Table on TabbedPane ?? <- here are table and tabbed pane
i need your help.
im trying to attach JTable to JTabbedPane in JavaFX
how can i meke it?

You need to use your own cell editor.
In that, u need to overRide the fireCellEditingCanceled method to do what you want. Handling the focusLost event in the editor (JTextField) could work sometimes ;-)

Similar Messages

  • Table and TabbedPane (JavaFX1.2)

    i'm not understanding how to create Table and TabbedPane in JavaFX1.2.
    Somebody help-me with tutorials or code.
    With JavaFX 1.0(Tabel)*_
    import javafx.ui.*;
    import java.lang.System;
    var N = 4;
    Frame {
        title: "Tabel JavaFX"
        width:  300
        height: 150
        onClose: operation(){ System.exit(0); }
        content: Table {
            columns: [
            TableColumn {
                text: "number"
            TableColumn {
                text: "square"
            TableColumn {
                text: "cube"
            cells: bind foreach(n in [1..N])[
            TableCell {
                text: "{n}"
            TableCell {
                text: bind "{n * n}"
            TableCell {
                text: bind "{n * n * n}"
        visible: true
    TabbedPane with JavaFX 1.1
    import javafx.ui.*;
    var selectedTab = 0;
        title: "Tab Example"
        width: 300
        height: 120
        content: BorderPanel{
            top: Label { text: bind "Selected tab: {selectedTab + 1}" }
            center: TabbedPane{
                selectedIndex: bind selectedTab
                tabs: foreach(i in [1..5])
                Tab {
                    title: "Tab{i}"
                    content: Label{ text: "Label{i} "}
        visible: true

    Ah, I was confused by the version numbers...
    Well, writing a table component isn't trivial, particularly if you don't want to create all the cells at onces (if the tab is big). So most people just use the Swing table.
    Today, you might use, perhaps, several ListView side by side.
    Tabs is easier to write, it is mostly a matter of hiding/showing panes/containers when clicking on some custom buttons...
    There is an example (not recent) at MyTabbedPane.

  • Why can I only add up to 7 rows in a table???

    I have written the following programme
    but can only allow 6 addButton clicks....(I want to allow adding unlimited number of rows)
    can anyone run the code and help me out please???
    import javax.swing.border.* ;
    import javax.swing.* ;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.event.* ;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    public class ReadingListDialog extends javax.swing.JDialog{
    ReadingListDialog me;
    String[] type = {"Text Book", "Online Material","Other"};
    String[] columns;
    JComboBox typeComboBox;
    JButton editButton;
    JButton cancelButton;
    JButton saveButton;
    JButton addButton;
    JButton deleteButton;
    JTable bookTable;
    JTable onlineTable;
    JTable otherTable;
    JTabbedPane tabbedPane;
    Box outerBox;
    Box buttonBox;
    JScrollPane bookScrollPane ;
    JScrollPane onlineScrollPane ;
    JScrollPane otherScrollPane ;
    Vector row;     
    DefaultTableModel bookModel;
    DefaultTableModel onlineModel;
    DefaultTableModel otherModel;
    private boolean DEBUG = true;
    /** Creates a new instance of ReadingListDialog */
    public ReadingListDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, boolean modal, boolean edit) {
    public void initComponents(){
    me = this ;
    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("middle.gif");
    Object[][] bookData = {
    // {"Altemate Java", "Robert Sedgewick", "Library", "June 30", "p.130-150","No notes","Read"},
    //{"Elementary Algebra","Ian Horthorn","Desk Copy","sep 28","p.111, p.112","important topic!!!True......hello everyone","Not Read"},
    String[] bookColumn = {"Text Title",
    "Read By Date",
    DefaultTableModel bookModel = new DefaultTableModel(bookData, bookColumn);          
    bookTable = new JTable(bookModel);
    bookTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 35));
    Object[][] onlineData = {
    // {"Google", "", "June 30", "a search engine","Don't understand"},
    // {"Waikato Uni","","Sep 29","important topic!!!True......hello everyone","Half way"},
    String[] onlineColumn = {"Website Name",
    "Read By Date",
    DefaultTableModel onlineModel = new DefaultTableModel(onlineData, onlineColumn);     
    onlineTable = new JTable(onlineModel);
    onlineTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 35));
    Object[][] otherData = {
    //{"Lecture slide", "N/A", "June 30", "useful for assignment 2","Read"},
    //{"Notes on Linear Algebra","DeskCopy","Sep 29","important topic!!!True......hello everyone","Not Read"},
    String[] otherColumn = {"Material",
    "Read By Date",
    DefaultTableModel otherModel = new DefaultTableModel(otherData, otherColumn);     
    otherTable = new JTable(otherModel);
    otherTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 35));
    tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
    //create the buttons
    cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
    saveButton = new JButton("Save");
    addButton = new JButton( "Add Row" );
    deleteButton = new JButton("Delete Row");
    //add buttons to buttonBox
    buttonBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS);
    addButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener()          {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)               {
    DefaultTableModel bookModel = (DefaultTableModel)bookTable.getModel();
    Object[] newRow = new Object[7];
    int row = bookTable.getRowCount() + 1;
    for(int k = 0; k<row; k++)
    newRow[k] = "";
    bookModel.addRow( newRow );
    //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
    bookScrollPane= new JScrollPane(bookTable);
    onlineScrollPane = new JScrollPane(onlineTable);
    otherScrollPane = new JScrollPane(otherTable);
    //add the scroll panes to each tab
    tabbedPane.addTab("Text Book Readings", icon, bookScrollPane, "Edit your reading list");
    tabbedPane.addTab("Online Readings", icon, onlineScrollPane, "Still does nothing");
    tabbedPane.addTab("Other Materials", icon, otherScrollPane, "Still does nothing");
    //add the tabbedPane to outerBox
    outerBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
    //outerBox.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0,0,20,15));
    //add the outerBox to the pane
    if (DEBUG) {
    bookTable.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    public void setUpReadingStatusColumn(TableColumn statusColumn) {
    //Set up the editor for the status cells.
    JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox();
    comboBox.addItem("Just Started");
    comboBox.addItem("Half way");
    comboBox.addItem("Not Read");
    comboBox.addItem("Don't understand");
    statusColumn.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(comboBox));
    //Set up tool tips for the status cells.
    DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer =
    new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
    renderer.setToolTipText("Click for selecting a status");
    //Set up tool tip for the status column header.
    TableCellRenderer headerRenderer = statusColumn.getHeaderRenderer();
    if (headerRenderer instanceof DefaultTableCellRenderer) {
    "Click the satus to see a list of choices");
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    ReadingListDialog r = new ReadingListDialog(new javax.swing.JFrame(), true, true);
    r.setSize(new Dimension(600,500));;

    Try this
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    DefaultTableModel bookModel = (DefaultTableModel)bookTable.getModel();
    Object[] newRow = new Object[] {};
    //int row = bookTable.getRowCount() + 1;
    //for(int k = 0; k<row; k++)
    //newRow[k] = "";
    bookModel.addRow( newRow );

  • Requerying MS Access table?

    Ok, I got my insert statement to work now using a preparedstatement. I noticed now that my JTable doesn't reflect the new record unless I stop and restart my application.
    I'm using a JTabbedPane and adding a class that extends AbstractTableModel on one tab. On another tab I have a JPanel with my controls for inserting a record.
    I setup a ChangeHandler and add it to the listener of the JTabbedPane, this detects when I switch tabs. If the current tab is my table tab I set the tableModel = null and rebuild it. This seemed the best approach. When I do this I get an SQLException from the tableModel.getValueAt() method saying the result set is closed.
    Here's what I think is the pertenant code (let me know if you want to see something else):
    private class ChangeHandler implements ChangeListener
    public void stateChanged( ChangeEvent e )
    if ( tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() == 0 )
    tableModel = null;
    } // end if
    } // end method stateChanged
    } // end private inner class ChangeHandler
    public void buildResultTable()
    // create TableModel
    tableModel = new MyTableModel( dbConnection );
    "SELECT date, odometer, trip_meter, no_gallons FROM records ORDER BY date desc" );
    } // end try
    catch ( SQLException sqlException )
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, sqlException.getMessage(),
    "Database Error - buildResultTable", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
    } // end catch
    // create JTable delegate for tableModel
    resultTable = new JTable( tableModel );
    resultTablePane = new JScrollPane( resultTable );
    } // end method buildResultTable
    public void setQuery( String query ) throws SQLException, IllegalStateException
    // ensure database connection is available
    if ( !connectedToDatabase )
    throw new IllegalStateException( "Not Connected to Database" );
    // specify query and execute it
    resultSet = statement.executeQuery( query );
    if ( resultSet == null )
    System.out.println( "Query didn't work!" );
    // obtain meta data for ResultSet
    metaData = resultSet.getMetaData();
    // determine number of rows in ResultSet
    resultSet.last(); // move to last row
    numberOfRows = resultSet.getRow(); // get row number
    // notify JTable that model has changed
    } // end method setQuery
    public Object getValueAt( int row, int column ) throws IllegalStateException
    if ( !connectedToDatabase )
    throw new IllegalStateException( "Not Connected to Database" );
    // obtain value at specified REsultSet row and column
    resultSet.absolute( row + 1 );
    return resultSet.getObject( column + 1 );
    } // end try
    catch ( SQLException sqlException )
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, sqlException.getMessage(),
    "Database Error - getValueAt", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
    } // end catch
    return ""; // if problems, return empty string object
    } // end method getValueAt
    I'm new to Java so I'm sure there's a better way to do what I'm trying to do. Any ideas where I went wrong or a better way to do it? Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    Ok, I got my insert statement to work now using a
    preparedstatement. I noticed now that my JTable
    doesn't reflect the new record unless I stop and
    restart my application.MS Access? That question is asked every week here.
    Here's an instance I picked at random from a forum
    search for "access insert":
    dID=348300Yeah, I thought it would be a common issue but I've spent the better part of three days going over google searches for this answer but no luck yet. Probably just haven't found the right combination of search terms yet.
    I checked that forum thread you suggest and it, like all the others I've found, don't actually answer the question. They all seem to end with someone asking the original poster for more information and that's the end of the discussion thread.
    Maybe if I rephrase the question, here's what I'm doing...
    I query Access and build a JTableModel from a resultset.
    I insert a new record into Access.
    I switch over to Access and see that the record is inserted, Access shows that the insertion worked. (I switch tasks in Windows without quiting out of my Java app.)
    I switch back to my Java app. and look at the table and the inserted record is not there yet.
    So, what I'm thinking is that I need to "requery" the Access database and the new record should be included. My question is, how do I do that? How do I requery or refresh my resultset?
    Oh, let me mention that I open the database connection and setup statement and resultset objects when I launch my app. and close them when I exit the app.
    If I simply try to requery the database it throws an sqlException in the getValueAt() method of my TableModel extension class.
    sqlException: Result set is closed is the message and is thrown by the line resultSet.absolute( row + 1 ); Here is the getValueAt() method code:
    public Object getValueAt( int row, int column ) {
    // obtain value at specified ResultSet row and column
    try {
    resultSet.absolute( row + 1 );
    return resultSet.getObject( column + 1 );
    catch ( SQLException sqlException ) {
    return ""; // if problems, return empty string object
    } // end method getValueAt
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • MB5B Report table for Open and Closing stock on date wise

    Hi Frds,
    I am trying get values of Open and Closing stock on date wise form the Table MARD and MBEW -Material Valuation but it does not match with MB5B reports,
    Could anyone suggest correct table to fetch the values Open and Closing stock on date wise for MB5B reports.
    Mohan M

    Please check the below links...
    Query for Opening And  Closing Stock
    Inventory Opening and Closing Stock
    open stock and closing stock

  • Error while dropping a table

    Hi All,
    i got an error while dropping a table which is
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kghstack_free1], [kntgmvm: collst], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    i know learnt that -600 error is related to dba. now how to proceed.
    thanks and regards,
    sri ram.

    00600 errors should be raised as service request with Oracle as it implies some internal bug.
    You can search oracle support first to see if anyone has had the same class of 00600 error, and then if not (and therefore no patch) raise your issue with Oracle.

  • Logical level in Fact tables - best practice

    Hi all,
    I am currently working on a complex OBIEE project/solution where I am going straight to the production tables, so the fact (and dimension) tables are pretty complex since I am using more sources in the logical tables to increase performance. Anyway, what I am many times struggling with is the Logical Levels (in Content tab) where the level of each dimension is to be set. In a star schema (one-to-many) this is pretty straight forward and easy to set up, but when the Business Model (and physical model) gets more complex I sometimes struggle with the aggregates - to get them work/appear with different dimensions. (Using the menu "More" - "Get levels" does not allways give the best solution......far from). I have some combinations of left- and right outer join as well, making it even more complicated for the BI server.
    For instance - I have about 10-12 different dimensions - should all of them allways be connected to each fact table? Either on Detail or Total level. I can see the use of the logical levels when using aggregate fact tables (on quarter, month etc.), but is it better just to skip the logical level setup when no aggregate tables are used? Sometimes it seems like that is the easiest approach...
    Does anyone have a best practice concerning this issue? I have googled for this but I haven't found anything good yet. Any ideas/articles are highly appreciated.

    Hi User,
    For instance - I have about 10-12 different dimensions - should all of them always be connected to each fact table? Either on Detail or Total level.It not necessary to connect to all dimensions completely based on the report that you are creating ,but as a best practice we should maintain all at Detail level only,when you are mentioning any join conditions in physical layer
    for example for the sales table if u want to report at ProductDimension.ProductnameLevel then u should use detail level else total level(at Product,employee level)
    Get Levels. (Available only for fact tables) Changes aggregation content. If joins do not exist between fact table sources and dimension table sources (for example, if the same physical table is in both sources), the aggregation content determined by the administration tool will not include the aggregation content of this dimension.
    Source admin guide(get level definition)

  • Rendering xml-table into logical filename in SAP R/3

    I am trying to translate an xml-table with bytes into a logical filepath in SAP R3.
    Do I have to use the method gui-download or shall I loop the internal xml-table?
    When I tried to loop the xml-table into a structure, and then transfering the structure into the logical filename, I get problems with the line breaks in my xml-file. How do I get the lines to break exactly the same as I wrote them in my ABAP-code?
    Edited by: Kristina Hellberg on Jan 10, 2008 4:24 PM

    I believe you posted in the wrong forum.
    This forum is dedicated to development and deployment of .Net applications that connect and interact with BusinessObjects Enterprise, BusinessObjects Edge, or Crystal Reports Server. This includes the development of applications using the BusinessObjects Enterprise, Report Application Server, Report Engine, and Web Services SDKs.

  • Can you check for data in one table or another but not both in one query?

    I have a situation where I need to link two tables together but the data may be in another (archive) table or different records are in both but I want the latest record from either table:
    AccountID     Name   
    123               John Doe
    124               Jane Donaldson           
    125               Harold Douglas    
    Key     AccountID     Marketer    StartDate     EndDate
    1001     123               10526          8/3/2008     9/27/2009
    1017     123               10987          9/28/2009     12/31/4712    (high date ~ which means currently with this marketer)
    1023     124               10541          12/03/2010     12/31/4712
    Key     AccountID     Marketer    StartDate     EndDate
    1015     124               10526          8/3/2008     12/02/2010
    1033     125               10987         01/01/2011     01/31/2012  
    So my query needs to return the following:
    123     John Doe                        10526     8/3/2008     9/27/2009
    124     Jane Donaldson             10541     12/03/2010     12/31/4712     (this is the later of the two records for this account between archive and marketer_account tables)
    125     Harold Douglas               10987          01/01/2011     01/31/2012     (he is only in archive, so get this record)
    I'm unsure how to proceed in one query.  Note that I am reading in possibly multiple accounts at a time and returning a collection back to .net
    open CURSOR_ACCT
              select AccountID
                     ACCOUNT A,
                     MARKETER_ACCOUNT M,
                     ARCHIVE R
               where A.AccountID = nvl((select max(M.EndDate) from Marketer_account M2
                                                    where M2.AccountID = A.AccountID),
                                                      (select max(R.EndDate) from Archive R2
                                                    where R2.AccountID = A.AccountID)
                   and upper(A.Name) like parameter || '%'
    <can you do a NVL like this?   probably not...   I want to be able to get the MAX record for that account off the MarketerACcount table OR the max record for that account off the Archive table, but not both>
    (parameter could be "DO", so I return all names starting with DO...)

    if I understand your description I would assume that for John Dow we would expect the second row from marketer_account  ("high date ~ which means currently with this marketer"). Here is a solution with analytic functions:
    drop table account;
    drop table marketer_account;
    drop table marketer_account_archive;
    create table account (
        id number
      , name varchar2(20)
    insert into account values (123, 'John Doe');
    insert into account values (124, 'Jane Donaldson');
    insert into account values (125, 'Harold Douglas');
    create table marketer_account (
        key number
      , AccountId number
      , MktKey number
      , FromDt date
      , ToDate date
    insert into marketer_account values (1001, 123, 10526, to_date('03.08.2008', ''), to_date('27.09.2009', ''));
    insert into marketer_account values (1017, 123, 10987, to_date('28.09.2009', ''), to_date('31.12.4712', ''));
    insert into marketer_account values (1023, 124, 10541, to_date('03.12.2010', ''), to_date('31.12.4712', ''));
    create table marketer_account_archive (
        key number
      , AccountId number
      , MktKey number
      , FromDt date
      , ToDate date
    insert into marketer_account_archive values (1015, 124, 10526, to_date('03.08.2008', ''), to_date('02.12.2010', ''));
    insert into marketer_account_archive values (1033, 125, 10987, to_date('01.01.2011', ''), to_date('31.01.2012', ''));
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
         , max(FromDt) over(partition by AccountId) max_FromDt
      from marketer_account
    union all
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
         , max(FromDt) over(partition by AccountId) max_FromDt
      from marketer_account_archive;
    basedata as (
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
      from marketer_account
    union all
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
      from marketer_account_archive
    basedata_with_max_intervals as (
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
         , row_number() over(partition by AccountId order by FromDt desc) FromDt_Rank
      from basedata
    filtered_basedata as (
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate from basedata_with_max_intervals where FromDt_Rank = 1
         , b.MktKey
         , b.FromDt
         , b.ToDate
      from account a
      join filtered_basedata b
        on ( = b.AccountId)
    ID NAME                     MKTKEY FROMDT     TODATE
    123 John Doe                  10987 28.09.2009 31.12.4712
    124 Jane Donaldson            10541 03.12.2010 31.12.4712
    125 Harold Douglas            10987 01.01.2011 31.01.2012
    If your tables are big it could be necessary to do the filtering (according to your condition) in an early step (the first CTE).

  • Can not insert/update data from table which is created from view

    Hi all
    I'm using Oracle database 11g
    I've created table from view as the following command:
    Create table table_new as select * from View_Old
    I can insert/update data into table_new by command line.
    But I can not Insert/update data of table_new by SI Oject Browser tool or Oracle SQL Developer tool .(read only)
    Anybody tell me, what's happend? cause?
    Edited by: user8248216 on May 5, 2011 8:54 PM
    Edited by: user8248216 on May 5, 2011 8:55 PM

    I can insert/update data into table_new by command line.
    But I can not Insert/update data of table_new by SI Oject Browser tool or Oracle SQL Developer tool .(read only)so what is wrong with the GUI tools & why posting to DATABASE forum when that works OK?

  • Not able to refresh the data in a table

    Hi In my application i fill data in a table on clikc of a button ..
    Following are the line of code i have user
    RichColumn richcol = (RichColumn)userTableData.getChildren().get(0);                                           (fetch the first column of my table)
    richcol.getChildren().add(reportedByLabel);                                                                   (reportedByLabel is a object of RichInputText)
    AdfFacesContext adfContext1 = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    But on submit of that button table data is not refreshed after adding partial trigger on that table as well as that column also .... any idea??
    Edited by: Shubhangi m on Jan 27, 2011 3:50 AM

    The Code that you have shown adds an additional inputText component to the first column of a table.
    Is that your intention?
    If yes, please use the following code snippet to achieve your functionality:
    JSPX Code:
    <af:form id="f1">
    <af:commandButton text="Add Column" id="cb1"
    <af:table value="#{bindings.Employees.collectionModel}" var="row"
    emptyText="#{bindings.Employees.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    rowSelection="single" id="t1"
    <af:column sortProperty="EmployeeId" sortable="false"
    <af:outputText value="#{row.EmployeeId}" id="ot2">
    <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
    <af:column sortProperty="FirstName" sortable="false"
    <af:outputText value="#{row.FirstName}" id="ot1"/>
    <af:column sortProperty="LastName" sortable="false"
    <af:outputText value="#{row.LastName}" id="ot3"/>
    public class EmployeesTableBean {
    private RichTable table;
    public EmployeesTableBean() {
    public void setTable(RichTable table) {
    this.table = table;
    public RichTable getTable() {
    return table;
    public void onAddColumn(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    RichInputText newRichInputText = new RichInputText();
    RichColumn richcol = (RichColumn)table.getChildren().get(0);
    AdfFacesContext adfContext1 = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

  • Unable to capture the adf table column sort icons using open script tool

    Hi All,
    I am new to OATS and I am trying to create script for testing ADF application using open script tool. I face issues in recording two events.
    1. I am unable to record the event of clicking adf table column sort icons that exist on the column header. I tried to use the capture tool, but that couldn't help me.
    2. The second issue is I am unable to capture the panel header text. The component can be identified but I was not able to identify the supporting attribute for the header text.

    Hi keerthi,
    1. I have pasted the code for the first issue
                                       "/web:window[@index='0' or @title='Manage Network Targets - Oracle Communications Order and Service Management - Order and Service Management']/web:document[@index='0' or @name='1824fhkchs_6']/web:form[@id='pt1:_UISform1' or @name='pt1:_UISform1' or @index='0']/web:button[@id='pt1:MA:0:n1:1:pt1:qryId1::search' or @value='Search' or @index='3']")
                                  "/web:window[@index='0' or @title='Manage Network Targets - Oracle Communications Order and Service Management - Order and Service Management']/web:document[@index='0' or @name='1c9nk1ryzv_6']/web:ADFTable[@absoluteLocator='pt1:MA:n1:pt1:pnlcltn:resId1']")
                        .columnSort("Ascending", "Name" );

  • How to Activate the Table which Doesn't Exist - Can I create Table in SE11

    Hi Gurus,
    I am a BASIS Person, I don't have much idea about ABAP Developement side . But, while applying patches to one of  the SAP Component, I get the following error message ( usr\sap\trans\log ) :
    Phase Import_Proper
    1 ED0301 *************************************************************************
    1 EDO578XFollowing objects not activated/deleted or activated/deleted w. warning:
    1EEDO519X"Table" "WRMA_S_RESULT_DATA" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "Table Type" "WRMA_TT_UPDTAB_DSO" could not be activated
    1 ED0313 (E- Row type WRMA_S_RESULT_DATA is not active or does not exist )
    2WEDO517 "Domain" "WRMA_KAPPL" was activated (error in the dependencies)
    2WEDO517 "Data Element" "/RTF/DE_FISCPER" was activated (error in the dependencies)
    2WEDO517 "Data Element" "/RTF/DE_FISCVARNT" was activated (error in the dependencies)
    2WEDO517 "Data Element" "WRMA_DE_RCLASV" was activated (error in the dependencies)
    2WEDO517 "Data Element" "WRMA_DE_RMA_AMNT" was activated (error in the dependencies)
    2WEDO517 "Data Element" "WRMA_DE_RMA_INV" was activated (error in the dependencies)
    2WEDO517 "Data Element" "WRMA_DE_RMA_OBJ" was activated (error in the dependencies)
    2WEDO549 "Table" "V_WRMA_TRCLASVER" was activated (warning for the dependent tables)
    2WEDO549 "Table" "V_WRMA_TRCLASVPE" was activated (warning for the dependent tables)
    2WEDO549 "Table" "V_WRMA_TRCLPERCL" was activated (warning for the dependent tables)
    2WEDO549 "Table" "WRMA_S_STOCK_SELECTION_DATE" was activated (warning for the dependent tables)
    Now, I checked Domain WRMA_KAPPL  in SE11 and it diplays that it is partially active :
    " The obeject is marked partially active for the following reasons :
       Errors occured when adjusting dependent Objects to a change. Some of the dependent objects could not
       be adjusted to this change. To adjust the dependent objects, you must perform the following actions
       the next time you activate this object.
    My question is - how to activate this SYNP Time Stamp.. ?
                          - Once I activate this SYNP Time Stamp.. How do I activate this SE11 or some other
    Any / ALL Help is highy appreciated and would be rewarded with appropriate Reward Points.
    - Ishan
    >> Ok, Now I forcefully activated the Domain and then all the 5  Data Elements in SE11 I have error
         that table  WRMA_S_RESULT_DATA  and WRMA_TT_UPDTAB_DSO Could not be activated...
         ..And in SE11 > Input the first / Second Table  > Excute > Output : Table Does not Exist !!!
          - Now, How do I activate something which does not exist in the first place ?
        Any Input about this ?
    - Ishan
    Edited by: ISHAN P on Jun 19, 2008 3:44 PM

    Read note 1152612 - Incorrect component type in structure WRMA_S_RESULT_DATA.
    The error occurs in Release BI_CONT 703 Support Package 9.
    If you require an advance correction for Support Package 9, make the following manual changes if the InfoObject 0TCTLSTCHG is inactive in your system.
    1. Use transaction RSA1 to call the Data Warehousing Workbench.
    2. Check whether the InfoObject 0TCTLSTCHG was already activated by the compilation process the first time you called transaction RSA1.  You can use transaction RSD1 to check this by entering 0TCTLSTCHG in the "InfoObject" field and choosing "Display".  Proceed as follows if the InfoObject is still not active:
    3. Go to BI Content activation.
    4. Select "Object Types".
    5. Open the "InfoObjects" tree and select "Objects".
    6. Search for the InfoObject 0TCTLSTCHG and select it.
    7. Transfer the object and activate it.
    These steps activate the required component type /BI0/OITCTLSTCHG. You can check again in transaction RSD1 to ensure that the InfoObject 0TCTLSTCHG is available as active.
    Jacek Fornalczyk

  • AND / OR  truth table in SQL

    why null is introduced in the AND and OR truth table?when will a statement/part of a statement return a null value??
    |AND               |True          |False             |NULL??        |
    |True               |True          |False             |Null             |
    |False              |False          |False             |False           |
    |Null                |Null             |Null               |Null             |is it introduced in AND/OR truth table for the null containing row(s)??
    select employee_id,last_name,job_id,salary
    from employees
    wheere salary >= 1000
    And job_id like '%man%';
    how the statement after the where cluz can return null value??Edited by: sayantan chakraborty on Aug 14, 2009 11:36 AM

    sayantan chakraborty wrote:
    how either of X and Y will return a null value?can you put any example?is there any syntax/ command which will print the return value of a statement as null?Say you had a table with columns X and Y. As long as NOT NULL constraints WERE NOT defined these values could contain NULLs. Then if you apply the WHERE condition of X = Y you would have the case of NULL = NULL which results in UNKNOWN.
    Simple Example:
    SQL > WITH test_data AS
      2  (
      3          SELECT 1 AS X, 1 AS Y FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      4          SELECT 2 AS X, 2 AS Y FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      5          SELECT 3 AS X, 5 AS Y FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      6          SELECT 4 AS X, 6 AS Y FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      7          SELECT 1 AS X, NULL AS Y FROM DUAL
      8  )
      9  SELECT  *
    10  FROM    test_data
    11  WHERE   X = Y
    12  /
             X          Y
             1          1
             2          2

  • IF statement in Calculated Field for Share point, doesnt calculate sum in my Excel Pivot table.

    Hi Everyone
    I used this in SP calculated column field.
    =IF([Shift Sched]="1pm to 10pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="2pm to 11pm","1",IF([Shift Sched]="3pm to 12am","2",IF([Shift Sched]="4pm to 1am","3",IF([Shift Sched]="5pm to 2am","4",IF([Shift
    Sched]="6pm to 3am","5",IF([Shift Sched]="7pm to 4am","6",IF([Shift Sched]="8pm to 5am","7",IF([Shift Sched]="9pm to 6am","8",IF([Shift Sched]="10pm to 7am","8",IF([Shift
    Sched]="11pm to 8am","7",IF([Shift Sched]="12pm to 9am","6",IF([Shift Sched]="1am to 10am","5",IF([Shift Sched]="2am to 11am","4",IF([Shift Sched]="3am to 12pm","3",IF([Shift
    Sched]="4am to 1pm","2",IF([Shift Sched]="5am to 2pm","1",IF([Shift Sched]="6am to 3pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="7am to 4pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="8am to 5pm","0",IF([Shift
    Sched]="9am to 6pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="10am to 7pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="11am to 8pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="12pm to 9pm","0"))))))))))))))))))))))))    
    it was able to work fine however my issue is when i extract the information to excel and use a pivot table the table is not able to calulate the sum of the value for this field. Can you please help me with this. this is for an Attendance traker for Night
    Differential pay for employees. they create a daily log of their shift schedule and if i summarize this in pivot the value in the calculated field for this is not getting the sum.

    Hi Everyone
    I used this in SP calculated column field.
    =IF([Shift Sched]="1pm to 10pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="2pm to 11pm","1",IF([Shift Sched]="3pm to 12am","2",IF([Shift Sched]="4pm to 1am","3",IF([Shift Sched]="5pm to 2am","4",IF([Shift
    Sched]="6pm to 3am","5",IF([Shift Sched]="7pm to 4am","6",IF([Shift Sched]="8pm to 5am","7",IF([Shift Sched]="9pm to 6am","8",IF([Shift Sched]="10pm to 7am","8",IF([Shift
    Sched]="11pm to 8am","7",IF([Shift Sched]="12pm to 9am","6",IF([Shift Sched]="1am to 10am","5",IF([Shift Sched]="2am to 11am","4",IF([Shift Sched]="3am to 12pm","3",IF([Shift
    Sched]="4am to 1pm","2",IF([Shift Sched]="5am to 2pm","1",IF([Shift Sched]="6am to 3pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="7am to 4pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="8am to 5pm","0",IF([Shift
    Sched]="9am to 6pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="10am to 7pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="11am to 8pm","0",IF([Shift Sched]="12pm to 9pm","0"))))))))))))))))))))))))    
    it was able to work fine however my issue is when i extract the information to excel and use a pivot table the table is not able to calulate the sum of the value for this field. Can you please help me with this. this is for an Attendance traker for Night
    Differential pay for employees. they create a daily log of their shift schedule and if i summarize this in pivot the value in the calculated field for this is not getting the sum.

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