Tables running into each other on FF but ok in IE.  help please

Need some help fixing my tables.  the top table is running into the bottom one in Firefox.  here is site -
code is
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<title>GreenP - Wealth, Wisdom, Health &amp; Happiness</title>
<script language='Javascript'>
//Bi-Weekly Mortgage Calculator
//By Daniel C. Peterson
//Web Winder Website Services, 1997-2009  All Rights Reserved.
//Distribution, editing or reselling of this script is strictyly prohibited
//without expressed written permission from Daniel C. Peterson.
//For commercial grade (professional) versions of this and many other
//calculators, visit
function computeForm(form) {
    var pmt1 = form.payment.value;
    var pmt2 = form.payment.value / 2;
    var prin1 = form.principal.value;
    var prin2 = form.principal.value;
    var intPort1 = 0;
    var intPort2 = 0;
    var prinPort1 = 0;
    var prinPort2 = 0;
    var accumInt1 = 0;
    var accumPrin1 = 0;
    var accumInt2 = 0;
    var accumPrin2 = 0;
    var i = form.intRate.value;
    if (i > 1.0) {
        i = i / 100.0;
        form.intRate.value = i;
    var i1  = i  / 12;
    var i2 = i / 26;
    var count1 = 0;
    var count2 = 0;
    while(prin1 > 0) {
        intPort1 = prin1 * i1;
        prinPort1 = pmt1 - intPort1;
        prin1 = prin1 - prinPort1;
        accumPrin1 = accumPrin1 + prinPort1;
        accumInt1 = accumInt1 + intPort1;
        count1 = count1 + 1;
     if(count1 > 600) {
        } else {
if(count1 > 600) {
alert("Using your entered terms you will never pay off this amount.  Please either lower the principal amount, lower the interest rate, or increase the payment amount.;")
        form.origInt.value = "";
        form.biwkInt.value = "";
        form.intSave.value = "";
        form.time.value = "";
        } else {
    form.origInt.value = "$" + parseInt(accumInt1,10);
    while(prin2 > 0) {
        intPort2 = prin2 * i2;
        prinPort2 = pmt2 - intPort2;
        prin2 = prin2 - prinPort2;
        accumPrin2 = accumPrin2 + prinPort2;
        accumInt2 = accumInt2 + intPort2;
        count2 = count2 + 1;
        if(count1 > 600) {break; } else {continue; }
    form.biwkInt.value = "$" + parseInt(accumInt2,10);
    form.intSave.value = "$" + parseInt(accumInt1 - accumInt2,10);
    form.time.value = "In essence, what you are really doing is adding a 13th payment to your annual number of payments, and splitting it up between 26 bi-weekly payments. Which in your case means that by coughing up and extra $" + parseInt(pmt1 / 26,10) + " every two weeks you will pay off your mortgage in " + parseInt(count2 /26*12,10) + " months instead of the current " + count1 + " months, and save $" + parseInt(accumInt1 - accumInt2) + " in mortgage interest in the process.  Now I ask you, is there anything else you would rather spend your $" + parseInt(accumInt1 - accumInt2) + " on besides interest?";
function clearForm(form)
    form.principal.value = "";
    form.payment.value = "";
    form.intRate.value = "";
    form.intSave.value = "";
    form.origInt.value = "";
    form.biwkInt.value = "";
    form.time.value = "";
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<td align="center" COLSPAN="2">
<font face='arial'><big><strong>Bi-Weekly Mortgage Calculator</strong></big></font>
<td COLSPAN="2">
<font face='arial'><small>This calculator will show you how much you will
save if you make 1/2 of your mortgage payment every two weeks instead of making a full
mortgage payment once a month. In effect, you will be making one extra mortgage payment
per year--without hardly noticing the additional cash outflow. But, as your about to
discover, you will certainly notice the increased cash flow that will occur when you pay
your mortgage off way ahead of schedule!</small></font>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Enter the principal balance of your mortgage </small></font><br>
<font face='tahoma,arial'><small><small>(call your mortgage lender and ask
for the current payoff amount)</small></small></font>:</td>
<td><input TYPE="text" NAME="principal" SIZE="15"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Enter the amount of your monthly mortgage payment:</small></font><br>
<font face='tahoma,arial'><small><small>(principal and interest portion only)</small></small></font>:</td>
<td><input TYPE="text" NAME="payment" SIZE="15"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Enter the your mortgage's current interest rate:</small></font></td>
<td><input TYPE="text" NAME="intRate" SIZE="15"></td>
<td align="center" colspan="2"><input TYPE="button" VALUE="Compute" onClick="computeForm(this.form)"> <input TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset" onClick="clearForm(this.form)"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>This is how much interest you will pay under your current monthly payment plan:</small></font></td>
<td><input TYPE="text" NAME="origInt" SIZE="15"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>This is how much interest you will pay if you switch to a bi-weekly mortgage
payment plan:</small></font></td>
<td><input TYPE="text" NAME="biwkInt" SIZE="15"></td>
<td><font face='arial'><small>Bi-weekly Mortgage Interest Savings:</small></font></td>
<td><input TYPE="text" NAME="intSave" SIZE="15"></td>
<td align="center" COLSPAN="2"><textarea COLS="60" ROWS="6" name="time" wrap="virtual"></textarea></td>
<td align="center" COLSPAN="2"><font face='tahoma,arial'><small><small>Copyright © 1997-2009<i> <a href=''>Web Winder Site Traffic Magnets</a></i>. All rights reserved.</small></small></font></td>
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var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
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In that case, you'll need to fix those code errors on your DWT (Template) file.
Now would be a good time to learn basic X/HTML code.  If you don't learn to recognize errors in Code View, matching doc type with code, proper syntax, etc... your problems will only escalate.
Start here:
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    I am trying to develop a site:
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    on older 4x3 monitors the divs run into each other and the spacing
    gets all messed up. This occurs regardless of the resolution the
    monitors are using.
    I thought by setting up margins with % (5% left margin for
    left div, etc.) that the divs would change in size to fill the
    pages regardless of the resolution the monitor is set at. The divs
    do seem to adjust for the resolution, but the monitor format
    appears to be a different issue. Do I need to set fixed div
    positions or widths to fix this issue? If so, how do I set them to
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    Resolution is not the critical issue. Browser viewport width
    is. To make
    your decision you need to have some ideas about the following
    issues -
    1. What is the primary target demographic for this site?
    2. What are the browsing habits of that demographic? Do they
    normally have
    their browser window maximized on the screen?
    3. If they usually have their browser maximized, what is the
    typical screen
    4. If they usually do NOT have their browser maximized, what
    is the MINIMUM
    screen width in that demographic.
    5. How do I want to build the page?
    a. Fixed width and left aligned?
    b. Fixed width and centering?
    c. Flexible to fill whatever width from left to right?
    d. Flexible (within limits) and left aligned?
    e. Flexible (within limits) and centering?
    As you can see, this decision is probably much more complex
    than you
    thought, and will require that you know quite a bit about
    your intended
    target visitor and their browsing habits.
    If you elect to go with 5a, or 5b, then your decision would
    be - 'what is
    the mimimum browser width I want to support without
    horizontal scrolling?'.
    Once you have determined that minimum supported width, all of
    your decisions
    are made. That's how wide you want your page to be.
    If you elect to go with 5c, then you just build your page
    within a flexible
    container (the simplest example - although an obsolet one -
    would be to use
    a 100% width table to hold the entire page). Be aware that
    pages with
    limited text content can look VERY sparse and empty on wide
    viewports when
    built in this way.
    If you elect to go with 5d, or 5e, then you would add this
    sophistication to
    your decision matrix -
    'what is the greatest width I want to allow the page and its
    contents to
    In this case, you would use the CSS styles - 'min-width' and
    'max-width' on
    the primary page container. Just so you'll know, although
    these styles are
    well supported *now*, earlier versions of IE (and some other
    browsers) will
    not support them so reliably.
    So - which is it? 8)
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "juxtafras" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    >I am trying to develop a site:
    > looks great on a widescreen monitor, but when I view it
    on older 4x3
    > monitors
    > the divs run into each other and the spacing gets all
    messed up. This
    > occurs
    > regardless of the resolution the monitors are using.
    > I thought by setting up margins with % (5% left margin
    for left div, etc.)
    > that the divs would change in size to fill the pages
    regardless of the
    > resolution the monitor is set at. The divs do seem to
    adjust for the
    > resolution, but the monitor format appears to be a
    different issue. Do I
    > need
    > to set fixed div positions or widths to fix this issue?
    If so, how do I
    > set
    > them to ensure the page is filled properly (as little
    blank space as
    > possible)
    > regardless of the monitor's resolution?
    > Does it have anything to do with fixed sizes for certain
    images inside
    > divs
    > sizes based on % margins?
    > Thanks very much for any help!

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    Click just before the Chapter Head in the text:
    Menu > Insert > Section Break
    There is a rising hierarchy of breaks:
    Word Break - Hyphenates a word [only off or automatic in Pages]
    Tabs - Breaks up a line by adding points of alignment [left/right/centre/decimal/leading]
    Line Break - Starts a new line without breaking the paragraph [shift return]
    Paragraph Break - New paragraph [return]
    Column Break - Forces text over to the next column or page if there is only one column
    Layout Break - Changes columns/indents within a page
    Page Break - Forces text over to the next page
    Section Break - Divides a document up into sections of different indents/headers/footers/numbering/master layouts. This is what you think of as Chapter Breaks but it can be much more than this.

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    Configure the Extreme connected to the Hughes Net modem as your router. In other words in AirPort Utility, Network tab > Router Mode should be set to "DHCP and NAT". It will provide IP addresses to all the devices on your network.
    All other AirPort devices on your network should be configured as bridges: Router Mode "Off".
    You may want to configure static IP addresses for any equipment that is likely to be permanently installed. For them, there is no reason to have the Extreme issue an IP address, and they can keep the same one forever.
    The Microcell may be able to connect to the Express's LAN port such devices that have to handle voice or other real time audio or video streaming are generally best installed using a strictly wired connection. The same applies to the Sony TV and AppleTV. Keep them on a wired LAN served by the Extreme, avoiding any reliance on a wireless link if at all possible.
    The way to implement a complex network like yours is to add one device at a time. Ensure it connects reliably, then add another. You have a lot of work to do.
    WDS can be implemented even with new Extremes but its performance is likely to be so unacceptable that it would be nothing more than an exercise in frustration for you.

  • XIR2 DHTML Viewer - Fields run into each other

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    CA Forum: General
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    Have changed anything recently?
    Could you please change the mode to unicast? If it works, please check the multicast settings of the network devices.
    Besides, here is an article about how to troubleshoot NLB, it may be helpful:
    Best Regards.
    Steven Lee Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    copy on the web pages overlap.....headlines appear over other tabs are on top of each other. I have removed and re-installed Firefox many times. This does not happen with other browsers. Also, some web sites show sections that are off center.

    Please see [ this]. If the site has a Print button/icon you can try to use that. On some sites you can also try to right-click the content > '''This Frame''' > '''Print frame'''.
    [ Problems printing web pages]
    [ Firefox prints incorrectly]

  • Songs seem to end early or run into each other.

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    Anyhow, I purchased a 20GB iPod Color about two and a half weeks ago, and after loading song file which were already on my computer, and from CD's to my iTunes Library, and therefore also to my iPod, I've noticed that then I play some tracks they seem to end abruptly, as in a few seconds early.
    I've checked the track times according to my iPod to the track times according to the albums themselves and both times match up, hence I don't understand why some songs seem to end early, even though the iPod display tells me the track length is the same.
    I've also noticed that with some songs the end of one song seems to blend in with the beginning of the next. I also don't understand why this occurs.
    When I play songs directly from my iTunes Library, in most instances this doesn't occur to the affected tracks in question [and when such tracks are played through Windows Media Player or from the CD itself it never occurs]. I've also deleted and reinstalled the tracks in hopes this would solve the problem but it hasn't.
    Any insight as to why either of these issues happen or how to solve them, would be greatly appreciated, for honestly it's unnerving me. Thanks.

    Dan, I see what you are trying to demonstrate but are you sure you have the example as you intended? In dbo.Test1, you're not making it to exec dbo.Test2. I think you're trying to have the error come from dbo.Test2, correct?
    My intention was to demonstrate that an error will occur, not necessarily where the error will happen.  I meant to select column b in dbo.Test1, in which case the same error occurs but in dbo.Test2.  Of course, the reason for the error is that
    the object name is resolved against the dbo.Test1 table instead of the intened dbo.Test1 table.
    The Books Online also states that when 2 temp tables exist with the same name,
    it is undefined which table the query is resolved against.  So the only way to protect yourself is with table variables or different temp table names.
    I ran the following under SQL 2008 R2 to illustrate the sort of strange behavior you might see if you don't follow this practice.
    SELECT Test2Col = x FROM #t;
    SELECT Test1Col = b FROM #t;
    EXEC dbo.Test2;
    --fails in dbo.Test2
    EXEC dbo.Test1;
    --dbo.Temp2 succeeds when run standalone
    EXEC dbo.Test2;
    --dbo.Temp1 now succeeds because the temp table created by last dbo.Test2 run hasn't yet been cleaned up
    EXEC dbo.Test1;
    --force recompilation on next execution
    --fails in dbo.Test2 because the temp table created by last dbo.Test2 run has been dropped
    EXEC dbo.Test1;
    Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP,

  • How to keep pages from running into each other's space?

    OK, my aim is to plow through this and get this one book done and worry about controlling the unsightly TOC thumbnails in other versions when I learn Pages.
    My problem now is that I am doing this picture book and the registry of the pages gets out of whack with one picture partially going into another page. In Preview it shows up even moreso than in IBA. Is there a way to get them to snap and stay in place? I am inserting a widget gallery and a full page photo on each page. If one goes out and I correct it, it seems the others get slightly off as well. Can you lock placement of each page to prevent this? Thanks.

    Any time I read 'lock placement' (w/these kinds of tools), I think styles.
    And while the design/structure of the style itself is 'locked', applying it may be a manual effot, unless of course you're working strictly with a template, etc.

  • Related emails not folding into each other in one folder / but do in all others

    It really bizarre for me, as my other folders also have mail routed to them via various rules, and related messages fold neatly into each other, with a little triangle next to them, indicating that there is a whole chain in there.
    But in this one particular mail folder, each message shows up one by one, I am not sure why?
    The rules route messages into it by subject line (i.e. if it contains "zee" move it to that folder).
    Can anyone explain?
    Thank you!

    Hello eporon,
    the only possibility to create a DVD with several movies and have the option to either play the parts separatly or "play all" as in commercial DVDs is to duplicate your movie(s).
    This means you have to import the individual movies (as you already did), then create a new movie where you join the parts into one. Now import that movie as well and name the menu button "play all".
    Important: this can only work if the combined parts are less than 60 min long (DVD-R is max 120 min).
    Alternatively you could create a single movie out of the four parts and place chapter markers for each individual title (ceremony, reception...) the let iDVD create a chapter submenu. Now the separate titles can be accessed from there.
    hope this helps

  • 2+ movies but the will not play into each other on DVD

    I am making a wedding video. I want to break it up into intro, ceremony, reception, interviews etc. I made a seperate video for each of them in hopes that each one can be watched on DVD seperately or ALL in a row. I drag Intro, ceremony, reception, interviews into IDVD so there are 4 videos in a row. The DVD will play ONLY ONE at a time. I want the option that if they start with intro that it will just play into the other 3 videos below it...

    Hello eporon,
    the only possibility to create a DVD with several movies and have the option to either play the parts separatly or "play all" as in commercial DVDs is to duplicate your movie(s).
    This means you have to import the individual movies (as you already did), then create a new movie where you join the parts into one. Now import that movie as well and name the menu button "play all".
    Important: this can only work if the combined parts are less than 60 min long (DVD-R is max 120 min).
    Alternatively you could create a single movie out of the four parts and place chapter markers for each individual title (ceremony, reception...) the let iDVD create a chapter submenu. Now the separate titles can be accessed from there.
    hope this helps

  • How to print two tables adjacent to each other?

    I have a form with a body page and two tables. The property of the body page is set to 'Flowed', 'top to bottom' as flow direction and the check box for page break is set.
    The two tables need to be printed adjacent to each other.
    Approach followed until now
    1. Since the body page is 'Flowed' type, the two tables are placed one below the other (Tab1 & Tab2). So I tried to set the Flow direction of the Body page to 'Western text'. But this did not solve the issue as since it is set to 'western text', only after Tab1 is rendered, table Tab2 starts printing itself, which is not desired. Both the tables should be printed at the same time.
    2. I wrapped both the tables in one sub form with 'Type' set to 'Positioned' and set the check box for page break. Now I arranged the tables adjacent to each other. But the check box for page break for both the tables were disabled and because of this if there is not enough space to print the total records of both the tables, the complete tables is shifted to another page leaving the previous page blank.
    Kindly suggest how to resolve this issue.

    Dear Andres,
    I tried as per you suggestion and it works fine. Thanks a lot.
    Now adding to this, I am trying to print the 'formatted text'. The tables have two columns. the first column is a normal field and the second column is table having the 'formatted text'.
    As per your suggestion, I concatenated the two tables in one table. So the final table has 2 normal fields and 2 tables.
    Final table structure:
    Column1      Column2(Table)             Blank             Column3          Column4(Table)
    Settings maintained:
    I have set the 'Body' row of the table to 'Flowed' with direction as 'Western text' (Top to bottom does not help ).
    The settings for Column 2 & 4 (tables) are maintained as:
    1. The Table is set to 'Flowed' with direction 'Top to Bottom'.
    2. The body row is 'Flowed' with direction 'Western Text'
    (The Border 'Edges' for the tables, columns is maintained as 'None')
    The sample data has around 10 entries in the (final)  table. When I try to print the form, if column2(table) is initial, the data in Column3 and 4 are shifted towards Left hand side.
    Kindly suggest how to resolve this issue.

  • Hi i am working on my web site and it appears to have blocked the ip from my server i can't open my web sites and i cant open the server home page but can do this on my iPhone i have trend micro running on 2 other desk tops all from the same router please

    Hi i am working on my web site and it appears to have blocked the ip from my server i can't open my web sites and i cant open the server home page but can do this on my iPhone i have trend micro running on 2 other desk tops all from the same router please help maybe its a firewall? Cheers Dave

    All I can suggest is that you open that file on the MBA and save it as a new file, then see if you can open the new one on the iMac.

  • Just bought a new laptop but dont know how to transfer my itunes libary from one to the other i have signed into my account but still no music help please

    just bought a new laptop but dont know how to transfer my itunes libary from one to the other i have signed in my my new laptop but still no music help please !!!!!!

    Signing into the iTunes account has never made content magically appear... it still amazes me that people think this will actually work.
    Type "move itunes library" into the search bar or your favorite search engine.  You'll find multiple results for how to move the iTunes library.

  • I have a Mac pro (10.7.5) and two PC's(windows 7). I am unable to ping either of PC through Mac. However Both PC's reply ping to each other and to Mac as well. Help me with this. Searched Internet. Cant resolve till now

    I have a MB pro (10.7.5) and two PC's(windows 7). I am unable to ping either of PC through Mac. However, Both PC's reply ping made to each other and to Mac as well. Help me with this. Searched Internet. Cant resolve till now

    Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 4
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 5
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 6
    is the reply m getting.

  • I've downloaded the newest version of softwear to my iTunes libary (iOS 10.5 i believe) iTunes store now dosn't function right and i'm not able to sync. my iPod 4G with my libary. i've tried to reinstall iTunes, but for no use. help please.

    I've downloaded the newest version of softwear to my iTunes libary (iOS 10.5 i believe) iTunes store now dosn't function right and i'm not able to sync. my iPod 4G with my libary. i've tried to reinstall iTunes, but for no use. help please.

    well i have to be honest, but i don't know if it the vista you use has any significance for this. but you can try.
    okay follow:
    1: click "start" on the status line on the buttom of your screen.
    2: then click on "all Programs" and find "Accessories" and find the "command prompt"
    3: Right click with your mouse "command prompt" and click on "run as administrator"
    (as you has click'd on "run as administrator", "command prompt" should appear.)
    4: when it appears you need to type this "netsh windsock reset"
    5: wait for your computer to registrer the command you gave it, and restart your computer.
    then erverything should be pretty much as good or better then new.

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