumped. Any ideas?

    OK, I figured it out. I just reinstalled iTunes, and the applications transferred.

  • Sync applications problem with 3GS and new computer

    Hopefully someone can help me out. I am trying to sync my fiancee's 3GS to our new Dell laptop that has Windows 7. I had no problem syncing and updating my 3GS with the same computer last night, I updated to the 4.0 last night on my phone. I then tried to update her phone. It asked me to backup and sync all data prior to updating. I was able to back up and sync contacts and photos without a problem. I tried to transfer the applications; and now I keep receiving this message: "Some of the purchased items on iPhone could not be transferred to your iTunes library because you are not authorized for them on this computer." I certainly authorized the computer; thinking that might be the problem, I deauthorized and reauthorized the computer successfully (It says that I have one out of 5 possible computers authorized). That did not solve the issue. I researched into the topic; and now my brain hurts. One of the threads requested to disable the automatic sync when the iPhone is connected to the computer. I reset the settings, powered down the iPhone and exited out of iTunes; rebooted and still no success. I am getting frustrated but do not want to erase all of her applications and buy them again. This message is applying to both free and purchased applications. When I look at the applications page on iTunes; all of her program icons are apparent. I am not an iPhone genius, but I read that the new computer has never recognized the phone and the sync will go from computer to phone (if I understood correctly). Does that mean I need to reinstall iTunes and start from scratch with this computer; or is there a solution? Both of our phones were rarely synced with our old laptop; but I worry that syncing with that computer will only further complicate the situation. Without transferring the applications, I am hesitant to update the phone to 4.0 and the new carrier settings. Do I just let the computer try to transfer the applications it allows and then lose my apps and do the update? I don't want to do that unless that is my only choice. Please help me!

    Not sure if this helps, but:-
    I just got an IPhone4 - Gave My IPhone3 to husband.
    We ended up hsving to set up two login users on the PC (not sure how to do that) and then two seperate ITunes accounts, one for each of us.

Maybe you are looking for