Table of FM to get attributes of object

Is there ay way to get the attributes of objects like creation date, created by from a single table or FM.
By Objects, i mean all object types, Class, Tables, Programs etc.
just like TADIR, but TADIR doesnt store creation date.

Hi Eclectic,
To get all details of Author(who created) and Creation date and last changed and other details are available in TRDIR.This provides details of Only programs not for all objects as you want.
Thank you,
Prasad G.V.K

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    meghavee wrote:
    Thanks Solomon, however this approach does not preserve precision/scale of number data type.....What you can do is create placeholder tables:
    SQL> create table reading_type_placeholder of reading
      2  /
    Table created.
    SQL> desc reading_type_placeholder
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      2      v_var reading_type_placeholder.readingvalue%type;
      3  begin
      4      v_var := 123456789012345;
      5  end;
      6  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
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      2      v_var reading_type_placeholder.readingvalue%type;
      3  begin
      4      v_var := 1234567890123456;
      5  end;
      6  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: number precision too large
    ORA-06512: at line 4
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    I'm not sure what you are looking for exactly but is it something like this?
    SELECT id
         , p.ctx_name
         , p.ctx_value
    FROM   tt
         , TABLE(ctx) pWith the following test data:
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      2       , p.ctx_name
      3       , p.ctx_value
      4  FROM   tt
      5       , TABLE(ctx) p
      6  /
            ID CTX_NAME                                 CTX_VALUE
             1 A                                        SOME VALUE1
             1 B                                        SOME VALUE2
             1 B                                        SOME VALUE2

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    Hello Vishal,
    Simply create a value attribute (say rowCount) of type 'integer' and bind it to the 'visibleRowCount' property of your table. Then, in the actionHandler get the value from the UI element (in your case, I guess it is drop down) and set it to the attribute 'rowCount' like this.
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           jobject obj;
           int i;
           jlong tag;
           jvmtiError err;
           jvmtiLocalVariableEntry *localVarTable;
           jint entryCount;
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                        err = (*env)->GetLocalObject(env,     thread, 0, localVarTable[i].slot, &obj);
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                        timeStampObject(env, obj);
              (*env)->Deallocate(env, localVarTable);
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    I would think if you intanciate the XMLReference and use IIDXMLElement GetChildCount / GetNthChild would do what you are looking for.

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    Iam afraid you might run into synchronization issues with it. You are trying to get/set value of property of a sku repository item that is shared across various profiles.
    Say one profile A called setPropertyValue("propertyName", value).Now another profile B accesses
    getPropertyValue() {
    super.getPropertyValue() // Chance of getting value set by Profile A.
    // Perform logic
    There is a chance that profile B getting the value set by Profile A and hence inconsistency.
    How about doing this way??
    Create PropertyDescriptor in Profile (i.e user item descriptor), pass the attribute CustomCatalogTools in userProfile.xml to that property.
    <attribute name="catalogTools" value="atg.commerce.catalog.CustomCatalogTools"/>
    //You have Profile item descriptor and also storeId property value.
    // Use CustomCatalogTools.findSku();
    // Use storeId, profile repository item, sku repository item to perform the logic
    Here user itemdescriptor getPropertyValue/setPropertyValue is always called by same profile and there is consistency.

  • How to get attribute from xml file

    I managed to grab all the info from xml, except the "url" attribute in <image type="poster" url="" size="mid" .../>. Any ideas?
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    public class XmlParser {
         ArrayList<Movie> myMovies;
         Document dom;
         public XmlParser(){
              //create a list to hold the movie objects
              myMovies = new ArrayList<Movie>();
         public void runExample(String adr, String tagName) {
         private void parseXmlFile(String adr){
              //get the factory
              DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              try {               
                   //Using factory get an instance of document builder
                   DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
                   //parse using builder to get DOM representation of the XML file
                   URL xmlUrl = new URL(adr);
                   InputStream in = xmlUrl.openStream();
                   dom = db.parse(in);               
              }catch(ParserConfigurationException pce) {
              }catch(SAXException se) {
              }catch(IOException ioe) {
         private void parseDocument(String tagName){
              //get the root elememt
              Element docEle = dom.getDocumentElement();
              //get a nodelist of <movie> elements
              NodeList nl = docEle.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
              if(nl != null && nl.getLength() > 0) {
                   for(int i = 0 ; i < nl.getLength();i++) {
                        //get the movie element
                        Element el = (Element)nl.item(i);
                        //get the Movie object
                        Movie mov = getMovie(el);
                        //add it to list
          * I take an movie element and read the values in, create
          * an Movie object and return it
          * @param movE
          * @return
         private Movie getMovie(Element movE) {
              String title = getTextValue(movE, "original_name");
              String year = getTextValue(movE, "released");
              String imdbId = getTextValue(movE, "imdb_id");
              double score = getDoubleValue(movE, "score");
              String overview = getTextValue(movE, "overview");
              String poster = movE.getAttribute("url");
              Movie mov = new Movie(title, year, imdbId, score, overview, poster);
              return mov;
         private String getTextValue(Element ele, String tagName) {
              String textVal = null;
              NodeList nl = ele.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
              if(nl != null && nl.getLength() > 0) {
                   Element el = (Element)nl.item(0);
                   textVal = el.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
              return textVal;
          * Calls getTextValue and returns a int value
          * @param ele
          * @param tagName
          * @return int
         private int getIntValue(Element ele, String tagName) {
              //in production application you would catch the exception
              return Integer.parseInt(getTextValue(ele, tagName));
          * Calls getTextValue and returns a double value
          * @param ele
          * @param tagName
          * @return double
         private double getDoubleValue(Element ele, String tagName) {
              return Double.parseDouble(getTextValue(ele, tagName));
          * Iterate through the list and print the
          * content to console
         private void printData(){
              System.out.println("Total Movies: " + myMovies.size());
              Iterator it = myMovies.iterator();
              while(it.hasNext()) {
         public static void main(String[] args){
              //create an instance
              XmlParser xp = new XmlParser();
              //call run example
              xp.runExample("", "movie");
    }Here is the example xml file I used
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <OpenSearchDescription xmlns:opensearch="">
      <opensearch:Query searchTerms="Fight Club 1999"/>
          <original_name>Fight Club</original_name>
          <name>Fight Club</name>
          <alternative_name>El Club de la Lucha</alternative_name>
          <overview>A lonely, isolated thirty-something young professional seeks an escape from his mundane existence with the help of a devious soap salesman. They find their release from the prison of reality through underground fight clubs, where men can be what the world now denies them. Their boxing matches and harmless pranks soon lead to an out-of-control spiral towards oblivion.</overview>
            <image type="poster" url="" size="original" width="1000" height="1500" id="4bc908ab017a3c57fe002f75"/>
            <image type="poster" url="" size="mid" width="500" height="750" id="4bc908ab017a3c57fe002f75"/>
            <image type="poster" url="" size="cover" width="185" height="278" id="4bc908ab017a3c57fe002f75"/>
            <image type="poster" url="" size="thumb" width="92" height="138" id="4bc908ab017a3c57fe002f75"/>
            <image type="backdrop" url="" size="original" width="1280" height="720" id="4bc908ab017a3c57fe002f71"/>
            <image type="backdrop" url="" size="poster" width="780" height="439" id="4bc908ab017a3c57fe002f71"/>
            <image type="backdrop" url="" size="thumb" width="300" height="169" id="4bc908ab017a3c57fe002f71"/>
          <last_modified_at>2010-09-11 14:33:06</last_modified_at>

    pvujic wrote:
    Thanks, but how can I "fetch" the url from the image element?You've got to first get to the image element. But based on what you've posted though, with a little more coding, you should be able to succeed. Just give it a try! :)

  • MDM Table EVENT(EPCF) to get the record ids

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement where I need to trigger an EPCF event from MDM standard result set iview and need to capture the recordids of all the record present in the table in my customised webdynpro application.I have to later read them to an excel sheet.(the code for which i already have)
    I am trying table type EPCF eventing for that and later passing [Search] as parameter but i am not able to get this search object and it seems to be a futile approach.
    Please anyone of you can tell me the method to retrieve all records from resultset Iview to my dynpro application.

    Hi Vinay,
    You are correct in that you cannot pass a list of ID's from the Result Set iView.  This is by design and the reasoning behind it is that there could be thousands or even hundreds of thousands of records in a Result Set, and this would make passing them in a JavaScript function or URL unrealistic.
    However, since the ResultSet is always the result of a search, you can pass the "search" to your custom application and recreate the result set there.  The only caveat is as follows:
    Prior to MDM 5.5 SP6 P2, the iViews were based on the MDM4J API. So if your version of MDM is pre-SP6 Patch 2, you must use the function Search.setArchive() of MDM4J.
    From MDM 5.5 SP6 Patch 2, the iViews are based on the MDM Java API, and so you should use the function Search.deserialize() of MDM Java API.

  • Getting Attributes from an org unit

    How can I get attributes and their values given an organization unit?? ie org id?
    Is there any function module or any tables which contain the required data?Plz help out.

    Thanks for the details.
    Your workflow configuration is quite strange.
    <u>Couple of questions to ask here :-></u>
    <b>1) what's your business requirement ?
    2) which SRM version are you using ?
    3) which SRM scenario have you implemented ? (Classic/Extended Classic/Standalone)
    4) What do yo mean by "I am thinking of creating a org structure with each row of criteria as one position say manager1, manager2 etc.". Are you talking about Workflow Configuration using PPOMA_BBP Transaction ? Are you looking for Functional aspect or you need to implement by coding (Technical Aspect) ?
    5) I remember you told in your earlier reply that you are looking for Technical aspect by creating a function module inside N-Level Approver BADI (BBP_WFL_APPROV_BADI in SE18). Have you completed that part ? 
    6) Can you maintain a custom table (Z table) and maintain the conditions there and based on the Shopping cart
    values, we can manipulate the list of approvers decided.
    7) What about functional part ? Are you taking care of both Functional and technical aspects of the Workflow configuartion in this case ?</b>
    Please send me the detailed information.
    Hope this will help.
    - Atul

  • Function Module/Table to Retrieve subobjects for a main object.

    Hi experts,
    Is there any FM or table to find subobjects for a main object for example, in SE80 when you give an object say MP000100, it gives the list of subobjects associated with it like screens, inlcudes fields...etc, or is there any other way?
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Mahesh,
    Thanks for your reply. The Table which you have given me is helpful, but I need to find the subobjects of any given object. For example, for module pool mpXXXX00, i need to know all the subobjects, related to this module pool. The main object can be anything. If it is a (report, WDA program etc) I need to get the list of sub objects tied to the main object.
    Hope you can understand my requirement.
    Thanks and regards.

  • Please Help me  on get Attribute and getParameter

    Dear All Developer clear my doubt on get Attribute and getParameter . and which is more better.
    I will be very much graetful to all.

    They are two different things.
    To put it in an application perspective
    Parameters are like command line parameters
    Attributes are like the variables in your program
    Parameters are the name-value pairs that get submitted as part of a ServletRequest.
    They are either part of the URL, or submitted from a form.
    It is always a string.
    ie myWebpage.jsp?name=evnafets&job=programmer
    has the parameters
    name = evnafets
    job = programmer
    You access it like : request.getParameter("name")
    You can read parameters, you cannot modify them directly.
    Attributes, are java objects
    You can get and set them eg request.getAttribute("name") request.setAttribute("name", "raj");
    you use session attributes to retain state across multiple requests
    you use request attributes to set a variable and then forward to another page that uses that variable.
    They are essentially like variables for your web application.
    Hope this makes sense,

  • To get a datatable object in javascript

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    <html:dataTable id="tabData"/>
    i use document.getElementById("tabdata"); to get the data table object in javascript I get an error..
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    You have to put the complete path to the datatable.
    If you have a form then the datatable:

  • Table for Business Partner Marketing Attribute

    What is table for Business Partner Marketing Attributes and Attribute Set .

    Ok you have BP Guid. You goto table AUSP and enter the PARTNER_GUID = BP GUID and check contents. Here you will get all the attribute list (field ATINN) and corresponding values of attributes (field ATNAM). But here in this table u will find ATINN in form of number; using that number you can find corresponding attribute name in field ATNAM of table CABN where ATINN = ATINN  u got in the AUSP for each attribute rows.

  • ADF dynamic ViewObject based on query. how to get attributes?

    i have an read-only view object based on query like this:
    SELECT :func(:paramm) as EMP_SAL from dual
    and set :func & :paramm parameter by vo.setNamedWhereClauseParam(..) function.
    but i couldn`t get EMP_SAL attribute after executeQuery command.
    in another case i would set new whole Query by vo.setQuery(..) but the problem exists.
    please help me. how to get attribute in such vo objects!

    thanks to Quick reply!
    i seek into code and found a uninitialized Parameter in view object. error has gone after correct the problem!
    and now could get the attribute value.
    thanks so much!
    /\/\ o r e n a!

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