Tabulator in string variable?

I am using Labview 5.1 and I want to show a header
part of a file in a labview program. I display the
information using a string variable. There are
tabulators in the header string to separate the
information. These tabulators are diplayed as \t
if I use the "\"Code display setting of the string
variable. If I use the normal display setting the
tabulators are only displayed as blanks.
Is it possible to get working tabulators in a
labview string???
Sent via
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One way to get round this would be to use a string array indicator on the
front panel. Then use the 'Spreadsheet string to array' function to turn
your tab text to the string array. Dont forget to connect a string array
constant to the array type connector.
[email protected] wrote in message <7n1nkf$pfu$[email protected]>...
>I am using Labview 5.1 and I want to show a header
>part of a file in a labview program. I display the
>information using a string variable. There are
>tabulators in the header string to separate the
>information. These tabulators are diplayed as \t
>if I use the "\"Code display setting of the string
>variable. If I use the normal display setting the
>tabulators are only displayed as blanks.
>Is it possible to get working tabulators in a
ew string???
>Sent via
>Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

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         at ExceptionHandling.ExceptTest.actionPerformed(
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         at hope to catch all these error message into a String Variable such as StrErrorMsg, then I can use System.out.println(StrErrorMsg) to print it out or store somewhere, not only display at runtime,
    How can I do this??
    Thanks a lot,
    See code below.
    import java.awt.Frame;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
    public class ExceptTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
        private double[] a;
      private JRadioButton divideByZeroButton;
      private JRadioButton badCastButton;
      private JRadioButton arrayBoundsButton;
      private JRadioButton nullPointerButton;
      private JRadioButton negSqrtButton;
      private JRadioButton overflowButton;
      private JRadioButton noSuchFileButton;
      private JRadioButton throwUnknownButton;
      public ExceptTest() {
        JPanel p = new JPanel();
        ButtonGroup g = new ButtonGroup();
        p.setLayout(new GridLayout(8, 1));
        divideByZeroButton = addRadioButton("Divide by zero", g, p);
        badCastButton = addRadioButton("Bad cast", g, p);
        arrayBoundsButton = addRadioButton("Array bounds", g, p);
        nullPointerButton = addRadioButton("Null pointer", g, p);
        negSqrtButton = addRadioButton("sqrt(-1)", g, p);
        overflowButton = addRadioButton("Overflow", g, p);
        noSuchFileButton = addRadioButton("No such file", g, p);
        throwUnknownButton = addRadioButton("Throw unknown", g, p);
      private JRadioButton addRadioButton(String s, ButtonGroup g, JPanel p) {
        JRadioButton button = new JRadioButton(s, false);
        return button;
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        try {
          Object source = evt.getSource();
          if (source == divideByZeroButton) {
            a[1] = a[1] / a[1] - a[1];
          } else if (source == badCastButton) {
            Frame f = (Frame) evt.getSource();
          } else if (source == arrayBoundsButton) {
            a[1] = a[10];
          } else if (source == nullPointerButton) {
            Frame f = null;
            f.setSize(200, 200);
          } else if (source == negSqrtButton) {
            a[1] = Math.sqrt(-1);
          } else if (source == overflowButton) {
            a[1] = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
            int n = (int) a[1];
          } else if (source == noSuchFileButton) {
            FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("Java Source and Support");
          } else if (source == throwUnknownButton) {
            throw new UnknownError();
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
          System.out.println("Caught RuntimeException: " + e);
          System.out.println("Caught RuntimeException: " + e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + e);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new ExceptTest();
        frame.setSize(150, 200);
        frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

    yes, I update as follows,
    but not looks good.
    public class UncaughtLogger implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
        private File file;
        private static String errorMessage;
        public UncaughtLogger(File file) {
            this.file = file;
        public UncaughtLogger(String str) {
            this.errorMessage = str;
        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e){
            try {
            } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                System.err.println("error in logging:");
        private void log(Throwable e) throws IOException {
            PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file, true));
            try {
            } finally {
        private static UncaughtLogger logger = new UncaughtLogger(new File("C:/temp/log.txt"));
        private static UncaughtLogger logger2 = new UncaughtLogger(errorMessage);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                String s1 = "Hello World!";
                s1 = null;
                String s2 = s1.getClass().getName();
                System.out.println("errorMessage =" + errorMessage);

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    catch(Exception e)
                logger.error("\n Exception in method Process"+e.getMessage());
            }when i open log i find
    Exception in method Process null.
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    A trick is to issue e.printStackTrace() against a memory-based output object.
    void      printStackTrace(PrintStream s)
             // Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
    void      printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)
    //          Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the specified print writer.Edited by: BIJ001 on Oct 5, 2007 8:54 AM

  • How to compare numbers in a string variable?

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    Email ID: 46862270 : Succeded. Time Taken: 00:00:00.0924511
    Email ID: 46862272 : Succeded. Time Taken: 00:00:00.0493887
    -- Sent 250 of 250 emails successfully. Total Dispatch Time: 00:00:08.1406995
    --State Written to DB. Time Taken for DB Write: 00:00:00.4611053
    Here is another sample:
    Email ID: 46865840 : Succeded. Time Taken: 00:00:00.9333887
    -- Sent 17 of 17 emails successfully. Total Dispatch Time: 00:00:01.2416905
    --State Written to DB. Time Taken for DB Write: 00:00:00.0402957
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    and then subtract the first number from the second number?
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    Email ID: 46865840 : Succeded. Time Taken: 00:00:00.9333887
    -- Sent 207 of 217 emails successfully. Total Dispatch Time: 00:00:01.2416905
    --State Written to DB. Time Taken for DB Write: 00:00:00.0402957
    I would want the check to return 10. Is this even possible?
    Any help is appreciated!

    $String = @'
    Email ID: 46865840 : Succeded. Time Taken: 00:00:00.9333887
    -- Sent 207 of 217 emails successfully. Total Dispatch Time: 00:00:01.2416905
    --State Written to DB. Time Taken for DB Write: 00:00:00.0402957
    if ( $string -match 'Sent (\d+) of (\d+) emails .+' )
    { $FailedEmailCount = [int]$matches[2] - $matches[1] }
    Each set of parens will designate a capture group, and those can be referenced from $Matches after a successful -match.
    Just remember that they will all be strings, and to do a math operation you have to cast at least the one on the LH side to a numeric type first.
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

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    i.e., i want to know string "access" is available in a String variable( may have values like "microsoft access 2000 bla bla bla .." or "bla bla access microsoft").
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    Pls help me in doing this.
    Thanks in advance,

    Check the API documentation for this method:
    "int indexOf(String str)
    Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring."

  • Escape single quote from a String variable

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    <form name=test action="test.jsp?fname=<%=name%>" method="post">
    But i am getting Javascript error if the "name" variable contains a string with some special characters like single quote( ' ).
    Plz help me to escape this special char from my String variable.

    You need to url-encode the value using the URLEncoder class.
    For example:
    <form name=test action="test.jsp?fname=<%=URLEncoder.encode(name, "ISO-8859-1")%>" method="post">

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    Hi Cesar,
    I don't know if you have found a solution, but attached is a DLL built in VC that will read the text out of a file into a TestStand variable. The attached sequence file \SequenceFile1.seq contains a step type that is set to call the DLL responsible for reading the file. It reads the file specified under Step.FilePath and stores the data in Step.ReadData. Please let me know if this works for you. I have attached the source as well.
    Attachments: ‏3628 KB

  • Looking for a better way to determine string variable from multiple options

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    Say i have five pictures each with a different filename: img1 - img5...these file names could be named anything really but for this example i will keep them as img1, img2, img3, img4 and img5.
    I want to display a messagebox with the string depending on what a certain variable is.
    So for example, we have the number X, if X = 1 then i want the messagebox to show "img1" as the message
    Essentially the way I have been doing it so far is:
    Private Sub WhichImage()
    Dim ImageName As String = ""
    Dim i as integer
    If i = 0 Then
    ImageName = "img1"
    End If
    If i = 1 Then
    ImageName = "img2"
    End If
    If i = 2 Then
    ImageName = "img3"
    End If
    If i = 3 Then
    ImageName = "img4"
    End If
    If i = 4 Then
    ImageName = "img5"
    End If, "Name of image", MsgBox.Style.OkOnly, MsgBoxResult.Ok)
    Up until now, this has been fine, but what if I have 50 images, do I have to do this for all 50 images? or is there an easier way like putting the image names into a text file and have it read from the file depending on what the variable i equals? If so,
    how do I go about this? Does each image name go on a separate line? can it just be separated by a comma instead? or is there a better way?
    Please note that i know that i have declared "i" above in my code and not intialised it with anything, in reality "i" comes from somewhere else in the program so please ignore that part, it is not what I am concerned with.

    Does each image name go on a separate line? can it just be separated by a comma instead? or is there a better way?
    Arrays are useful for this.
    Dim imagenames() As String = {"img1", "img2", "img3", "img4", "img5"}
    Dim imagename As String = imagenames(i)
    MessageBox.Show(imagename, "Name of image")
    Any sort of collection will do instead of an array, and may be simpler to manage. There are many other options - the most suitable one probably depends on where the names originally come from.  For instance, if you are getting them from a folder
    using the FileSystem.GetFiles method, then they are already in a collection.
    If the files names never change then you may as well include them in the program code, using something like the code above.  If they can change, then you could use a text file, but that means you need a file update routine.  If that is required
    then the way you store the names will dictate how you access them.

  • How do I pass single quotes into a string variable?

    Thanks for any help?
    Select xdat, yday
    from foo
    xdat = to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy')
    How do I pass the single quoted stuff above into a string variable?

    Thank you but that is not the same thing. I am building a dynamic sql statement and need to pass the quoted material into a statement that is quoted Is that not what my example above shows?
    My example above has a quoted string inside a string. I think this is exactly what you were asking for.

  • How to execute code saved in string variable??

    Hello experts,
    I need to execute a select which I obtain concatenating several fields into string variable.
    So the select is saved in a string:
    var  = 'select... from ... where...'.
    There is any way to execute that select? ("exec var." or similar??)

    Hello Illie
    Would it not be possible to use a simple dynamic SELECT, e.g.:
      ldo_data   TYPE REF TO data.
      <lt_itab>  TYPE TABLE.
    CREATE DATA ldo_data TYPE TABLE OF (ld_tabname).
    ASSIGN ldo_data->* TO <lt_itab>.
    SELECT * from (ld_tabname) INTO TABLE <lt_itab>
       WHERE (ld_clause_string).

  • How to store serval char variables into a string variable?

    I have serval char variables, but i don't know how to put them together (without using arrays). I am thinking to store these char variables into a string variable but i don't know how to do it. For example,
    char letter1 = 'a', letter2 = 'b', letter3 = 'c';
    String letters;
    then how can i do to make letters = "abc" from using letter1,2,3?
    I am just a beginner of Java, if anyone can help me, i will appreciate that very much!!!

    String letters=""+leter1+letter2+letter3;is fine and dandy. What it actually compiles to is
    String letters = new StringBuffer().append(letter1).append(letter2).append(letter3).toString();Which ofcourse is much more code to write, but still good to know.
    So do see the API for java.lang.StringBuffer.

  • How i pass table column  value to string variable or return to java applete

    Hi Master,
    How do I pass a table column value into string variable. See my code below:
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Waheed {
    public Waheed() {
    public static void main (String args [])
    String s = "9 23 45.4 56.7";
    System.out.println ("going for connection");
    // DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    Connection conn =
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery("select accid from accbal");
    System.out.println ("going for connection");
    while (
    s= rset.getString("accid"); this line give me error
    System.out.println (rset.getString("accid"));
    System.out.println (s);
    catch(Exception e){
    This line give me an error:
    s= rset.getString("accid");
    s is string variable
    Plese give me an idea how I can pass accid in s variable.

    See the code sample in the following thread (try using upeercase).
    JDBC  connection

  • Doubt about  a null value assigned to a String variable

    I have a doubt about a behavior when assigning a null value to a string variable and then seeing the output, the code is the next one:
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            String total = null;
            total = total+"one";
    }the doubt comes when i see the output, the output i get is this:
    nulloneA variable with null value means it does not contains a reference to an object in memory, so the question is why the null is printed when i concatenate the total variable which has a null value with the string "one".
    Is the null value converted to string ??
    Please clarify
    Regards and thanks!

    null is a keyword to inform compiler that the reference contain nothingNo. 'null' is not a keyword, it is a literal. Beyond that the compiler doesn't care. It has a runtime value as well.
    total contains null value means it does not have memory,No, it means it refers to nothing, as opposed to referring to an object.
    for representation purpose it contain "null"No. println(String) has special behaviour if the argument is null. This is documented and has already been described above. Your handwaving about 'for representation purpose' is meaningless. The compiler and the JVM don't know the purpose of the code.
    e.g. this keyword shows a hash value instead of memory addressNo it doesn't: it depends entirely on the actual class of the object referred to by 'this', and specifically what its toString() method does.
    similarly "total" maps null as a literal.Completely meaningless. "total" doesn't 'map' anything, it is just a literal. The behaviour you describe is a property of the string concatenation operator, not of string literals.
    I hope you can understand this.Nobody could understand it. It is compete nonsense. The correct answer has already been given. Please read the thread before you contribute.

  • Convert String variable value  to an Object referece type

    Hi all,
    I want to know that if there any possible way to convert String variable value to a Object reference type in java. I'll explain by example if this is not clear.
    Let's think that there is a string variable name like,
    String name="HelloWorld";
    and there is a class name same to the variable value.
    class HelloWorld
    I am passing this string variable value to a method which is going to make a object of helloworld;
    new convertobj().convert("HelloWorld");
    class convertobj{
    public void convert(String name){
    // in hert it is going to create the object of HelloWorld;
    // HelloWorld hello=new HelloWorld(); just like this.
    now i want to do this from the name variable value.( name na=new name()) like wise.
    please let me know if there any possible way to do that.
    I am just passing the name of class by string variable then i wanted to make a instance of the class which come through the variable value.

    Either cast the object to a HelloWorld or use the reflection API (Google it) - with the reflection API you can discover what methods are available.
    Note: if you are planning to pass in various string arguments and instantiate a class which you expect to have a certain method... you should define an interface and have all of your classes that you will call in this way implement the interface (that way you're sure the class has a method of that name). You can then just cast the object to the interface type and call the method.

  • How to find out the type of the value stored in a string variable?

    How do i find out the type of the value stored in a string variable?
    for example,
    I have a string variable str, in which the following type of values wil be stored
    1) Intger
    2) Long
    3) boolean
    4) Char
    Is there any method to find out the type of the value, anything like str.getType()?. Please kindly help me. Thanks in advance.

    Hi All, i'm sorry for the double posting, by mistake it occured.
    Thanks for your replies, i have a string variable str, in which the value is stored and i have another string variable type, in which the type of the value is stored.
    For example,
    String str = "15";
    String type = "Integer";
    Is there any way to verify whether the value stroed in str is of type stored in the variable 'type'. I want to write a method of type boolean, it will throw true of the value stored in str is of type 'type'. Thanks

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