System temp gone up 10c in a week

I'm not sure whats going on here but i used to run a good set of temperatures. CPU=37c, System=30c, but in the last week the system temperature has risen to 40c, and the CPU temp has also risen naturally.
My room temp has only increased by about 3c because of the recent warmer weather, but that couldn't possibly explain this sudden heat rise of 10c could it??
40c is hot for the system, what should i do other than blow a huge desk fan at it. The case if full with fans and i have always had good temperatures.
Psymon :(  

That isn't to say that you aren't going to ever have a problem with it Psymon...things do happen...try putting your Video card back to normal speed and see how that fares...
If that doesn't help, you said that your PSU fan is blowing INTO your comp...that's not right cause you're blowing cool air over hot parts into your case thus raising the temp...I think it was a typo on your part cause I've yet to see a PSU fan that blows INTO a case
Regardless of the above, I would check that the fans aren't dirty, that they are running at their rated speeds...being that old fans do die and some die a slow death, one or two of them could be running slow now which would cause what you're seeing...
Outgassing or commonly referred to as "Curing" of the thermal grease used between the processor and the heat sink can and will increase your temps if it's not quality type of grease...I personally don't use anything but Arctic Silver 3 anymore because it has little to no curing that I've been able to detect and it doesn't get dry and gritty like Arctic Silver 2 did or the many other "White Paste" greases that we've used in the past...
Something that you can also try is if you have one of the old timing strobe guns that we used to use on the old muscle cars you can take white out and dot your fans and see if one is running slower than the others...kinda a hard thing to tell with the naked eye but if you know what you're looking for you'll be able to tell...comparison testing here is how you learn to use this trick...
Can't really think of anything else to tell you to try other than change the grease on your processor or to check your video card grease as it may be drying out now too...
Hope you find the problem and fix it!!
Cheers!! 8)

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    Quote from: kakarocht on 14-October-05, 17:50:41
    Your temperature is ok..Did you used any cooling system on your CPU? Any oc'ing on your system?
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    Originally posted by jonnyturner
    im idlin @ 32 (CPU) and 36 under load
    god bless my thermaltake volcano 9....shame im now deaf!
    I get the exact same TEMP with my volcano 9 but im not deaf.... lower the RPM to about 3500 with the pot.  You dont need to run it at full blast, its way too loud.  Just have a good air flow in the case and have it set to 3500 RPM.

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    starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address '(ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))'...
    Tue Feb 15 07:18:17 2005
    Tue Feb 15 07:18:22 2005
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    Tue Feb 15 07:18:22 2005
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    Tue Feb 15 07:22:57 2005
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    Tue Feb 15 07:22:57 2005
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    Tue Feb 15 07:26:55 2005
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    Tue Feb 15 07:26:55 2005
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    Quote from: alzaeem on 18-October-05, 16:05:48
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    Sorry did not have time to proof read so do not laugh at my language skill to much. 
    As far as being handy, when you have been around as long as I have you will pickup all lot of things to.
    Like to point out something I have noticed about setting for the SB/NB HyperTransport buses.
    Set “LDT (K8) to C51D (NB) Freq. Auto” to “Disabled”, this should turn off auto frequency control of the SB/NB HyperTransport buses.  Set both bus frequencies to 1000 MHz and while you are doing that notice that SB has to sets of parameters to set the SB Bus frequency and data path with.  One is listed under the C51D and one is listed under NF4-SLI.
    C51D settings are:
    C51D (NB) to NVIDIA (SB) Frequency   [1000MHz]   [200 MHz], [400MHz], [600MHz], [800MHz], [1000MHz]
    C51D (NB) to NVIDIA (SB) LinkWidth   [16↓16↑]   [16↓16↑], [8↓8↑], [4↓4↑]
    NF4-SLI settings are:
    NF4-SLI (SB) to NVIDIA (NB) Frequency   [1000MHz]   [200 MHz], [400MHz], [600MHz], [800MHz], [1000MHz]
    NF4-SLI (SB) to NVIDIA (NB) LinkWidth   [16↓16↑]   [16↓16↑], [8↓8↑], [4↓4↑]
    If you read them both carefully you will see that both sets of parameters are talking about the same bus, just looking at it from the to different Chips.  That is just a point of interest in a long list of BIOS Bugs I have found.
    Now, you stated  that you changed the frequency settings of the NB/SB TH and it had little effect.  That’s because no matter what you set “LDT (K8) to C51D (NB) Freq. Auto” parameter too, the TH Bus frequency control is allows in “AUTO”.
    To verify this with the FSB frequency set at 200 MHz the HT Bus will be 1000 MHZ with the “LDT (K8) to C51D (NB) Freq. Auto” parameter set “Auto” check the HT frequency with nTune or any other monitoring program.  Now Set all BIOS HT frequencies to 800 MHz and “LDT (K8) to C51D (NB) Freq. Auto” parameter again to “Disabled”.  Now if everything is working when you reboot nTune will show the HT Bus frequency to be 800 MHz. WRONG it will still be 1000 MHz.  If you want to check it and other way, with “LDT (K8) to C51D (NB) Freq. Auto” still set at “Disabled” go back to BIOS setup and set the FSB frequency from 200 to 210 MHz.  After rebooting to Windows with nTune read the HT Bus frequency and it will be 1050 MHz.  HT Bus multiplier is X5, that is why when you changed HT Bus frequencies from 400 to 800 MHz you saw no change in system prefromance, because the HT Bus Frequency control is always in automatic and the FSB to NT Bus is X5.
    When submitting a problem, include a complete list of your system components; include part numbers, all Power Supply Voltages, and their output ratings.  It is almost impossible to estimate what your problem is without knowing something about it.

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