Taking iPhone out the country

i bought my iPhone from apple and a 2 year contract with at&t and i want to cancel that contract and unlock it because I'm taking it outside the country... what should i do and how much would it cost me

Those are questions for AT&T, not other iphone users. Call them for exact details.
You'll have to pay an early termination fee (>$300) , plus an unlocking fee.  I'm not certain that they will unlock phones that didn't complete the contract even if you pay the early termination fee if your account with them has not been in good standing.

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    No. Only the carrier its locked to can unlock it.
    You need to contact the original carrier to get it unlocked.

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    Apple can't do anything about it. They are not a law enforcement agency.

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    Paris ------------------France
    Here’s my code:
    ACCEPT p_1 PROMPT 'Please enter the city name:'
      v_parent_name ccname.parent_name%TYPE:= '&p_1';
      v_child_name ccname.child_name%TYPE  := '&p_1';
      CURSOR reg_cur
        SELECT child_name, parent_name INTO v_child_name, v_parent_name FROM ccname;
      FOR reg_rec IN reg_cur
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(UPPER(RPAD(v_child_name, 15)) || '      ' || UPPER(RPAD(v_parent_name, 15)));
        FETCH reg_cur INTO v_child_name, v_parent_name;
      END LOOP;
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    Thank you in advance,
    Edited by: user13675672 on Feb 1, 2011 10:15 PM

    Do you want people to help you? Then try to help them. Post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements), some parameters you might want to pass, and the results you would want from that sample data for each of the parameters.
    If you can use commonly available tables, such as those in the scott or hr schemas, to show your problem, then you don't have to post any sample data; just the parameters (if any) and results.
    For example, your problem is:
    "I have a table with city and country columns. I want to input a city, and display the country from that same row." That's a lot like:
    "The scott.emp table has ename and job columns. I want to input an ename and display the job from that same row."
    So, given the name SCOTT, you would want this output:
    ENAME      JOB
    SCOTT      ANALYSTor, given MILLER you would want:
    ENAME      JOB
    MILLER     CLERKHere's one way to do that in SQL*Plus:
    ACCEPT p_ename PROMPT 'Please enter the employee name: '
    SELECT     ename
    ,     job
    FROM     scott.emp
    WHERE     ename     = '&p_ename'
    ;Don't use a meaningless name, like p_1, when you can use a helpful name, like p_ename.
    As Billy pointed out, PL/SQL wasn't designed for user interaction like this. There's no point in trying to use PL/SQL to do it.
    I hope that answers your question.
    If not, please help me understand, so I can do a better job next time. Don't just say "This doesn't work", or "This is not what I'm trying to get", or "Any other ideas?". Those things don't help anyone understand anything. Point out where the suggested soloution is not working, explain what you are trying to get, and give specific examples.

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    Did you already try the troubleshooting mentioned here:
    iOS: Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings grayed out or dim

  • Please Help! Ready to throw my iPhone out the window!

    First time posting on the forums but it's gotten to the point where my phone isn't even usable and I either need some answers or a good excuse to smash it.
    So here's the story:
    I got my iPhone 3G (black, 16GB) in September (I think), last year. The phone operated fine with only minor annoyances as software updates came down to fix issues, no big deal. About 10 months in, the phone starts acting up:
    If you want clarification on some problem, ask. I don’t want to type out 8 paragraphs if I don’t have to, should be pretty self-explanatory.
    Before OS 3:
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    2.) Doesn’t charge from wall or computer (happened randomly). Plug phone in, it says it’s charging but never charges.
    3.) Can’t end calls / call doesn’t end when other line is hung up (thanks for wasting my minutes).
    (these problems persist even with hard resets and full restores, including setting the phone up as a new phone rather than restoring from a backup)
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    2.) Can’t end calls / call doesn’t end when other line is hung up (thanks for wasting my minutes).
    (same as above, problems persist with hard resets and the like)
    At any rate, I was home one weekend and figured I’d take the phone to the Genius bar at the Mayfair Mall Apple Store. Sounded like a good plan until I get to the mall and find the store is being renovated (seriously Apple, you can’t just put that on your site that a store is closed for some reason? Give me a break). Home is 3 hours away for me and the closest Apple store is 2.5 hours away. Awesome.
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    Everything is great. Phone works, no issues. Until ~2 months ago, new issues start cropping up.
    OS 3.1+ (happen on all versions):
    1.) Can’t sync, get “unable to complete. Phone was disconnected.” Error. (I checked around the forums and tried a few things but was unable to resolve the issue, including trying to remove the files that it kept ‘disconnecting’ on when it got to, no effect)
    2.) Installing an application (be it via App Store on the phone or via sync with my desktop) results in the phone being unable to boot if turned off. When attempting to turn it back on, Apple logo shows then phone goes off after a few seconds. Only way to resolve this is by booting the phone directly to restore mode and doing a full restore.
    3.) Earlier this week, my phone wouldn’t boot after having no apps (0, zero, zip, nada) on it after restoring it a few weeks back. Apple logo showed up then the spinning loading animation overlaid on the logo only to freeze. Attempted booting again and it came on (whew).
    4.) Today, my phone wouldn’t boot at all, again, no apps are on or have been on the phone since I last restored it. Tried turning it off/on a few times, no good. I ended up restoring the phone again.
    At first, my girlfriend was convinced that it was because I was synching with my desktop PC (obviously, blame it on the PC first), which I’ve been using since I got the phone and everything was fine until both phones randomly decided to crap out. I ended up restoring it on my MacBook Pro as a new phone just to see but the same thing happens with the apps causing it to not boot. After that we thought that it might be a single (or a few) apps that were just taking the phone down for some reason. I restored the phone with no apps and it seemed to be ok so I put 3 apps that I’ve had pretty much since they were available (and used to work without issue) back on to see. The plan was to add a few apps until the phone stopped working properly to narrow down the offending app. Just kidding! Just having those 3 apps (Beejive IM, Facebook, iDracula) causes the phone to not boot. I restore and try just Facebook. Same thing, phone doesn’t boot. Restore, try just Beejive. Same thing, phone won’t boot. By the way, the phone doesn’t boot even without me having LAUNCHED THE APPS AT ALL. Just by being on my phone it’s totally hosed.
    At this point I have no idea what to do. I want to like my iPhone again but it’s terribly worthless when I have to restore it every other day and can’t use my ~$90 worth of apps (PS: even Apple’s own ‘Remote’ app brings the phone down). I really, really hate to say it but my old HTC Hermes (Windows Mobile 5/6) PDA phone was better than this (and WinMo is god-awful).
    Does anyone have any suggestions? My phone is out of warranty now and I don’t have money to buy another phone even if I wanted to.
    Also, I treat my phone like a baby. It hasn't been dropped a single time, been near water, or operated outside of the safe operating temp guidlines.
    I'm willing to elaborate on any of the information I provided above, just let me know.
    Message was edited by: xxjudgmentxx

    After the restore did the phone work properly for a while? Say, a day or so?
    If so it is possible you have an app that doesn't let go of memory properly. I reboot my iPhone ( hold sleep/wake and hole till you see the apple logo) every few days. This resets the memory. The iPhone OS has doesn't seem to mange memory very well yet. So a reboot will help with that. I have had my phone almost slow to a stop before I started rebooting. Always reboot after installing a new app. Also do you close all pages in Safari when you are done? This is a good practice. Safari will run in the background and use processor time and drain your battery quicker. Create a new blank page then close all others when you are done browsing for a while. I have also found that certain web site that have animated images like weather maps will turn the phone into molasses. As soon as i close that page it gets faster.
    If all of the above have no effect then as Tamara said it is time for a trip to the Genius bar.
    Good luck

  • Taking iPhone around the world-International plans.

    Want to know if you can use your iPhone internationally. Just go to www.wireless.att.com/travelguide and enter you AT&T # and what country you care going to, Select iPhone> Click on details to see if you can use voice or data or both and what rates you get.
    If you want to access the internet there is a $24.99/ month plan (only available in select countries go to www.att.com/dataconnectglobal to see list) that gives you 20mb of internet data. However this $24.99 plan comes with a 1yr contract (ie u must keep that feat on for 1 year)

    Please see this forum, this has already been discussed in depth in MANY threads that a search would bring up, but here is the most recent one:

  • How to find out the country details.

    Hi friends,
    I have one requirement,
    i.e table have one column name country...
    I want to display the data like below ..
    india & pak
    pak & afg
    afg & alb
    How can I write the sql query for this..
    please any one help me..

    @ Visakh16 Your answers are always different. Beginners learn a lot from your posts.
    Just small modification in your SELECT query (mentioned below).
    SELECT LEFT(c1.Country_Name,3) + COALESCE( ' & ' + LEFT(c2.Country_Name,3),'')
    FROM @countries c1
    INNER JOIN @countries c2
    On c2.ID = c1.ID + 1
    Thanks for the kind words
    Glad that I'm of some help to others in learning 
    Nope the use of LEFT JOIN was deliberate :-)
    Using INNER JOIn will cause last country to be missed if table contains odd number of values
    see this example
    declare @countries table
    ID int IDENTITY(1,1),
    Country_Name varchar(30)
    insert @countries (Country_Name)
    ('Algeria')SELECT LEFT(c1.Country_Name,3) + COALESCE( ' & ' + LEFT(c2.Country_Name,3),'')
    FROM @countries c1
    LEFT JOIN @countries c2
    On c2.ID = c1.ID + 1
    WHERE c1.ID % 2 > 0
    SELECT LEFT(c1.Country_Name,3) + COALESCE( ' & ' + LEFT(c2.Country_Name,3),'')
    FROM @countries c1
    INNER JOIN @countries c2
    On c2.ID = c1.ID + 1
    WHERE c1.ID % 2 > 0Output
    ------------------------------------LEFT JOIN result
    --------------------------------Ind & Pak
    Afg & Alb
    AlgINNER JOIN result
    -------------------Ind & Pak
    Afg & Alb
    You can see that INNER JOIN has caused last country Algeria to get missed
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

  • Can anyone help before i throw iphone out the window.....

    My iphone wont slide open...ive tried to reboot it no avail..restored factory setting still wont open...also on front screen in square box is message saying waiting for activation may take some time...Anyone got any ideas...Thanks.

    Hi, it is the original 1st gen 8g phone...os ive never touched it so i presume its what was on it, sorry not very good with these things..its not been jailbroken...slide to unlock is visable just wont slide across and message is on front screen...when i restored it i put latest version of itunes on it..Thanks for trying to help..

  • Using IPhone out of country

    I am planning on going to Italy for a month in mid September.  I plan to use ICall to check Voicemail over Wi fi which I will have in all my hotels.  Will text messaging work over wi fi and if so, what settings do I need to make on my IPhone so that I don't get charged any roaming charges.

    First off, the iPhone 4 will NOT work as a phone in Italy. The tower configuartion is different. What this means, is that you won't be able to send or receive text messages in Italy.
    If you turn your wifi on, and turn your Global Data Roaming off, you should be able to access the Internet through WiFi (cafes, hotels, McDonald's) and check your e-mails, but texting is not going to be a possibility with your phone.

  • Buying an Iphone out of country

    I'm thinking about getting an iphone 4s in Swizertland, since in portugal isn't available yet.
    So i would like to know if there's a problem with that? will it work?

    Actually my parents live there so i know in fact they sell unlocked iphones. I work with vodafone and they can support iphones, but portugal is always behind schedule when it comes to tecnology and stuff
    I think i'll in switzerland though..

  • Unclock iphone out of country

    i am ready send iphone 4(ios7.4)to viet nam. please show me how to unclock to use it at vn

    If you mean unlock, you ask your carrier to unlock it.

  • How to find out the user Country code in flex

    Hi all,
              I want to find out the country code, to load dynamic localization swfs.
      example : my swf file name
    by using capabilities.langueage am getting the local user langueage, am not able to find the locale country code. please help me out

    Hi Jesudasan ,
    You can know the user details with version management.Please find the
    below procedure to know.
    Go to table->Utilities tab->version->Version management->Compare the previous one .
    Hope this solves the issue,Let me know if you have any issues.

  • IPhone out of warranty replacement Australia

    Hey there
    I was just wondering if anywone knows the Australian out of warranty replacment cost for the iPhone 4 8, 16 and 32 GB models

    Go here: http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=servicefaq&product=iphone
    Select the country form the drop down.
    Select Express replacement service.
    Select "My iPhone is not under warranty".

Maybe you are looking for