Table field descripion

Dear All,
Please any one tell me below field text for field name

Your functional consultant is the correct contact person. If you are refering to MM module, these fields are available in EKKO and EKPO tables.

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    I've created a Testing.sdf file on the local pc using SQL Server Management Studio, creating table, fields and insert some data. in local pc i can access the the data as normal. the problem is after i moved the file to handheld device i
    cannot access the data within the table, it shown error 'Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)' . I tried to google it, but still got no solution.

    'Name Space
    Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe
    'String Connection
    'Data Source = D:\SKUDWN3 .sdf'
    Public Sub CreateDB(ByVal StrConn As String)
            Dim cn As SqlCeConnection = Nothing
            Dim cm As SqlCeCommand = Nothing
            Dim SQLEngine As SqlCeEngine = Nothing
            Dim rs As SqlCeResultSet = Nothing
            Dim rec As SqlServerCe.SqlCeUpdatableRecord = Nothing
            'Tables -
            Const TB_SKUDWN3 As String = "SKUDWN3"
            'Fields TB_SKUDWN3
            Const FL_SKUDWN3_UPC As String = "UPC"
            Const FL_SKUDWN3_SKU As String = "SKU"
            Const FL_SKUDWN3_LD As String = "LD"
            Const FL_SKUDWN3_SD As String = "SD"
            Const FL_SKUDWN3_AN As String = "AN"
            Const FL_SKUDWN3_Price As String = "Price"
            Const FL_SKUDWN3_GST_FLAG As String = "GSTFLAG"
            'Create Database
            SQLEngine = New SqlCeEngine(StrConn)
            'Open Connection
            If IsNothing(cn) Then cn = New SqlCeConnection(StrConn)
            If cn.State = Data.ConnectionState.Closed Then cn.Open()
            cm = cn.CreateCommand
            'Create Table, Fields
            cm.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE " & TB_SKUDWN3 & " (" & FL_SKUDWN3_UPC & " NVARCHAR (13)," & _
                " " & FL_SKUDWN3_SKU & " NVARCHAR (9), " & FL_SKUDWN3_LD & " NVARCHAR(30)," & _
                " " & FL_SKUDWN3_SD & " NVARCHAR (18), " & FL_SKUDWN3_AN & " NVARCHAR(15), " & _
                " " & FL_SKUDWN3_Price & " NVARCHAR (10), " & FL_SKUDWN3_GST_FLAG & " BIT)"
            'Close Connection
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            End If
        End Sub
    'The DB was successfully created, but after moving to Handheld the fields of table can't be accessed

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    carcode          carname
    G                Garage
    C                Carport
    A               Attached
    D               Detached
    And another query pulls back a field that stores as text all the abbreviations that apply
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    Select carname from CarTable WHERE CONTAINS (carcode, '#query.carlist#') does not work. 
       select carname from CarTable WHERE CONTAINS(carcode, 'G,A')
    I'm stumped.  The list of abbreviations could be very LOOOONG or short and I just need to translate those abbreviations into the full names by grabbing it from another table.  It isn't just one abbreviation so I can't use LIKE in the one to one sense.
    Thank you so much.

    If you have records with these values,
    then your first mistake is that you designed your database poorly.  Storing lists in a single field is essentially stroring unuseable data.  A one to many relationship is better.  If you don't know what that is, I've heard good things about the book, Database Design for Mere Mortals.
    Next, this syntax, #queryname.car_storage#, only returns the first record.  To get all the records, use the valuelist function.
    Next, in sql, if you have a list of strings, each one has to be quoted.  Something like this.
    where myfield in ('a', 'b', 'c')
    The best way to achieve this in ColdFusion is to use the cfqueryparam tag with the list attribute set to yes.

  • Which table field I can confirm if the PO has done invoice receipt

    From which table field, I can confirm the PO has done invoice receipt. and in case of that with reference a PO, I have done the IR, but it was reversed, which means PO has not done invoice receipt.
    For this case, I don't want to read table EKBE to retrieve the invoice number, the read table RBKP to judge if there is a reverse IR for it.
    If there any status table field which indicate if the PO has done invoice receipt.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Raj,
    For invoice receipt and credit memo, EKBE-BEWTP is all set with 'Q', so if there is reversed invoice. Also you can retrieve data from EKBE. But actually the PO also needs a invoice receipt. So it can not meets the requirement.

  • How to Track the changes made to the custom table field value

    I want to track the changes made to the custom table field value in table maintenance generator.please help me it is very urgent
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Satya,
    These are the steps you've to do.
    1. Enable the change document flag in the data element level for the fields of the tables you want to monitor.
    2. Go to transaction SCDO. Create a new change object, and add your table to this object. After generation, you'll get a function module.
    3. Call this function module in the table maintainence generator screen, after the data is saved to the database table. This function module automaticallly writes the changes, with the old and new values, and the fields that were changed to the tables CDHDR and CDPOS.
    4. You can keep track of the changes made to the table by monitoring these tables.
    Anil Madhavan

  • F110 - Grouping the vendor invoices by BSEG table fields

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    Thanks and Regards
    Koteswararao padarti

    I created the substitution and also grouping key based on the BSIK-KIDNO filed. But the system is not able to group the vendor invoices by payment reference.  I already tried the following options
    Seperate Payments for each Ref in FBZP settings
    Can anyone let me know what is missing in the configuration to group the invoices for payment by payment reference.
    Koteswararao Padarti

  • How to show all table fields in correct alv disply

    Hi all,
    This is my report that disply in ALV . but this is only displying the join table (t_p0001_p0002) fields.i want to disply the other two table fields i.e t_pa0315 and t_pa0007.what is the logic to ALV disply the other two table fields like the table t_pa0001_pa0002.pls help me regarding this.
    send me the code its urgent.
    pls find the code below:->
    REPORT Y_WP03 .
    DEFINE m_fieldcat.
      add 1 to ls_fieldcat-col_pos.
      ls_fieldcat-fieldname   = &1.
      ls_fieldcat-ref_tabname = &2.
      append ls_fieldcat to lt_fieldcat.
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.                      " ALV Global types
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_pernr FOR pa0001-pernr.            " Personnel No
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_orgeh FOR pa0001-orgeh .           " Organization unit
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_werks FOR pa0001-werks.            " Personnel Area
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_plans FOR pa0001-plans.            " Position
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ebeln FOR pa0315-ebeln.            " Purchase order
    *SELECT-OPTIONS: s_var FOR disvariant-variant.
    PARAMETERS: p_disva1 LIKE disvariant-variant.
                     Type Definition                                     *
    TYPES :
    BEGIN OF ty_pa0001_pa0002,
        pernr TYPE pa0001-pernr , " Personnel no.
        endda TYPE pa0001-endda , " end date
        begda TYPE pa0001-begda , " start date
        bukrs TYPE pa0001-bukrs , " company code
        werks TYPE pa0001-werks , " Personnnel area
        persg TYPE pa0001-persg , " Employee group
        persk TYPE pa0001-persk , " Employee subgroup
        btrtl TYPE pa0001-btrtl , " Personnnel subarea
        abkrs TYPE pa0001-abkrs , " Payroll area
        kostl TYPE pa0001-kostl , " cost center
        orgeh TYPE pa0001-orgeh , " Organizational Unit
        plans TYPE pa0001-plans , " Position
        nachn TYPE pa0002-nachn , " Last name
        vorna TYPE pa0002-vorna , " First name
        midnm TYPE pa0002-midnm , " Middle name
      END   OF ty_pa0001_pa0002 ,
    BEGIN OF ty_pa0315,
       pernr TYPE pa0315-pernr , " Personnel no.
       kostl TYPE pa0315-kostl , " Sending cost center
       lstar TYPE pa0315-lstar , " Activity type
       werks TYPE pa0315-werks , " Plant
       lifnr TYPE pa0315-lifnr , " Vendor number
       ebeln TYPE pa0315-ebeln , " Sending pruchase ord
       ebelp TYPE pa0315-ebelp , " Sending PO item
       lstnr TYPE pa0315-lstnr , " Activity number
    END   OF ty_pa0315,
    BEGIN  OF ty_pa0007,
      pernr TYPE pa0007-pernr,
      schkz TYPE pa0007-schkz,
    END  OF ty_pa0007.
    *BEGIN  OF ty_pa0002,
    pernr TYPE pa0002-pernr,
    nachn TYPE pa0002-nachn,
    vorna TYPE pa0002-vorna,
    midnm TYPE pa0002-midnm,
    *END  OF ty_pa0002.
                     Data Declaration                                    *
    DATA :
      t_pa0001_pa0002 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_pa0001_pa0002 ,
      w_pa0001_pa0002 TYPE ty_pa0001_pa0002 ,
      t_pa0315 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_pa0315 ,
      w_pa0315 TYPE ty_pa0315 ,
      t_pa0007 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_pa0007 ,
      w_pa0007 TYPE ty_pa0007 .
    t_pa0002 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_pa0002 ,
    w_pa0002 TYPE ty_pa0002 .
      SELECT a~pernr
             INTO TABLE t_pa0001_pa0002
             FROM pa0001 AS a INNER JOIN pa0002 AS b
             ON apernr = bpernr
             WHERE a~pernr IN s_pernr
             AND   a~werks IN s_werks
             AND   a~orgeh IN s_orgeh
             AND   a~plans IN s_plans.
      SORT t_pa0001_pa0002 BY pernr .
      IF NOT t_pa0001_pa0002[] IS INITIAL .
        SELECT pernr
               FROM pa0315
               INTO TABLE t_pa0315
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_pa0001_pa0002
               WHERE pernr = t_pa0001_pa0002-pernr
               AND   kostl = t_pa0001_pa0002-kostl
               AND   ebeln IN s_ebeln.
        SELECT pernr
               FROM pa0007
               INTO TABLE t_pa0007
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_pa0001_pa0002
               WHERE pernr = t_pa0001_pa0002-pernr.
        SELECT pernr
               FROM pa0002
               INTO TABLE t_pa0002
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_pa0001
               WHERE pernr = t_pa0001-pernr .
    PERFORM f_display_data.
    FORM f_display_data.
        ls_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
        lt_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    Build the field catalog
      m_fieldcat 'PERNR' 'PA0001'.
      m_fieldcat 'NACHN' 'PA0002'.
      m_fieldcat 'VORNA' 'PA0002'.
      m_fieldcat 'MIDNM' 'PA0002'.
      m_fieldcat 'BUKRS' 'PA0001'.
      m_fieldcat 'WERKS' 'PA0001'.
      m_fieldcat 'PERSG' 'PA0001'.
      m_fieldcat 'PERSK' 'PA0001'.
      m_fieldcat 'BTRTL' 'PA0001'.
      m_fieldcat 'ABKRS' 'PA0001'.
      m_fieldcat 'ORGEH' 'PA0001'.
      m_fieldcat 'PLANS' 'PA0001'.
      m_fieldcat 'SCHKZ' 'PA0007'.
      m_fieldcat 'KOSTL' 'PA0315'.
      m_fieldcat 'LSTAR' 'PA0315'.
      m_fieldcat 'WERKS' 'PA0315'.
      m_fieldcat 'LIFNR' 'PA0315'.
      m_fieldcat 'EBELN' 'PA0315'.
      m_fieldcat 'EBELP' 'PA0315'.
      m_fieldcat 'LSTNR' 'PA0315'.
      m_fieldcat 'BEGDA' 'PA0001'.
      m_fieldcat 'ENDDA' 'PA0001'.
    Display the list
          i_callback_program      = sy-cprog
          i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
          it_fieldcat             = lt_fieldcat
          t_outtab                = t_pa0001_pa0002.
    ENDFORM.                               " F_DISPLAY_DATA_VBAK
          FORM USER_COMMAND                                             *
    FORM user_command USING u_ucomm     TYPE syucomm
                            us_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.     "#EC CALLED
      CASE u_ucomm.
        WHEN '&IC1'.
          READ TABLE t_pa0001_pa0002 INDEX us_selfield-tabindex INTO
          CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    ENDFORM.                               " USER_COMMAND

    Look at ur code.
    i_callback_program = sy-cprog
    i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
    it_fieldcat = lt_fieldcat
    t_outtab = <b>t_pa0001_pa0002</b>.
    Here you're passing only the join table t_pa0001_pa0002. If you want to display the other tables as well, then u must have an internal table that has the columns of all the 3 tables. Then u need to buil;d the fieldcatalog accordingly and then display that table,

  • Passing a table-field value in Crystal to a Store Procedure in SQL Server

    I have been checking all over the interenet via searches and although some seem to come close to this, its still not what I want.
    Essentially I need to pass value from Table-Field record (for each record read/selected) via a paramete to a Stored Procedure(SP) in SQL Server 2205/2008.  I do NOT want to be prompted for a value for this parameter each time the report is run, simple pass the value in which will be used along with other select criteria to bring back one value for the report to use in a calcuation per record.
    The value of the parameter is a date, but I understand it would be better to pass it in as a varchar(8) - 'YYYYMMDD' - and then reconvert it inside the SP, as follows:
    In Crystal Reports 2008 SP3, I have a formula defined as,
    trans_date = ToText ({F1ARS_STMT_WS_TRAN.TRANS_DATEI}, 'YYYYMMDD')
    and essential just want to pass this to the SP below ... i.e. trans_date  ---> @strTransDate
    I then link the key fields [EXCH_RATE_TABLE_NAME] and [TRANS_CCY_CODE] to other tables in the Database Expert, and put [EXCH_RATE_AMT] on the report and use it to calculate what I want.
    This works fine when the prompt comes up and I put in a proper date, but I don't what it to prompt, but simple pass the F1ARS_STMT_WS_TRAN.TRANS_DATEI in via the fornula/parameter and let teh SQL do the rest for each record selected..
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].sp_GET_EXCH_RATE_AMT (@strTransDate varchar(8))     --use format 'YYYYMMDD' to represent the date as a string.
         -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
         -- @TransDate datetime = now
           declare @TransDate datetime
         set @TransDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, @strTransDate, 112)
         -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
         -- interfering with SELECT statements.
         SET NOCOUNT ON;
        -- Insert statements for procedure here
         AND   [START_DATEI] <= @TransDate
    Thanks for any help.  Can't tell the headache this has caused my both literally and figuratively.

    I moved your post to the Report Design forum. Lots of SQL help in here...
    I believe the problem is due to you using a Parameterized Stored Procedure. The first thing CR has to do is connect to your DB source which requires the date parameter before it can run the query to add the date filter, it's the SP that is prompting for the parameter. Therefore the report has not run so it can't get the field value from the report until you fill in the info for the SP. Catch 22 problem.... Which came first, the Chicken or the Parameter....
    The report will work as you have noted but I don't know of anyway to refresh unless parameter is filled in again....
    Jason has a lot of great solutions when it comes to these dilemmas, Possibly using a Command Object may help but I believe you will still run into the same issue....
    Only way I can think of is to not use a parameter in the SP and let CR do the filtering client side. Of course this means all data is coming back to the client PC as you are likely trying to find a work around for.
    Thank you

  • What is table field name for order status report  of rate per unit and  bal

    hi  i want to make FS for order status report i almost get all table and field but i don't get only two field  rate per unit and balance value  table field didn't get please help me searching in field and table
      i want to develop my status report

    Check tables VBAK and VBAP wherein you will get all header and item details.
    VBUK and VBUP for header and line item statuses.
    KONV would give you rates/pricing details for each condition type determines in the sales order.
    VBAK-KNUMV = KONV-KNUMV is how you relate both of them.
    Hope that helps.

  • Table field and structure field

    Hi ,
    I am working on an user exit.
    I have to update a field on the transaction screen DFBATCH-MHD_IO (DFBATCH is a struture).
    Now the same field is defined in table MARA-VFDAT (MARA is a table).
    Now in the user exit function module I have written a code which will update the table field MARA-VFDAT.
    So will the structure field also gets updated automatically since that structure field is same as the table field (only name is different) or I have to explicitly equate table field to structure field.

    How do you know that DFBATCH-MHD_IO is tied to MARA-VFDAT.   Is there a line of code in the transaction like this.
    If you are updating MARA-VFDAT from your userexit, and the existing code in the transaction is filling the DFBATCH-MHD_IO from MARA-VFDAT,  then no you shouldn't need to fill it.
    Rich Heilman

  • Connection between Structure Field and Table Field

    Hello everybody,
    I'm trying to find a connection between a field in the structure and the actual filed in the table of the database. For example in the structure CAUFVD you have the field PLNNR. This information is stored in the table AFFL in the field PLNNR.
    In the transaction SE84 you can display a structure with all it's fields but I don't see anywhere from which table and field the information is gathered.
    Can you please help me in finding the connection between the structure field and the table field in the database in which the displayed information is stored?
    Thanks and best regards,
    CALIN Marius-Bogdan
    SAP - PP-KeyUser

    Double-click on the structure field and you can do a where-used to find the codepoints, interface usage, etc.  You might find it that way.  You could also look at the flow logic of your screen and try to trace it back.  Otherwise, you'd have to use watchpoints, the debugger, runtime analysis or various other developer tools to find the data population.  If you are a user and not a developer as your signature indicates, you might need to find a developer for this.  Sometimes, it can be incredibly frustrating with SAP because the data field will be handed off 4 or 5 times before it actually reaches its destination field.  Unfortunately, I haven't worked with PP in at least 10 years so I can't give you a better answer; maybe someone else can.

  • Regarding Internal Table Field Validation [Modification]

    Hi All,
    I have a small issue with formatting of a field.
    The Field is POTX1 - it would get the value as 'New MT-EPPE0097-COMP02',
    Means i have one internal table field as i_error-POTX1 in that some times we get value as 'New MT-EPPE0097-COMP02'.
    Whenever i get 'New' literal in that internal table field i have to remove that literal from that internal table field. And Left Justify the remaining part of the field.
    Ex:  'New MT-EPPE0097-COMP02'
         should become 'MT-EPPE0097-COMP02'.
    For this first i have to find wether 'New' Literal exists in the Internal table field or not then i have to remove it.
    Can anybody tell me how can i solve this issue.
    Thanks in advance.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Take a look :
    loop at i_error.
      if i_error-potx1(3) = 'New'
        w_potx1 = i_error-potx1.
        i_error-potx1 = w_potx1+3(37).
        MODIFY i_error.
    Message was edited by: Erwan LE BRUN

  • What is the table field for PO releaser in R/3 (4.7 Enterprise)?

    Hi Gurus out there:
    Do you know if there is a table field for PO releaser in R/3 (4.7 Enterprise)?
    We use for e.g. the transaction ME29N to release a PO and I haven't been able to find a DB table where the PO releaser is stored.
    In DB table EKKO I can find the fields FRGGR (Release group), FRGSX (Release strategy), FRGKE (Release Indicator), FRGZU (Release status) and FRGRL (Release Not Yet Completely Effected) but no information of the user who released the PO.
    Many thanks in advance.

    <b>Have you tried reading the details of the PO Releaser using the BAPIs ?</b>
    BAPI_PO_GETITEMSREL            List Purchase Orders for Release (Approval): New as of 4.0A     
    BAPI_PO_GETRELINFO             Display Detailed Release (Approval) Information on Purchase Order
    BAPI_PO_RELEASE                Release Purchase Orders            
    BAPI_PO_RESET_RELEASE          Cancel Release of Purchase Orders  
    <u>Related link -></u>
    Re: How to fetch data from back end for PO?
    Hope this will help.
    Do let me know.
    - Atul

  • Creating a new Search Help on a standard SAP table field?

    Good day, everyone!
    As part of a report I am writing, the customer would like to have Search Help added to the AUFEX field in table AUFK.  They would like this functionality so that when they are changing an order via t-code ko02, they can get a list of valid values to put in field AUFEX.  I would like to tie it to a zTable I've created; in my zTable, I have just 2 fields:  a key value (that will go into AUFEX) and a text description of the key value.  This zTable is used in my report.
    While I've created a Search Help on this table already for table maintenance, I've never added a custom Search Help to an existing standard SAP table field before.  I've done some Googling and other searching to see what I need to know, but I've only been able to find information on Collective Search Helps.  AUFEX doesn't yet have a Search Help field, so I don't think Collective Search Helps is my answer.
    Is this possible?  Can I add a custom Search Help to a standard SAP table field that doesn't have any Search Help linked to it yet?  Is there an existing thread or guide somewhere that can tell me how to do this?
    Thank you!

    Yes u can: u can assign the search help to (A) data element livel or (B) field table livel.
    After creating your search help:
    A) Run SE11, insert your data element (AUFEX), press edit and insert the search help in "Search Help" area on DEFINATION tab;
    B) Run SE11, insert your table (AUFK), press edit, place the cursor on your field (AUFEX) and go to GoTo->Search help->for field
    But u should consider it'll mean to change a standard object for both cases: so u need to get the access key from your OSS.

  • How to use table field values as dynamic parameters on selection screen

    I need help on dynamic selection parameters.
    I need to display no. of parameters from the fields of a database table.
    Basically i want to pass field values of a table to selection screen and we can use those values as parameter on selection screen.
    If there are 10 entries in a table field( say field is field_name and entries are bukrs,kunnr etc.)
    I need to display as many parameters on screen as many values are there in field_name( In this case it is 10)
                           p_bukrs(5) ,
                           p_kunnr(5) ,

    You can create it using Dynamic Program.Check this link below.
    [Creating Dynamic Programs|]
    Hope this might help you.

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