Table for pick list use only??

my requirement is to use a table purely for the purposes of populating a drop list list for a prompt in a dashboard prompt - is this possible without setting the table up in the repository - as I do not want anyone to actually run reports against my data source??

As mentioned above, the only place to bypass the RPD is with direct database requests. You cant use these to populate the dashboard prompt.
The easiest way would be to expose the table in a new BMM, custom Presentation Cat with the same Table_Name.Column_Name as the other Presentation Cat fields you want the prompt to effect and go from there.
AFAIK thats the only way.

Similar Messages

  • Use 'SDPARTNERLIST' as a table for pick fields

    Hi Experts,
    can we use 'SDPARTNERLIST' as a table for pick the fields paertenr function, partner and name1 in scripts,
    or is any reference table for these fields,,, if any could u tell me fields and tables
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Feb 25, 2008 5:46 PM

    You acn code your select in the following no>
    select single vorna nachn from PA0002 into
                       (gv_vorna , gv_nachn )
    where pernr = ......
              subty = ...... and
              OBJPS = ...... and
              SPRPS = ......and
              ENDDA = ......and
              BEGDA = ......and
              SEQNR = ........
    Whatever key fields data available you can pass it in the where clause of the select query.
    Then after the select query, you can pass in the same variables in the script gv_vorna , gv_nachn to print the data.
    Hope this helps.

  • Smartforms for picking list

    Someone knows smartforms and its program for picking list?.
    I don't want to use sapscript SD_PICK_COLL and its program RVADSK01.
    Thanks very much.
    Matteo Vernile.

    go through this code.
    Program Description:                                     *
    A packing list is printed for each outbound delivery.    *
    Before the delivery is made to a customer the goods are  *
    packed in a box or any other container and to have a     *
    list of products put in the package packing list is      *
    required. This packing list will be printed upon pick    *
    confirmation or at a time the delivery note is created.  *
    REPORT  z_sd_rep_000002 MESSAGE-ID zdevmsg.
    ********************TABLES USED***************************************
    TABLES:   likp,       "SD Document: Delivery Header Data
              lips,       "SD document: Delivery: Item data
              vbak,       "Sales Document: Header Data
              vbpa,       "Sales Document: Partner
              vbuk,       "Sales Document: Header Status and Admin Data
              vttp,       "Shipment Item
              vttk,       "Shipment Header,
              adrc,       "Addresses (Business Address Services)
              tvst,       "Organizational Unit: Shipping Points
              vbfa,       "Sales Document Flow
              kna1,       "General Data in Customer Master
              vepo,       "Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents)
              vekp.       "Handling Unit - Header Table
    INCLUDE rvadtabl.
    ********************WORK AREA*****************************************
    DATA    : wa_zpacklist TYPE  zpacklist,  "structure to hold all the data
                                             "that has to be passed to the
                                             "smart form
              wa_item TYPE LINE OF zitempack."workarea of main item struct
    DATA    : wa_item_lips TYPE LINE OF zitempack."wrkarea for data selected
    "from LIPS table
    ********************INTERNAL TABLE************************************
    DATA    : i_item_lips TYPE zitempack,       "Internal table for data
                                                "selected from LIPS table
              i_item TYPE   zitempack.          "main internal table for
    "items data.
    CONSTANTS : c_posnn(1)        TYPE c VALUE 'J',
    YATHAM6 Insert Begin
                c_vbtyp_v(1)      type c VALUE 'C',
    YATHAM6 Insert End
                c_parvw_stp       TYPE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'AG',
                c_parvw_shp       TYPE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'WE',
                c_formname        TYPE tdsfname VALUE 'Z_PACKINGLIST',
                c_zdevmsg         TYPE SY-MSGID value 'ZDEVMSG',
                c_e               TYPE SY-MSGTY VALUE 'E',
                c_000             TYPE SY-MSGNO VALUE '000',
                c_X(1)            TYPE c VALUE 'X',
                c_fully_picked(1) TYPE c VALUE 'C'.
    ***************************GLOBAL VARIABLE****************************
    DATA    : v_objnm         LIKE   thead-tdname,
              v_tknum_tmp     LIKE   vttp-tknum,
              v_formname      TYPE   rs38l_fnam,
              v_venum         TYPE vekp-venum,
              v_screen,        "Output on printer or screen
    ************************MAIN PROGRAM ***********************************
    FORM entry USING return_code us_screen.
      DATA: v_retcode TYPE sy-subrc.
      CLEAR v_retcode.
    Clear any previous data.
      CLEAR wa_zpacklist.
      v_screen = us_screen.
    Check whether the Delivery number is already been picked.If it is
    picked the set the print parameters
      PERFORM processing USING us_screen
                         CHANGING v_retcode.
      IF v_retcode NE 0.
        return_code = 1.
        return_code = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "ENTRY
    *&      Form  PROCESSING
    Check whether the Delivery number is already been picked.If it is
    picked the set the print parameters
    FORM processing  USING    us_screen
                     CHANGING v_retcode.
      DATA: v_fm_name            TYPE rs38l_fnam.
      DATA: v_control_param      TYPE ssfctrlop.
      DATA: v_composer_param     TYPE ssfcompop.
      DATA: v_recipient          TYPE swotobjid.
      DATA: v_sender             TYPE swotobjid.
      DATA: v_formname           TYPE tdsfname .
    get SmartForm from customizing table TNAPR
      v_formname = tnapr-sform.
    Check whether the delivery number has been picked.If it is picked
    select the relevant data for that delivery number
      PERFORM get_data CHANGING v_retcode.
      CHECK v_retcode EQ 0.
    Set the print parameters for Smartform
      PERFORM set_print_param CHANGING v_control_param
    Check whether the Smart form exists.
        formname                 = c_formname
        VARIANT                  = ' '
        DIRECT_CALL              = ' '
       fm_name                  = v_formname
        NO_FORM                  = 1
        NO_FUNCTION_MODULE       = 2
        OTHERS                   = 3
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        v_retcode = sy-subrc.
        PERFORM protocol_update.
    Check the structure wa_zpacklist for data.
      IF NOT wa_zpacklist IS INITIAL.
        CALL FUNCTION v_formname
            archive_index      = toa_dara
            archive_parameters = arc_params
            control_parameters = v_control_param
            mail_recipient     = v_recipient
            mail_sender        = v_sender
            output_options     = v_composer_param
            user_settings      = ' '
            wa_zpacklist               = wa_zpacklist
          DOCUMENT_OUTPUT_INFO       =
          JOB_OUTPUT_INFO            =
          JOB_OUTPUT_OPTIONS         =
           formatting_error           = 1
           internal_error             = 2
           send_error                 = 3
           user_canceled              = 4
           OTHERS                     = 5. .
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            error handling
          v_retcode = sy-subrc.
          PERFORM protocol_update.
        IF v_screen = space.
              cps_nast = nast.
              msg_arbgb = c_ZDEVMSG
              msg_nr    = c_000
              msg_ty    = c_E
              msg_v1    = syst-msgv1
              msg_v2    = syst-msgv2
              msg_v3    = syst-msgv3
              msg_v4    = syst-msgv4
              OTHERS    = 1.
          MESSAGE e000 WITH 'No Data Exists, to Display Output'(002).
        ENDIF.                    " IF v_screen = space.
      ENDIF.                  " if not wa_zpacklist[] is initial
    ENDFORM.                    " PROCESSING
    *&      Form  get_data
    Check whether the delivery number has been picked.If it is picked
    select the relevant data for that delivery number
    FORM get_data  CHANGING v_retcode.
    This is the Input obtained from the NAST entry, Delivery Number
      wa_zpacklist-vbeln = nast-objky.
      CLEAR v_picked.
    Check if the Delivery has Not been Picked, if not then Do Not Display
    the Layout and display an Error Message
      CLEAR vbuk.
      SELECT SINGLE kostk
        FROM vbuk
        INTO vbuk-kostk
        WHERE vbeln EQ wa_zpacklist-vbeln.
    The Picking should Not be Processed, Else Display a Msg
      IF vbuk-kostk NE c_fully_picked AND vbuk-kostk NE space.
        v_picked = c_X.
        v_retcode = 1.
        IF v_screen = space.
              cps_nast = nast.
              msg_arbgb = c_ZDEVMSG
              msg_nr    = c_000
              msg_ty    = c_E
              msg_v1    = syst-msgv1
              msg_v2    = syst-msgv2
              msg_v3    = syst-msgv3
              msg_v4    = syst-msgv4
              OTHERS    = 1.
          MESSAGE e000 WITH
                    'Delivery has not been Picked-Please Check'(001).
      CHECK v_retcode = 0.
    get all the header related data from LIKP,VBAK,VBFA,VTTP,VTTK
      PERFORM get_header_data.
    get the address numbers for shipping point ,ship-to-party and
    sold-to-party from VBFA,TVST tables
      PERFORM get_addr_no.
    get all the item details from VBAP ,LIPS
      PERFORM get_item_data.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_data
    *&      Form  get_header_data
    Get all the header related data from LIKP,VBAK,VBFA,VTTP,VTTK
    FORM get_header_data.
    select the header data from LIKP based on Delivery number.
    select the following fields and put it into workarea wa_zpacklist.
      SELECT SINGLE vbeln          "Delivery number
                    kunnr          "Sold to party
                    kunag          "Shipt to party
                    inco1          "Inco term
                    inco2          "Inco term 2
                    btgew          "Total Weight
                    gewei          "Net weight
                    anzpk          "Total noumber of packages in delivery
                    vkorg          "Sales Organization
                    vstel          "Shipping Point/Receiving Point
                    bldat          "Date on which the Docu. was created
               FROM likp
               INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_zpacklist
              WHERE vbeln = wa_zpacklist-vbeln.
    to get Purchase order number (BSTNK),
          Sales order number (VBELV),
          Contract number (VBELN_GRP),
          Customer order date first get the Sales document from VBFA
    using Delivery number (LIKP-VBELN) and VBTYP_N in the where clause.
    YATHAM6 Del Begin - D47K910351 05/12/2004
    SELECT SINGLE  vbelv          "Sales Document
              INTO  wa_zpacklist-vbelv
              FROM  vbfa
              WHERE vbeln   = wa_zpacklist-vbeln
              AND   vbtyp_n = c_posnn
    YATHAM6 Insert Begin - 04/15/2004
    Preceding Document category only Order need to be selected
    Without this it is selecting Quote and/or Inquiry because of
    Select single (Which would select the first entry)
              AND   vbtyp_v = c_vbtyp_v.
    YATHAM6 Insert End - 04/15/2004
    YATHAM6 Del End - D47K910351 05/12/2004
    YATHAM6 Insert Begin - D47K910351 05/12/2004
    When a Sales order is created with reference to another sales order
    two precding document categorys will be available for a delivery.
    Example: Order with subsequent delivery free of charge
    Need to get latest preceding document. This change was made to pull
    correct preceding document which will be on delivery line item.
    All delivery items will have the same preceding document number.
        select single vgbel from lips into wa_zpacklist-vbelv
              where vbeln = wa_zpacklist-vbeln.
    YATHAM6 Insert End   - D47K910351 05/12/2004
      SELECT SINGLE bstnk           "Customer purchase order number
                    vbeln_grp       "Master Contract NUmber
                    bstdk           "Customer Order date
             INTO  (wa_zpacklist-bstnk,
             FROM  vbak
             WHERE vbeln = wa_zpacklist-vbelv.
    select shipment number from VTTP table using wa_zpaclist-vbeln in the
    where clause.
      SELECT tknum                  "Shipment Number
             FROM   vttp
             UP TO 1 ROWS
             INTO   wa_zpacklist-tknum_tmp
             WHERE  vbeln = wa_zpacklist-vbeln.
    for this value of wa_zpacklist-tknum_tmp select
    External identification 2
    Shipping type
    Number of forwarding agent
    from VTTK
      SELECT SINGLE exti2          "External identification 2
                    vsart          "Shipping type
                    tdlnr          "Number of forwarding agent
             INTO   (wa_zpacklist-exti2,
             FROM   vttk
             WHERE  tknum = wa_zpacklist-tknum_tmp.
    get the packing date from VEkP table for which Internal Handling
    Unit Number(VENUM) is required from VEPO table.
    get the value from VEPO table for the delivery number.
      SELECT venum
             UP TO 1 ROWS
             FROM vepo
             INTO v_venum
             WHERE vbeln = wa_zpacklist-vbeln.
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
      SELECT SINGLE erdat
             FROM   vekp
             INTO   wa_zpacklist-erdat
             WHERE  venum = v_venum.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_header
    *&      Form  get_item
    Get all the item details from VBAP ,LIPS
    FORM get_item_data.
    refresh the internal tables of item data.
    data: v_tabix like sy-tabix.   "YATHAM6 Insert 03/31/2004
      REFRESH : i_item,
    get the item details from VBAP table based on the sales document
    number(VBELV) and store the data in i_item
      SELECT   posnr             "Sales Document Item
               posex             "Item Number of the Underlying Purchase
               kwmeng            "Quantity Ordered
               kdmat             "Customer Item Number
        TABLE  i_item
        FROM   vbap
        WHERE  vbeln EQ wa_zpacklist-vbelv.
    get the item details from LIPS based on Delivery number and
    ZZCATNO(Catalog numer)from mara using an inner join between LIPS and
    MARA using matnr as key
    *Begin of GONAGUNTLA2 - @0001 02/11/2004 D47K906487
    SELECT   a~vbeln          "Delivery Number
              a~vtweg          "Distribution Channel
              a~posnr          "Delivery item
              a~lfimg          "Actual quantity delivered (in sales units)
              a~matnr          "Material Number
              b~zzcatno        "Catlog Number for each material
              FROM lips AS a
              INNER JOIN
              mara AS b
         ON   amatnr = bmatnr
       TABLE  i_item_lips
       WHERE  a~vbeln = wa_zpacklist-vbeln.
      SELECT     a~vbeln          "Delivery Number
                 a~vtweg          "Distribution Channel
                 a~posnr          "Delivery item
                 a~pstyv          "Delivery item category
                 "Actual quantity delivered (in sales units)
                 a~matnr          "Material Number
                 "Higher-level item in bill of material structures
                 a~vgpos          "Sales order line item
                 b~zzcatno        "Catlog Number for each material
                 FROM lips AS a
                 INNER JOIN
                 mara AS b
            ON   amatnr = bmatnr
          TABLE  i_item_lips
          WHERE  a~vbeln = wa_zpacklist-vbeln.
    *End of GONAGUNTLA2 - @0001 02/11/2004 D47K906487
      clear the workareas
      CLEAR : wa_item,
    loop at the main internal table which contains the item data.
    so that the data in the internal table i_item_lips is passed in the
    i_item table
      LOOP AT i_item INTO wa_item.
        v_tabix = sy-tabix.   "YATHAM6 Insert 03/31/2004
    read the internal table i_item_lips for key Item Number(POSNR)
    because the only link between the LIPS table and VBAP table is
    (POSNR) for the same delivery number.
    *Begin of GONAGUNTLA2 - @0001 02/12/2004
       READ TABLE i_item_lips
                  INTO wa_item_lips
                  WITH KEY posnr = wa_item-posnr.
        READ TABLE i_item_lips
                   INTO wa_item_lips
                   WITH KEY vgpos = wa_item-posnr.
    *End of GONAGUNTLA2 - @0001 02/12/2004
      check whether the same POSNR value is there in the I_item_lips table
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *Begin of GONAGUNTLA2 - @0001 02/12/2004
          perform get_previous_del_qty using wa_zpacklist-vbelv
          move wa_item-kwmeng to wa_item_lips-kwmeng.
    *End of GONAGUNTLA2 - @0001 02/12/2004
      to find out the Back Orders subtract Ordered Qty (KWMENG)
      with Actual Qty (LFIMG)
          wa_item_lips-zbkord = wa_item-kwmeng - wa_item_lips-lfimg.
    Begin of Modifications - YATHAM6 12/15/2003
      if wa_item-posex is not blank the repace wa_item-posnr with it.If *
      it is not blank then don't do anything.
         IF NOT wa_item-posex IS INITIAL.
           MOVE wa_item-posex TO wa_item_lips-posnr .
         ENDIF.                  "if not wa_item-posex is initial.
          If wa_item-posex is initial.
    Begin of GONAGUNTLA2 - @0001 02/12/2004
          move wa_item-posnr to wa_item_lips-posex.
            move wa_item_lips-posnr to wa_item_lips-posex.
    *End of GONAGUNTLA2  - @0001 02/12/2004
            move wa_item-posex to wa_item_lips-posex.
    End of Modifications - YATHAM6 12/15/2003
      modify the internal table i_item by transporting VBELN LFIMG ZCALC.
    *Begin of GONAGUNTLA2 - @0001 02/11/2004 D47K906487
         MODIFY i_item FROM wa_item_lips
                       TRANSPORTING vbeln        "Delivery Number
                                    posnr        "Delivery item
                                    posex        "   YATHAM6 Insert
    *lfimg        "Actual Quantity Delivered
                                    zbkord       "Back Order
                                    zzcatno      "Catlog Number
                                    matnr        "Material Number
                       WHERE posnr = wa_item-posnr.
       MODIFY i_item FROM wa_item_lips         "YATHAM6 Del 03/31/2004
          MODIFY i_item FROM wa_item_lips index v_tabix
                              TRANSPORTING vbeln        "Delivery Number
                                           posnr        "Delivery item
                                           posex        "   YATHAM6 Insert
                                           "   gonaguntla2 Insert
                                           "Actual Quantity Delivered
                                           zbkord       "Back Order
                                           zzcatno      "Catlog Number
                                           matnr        "Material Number
    *Table i_item should be updated with the corresponding entry not with
    item number.
                           WHERE posnr = wa_item-posnr.   "YATHAM6 Del
    YATHAM6 Mod Begin - 04/22/2004
    Delete the Current row instead of item. Because the Delivery item
    sequence could be different than that of the Sales Order item #.
        delete i_item where posnr = wa_item-posnr.
          delete i_item index v_tabix.
    YATHAM6 Mod End - 04/22/2004
    *End of GONAGUNTLA2 - @0001 02/11/2004 D47K906487
        ENDIF.                  " if sy-subrc = 0.
      ENDLOOP.                  "loop at i_item
    now once the i_item internal table is full
    check it.
      IF NOT i_item[] IS INITIAL.
        sort i_item[] by vbeln descending posex.   "YATHAM6 Insert
    move the data from i_item into the structure wa_zpacklist.
        wa_zpacklist-zitempack_tb[] = i_item[].
      ENDIF.                    "if not i_item[] is initial.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_item
    *&      Form  get_addr
    Get the address numbers for shipping point ,ship-to-party and
    sold-to-party from VBFA,TVST tables
    FORM get_addr_no .
    To find out the addresses of sold-to-party, goto table VBPA select
    the address number ADRNR
      SELECT SINGLE adrnr          "Address Number
                INTO wa_zpacklist-adrnrstp
                FROM vbpa
    YATHAM6 Mod Begin - 04/15/2004
    Get the address numbers for the Delivery instead of Sales order
             WHERE vbeln =  wa_zpacklist-vbelv
               WHERE vbeln =  wa_zpacklist-vbeln
    YATHAM6 Mod End  - 04/15/2004
                 AND parvw = c_parvw_stp.
    To find out the addresses of ship-to-party, goto table VBPA select
    the address number ADRNR
      SELECT SINGLE adrnr         "Address Number
                INTO wa_zpacklist-adrnrshp
                FROM vbpa
    YATHAM6 Mod Begin - 04/15/2004
    Get the address numbers for the Delivery instead of Sales order
             WHERE vbeln =  wa_zpacklist-vbelv
               WHERE vbeln =  wa_zpacklist-vbeln
    YATHAM6 Mod End  - 04/15/2004
                 AND parvw = c_parvw_shp.
    To select the addresses for Shipping point find out the address *
    number from TVST table .
      SELECT SINGLE adrnr         "Address Number
               INTO wa_zpacklist-adrnr
               FROM tvst
              WHERE vstel = wa_zpacklist-vstel.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_addr
    *&      Form  set_print_param
    Set the print paramters for the smartform
    FORM set_print_param  CHANGING v_control_param  TYPE ssfctrlop
                                  v_composer_param TYPE ssfcompop
                                  v_recipient      TYPE  swotobjid
                                  v_sender         TYPE  swotobjid
                                  v_retcode        TYPE sy-subrc.
      DATA: v_itcpo     TYPE itcpo.
      DATA: v_repid     TYPE sy-repid.
      DATA: v_device    TYPE tddevice.
      v_repid = sy-repid.
          pi_nast       = nast
          pi_repid      = v_repid
          pe_returncode = v_retcode
          pe_itcpo      = v_itcpo
          pe_device     = v_device
          pe_recipient  = v_recipient
          pe_sender     = v_sender.
      IF v_retcode = 0.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING v_itcpo TO v_composer_param.
        v_control_param-device      = v_device.
        v_control_param-no_dialog   = c_X.
        v_control_param-preview     = v_screen.
        v_control_param-getotf      = v_itcpo-tdgetotf.
        v_control_param-langu       = nast-spras.
    ENDFORM.                    " set_print_param
    *&      Form  protocol_update
    Error Handling
    FORM protocol_update .
      CHECK v_screen = space.
          msg_arbgb = syst-msgid
          msg_nr    = syst-msgno
          msg_ty    = syst-msgty
          msg_v1    = syst-msgv1
          msg_v2    = syst-msgv2
          msg_v3    = syst-msgv3
          msg_v4    = syst-msgv4
          OTHERS    = 1.
    ENDFORM.                    " protocol_update
    *&      Form  get_previous_del_qty
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_previous_del_qty using f_so
      data: begin of i_vbfa_tab occurs 0,
              vbeln like vbfa-vbeln,
              posnn like vbfa-posnn,
            end of i_vbfa_tab.
      data: fv_lfimg like lips-lfimg.
      select vbeln posnn into table i_vbfa_tab from vbfa
                         where vbelv   eq f_so
                           and posnv   eq f_so_item
                           and vbtyp_n eq 'J'.
      loop at i_vbfa_tab.
        if i_vbfa_tab-vbeln ne f_del.
          clear fv_lfimg.
          select single lfimg into fv_lfimg
                              from lips
                              where vbeln eq i_vbfa_tab-vbeln
                                and posnr eq i_vbfa_tab-posnn.
          f_so_qty = f_so_qty - fv_lfimg.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_previous_del_qty

  • Smarform for pick list

    Could anybody post the program and form in XML format for pick list smartform /SMB40/SDPLK_L  ?
    I could not find this smartform in the preconfigured package in market place.
    Thanks Appreciated.

    Here is the print program:
    * Print of pickinglist for one single delivery note with Smart Form
    REPORT /bpr3pf/rvadek01 LINE-COUNT 100 MESSAGE-ID vn.
    TABLES: vbco3,                         "Communicationarea for view
            vblkk,                         "Headerview
            vblkp,                         "Itemview
            ltak,                          "Transportauftrag
            adrs,                          "Communicationarea for Address
            riserls,                       "Serialnumbers
            komser,                        "Communicationarea Serialnumbers
            tvst, tvstt,                   "Shipping point
            vbkok, vbpok.
    TABLES: nast,                          "Messages
            *nast,                         "Messages
            tnapr,                         "Programs & Forms
            itcpo,                         "Communicationarea for Spool
            arc_params,                    "Archive parameters
            toa_dara,                      "Archive parameters
            addr_key.                      "Adressnumber for ADDRESS
    TYPE-POOLS szadr.
    DATA: retcode     LIKE sy-subrc,       "Returncode
          xvbeln      LIKE likp-vbeln,
          xkomau      LIKE likp-vbeln,
          xscreen(1)  TYPE c.              "Output on printer or screen
    DATA: BEGIN OF tvblkp OCCURS 0.        "Internal table for items
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE vblkp.
    DATA: END OF tvblkp.
    DATA: BEGIN OF tsernr OCCURS 0.        "Internal table for serialnumbers
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE riserls.
    DATA: END OF tsernr.
    DATA: BEGIN OF tsernr_print OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE komser.
    DATA: END   OF tsernr_print.
    DATA:  BEGIN OF tltap OCCURS 50.       "TA-Positionen
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE ltap.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE ltap1.
    DATA:  END OF tltap.
    DATA: BEGIN OF svblkp.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE vblkp.
    DATA: END OF svblkp.
    INCLUDE /smb40/vblpdata.
    *include vblpdata.
    INCLUDE /smb40/vbfadata.
    *include vbfadata.
    INCLUDE /smb40/vbukdata.
    *include vbukdata.
    INCLUDE /smb40/vbupdata.
    *include vbupdata.
    INCLUDE /smb40/vbbddata.
    *include vbbddata.
    INCLUDE /smb40/vbpadata.
    *include vbpadata.
    INCLUDE /smb40/sadrdata.
    *include sadrdata.
    *       FORM ENTRY                                                    *
    *       Steuerung des Drucks                                          *
    FORM entry USING return_code us_screen.
      CLEAR retcode.
      xscreen = us_screen.
      PERFORM processing USING us_screen.
      IF retcode NE 0.
        return_code = 1.
    * Kommimengen an Lieferungen zurückgeben, aber nicht bei Druckansicht
        IF xscreen = ' '.
          PERFORM delivery_update.
        return_code = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "entry
    *       FORM PROCESSING                                               *
    *  -->  PROC_SCREEN                                                   *
    FORM processing USING proc_screen.
      REFRESH: xlips,
      PERFORM get_data.
      CHECK retcode = 0.
      PERFORM get_comm USING proc_screen tvst-aland.
      CHECK retcode = 0.
      PERFORM user_exit1.
      PERFORM smartform_print.
      CHECK retcode = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "processing
    *       S U B R O U T I N E S                                         *
    *       FORM DELIVERY_UPDATE                                          *
    *       Ergänzen Lieferung um Kommissionierinformation                *
    * Ergänzen der Lieferungen um Kommissionierinformation
    FORM delivery_update.
      DATA: BEGIN OF hvbpok OCCURS 10.     "Lieferpositionen Kommiss.
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE vbpok.
      DATA: END OF hvbpok.
      DATA: BEGIN OF sav_nast.
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE nast.
      DATA: END OF sav_nast.
    * DATA: SYNC_FLAG TYPE C.             "synchrone Verbuchung?
    * Füllen Lieferkopfdaten für Kommi-Update
      vbkok-vbeln_vl = xvbeln.
      vbkok-vbeln = vblkk-komau.
    * Füllen Positionsdaten zu Liefernr.
      LOOP AT tvblkp.
        hvbpok-vbeln_vl = tvblkp-vbeln.
        hvbpok-posnr_vl = tvblkp-posnr.
        hvbpok-posnn = tvblkp-posnr.
        hvbpok-vbeln = vblkk-komau.
        hvbpok-vbtyp_n = 'Q'.
        hvbpok-pikmg = tvblkp-komng.
        hvbpok-meins = tvblkp-meins.
        hvbpok-ndifm = 0.
        hvbpok-taqui = ' '.
        hvbpok-charg = tvblkp-charg.
        hvbpok-matnr = tvblkp-matnr.
        hvbpok-brgew = tvblkp-brgew.
        hvbpok-gewei = tvblkp-gewei.
        hvbpok-volum = tvblkp-volum.
        hvbpok-voleh = tvblkp-voleh.
        hvbpok-orpos = 0.
        APPEND hvbpok.
    * IF NAST-VSZTP <> 4.
    *    SYNC_FLAG = 'X'.
    * ELSE.
    *    SYNC_FLAG = ' '.
    * ENDIF.
      sav_nast = nast.
          nicht_sperren = 'X'
          vbkok_wa      = vbkok
          aufrufer_t    = 'X'
          vbpok_tab     = hvbpok.
      nast = sav_nast.
    * Freigabe an Datenbank
    ENDFORM.                    "delivery_update
    *       FORM get_comm                                               *
    *  -->  US_SCREEN  Output on screen                                   *
    *                  ' ' = printer                                      *
    *                  'X' = screen                                       *
    *  -->  US_COUNTRY County for telecommunication and SET COUNTRY       *
    FORM get_comm USING us_screen us_country.
      DATA: lvs_itcpo         TYPE   itcpo,
            lvf_device(30)    TYPE   c,
            lvf_dialog(1)     TYPE   c   VALUE ' ',
            lvs_recipient     LIKE   swotobjid,
            lvs_sender        LIKE   swotobjid,
            lvs_snast         TYPE   snast,
            lvf_program       LIKE   sy-repid,
            lvs_comm_type     TYPE   ad_comm,
            lvs_comm_values   TYPE   szadr_comm_values.
    * reset return code
      retcode = 0.
    * if there is a communication strategy used ...
      IF NOT nast-tcode IS INITIAL.
    *   ... use stratagy to get communication type
                  strategy           = nast-tcode
    *             ADDRESS_TYPE       =
    *             ADDRESS_NUMBER     = VBDKA-ADRNR
    *             PERSON_NUMBER      = VBDKA-ADRNP
                  address_number     = addr_key-addrnumber
                  person_number      = addr_key-persnumber
                  comm_type          = lvs_comm_type
                  comm_values        = lvs_comm_values
    *        TABLES
    *             STRATEGY_TABLE     =
                  address_not_exist  = 1
                  person_not_exist   = 2
                  no_comm_type_found = 3
                  internal_error     = 4
                  parameter_error    = 5
                  OTHERS             = 6.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          retcode = sy-subrc.
          syst-msgty = 'E'.
          PERFORM protocol_update.
    * convert communication data
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING nast TO lvs_snast.
      MOVE sy-repid           TO lvf_program.
                pi_comm_type              = lvs_comm_type
                pi_comm_values            = lvs_comm_values
                pi_screen                 = us_screen
    *           PI_NEWID                  =
                pi_country                = us_country
                pi_repid                  = lvf_program
                pi_snast                  = lvs_snast
                pe_itcpo                  = lvs_itcpo
                pe_device                 = lvf_device
                pe_mail_recipient         = lvs_recipient
                pe_mail_sender            = lvs_sender
                comm_type_not_supported   = 1
                recipient_creation_failed = 2
                sender_creation_failed    = 3
                OTHERS                    = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        retcode = sy-subrc.
        syst-msgty = 'E'.
        PERFORM protocol_update.
      CHECK retcode EQ 0.
    * if there is no communication type
      IF  lvs_comm_type IS INITIAL.
    *   set device
        CASE nast-nacha.
          WHEN '1'.
            lvf_device = 'PRINTER'.
          WHEN '2'.
            lvf_device = 'TELEFAX'.
            lvs_itcpo-tdtelenum = nast-telfx.
            IF nast-tland IS INITIAL.
              lvs_itcpo-tdteleland = us_country.
              lvs_itcpo-tdteleland = nast-tland.
            lvs_itcpo-tdsenddate = nast-vsdat.
            lvs_itcpo-tdsendtime = nast-vsura.
            lvs_itcpo-tdfaxuser  = nast-usnam.
          WHEN '3'.
            lvf_device = 'TELETEX'.
            lvs_itcpo-tdtelenum = nast-teltx.
            IF nast-tland IS INITIAL.
              lvs_itcpo-tdteleland = us_country.
              lvs_itcpo-tdteleland = nast-tland.
            lvs_itcpo-tdsenddate = nast-vsdat.
            lvs_itcpo-tdsendtime = nast-vsura.
          WHEN '4'.
            lvf_device = 'TELEX'.
            lvs_itcpo-tdtelenum = nast-telx1.
            IF nast-tland IS INITIAL.
              lvs_itcpo-tdteleland = us_country.
              lvs_itcpo-tdteleland = nast-tland.
            lvs_itcpo-tdsenddate = nast-vsdat.
            lvs_itcpo-tdsendtime = nast-vsura.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            lvf_device = 'PRINTER'.
    * fill structure itcpo
      itcpo = lvs_itcpo.
      SET COUNTRY us_country.
    *  include rvadopfo.
    ENDFORM.                    "get_comm
    *       FORM GET_DATA                                                 *
    *       General provision of data for the form                        *
    FORM get_data.
      DATA: vblkp_lines      TYPE p.
    * Beschaffen View
      xvbeln = nast-objky.
          vbeln     = xvbeln
          zweck     = 'D'
          spras     = nast-spras
          vblkk_wa  = vblkk
          vblkp_tab = tvblkp
          OTHERS    = 1.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        PERFORM protocol_update.
    * gibt es zu kommissionierende Positionen, ggf. sortieren
      DESCRIBE TABLE tvblkp LINES vblkp_lines.
      IF vblkp_lines GT 0.
    * Nummernvergabe Kommissionierauftrag
        CLEAR vblkk-komau.
            nr_range_nr = '01'
            object      = 'SD_PICKING'
            number      = vblkk-komau
            OTHERS      = 1.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        IF vblkk-komau IS INITIAL.
          vblkk-komau = sy-datum+2.
          vblkk-komau+6(4) = sy-uzeit(4).
        PERFORM sort_pick_list.
        retcode = 0.
        retcode = 4.
        syst-msgid = 'VN'.
        syst-msgno = '202'.
        syst-msgty = 'E'.
        syst-msgv1 = vblkk-vbeln.
        PERFORM protocol_update.
        CHECK 1 = 2.
    * Lesen Versandstelle
      IF vblkk-vstel EQ space.
        CLEAR: tvst, tvstt.
        SELECT SINGLE * FROM tvst WHERE vstel EQ vblkk-vstel.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          CLEAR tvst.
          syst-msgid = 'VN'.
          syst-msgno = '203'.
          syst-msgty = 'E'.
          syst-msgv1 = 'TVST'.
          syst-msgv2 = syst-subrc.
          PERFORM protocol_update.
        SELECT SINGLE * FROM tvstt WHERE spras EQ nast-spras
                                     AND vstel EQ vblkk-vstel.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          CLEAR tvstt.
          syst-msgid = 'VN'.
          syst-msgno = '203'.
          syst-msgty = 'E'.
          syst-msgv1 = 'TVSTT'.
          syst-msgv2 = syst-subrc.
          PERFORM protocol_update.
    ENDFORM.                    "get_data
    *       FORM GET_SERIAL_NO                                            *
    *       In this routine the serialnumbers are fetched from the        *
    *       database.                                                     *
    FORM get_serial_no.
      REFRESH tsernr.
      REFRESH tsernr_print.
      CHECK vblkp-anzsn > 0.
    * Read the Serialnumbers of a Position.
          vbeln  = vblkp-vbeln
          posnr  = vblkp-posnr
          iserls = tsernr.
    * Process the stringtable for Printing.
          i_boundary_left             = '(_'
          i_boundary_right            = '_)'
          i_sep_char_strings          = ',_'
          i_sep_char_interval         = '_-_'
          i_use_interval              = 'X'
          i_boundary_method           = 'C'
          i_line_length               = 50
          i_no_zero                   = 'X'
          i_alphabet                  = sy-abcde
          i_digits                    = '0123456789'
          i_special_chars             = '-'
          i_with_second_digit         = ' '
          serials                     = tsernr
          serials_print               = tsernr_print
          boundary_missing            = 01
          interval_separation_missing = 02
          length_to_small             = 03
          internal_error              = 04
          wrong_method                = 05
          wrong_serial                = 06
          two_equal_serials           = 07
          serial_with_wrong_char      = 08
          serial_separation_missing   = 09.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        PERFORM protocol_update.
    ENDFORM.                    "get_serial_no
    FORM smartform_print.
      DATA: e_werks LIKE tvblkp-werks VALUE ' ',
            e_lgort LIKE tvblkp-lgort VALUE ' ',
            e_lgnum LIKE tvblkp-lgnum VALUE ' ',
            e_mbdat LIKE tvblkp-mbdat VALUE IS INITIAL.
      DATA: lf_fm_name            TYPE rs38l_fnam.
      DATA: ls_control_param      TYPE ssfctrlop.
      DATA: ls_composer_param     TYPE ssfcompop.
      DATA: ls_recipient          TYPE swotobjid.
      DATA: ls_sender             TYPE swotobjid.
      DATA: lf_formname           TYPE tdsfname.
      DATA: ls_addr_key           LIKE addr_key.
      CLEAR retcode.
    *  nast_key = objky.
      PERFORM set_print_param USING      ls_addr_key
                              CHANGING ls_control_param
    *Get the Smart Form name.
      IF NOT tnapr-sform IS INITIAL.
        lf_formname = tnapr-sform.
        MESSAGE e001(/smb40/ssfcomposer).
    * determine smartform function module for invoice
           EXPORTING  formname           = lf_formname
    *                 variant            = ' '
    *                 direct_call        = ' '
           IMPORTING  fm_name            = lf_fm_name
           EXCEPTIONS no_form            = 1
                      no_function_module = 2
                      OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *   error handling
        retcode = sy-subrc.
        IF sy-subrc = 1.
          MESSAGE e001(/smb40/ssfcomposer).
        IF sy-subrc = 2.
          MESSAGE e002(/smb40/ssfcomposer).
        PERFORM protocol_update.
      CALL FUNCTION lf_fm_name
           archive_index              = toa_dara
    *   ARCHIVE_INDEX_TAB          =
           archive_parameters         = arc_params
           control_parameters         = ls_control_param
    *   MAIL_APPL_OBJ              =
           mail_recipient             = ls_recipient
           mail_sender                = ls_sender
           output_options             = ls_composer_param
           user_settings              = ' '
           vblkk                     = vblkk
                tvblkp                     = tvblkp
    *   DOCUMENT_OUTPUT_INFO       =
    *   JOB_OUTPUT_INFO            =
    *   JOB_OUTPUT_OPTIONS         =
    formatting_error           = 1
    internal_error             = 2
    send_error                 = 3
    user_canceled              = 4
    OTHERS                     = 5
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        retcode = sy-subrc.
        PERFORM protocol_update.
    * get SmartForm protocoll and store it in the NAST protocoll
        PERFORM add_smfrm_prot.
    ENDFORM.                    "smartform_print
    *       FORM PROTOCOL_UPDATE                                          *
    *       The messages are collected for the processing protocol.       *
    FORM protocol_update.
      CHECK xscreen = space.
          msg_arbgb = syst-msgid
          msg_nr    = syst-msgno
          msg_ty    = syst-msgty
          msg_v1    = syst-msgv1
          msg_v2    = syst-msgv2
          msg_v3    = syst-msgv3
          msg_v4    = syst-msgv4
          OTHERS    = 1.
    ENDFORM.                    "protocol_update
    *       FORM SENDER                                                   *
    *       This routine determines the address of the sender (Table VBUR)*
    FORM user_exit1.
    ENDFORM.                                                    "user_exit1
    INCLUDE /smb40/mv50bfz1.
    *include mv50bfz1.
    *&      Form  set_print_param
    *       text
    *      -->P_LS_ADDR_KEY  text
    *      <--P_LS_CONTROL_PARAM  text
    *      <--P_LS_COMPOSER_PARAM  text
    *      <--P_LS_RECIPIENT  text
    *      <--P_LS_SENDER  text
    *      <--P_RETCO  text
    FORM set_print_param USING    is_addr_key LIKE addr_key
                         CHANGING cs_control_param TYPE ssfctrlop
                                  cs_composer_param TYPE ssfcompop
                                  cs_recipient TYPE  swotobjid
                                  cs_sender TYPE  swotobjid
                                  cf_retcode TYPE sy-subrc.
      DATA: ls_itcpo     TYPE itcpo.
      DATA: lf_repid     TYPE sy-repid.
      DATA: lf_device    TYPE tddevice.
      DATA: ls_recipient TYPE swotobjid.
      DATA: ls_sender    TYPE swotobjid.
      lf_repid = sy-repid.
      IF itcpo IS INITIAL.
            pi_nast       = nast
            pi_addr_key   = is_addr_key
            pi_repid      = lf_repid
            pe_returncode = cf_retcode
            pe_itcpo      = ls_itcpo
            pe_device     = lf_device
            pe_recipient  = cs_recipient
            pe_sender     = cs_sender.
        IF cf_retcode = 0.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_itcpo TO cs_composer_param.
          cs_control_param-device      = lf_device.
          cs_control_param-no_dialog   = 'X'.
          cs_control_param-preview     = xscreen.
          cs_control_param-getotf      = ls_itcpo-tdgetotf.
          cs_control_param-langu       = nast-spras.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING itcpo TO cs_composer_param.
        cs_control_param-device      = lf_device.
        cs_control_param-no_dialog   = 'X'.
        cs_control_param-preview     = xscreen.
        cs_control_param-getotf      = itcpo-tdgetotf.
        cs_control_param-langu       = nast-spras.
    ENDFORM.                               " set_print_param
    **&      Form  protocol_update_i
    **       text
    **  -->  p1        text
    **  <--  p2        text
    *form protocol_update_i.
    *  check xscreen = space.
    *  call function 'NAST_PROTOCOL_UPDATE'
    *       exporting
    *            msg_arbgb = syst-msgid
    *            msg_nr    = syst-msgno
    *            msg_ty    = syst-msgty
    *            msg_v1    = syst-msgv1
    *            msg_v2    = syst-msgv2
    *            msg_v3    = syst-msgv3
    *            msg_v4    = syst-msgv4
    *       exceptions
    *            others    = 1.
    *endform.                               " protocol_update_i
    *&      Form  add_smfrm_prot
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM add_smfrm_prot.
      DATA: lt_errortab             TYPE tsferror.
      DATA: lf_msgnr                TYPE sy-msgno.
      DATA:  l_s_log                TYPE bal_s_log,
             p_loghandle            TYPE balloghndl,
             l_s_msg                TYPE bal_s_msg.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_errortab>  TYPE LINE OF tsferror.
    * get smart form protocoll
          errortab = lt_errortab.
    * add smartform protocoll to nast protocoll
      LOOP AT lt_errortab ASSIGNING <fs_errortab>.
        CLEAR lf_msgnr.
        lf_msgnr = <fs_errortab>-errnumber.
            msg_arbgb = <fs_errortab>-msgid
            msg_nr    = lf_msgnr
            msg_ty    = <fs_errortab>-msgty
            msg_v1    = <fs_errortab>-msgv1
            msg_v2    = <fs_errortab>-msgv2
            msg_v3    = <fs_errortab>-msgv3
            msg_v4    = <fs_errortab>-msgv4
            OTHERS    = 1.
    * open the application log
      l_s_log-extnumber    = sy-uname.
          i_s_log      = l_s_log
          e_log_handle = p_loghandle
          OTHERS       = 1.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      LOOP AT lt_errortab ASSIGNING <fs_errortab>.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING <fs_errortab> TO l_s_msg.
            i_log_handle = p_loghandle
            i_s_msg      = l_s_msg
            OTHERS       = 1.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                               " add_smfrm_prot

  • Printer for Pick List

    Just want to know if there's a way I can set a certain printer for Pick List for a certain Distribution Channel.
    if useful.
        points will re rewarded.
      do nothing

    The Pick List is printed from the Pick and Pack Manager.
    goto Inventory > Pick and Pack > Pick List and then Open the Pick List and Print from there.
    If this is what you are doing then if your FMS are set to Auto Refresh then as soon as your Pull the Pick list the FMS should fire and the mode should change to UPDATE.
    Also, u can try this.
    You can print the pick list from the Sales Order by selecting Pick List as your default report. Everything works fine from there. I don't have to do anything else then the sales order to get the Pick List right. I only have to select which file I want to print.
    hope this works 4 u.

  • Output for picking list

    hai every body
    iam trying to configure the output type for picking list,i have done the condition technique and also maintained condition record.i have assigned that output type to the shipping point also but when i select the output  for picking from delivery it is showing in display mode,the system is not letting me to assign the output type in that screen.
    what is the problem i a have done pl tell the procedure if any body knows.
    thanks in adv,

    Hi Rajesh
    From Release 4.5A, the system does no longer display the actions for SD picking in the implementation guide.
    If you want to use the picking list according to the "old" procedure,  you can maintain the list as follows:
    o  Carry out Transaction V/38 to maintain the output types.
    o  Carry out Transaction OVLT to assign the picking list types to the
         shipping points.
    o  Carry out Transaction V/53 to assign the picking lists to own
         forms and programs.
    Picking Output Type is determined in transaction v/23. Though You can have one per shipping point unfortunately. If more flexibility is needed, one can use delivery output or lean WM and transfer order output.
    Ensure that "Multiple issuing" check box in v/34 is switched off for the corresponding output type.
    Reward if useful to u

  • Configuring printer for pick list

    Hi All,
    please let me know how and where do we configure the printer for a pick list.
    thanks in advance for your help.

    Hi Friend,
    The printer configration will be done not only for Pick list, it will be for PACK LIST, invoices, ORDER CONFIRMATIONS, DELIVERY NOTE,
    For any activity we need to configure the printer in Spool Administration via the transaction code
    Please revert back if u need any further clarification,

  • Table for price list

    Which is the table for price list in sap?
    Kind Regards

    Thanks Ravi,
    Actually i wanted to see the condition records for price list.
    Is there any table which contains this?

  • New Discussions: for day time use only? (-: A darker blue, please!

    Thanks a lot Mods for your efforts.
    I spend some time on these boards every day, so I can see things are going better and better.
    I like the new Discussions better than the previous, especially everything that comes with this new ability to put much more on one page (like being able to see A LOT (not only five) of "Recent topics in this category", or that the topic's titles can be longuer than before, or being able to read the whole thread without jumping to "the next 15 posts" like before. I set "My Posts" to "50", this too was not possible before. Etc.)
    Now my request:
    At first I thought, like many others, that the "blue dot" and the "blue half-dot" were too small, and that we couldn't see the small grey "New!" because it was not red.
    Now after all this time since Nov14, I finally understood what was wrong, because
    (1) the new kind of eye fatigue I didn't experienced before, and
    (2) a change in my computer's room lighting configuration.
    The real problem is not the blue dot size (altough I'm sure if it was a square it would work better), it is its environment.
    We have a white line after a light blue line, and this is a great feature to differenciate between topics. Works great within a thread too, to differenciate posts.
    But one side effect of this is that the whole page "feels" slightly blue.
    I'm not sure, but a human eye physicist could perhaps explain another kind of (more insidious?) side effect caused by the alternance of lines. Perhaps depending on which color are chosen for them?
    Anyway, there is no problem with a page that "feels" blue, when the text is black.
    The problem starts when the text ALSO is blue. Especially light blue...
    I find the text blue color too light. Even the "visited link" purple is too light.
    Given that the background is blueish, I mean. Otherwise it'd be fine.
    This was not easy to understand, because the [defect/effect] is not obvious: the overall picture is nice.
    But it became obvious to me when I saw that I have no problem IF I set my screen's brightess to "very bright".
    New Discussions: for day time use only?
    ==> Please, would it be a problem (or too difficult to set perhaps?), to try a darker blue text for two or three weeks, see if we like it better? (along with a slightly darker purple for the visited links).
    Thanks again for all the great work!

    Hi Axl,
    Some one had posted this about color,I do not remember who,sorry.
    I thought it was interesting.Hopeful this color issue can be alter but deepening the colors as you & many have requested.
    Good luck, Eme

  • Table for Distribution List

    Hi all,
    Can anybody tell me the table where the "Distribution List" data is stored.

    HI amit,
    I am not able to find the tables for distribution list where for a particular list, all the email ids are stored which are included in that particular distribution list.
    I have searched all the tables starting from SO*.but could nt able to find.
    The table SOOD just gives me the header data of distribution list.
    If you can give the tables for line items it will be a great help.

  • Table for picking PURCHASE ORDER field corresponding to accounting document

    Dear All
    Table for picking PURCHASE ORDER field corresponding to accounting document.
    Rahul Jain

    Dear Jayram
    I know that Purchase order field can be picked from BSEG table but i am not able to capture the data into it. Whenever i book a invoice through FB60 or MIRO i give the reference PO number which is not getting updated in BSEG, BSAK and other relevant tables.
    Rahul Jain

  • Create Smart form for Pick list

    How do i start for creating a smart form for pick list.

    refer this
    Edited by: Swetha on Jul 10, 2008 6:15 PM

  • Problem onStandard Smartform for Picking list

    Hi Experts..
    I want to know is there any standard SMARTFORM for PICKING LIST?
    and also let me know PrintProgram name also.....

    Check the below link.. It contains a document.. Go trough it.
    Point 3.1.4
    Edited by: Lokesh Tarey on Jul 15, 2010 2:03 PM

  • Whats the table for picking & Packing?

       Whats the table for picking & packing ? whats their primary field? & How it is linked with sales order table/

    the  table and the fields are  :
    table  VEKP           Handling Unit - Header Table
    field  in the above table are :
    fields                   Description
    ANZGL                Number of Similar Packaging Materials
    VHILM                 Packaging Materials
    VBELN_GEN        Delivery in Which Packaging Material Is Generated as an Item
    VHART                Packaging Material Type
    MAGRV               Material Group: Packaging Materials
    VELTP                Packaging Material Category
    VPOBJ                 Packing Object
    KZGVH                Packaging Material is Closed Packaging
    ADGE_DG           Packing Level is Relevant for Dangerous Goods
    ADGE_DGPR       Indicator: Packing level is relevant for printing
    PACKVORSCHR     Packing instruction
    PACKVORSCHR_ST Local packing status for a single HU (without sub HUs)  ....
    <b>there  is  link b/t     VEPO and  VEKP    with  field  VENUM  .... then </b>
    <b>there is  link b't    VEPO  and VBUK , VBAK  ,VBAP  etc  with  field
    so  with  VEPO  table  you can  connect   sales  tables and   VEKP  packing   table ...
    reward  points if it is usefull  ....

  • I am setting up a Numbers table for gas milage using one column for gallons divided by the next column of miles and having the answer in the third column in miles per gallon.

    I am setting up a Numbers table for gas milage using one column for miles and the next column for gallons, the two to be divided to produce the third column of miles per gallon and am unable to find out how to do that.  Add and/or subtract, yes, but not to divide.

    ...and results in yield signs indicating an error:
    Hi Wayne,
    Yield signs must be different in Texas. Here (and in much of the rest of the world) they're white with a red border, and installed with an apex pointing down:
    Some still include the word "Yield" (or in Quebec, "Cedez"in black letters.
    Maybe you're thinking of the "Warning triangle", which is similar, but installed base down, and often including a symbol in the white space:
    These are more common in Europe, with the exception of the portable version, which I've seen used at road construction sites or as 'flares' to warn of a disabled vehicle on the road.
    Or maybe you were thinking of this
    (Most of these 'slow moving vehicle' triangles have an orange center. This one looked a bit more 'Texas,' though.)

Maybe you are looking for

  • Mini-DVi to VGA colour loss?

    I am in the process of buying a Mini-DVi to VGA connector, but have been told, by an Apple Store in Korea, that the connector isn't very good and that it has colour problems. Loss of colour and colour mismatching. Has anybody had these problems and i

  • Remote Software Updates and Sending Task Status to User

    I am updating user's machines using ARD 3 with the unix command 'softwareupdate -i -a'. With some updates, a restart is required and ARD posts this within the task status column. I was wondering if there was a way to grab that task status of "restart

  • Changing PO line num in MIGO

    How I can change reference on the item of Purchase Order before document in MIGO save? 1. MB_MIGO_BADI-LINE_MODIFY - not working. Field GO_ITEM-EBELN not ready for input. 2. Assign imposible. This data is a private field of class. (SAPLMIGO)LCL_MIGO_

  • Cisco ISE 1.2 and Symantec Endpoint Protection

    Hi Experts, Good Day! I'm just wondering if ISE 1.2 is able to detect an application/software in a laptop like the Symantec Endpoint Protection before giving the user an access to the network? Is it possible? I tried to searched over the internet how

  • Any way to stop Garage band from...

    ...looping the same section (A) over and over, and instead move on to the next section (B)? I would think this is simple, but I can't figure it out. thanks! Fox