Tabular form validation(Checkbox) is not working for Interactive report

I am using the oracle apex 4.0 and oracle 11g.
I have written a below select query on interactive report as
apex_item.checkbox(1,RESIDD)||apex_item.hidden(2,RESIDD) row_selector,
apex_item.text(3,RESNUM) as resnum
from "PDRRES"
and written the validation to display the error message( Function returning error text ) as
-- apex_application.g_print_success_message := NULL;
FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f01.COUNT
vRow := apex_application.g_f01(i);
apex_application.g_print_success_message := apex_application.g_f01(i)||'-'|| apex_application.g_f03(vRow) ;
Output : No data found error message
As far as it work for sql report with above logic because apex built in row selector
but it fails in case of interactive report for some reason.
Please suggest.

Saroj Nayak wrote:
I am using the oracle apex 4.0 and oracle 11g.
I have written a below select query on interactive report as
apex_item.checkbox(1,RESIDD)||apex_item.hidden(2,RESIDD) row_selector,
apex_item.text(3,RESNUM) as resnum
from "PDRRES"
and written the validation to display the error message( Function returning error text ) as
-- apex_application.g_print_success_message := NULL;
FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f01.COUNT
vRow := apex_application.g_f01(i);
apex_application.g_print_success_message := apex_application.g_f01(i)||'-'|| apex_application.g_f03(vRow) ;
Output : No data found error message
As far as it work for sql report with above logic because apex built in row selector
but it fails in case of interactive report for some reason.
Please suggest.NO DATA FOUND usually occurs when an i mplicit select does not find anything. It can also occur when referencing a collection element that has not been defined.
You have 2 collectinons in the code you posted, apex_application.g_f01() and apex_applciation.g_f03. Since you are looping therough the COUNT attribute of g_f01 its reference ("I") is probably okay and the value store in vRow is probably not right. You can check this by using RAISE_APPLICTION_ERROR to see the value something like
raise_application_error(-20000,'vRow="'||vRo2||'"');Remember that working with checkboxes is tricky. If the box is not checked nothing will be sent. You may need to define a default value when no value is submitted.

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    If you enter "asdasd" and get PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error , it only implies the right thing is happening.
    Maybe what you are alluding to is that the messages is not the way you want it. It should perhaps be "<column_name> must be numeric."
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    I created a service request for this issue, and the support analyst that helped me confirmed that this is a bug:
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    While working on the problem , I have found the following solution in order to make the Row HighLightng work in APEX 4.1
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    and replace "hover" by "mouseover mouseout" :
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    I really would appreciate any help - it's driving me crazy!
    Thanks in advance,
    Here is the code:
    <cfinclude template="CFIDE/headertemplate.cfm">
    <cffunction name="makerandom" returnType="string" output="false">
    <cfset var chars = "23456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTW">
    <cfset var length = randRange(4,6)>
    <cfset var result = "">
    <cfset var i = "">
    <cfset var char = "">
         for(i=1; i <= length; i++) {
              char = mid(chars, randRange(1, len(chars)),1);
    <cfreturn result>
    <!-- ERROR TRAPPING -->
      <cfset showForm = true>
      <cfparam name="" default="">
      <cfparam name="form.artistname" default="">
      <cfparam name="" default="">
      <cfparam name="form.postcode" default="">
      <cfparam name="form.pass" default="">
      <cfparam name="form.captcha" default="">
      <cfparam name="form.captchahash" default="">
      <cfparam name="form.terms" default="">
    <cfif isDefined("form.send")>
          <cfset errors = "">
    <cfif len ( LT '4'>
    <cfset errors = errors & "You must include a valid e-mail address.<br />">
    <cfif find('.', is '0'>
    <cfset errors = errors & "Your E-mail features no . symbol.<br />">
    <cfif find('@', is '0'>
    <cfset errors = errors & "Your E-mail features no @ symbol.<br />">
    <cfif not len(trim(form.artistname))>
    <cfset errors = errors & "You must include your name.<br />">
    <cfif not len(trim(>
    <cfset errors = errors & "You must include your city.<br />">
    <cfif not len(trim(form.postcode))>
    <cfset errors = errors & "You must include your postcode.<br />">
    <cfif not len(trim(form.pass))>
    <cfset errors = errors & "You must specify a password.<br />">
    <cfif len(form.pass) LT '6'>
    <cfset errors = errors & "Password must be between 6 and 10 characters.<br />">
    <cfif hash(ucase(form.captcha)) neq form.captchahash>
    <cfset errors = errors & "You did not enter the correct Captcha text.<br />">
    <cfif not len(trim(form.terms))>
    <cfset errors = errors & "You must agree to our Terms and Conditions.<br />">
    <cfif errors is "">
    <cfset showForm = false>
    <cfif showForm>
    <cfset captcha = makerandom()>
    <cfset captchahash = hash(captcha)>
    <h1>Artist Sign-Up</h1>
    <p>Your details are required for sign-up. Mandatory fields are indicated with a *.</p><br/><br/>
    <cfif isDefined("errors")>
    <cfwindow name="formerrors"
    title="Form Errors"
    <center><b>Please correct the following errors and re-submit the form:</b><br /><br/>#errors#
    <br/><a href="javascript:ColdFusion.Window.hide('formerrors');">Close Window</a>
    <!-- FORM CONTENTS -->
    <cfform action="artist_insert.cfm" method="post">
    <table class="signup">
    <td class="noborder" width="200">
      <label for="email">E-Mail Address*:</label>
    <td class="noborder" width="156">
    <input type="text" name="email" class="textbox" value="<cfoutput><cfif IsDefined("")><cfelse></cfif></cfoutput>"/>
    <td class="noborder">
    <cftooltip autoDismissDelay="9999" tooltip="This needs to be a valid e-mail so that<br/> promoters can get in contact with you. <br/>If several people will be using this<br/> account then try and make it a shared<br/> address."><img src="pics/i.jpg" alt="info" border="1" /></cftooltip>
    <td class="noborder" width="200">
      Your Password* (6 to 10 chars.):
    <td class="noborder">
    <input type="password" class="textbox" name="pass" maxlength="10"/>
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder" >
    Artist/Band Name*:
    <td class="noborder">
    <input type="text" class="textbox" name="artistname" />
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder">
    <input type="text" class="textbox" name="city" />
    <td class="noborder">
    <cftooltip autoDismissDelay="9999" tooltip="Entering your locational details enables Gig<br/>Digger to find the events and promoters<br/>in your area. Try specifying a well known<br/>city nearby for the best results."><img src="pics/i.jpg" alt="info" border="1" /></cftooltip>
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder">
    <input type="text" class="textbox" name="postcode" maxlength="8"/>
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder">
    Your Contact Number:
    <td class="noborder">
    <input type="text" class="textbox" name="contact" maxlength="14"/>
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder" valign="top" width="200">Please enter the CAPTCHA text in the box below*: </td>
    <td class="noborder" align="left">
    <center><cfimage action="captcha" width="156" height="50" text="#captcha#" border="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="captchaHash" value="#captchaHash#"></center>
    <td class="noborder" valign="top">
    <cftooltip autoDismissDelay="9999" tooltip="This is here to ensure that<br/>you're human. It stops abuse <br/>of the site and makes it a safer <br/>place for us all."><img src="pics/i.jpg" alt="info" border="1" /></cftooltip>
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder" align="right"><font size="-2"><b><a href="javascript:location.reload(false)">Refresh Page</a></b></font>
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder"></td>
    <td class="noborder"><input type="text" name="captcha" class="textbox"></td>
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder" width="170">Please check this box to confirm that you agree<br/> to our <b><a href="termsandconditions.cfm">Terms and Conditions</a></b>*.
    <td class="noborder">
    <input type="checkbox" class="textbox" name="terms" /></td>
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder">
    <td class="noborder" align="center">
    <cfinput type="image" src="pics/submit.png" name="send" value="Submit" validate="submitonce" border="1">
    Thank you for submitting your details, You may now log in with your e-mail and password.
    <!-- FOOTER START -->
    ARTIST INSERT PAGE - artist_insert.cfm
    <cfquery datasource="071907cs07to">
    INSERT INTO Artist(    Nsudate,
    VALUES(    ( #Now()# ),

    In addition to BreakawayPaul's answer.
    You are making it very difficult to troubleshoot your if/else logic because your code includes all the display stuff.  Since you're a self proclaimed beginner, you might want to try another approach.
    Save your old page and start a new one from scratch.  Solve all your logic problems first.  Display what you need to see with the cfdump tag.
    Here are some hints to make the whole thing easier.
    1.  In your cfform, use the validate and required attributes to catch errors earlier.
    2. You don't have to cfparam every form field.  The form has either been submitted to it hasn't.  If it has, all the fields will be there with the possible exception of checkboxes or radio button, if nothing was selected.

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    I have used SAPLOGONTICKET for SSO.
    1. Now if I create iView for some transaction , its working fine. UserID and password is not asked and i'm getting into BW sytem.
    2. But if I create an iView for BW report type 3.x and pull a report from BI system, it is showing a login screen to me. now I have to give clientno, userID and password to get into the system.
    Can please some help me in this issue.
    is there some specific configuration I need to make..?
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Kiran,
    Thanks for your reply.
    My problem is now solved. Actually transaction iViews use connectors to connect to the backend system, where as BW reports iviews use WAS to connect to the backend system.
    while accessing the portal i was not giving the fully qualified name in URL.
    while accessing the portal correct way is to use the URL is :
    http://hostname.domain:port/irj/portal ...I was missing the domain portion.
    Use the fully qualified name so that both EP and backend systems comes in same domain.

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    After commenting set-PF ststus '100' event at line selection is working.
    Ii want at to use at-user command and at line-selection both to work with set pf-status.
    Please help me out.

    You can use these events together but in case while
    creating your GUI status for your program you have
    to give Function Code 'PICK' with F2 short cut key
    because for at line selectino double click 'PICK' function
    code is trigerred.
    hope it helps,

  • Web client and desktop client not available for Interactive reporting

    Hi team,
    Currnetly we are usning EPM , we are trying to install and configure
    Interactive reporting in Linux 64 bit system.
    we are few questions jotted below:
    Interactive reporting studio client & Interactive reporting Dashboard Development Studio client are disabled.
    post installation we are not able to see IR Client folder in <EPM HOME> location.
    while launching workspace we are not able to see the WEB Client Interactive reporting under TOOLS-->INSTALL.
    we read in a blog, which states it  Interactive reporting needs a license. whether it needs any special License for using it?
    we downloaded the Entire Dump of EPMS  from Oracle Edelivery website.
    Kindly let us know we are missing any where?
    we are strucked at this point.

    If you want the assemblies you will need to contact Oracle as they have been removed from edelivery.

  • Substitution string not working in interactive report

    Hi all,
    I am using a substitution string in the no data found message of the interactive report. But instead of the actual message, &my_message. is displayed when there is no data found. I noticed that this problem is also occuring when a substitution string is used in the column headers of the interactive report. In the non-interactive report it is working as it should. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?
    Hope anybody can help me. Also when you have a workaround for my problem.
    Many thanks in advance!
    Message was edited by:

    Thanks for reporting that, it does appear to be a bug. I've logged it and we'll look at including a fix in a future release.

  • Order by not working on Interactive Report

    I have created an Interactive Report. My select statement contains an ORDER BY. When the report displays it is not in the correct order. How can I control the display order of an Interactive Report?

    hi Alfred,
    Where can I define the sorting order ? I would like the first call of the report already have a sort.
    I know the user can customize the sorting in the report but not at the first call!
    I hope it is understandable ;-)i think when the page upload u want to sort the report.
    in report attributes>column attributes >edit the each column>column definition>remove the tick on sort all >apply changes and give order by i n your query

  • Adobe form translation changes do not work for second time

    Hi Team,
    i am translating adobe form from EN to TR and it was successful for first time and all the changes were working correctly then again i have translated all the texts and checked however then it was only translating fields which were translated in first try.
    I am really confused and please help me here i am not really sure what exactly to do .
    i have checked below note however not getting what to delete exactly .
    i have acttached the note  data below please help <removed by moderator>.
    1294146 - Problem translating rich texts in PDF based forms (Adobe)
    Message was edited by: Manish Kumar

    HI Lande,
    There is nothing to delete. Here is what you should do:
    Following procedure applies to both symptoms:
    1. Open the corresponding form in the original language in change mode in Form Builder
    2. Choose the Layout tab of Form Builder to open the form layout in Adobe Designer.
    3. Identify and select the concerned text element in the layout so that it will be highlighted in the hierarchy tree of the Adobe Designer
    4. Go to the XML Source tab of the Adobe Designer
                  The XML source shows the section of the selected form element.
         5. Go to the appropriate <exData/> element and delete the occurrence of attributes
         xft-xliff:id or xliff:rid
    6. Leave the XML source tab and save the changes.
    7. Activate the form.

  • PDF preview in workspace not working for Financial Reporting

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    Error 500--Internal Server Error
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
    We made the port for the print server static(it is normally dynamic) so we could open the firewall port to the print server and have verifed it is open.
    Does anyone have a suggestion of what could be producing the Internal Server Error. I should mention that we use Weblogic for the web deployment of workspace if that should have any bearing on the issue.

    Firewall issues were preventing this problem.

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    Hi all
    we are using oracle db-10g, developer suite-10g.
    While generating the Report for the satisfying several conditions we are fetching the data into
    Global temporary table
    On commit preserve rows
    from this temp tables excel is generated properly. but pdf is not generating can anybody exaplain why it is not generating and what to do for that
    Thank you

    query and view are not possible
    here i am giving one of the requirement
    my project is belongs to inventory project.
    report should be generated on the different selection criteria like
    1)user can select one or more product codes
    2)for that product code one or more item codes can select
    like this so many different selection are there more than 12 selections from different tables
    For this each different selection product code into gtt_prod_cd and item_cd into gtt_item_cd. after that performed the query and in where clause we are comparing the values with gtt.
    can you please suggest me what to do for PDF Reports

  • Complete Book in PDF is not working for one report

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    Its working now. We just kept trying to reinstall the tools and restarting indesign. On the 4th time the buttons started working. I can't explain why it finally worked, just that it is working now.

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    But some of our users are able to export the report in SV.We are using EPM I have checked the IE 7 settings with other users and it's same.
    Does anybody has any idea what could be the cause?
    Thanks in advance.

    It is the behavior, Query ready mode will only pulls the members which are in Essbase (no FR calculated fields)

Maybe you are looking for