Syncing styles in books, deleting

I have a book that is a collection of 15 100-page coffee table photo books I'm designing in parallel. They all sync to a master template, which has a few master pages and extensive paragraph and character styles. The master pages and all styles in the destination docs are derived entirely from the master.
Please tell me there's a way to have the destination docs' styles sync completely with the master, including deleting styles and master pages deleted in the master. I need all of the destination docs styles to be an exact mirror of the template whenever I sync. IND is such a brilliant program in general that it can't be so badly designed that this isn't possible, that there is no OPTION at least to delete styles and master pages in the destination when syncing. This is creating nightmares for me and making all of my work far more complicated and time-consuming than it needs to be.

B r e t t wrote:
Thinking ahead is fine, but again design often doesn't work that way, and there's no reason at all that literal syncing of docs to a master, include deleting of style and master pages in the,  couldn't be an option when syncing.
So you need to ask yourself how your multi-document book became such a mess in the first place.
That's perhaps a bit out of line. I've been using Pagemaker/InDesign for 25 years now. It's not a mess any more than a typical website is a mess when you're working out the design. All I did was go back to my master and refine the styles and master pages, consolidating some of the styles, etc. It's very common in design to throw caution to the wind to some degree as you work things out, and then clean it up. The clean up part is not at all difficult when the tools are well designed.
Please keep in mind that us forum participants are unpaid volunteers who don't work for Adobe. Whether it's misguided thinking or not, we're trying to give something back to the community from which we've gotten a lot of help. Chances are if you're angry at the company or product because it disappoints or fails to fulfill an expectation, we're probably not too happy about the same situations.
As far as I know, PageMaker doesn't remove unused styles automatically; I didn't use it much, so perhaps I'm completely wrong.
The suggestion to file a formal feature request is a good one. Adobe products have a history of incorporating many of these requests in future releases, when practical, especially when there are many requests. The better you can describe the feature you want, the better the chance it has of becoming a reality.
It probably is possible to script what you're asking for. You might post a request on the scripting forum. Again, the better your description, the better its chances.
Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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    Hi Jim,
    Don't know how useful my question is now, given that you posted over a year ago.
    Do your RH X5 Word source docs use styles?  If so, take a look here, and I detail how I have been able to import from RH X5 for Word to RH 7 HTML.  (I'm currently still working on a leftover issue with Keywords and Subkeywords.)
    One thing I have done which probably helped:  while applying new standards to our documentation, we have removed almost all images (screen shots, etc.), and have only retained those images which don't have a text equivalent.  The drastically reduced the import file size of my Word source docs.  All my images were referenced via TrueCode, but upon importing to RH 7 HTML, there was so much less to be processed by RH 7 HTML, that the import went much more easily and quickly.
    I hope this helps,

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    Hi again.  Chris is talking about an Adhoc network.  Make sure your PC wifi is enabled, then clck start and browse to control Panel.  Open your Network Connections folder (name may be different depending on windows version).
    You need to create a new wireless network called an Adhoc network.  Note on most windows setups, it will not accept a WPA2 type password (bug I think).  Try one first and if it fails, try with the WEP password.  Take note of the prompt on type of input for the password and remember certain multi digit and numerals used consecutively will be rejected by the ipad.
    When the wizard finishes. Close Network folder and click on your network icon in the system tray on your task bar. Click Connect to a network - then select your new Adhoc network and click connect.  It will then start to advertise itself.
    Go to your ipad Settings\Wifi and tap on Other.  Enter your Network name in the top, then tap on tab belwo and set the password strength - WPA2 WEP etc. Go back a page and enter your password then Click Join.  If the password is accepted it will join.  If not go back to Network Settings and delete the previous Adhoc network (Dont try and reuse it)  Create another one with a different name and try a different password srength.
    If it does not work with a WEP - it could be a required Service is not running on your PC
    Go to your Start button, and in the search area that appears type in Services - then hit enter. he Search explorer window should open with Services shortcutin Administrative Tools folder showing.  Double Click it.
    The following Services should be as follows
    Workstation - Automatic, running
    WLAN Autoconfig - Automatic, running
    Telephony - Manual, started
    TCPIP Netbios Helper - Automatic, started
    SSDP Discovery (required to advertise your network presence) Manual, started
    Server - Automatic Delayed Start, started
    Security Centre - Automatic Delayed Start, started
    Secure Sockets Tunnelling Protocol Service - Manual, started
    Remote Access Connection Manager - Manual, started
    ditto Auto connection Manager - Manual - stopped (runs when required)
    Network List Service - Automatic, started
    Network Connections - Manual, started
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    Function Discovery Provider Host - Manual, Started
    Extensible Authentication Protocol - Manual. started
    DNS Client - Automatic, started
    Base Filtering Engine - Automatic, started
    Background Intelligent Transfer Service - Automatic delayed start, started
    Application Experience - Automatic, started
    Whilst at it, check Apple Application Management, Bonjour, and ipod services are all automatic and started when checking your services settings.
    A full listing of default services can be found At Black Viper - use the NormalDefault settings for your system.
    N.B.  You may need to be in Admin user account if you need to alter the property sheets of any of these services - particularly the Apple three.
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    If you have Antivirus and/or windows firewall or a third party firewall enabled, when the connection goes live you will be asked to define its type.  Choose Local or Trusted.
    Lastly, when you disconnect from your Adhoc network, it can sometimes stop the associated service (found only in the registry) - you may need to log off and back on again to reconnect.
    hope this helps, best regards, Ct

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    You must be on OS X 10.7 in order to use iCloud.
    OS X 10.7 (Lion) is available in the App Store as a digital download. It is $29. Best practice - be sure to make a backup copy of your computer before upgrading any software.
    After you download and install 10.7 Lion, you will have an iCloud icon in System Preferences.

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  • Syncing message Address Book

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    Any help will be great. Thanks!
    Mario Lordeiro

    Please confirm that the below steps are being follwoed to configure synchronization -
    Connect your device using Desktop Manager and click on Synchronization
    From the menu on the left click Synchronization under Configuration
    Again click Synchronization button on the right which will give you option to Select Device Application that you want to synchronize
    Put the check mark and you'll get a prompt to Select Desktop Application
    Highlight the application name and click next button
    Under Synchronization Option you get Direction of Synchronization
    Check the radio button with Two way sync 
    Note: above mentioned steps are explained as per Desltop Manager 4.5
    Example: Synchronize addressbook -
    Connect you HH with your desktop Manager in your PC. If you device is set to wireless sync then you need to turn off wireless synchronization. To do so go to Address Book -> click Menu -> Options -> Wireless Synchronization: No -> click Menu and Save the changes.
    Click on the Synchronize button on Desktop Manager -> Click on Configuration Tab then click on Configure Synchronization -> Click on Choose under Address Book (on the right side of the pop up window) -> Click on you organizer apps (like, MS outlook, Lotus notes etc) -> Select desired apps -> select Synchronization radio button and click OK twice go back to Synchronize tab ->click on Synchronize Now.
    If your query is resolved then please click on “Accept as Solution”
    Click on the LIKE on the bottom right if the post deserves credit

  • When I sync my address book do I have to sync all groups?

    I have an iPhone 3G. When I sync my address book do I have to sync all groups? One group I want to stay on my Mac but not show on my iPhone. Can I do that?

    After selecting Sync Contacts followed by a sync, deselecting Sync Contacts followed by a sync does not remove the contacts from your iPhone as is done after deselecting Sync Music for music and after deselecting Sync Apps for apps.
    At the Address Book menu bar on your Mac, go to File > Export and select Address Book Archive. Save the exported archive to your Desktop.
    Follow this by deleting all contacts from the Address Book on your Mac. After all contacts are deleted from the Address Book on your Mac, launch the iSync application in your Applications folder. Go to iSync preferences and select Reset Sync History.
    Follow this by reselecting Sync Contacts under the Info tab and syncing your iPhone with iTunes. This should remove all contacts from your iPhone.
    If so, at the Address Book menu bar go to File > Import and locate/select your Address Book archive saved to your Desktop to restore your Address Book contacts and groups. Under the Info tab for your iPhone sync preferences, choose selected groups followed by selecting the Address Book groups you want available and synced with your iPhone followed by a sync.

  • ICloud not syncing with Address Book on Mac

    I've updated my Address Book and now it won't sync to iCloud, which means my contacts are no longer on my iphone either. Why won't iCloud sync with the address book on my computer?

    Wanted to post an update for those of you who use Entourage for contacts, have iCloud, and like to sync with your iPhone. 
    I have Entourage set to update to the Address Book (Entourage Preferences - Sync Services - Sync to Address Book - Combine Data) and after fixing the original problem noted above, I later decided to have my iphone backed up and synced through iCloud. 
    Well - iCloud and Entourage don't play nice together - so none of my contacts were updating either direction and I had duplicates in Address Book again.  Apple did not have answers for me when I called, so I spent the day trying to fix it and came up with the following and figured I'd pay it forward and post for anyone else with the same issue.
    The only option at this time is to sync your Contacts with iTunes instead.  Even though Entourage used to update wirelessly with MobileMe - it does not work with iCloud due to different CalDav systems.  You can still do iPhone backups and sync your calendars and photos over iCloud (which I am still doing), but Contacts just won't work. 
    1. Backup your good list of contacts somewhere (I ensured everything on Entourage was right and did an archive)
    2. To be extra safe, be sure you have a good phone back up too (either over iCloud or iTunes)
    3. Uncheck sync to Address Book in Entourage
    4. Delete everything in Address Book and uncheck sync/account to iCloud 
    5. Go into System Preferences - iCloud, and uncheck sync Contacts.  When it asks you if you want to delete what's on your mac - you can say yes - it will not delete anything in Entourage.  By now all your contacts in Address Book, iCloud and on your phone should be gone (it's scary I know)
    6. Go to your phone settings - iCloud and turn off Contacts there too
    7. Entourage - Preferences - Sync Services - turn on syncing with Address Book/Mobile Me (I chose to Combine data assuming this would allow data to travel both directions in the future).  It should populate address book in just a minute or two
    8. Plug your phone into your computer and open iTunes
    9. Check "Sync Contacts" and hit Apply.  I'd suggest syncing it right there with your phone plugged in. 
    After that, you can either sync each time you plug in and open iTunes, or you can sync over your own wifi network when your phone is plugged in.  It will not sync over any wifi like it used to do with MobileMe - so still far from an optimum solution, but hopefully Apple and/or Entourage will fix this soon.  The only other solution I could think of was to switch to Mail & Contacts since I like to use them both in same place, but I really didn't want to do that (mail isn't that great and I didn't want to take the time to make the switch).
    If anyone has anything better to suggest, please let us know!!! 

  • My phone contacts don't sync with Address Book now that I have "Lion"! PLEASE HELP!

    I have a Macbook Pro and have recently downloed Lion .... after having done this, my contacts no longer sync with Address Book. My calendar syncs with the iCAL but my contacts don't sync. I don't have iCloud set up and am not sure if that makes a difference, but any help would be GREAT!

    The link provided did not contain a solution for me. However, based on what I read there, I was able to figure out the solution on my own.
    Here it is. If you have a Motorola razr. Sorry I don't know which version of the phone or software I have. Go to phonebook. Choose the options by selecting the center menu key. Scroll through the list until you find Share Phonebook Entry. It is not in alphabetical order and may be the last entry. Select it and on the next screen choose bluetooth. The next screen is object exchange. If your computer appears as an option choose it, otherwise chose Look for device and when your computer comes up, select it. The phone will then send a card to your computer. Your computer will ask if you wanted to accept the card. There is also a box that gives you the option to select all. Check select all and then choose accept or hit return if accept is already highlighted in blue. The phone card will be saved to your computer in a default save location. You will next be given an option to see where the card is, in case you don't remember where your default location is. If you choose it, a window will appear showing you where the card is.
    Next run isync and your data should be synchronized. Many duplicate entries will be somewhat altered in your computer's address book, i.e. first and last name will be combined and put in the first name box and so will not be recognized as duplicates. This is just part of the idiosyncrasies of the process. Manually go through and delete these.
    This worked for me and I hope it is helpful to someone else out there having the same problem.
    Thank you for the link Julian and others.

  • Hello. I am owner of an iPod Touch 5gen. I have an error "iTunes was unable to load provider data from sync services". I tried: All Apple's tutorials including reseting sync data, reinstalling and deleting all of iTunes components including deleting it fr

    Hello. I am owner of an iPod Touch 5gen. I have an error "iTunes was unable to load provider data from sync services". I tried: All Apple's tutorials including reseting sync data, reinstalling and deleting all of iTunes components including deleting it from system registry. My system is Windows 7 64bit.

    UPDATE: The true error is : '
    "itunes was unable to load data class information from sync services"
    Any of the topics didnt work.
    Sync on my wife's laptop works.

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    If it's an Audiobook, then it's probably in the Audiobook section of your iPhone. Have you set your iTunes to Sync Audiobooks with your iPhone?
    Alternatively, if the Audiobook was imported into your iTunes Library as as Music, then it's going to be in the Music section of your iPhone. If so, then it will be in the Music section of your iTunes Library. To move it to the Audiobooks section, select it in the Library and choose File/Get Info/Options>Media Kind where you can change it.
    You can change it to a Podcast, but since something is only a Podcast if it is delivered to your iTunes as a Podcast download (which is a process for delivering files without you having to go and find them), then your audiobook is not a Podcast and you may forget (in the future) how you obtained the book in the first place

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    As James says, make sure that you are using the IMAP servers for your email. You will need to check the help pages for your email provider to get the correct settings in all your devices. POP really doesn't fit the needs of todays mutiple access, always on internet, so you are better off moving to IMAP.

  • How do I prevent syncing newly added books and pdf's to my device?

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    With apps, there's that simple "Automatically install new apps" checkbox--make sure this box is unchecked, and I'm golden.  What is the equivalent for books?  (It does vaguely seem like I had this problem resolved briefly in the past, using some simple setting on either the Summary or Books tab for my device, but with so many iTunes and iOS updates, it's hard to remember.  I definitely couldn't find such a setting this morning, to my frustration.)
    For the record, my iPhone also is not set to automatically download new purchases.
    This is the same old question as in the iTunes for Mac discussion areas:
    I just commented there:
    Is there still no fix to this?  I don't even see a lot of discussions on the web.
    It seems either:
    my Google Fu is weak just now,
    most people simply aren't adding large numbers of books to iTunes at once, only some of which they want added to a particular device, and therefore encountering this problem, or
    I'm missing something obvious.
    Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

    Is there still no fix to this?  I don't even see a lot of discussions on the web.
    It seems either:
    my Google Fu is weak just now,
    most people simply aren't adding large numbers of books to iTunes at once, only some of which they want added to a particular device, and therefore encountering this problem, or
    I'm missing something obvious.

  • HT1351 My fifth generation nano will no longer sync my address book from my Mac. It gives me an error message that "You have no contacts" and asks me if I want to create some.  My address book is full of contacts. Sync works for everything else.

    My 5th generation nano will no longer Sync my address book from my Mac.  It gives me a message that I have no "Contacts", and asks if I want to create some.  My address book is full of contacts, but for some reason it thinks it is empty.  All the other sync operations work fine including iCal.  My Mac is running OS X 10.7.4.

    It sounds like all of your contacts on your Mac running Lion are actually stored up in iCloud. 
    Several users running Mac OS X Lion and now ML (and iCloud) have no longer been able to "sync" contacts over to their older iPods models.
    A work around is to export all of your contacts out of Address Book as vCards and them copy these vCards into your iPod's Contacts folder.  You'll need to have the Enable Disk Use option ticked from under the iPod's Summary tab in order to browse out to the iPod's Contacts folder via the Finder.
    Using your iPod as a storage drive
    That's the only "solution" I have been able to use to get contacts to sync/appear on my 5G iPod Video.

Maybe you are looking for