T60 dead - mobo compatibility?

well, it happened. Sombody dropped a glass of wine on my T60, and it is dead. No power, no LED, no nothing.
I can handle some work by myself and in fact enjoy it, so I downloaded a manual and pick it apart, mainly to know which mobo model was in the thing, and if i can find one on e-bay.
Well, my mobo was of the 42T0116 variety, and there are plenty on e-bay. (E-Bay listing)
My question is:
apart from this number [42T0116], should I know anything else to avoir compatibility problem? I'm seeing different TYPES listed (1953-CT0, 1953DAU and others)...
I guess the LCD screen dimensions is important (14 inches here)... or not?
Thks for your help...
Go to Solution.

Yes, it will work.
Not all the FRU numbers are listed in the HMM. This holds true for most models, and quite a few parts - including motherboards - that get added or improved during the model's life cycle.
Good luck.
In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
Collecting dust: T60
Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

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     From a thread at Tom's Hardware regarding someone that sprayed his CPU HSF full of WD40 and got it into the CPU socket:
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     Beats me where you would get such an idea re: the detergent.

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    With regards,

    Let's try this old trick:
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    Press the "power" button ten times in a row holding it down for ten seconds each time and thirty seconds the last time around.
    Plug the adapter - but nothing else - back in and try to power on.
    Good luck.
    In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
    Collecting dust: T60
    Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
    Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

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    Hi Maesus thanks for your input.
    The problem is that i dont have access to another S478 board, if I did things would be much simpler indeed...
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    I have the hardcano working controlling the cabinet fans and do not have the CPU fan connected up.    Call me cautious but the stock CPU and heatsink, even when O/C'd, does not get very hot.     For me the issue is keeping the HDD's cool.

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    PLS HELP ME!!!
    i thank u all for bearing with me and spending time on my issue!!
    Thanking in Advance

    a big relief for me to hear that they will replace my mobo...
    the mobo is not working on any system..i dont even overclock my pc so its not even my fault!!! i havent even overclocked 1MHZ  
    well i will get on this case this very instant!
    thanks agaiN!!!

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    you would need a new motherboard. You can get one from ebay (which are stripped from old machines) for around 100 to 250 dollars, depending on spec and condition. 
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • T60 dead

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    What can it be? motherboard?

    Given that the LEDs are out along with the LCD itself, it leads me to believe that one of the following - or a combination thereof - has failed:
    a) Inverter
    b) LCD cable
    c) A fuse on the motherboard.
    I'd try replacing the inverter first and see whether that yields an improvement.
    Good luck.
    In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
    Collecting dust: T60
    Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
    Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

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    Seems like my loyal friend 15" T60 has died :-(
    This had made me looking for a replacement board and after seing a lot of guys in here making Frankenpads with a T61 board in a T60 chassis, I have been wondering what boards are actually able to fit in a 15" T60 ?
    Is it only the T61 14" 4:3 boards that will fit in ? Or is it also possible to fit in the boards from a T61 14" widescreen model ?
    Thinkpad T500 - C2D P9500 - 8GB RAM - Intel X4500 - 120 GB Intel 330 SSD,
    Thinkpad T61 - C2D T9300 - 4GB RAM - NVS 140M - 120 GB Samsung 840 SSD,
    Thinkpad T60 - T2400 - 3GB RAM - GMA950 - 60 GB Samsung 840,
    And a lot more....
    Go to Solution.

    wide boards do not fit and cannot be modified to fit

  • [875P Neo Series] Dead mobo or dying ??

    -Motherboard type and model (MSI 875P NEO-FISR)
    -Bios type and revision (Latest)
    -CPU type and model (3,2 P4 HT)
    -Memory name, model and quantity (2 x Kingston KVR400X72C3A/512)
    -Video card name and model plus drivers and version (ATI AX800 PRO)
    -Power Supply name, model and the amp rating for the +3.3V, +5V and +12V lines plus any limitation on the +3.3/+5V combined watts. This information can be found on a sticker on the side of the supply. (Q-TEQ ATX 350, 3.3V = 20A, 5V = 0,5A + 35A, 12V = 0,5A + 17A, 5VSB = 2A)
    -Hard Drives: (2 X 200 GB WD)
    -Optical Drives: Manufacturer and type and which IDE ports they are located on: (NONE)
    -Operating system and service pack level: XP SP2
    the short version:
    the mobo went unstable and started hanging when playing 3D aplications like medal of honour, wolfenstein ET and others...
    then the hangs started occuring more rapidly, and now the pc starts VERY randomly
    i often have to try to start it 10-15 times before it starts....
    the chipset and cpu fan starts, the hd drives starts and the ROM starts, but no signal to vga card.
    i have tried to reset chmos, changed vga card, stripped the pc, but nothing works..
    and: it has worked for over 7 months without any probs...
    is it possible a virus did this ??
    can anybody help ???
    please ???

    350 watts is far to low for your system............
    Min AMPS on +12V rail for your system should 24AMPS
    Q-Tec do not have good rep and have caused at lot of problems
    Try a brand name 450+Watt PSU Enermax or Antec or Hiper series (These I have personally tested)

  • MSI 645 Ultra Dead Mobo

    First a little background...
      Bought a new MSI 645 Ultra (version 1.0) about 4 months ago.  Installation of the new mobo, new memory, new video card, and new CPU went just fine.  
      It's been running very stable for the past 4 months, but two days ago I rebooted (warm) and the machine wouldn't even POST!  Hard drive and CD-ROM power up but I don't even get to the BIOS...
      I didn't change anything.  CPU is not overclocked.  I haven't added any hardware since the day I put it together.  I haven't tried flashing the BIOS.  I just rebooted and I get an Early Chipset Initialization error on the D-Bracket.
    Things checked so far...
      I have verified that the memory is still good.
      I have verified that the hard drive is still good.
      I have verified that the video card is still good.
    Things NOT checked so far...
      I have NOT verified that the CPU is still good.
    Things attempted to fix the problem so far:
      I have pulled the memory and booted without it... no change
      I have cleared the CMOS, no change: procedure follows:
        Unplugged power cable,
        Pressed power switch several times,
        Set jumper to "clear" position
        Removed CMOS battery for 2 hours,
        Re-installed CMOS battery,
        Put jumper back to original position,
        Plugged power cable back into computer.
      I have reseated the memory... no change
      I have reseated the video card... no change
      I have unplugged hard drive, cdrom, and floopy from the mobo... no change
      I have taken out the modem... no change
    System configuration:
      Intel P4 1.7GHz CPU
      MSI 645 Ultra version 1.0 mobo
      512MB DDR333 (1 stick)
      nVidia GeForce3 128MB video card
      3.5 floopy drive
      Western Digital 40GB IDE hard drive
      32 speed CDROM
      56K modem
    Is there something that you guys can recommend to fix this problem!?
    Did my bios somehow fry itself when I rebooted? Remember: I'm not getting to the bios at all... no POST... no nothing...!    ?(

    Hey dude, try this first. I had 2 648 Max's today. Neither of them would boot. Cpu's good, memory good. PSUs good. Dude, I was pulling my hair out, argh......
    Then what I did was removed all the pin connectors for the Power Switch, Hard Drive LED, Reset SW. I left the speaker connected. I cleared the CMOS. Took a small screw driver and jumped the two power pins. And walla! The thing started up and was able to get into the BIOS.
    Man, I ate a scooby snack and did a little more investigating and low and behold it was a bad Reset Switch that prevented it from booting.
    This is almost the exact sme sysmptoms your talking about. A similar one I had about two months ago was a bad power switch. It was just arely making contact not allowing the board to start, but all the fans etc... would work.
    So add this to your trouble shooting and maybe this will work.
    Scooby Dooby Doo! 8)

  • Conflicting info on Pentium D 930 cpu-P6N SLI Platinum mobo compatability

    I have seen conflicting information on the compatibility of the Pentium D 930 CPU and the P6N SLi Platinum motherboard (MS-7350 Ver. 1). On MSI's website I have searched for this motherboard and then gone to the compatible CPUs. Several Pentium D models are supported, however 930 is not among them. In searching on this site I have spotted at least one user who seems to have used these two together successfully.
    it appears that this user was using the bios update version 1.5 originally and then upgraded to 1.6. Both appeared to work for him.
    I was hoping to find out if anybody else has an opinion as to the suitability of this combination? From the physical evidence, it would appear that this works. Is this perhaps just a situation where MSI didn't bother to update their CPU compatibility list as bios versions evolved?

    Well, seems some Presler cpus are supported so it could work. So far I don't see any technical reason why it shouldn't. None the less there is no official support since it is not mentioned in the cpu support chart. Either it will work with no problem or not boot at all. You can do no harm to it trying. If it works the post screen could show unkown processor because of lacking support but if you get that far everything will work fine.
    With the other user having it work there should be no problem. Just try it as I guess you have an old 930 lying around (you don't want to buy such an old cpu or do you?).

  • Solved: Dead mobo :(

    My computer won't boot at all....
    I just turned it off regularly, and just now I pushed the power button -> nothing
    I disconnected the connector, tried a screwdriver -> nothing
    I took of power (lan lights went off) turned it on again, shorted the power connector -> nothing
    Last thing I remembered I might have done was turning on the wake on keyboard option with the specific key option set, I never tried it afterwards, and this was the first time the computer was switched off....
    Any idea on what to do???

    ok, I figured it out, like 5 minutes after the last post  
    I think of myself as an intelligent guy so I said to myself "you can do this logically, what options are left?"
    So I discovered some stupid things in my behaviour:
    -I did do set some 'innocent' bios settings
    -I had unneeded devices connected, they can affect the entire thing
    so I didn't set the 'disable on board audio' and after this it worked normally. I ineed just set this value together with the first suspect setting  
    So I found out what it was, just letting you know for future refference  :D

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