Tape graphic missing from picture frame

In iWeb 9, when using a picture frame with the Scotch tape graphic at the top, the tape graphic is missing. The push pin works fine and the graphic is there, but the tape is missing. Where can I check for this graphic and restore it from where?

It is kind of weird.
I added an image with that tape frame and exported to a folder.
When I opened the site - no tape.
Cleared the browser cache, reloaded and there is was!

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    Make sure that you allow pages to choose their colors and that you haven't enabled High Contrast in the Windows Accessibility settings.
    If images are missing then check that you aren't blocking images from some domains.
    *Check the permissions for the domain in the current tab in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions"
    *Check that images are enabled: Tools > Options > Content: [X] Load images automatically
    *Check the exceptions in "Tools > Options > Content: Load Images > Exceptions"
    *Check the "Tools > Page Info > Media" tab for blocked images (scroll through all the images with the cursor Down key).
    If an image in the list is grayed and there is a check-mark in the box "<i>Block Images from...</i>" then remove that mark to unblock the images from that domain.
    There are also extensions (Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) and security software (firewall, anti-virus) that can block images.

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    However all the graphics are missing. Any thoughts on where they might be?

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    So, then I thought "why don't I try just importing the pictures directly into the new iPhoto Library!"
    I tested it out, and sure enough, it worked!  I then tried importing an entire folder (which, was actually the name of the event), and again it worked!  So, I literally clicked and dragged my entire 2007-2009 library of pictures (which was about 35 GB) back into my iPhoto Library!  AND, this only took about 30 minutes to download, enough time for me to write this post and the following instructions to Recap: 
              1. Open your new iPhoto Library
              2. Go to wherever your ORIGINAL iPhoto Library is saved/backed up, then Right-click (or Control click) on the iPhoto icon 
              3. Click on "Show Package Contents"
              4. Go to the folder called "Originals" or "Master"
              5. Click and drag everything INSIDE the folder (not the folder itself) to your new iPhoto Library
              6. DO NOT try Importing from inside iPhoto!  For some reaseon, iPhoto can't see these images, but I promise, they're there! 
    I assume this could work on other iLife programs, but luckily I have MobileMe and my iCalendar updated itself, though I did have to do some tweeking...
    Hope this helps other people out, GOOD LUCK! 

    I'm re-posting the answer to this problem so I can show it has been answered: 
    Open your new iPhoto Library 
    Go to wherever your ORIGINAL iPhoto Library is saved/backed up, then Right-click (or Control click) on the iPhoto icon
    Click on "Show Package Contents"
    Go to the folder called "Originals" or "Master"
    Click and drag everything INSIDE the folder (not the folder itself) to your new iPhoto Library
    DO NOT try Importing from inside iPhoto!  For some reason, iPhoto can't see these images, but I promise, they're there!
              GOOD LUCK!!!

  • Entire iPhoto pictures missing from external hard drive.

    Hello, I have already posted this problem but I'm not sure it was clear enough and not getting the response I needed. I had a Jan 2011 white laptop came with snow leopard, and I upgraded to Lion. A good few months ago, my daughter splashed a small amount of water on it, whilst it was turned on and open. I dried off the water I could see, and the mac was still working so I assumed it was ok. (At this time it had a very low battery and was not connected to a power source) Later on in the afternoon, forgetting about the incident, I did the unthinkable and plugged in the power lead. Result: nothing, the laptop would not boot up, I tried a few times, even holding down the power key for extended time but nothing. I eventually gave up  and got myself a new macbook 10.9.2 then two days ago, took the old burnt out laptop to a place to get them to remove the hard drive and fit it in a case for me with a usb connection. They done this, I  got home and connected the external hard drive off my old mac into my new mac, success I could see it but when I tried launching I photo from the external HD (old lap top) on my new mac. (I didn't realise there would be a software issue which is obvious now)The new mac with mavericks said it could not open iphoto. So I tried searching for the photo files manually on my external hard drive (but there was nothing)  The user files were completely empty. It showed hardly any bytes (indicating I had nothing) My itunes files where gone too, and I could find no files I needed that were originally on my old (mac/ now external harddrive) The only items that were intact were the documents in the documents folder and the applications. I took the external hd back to the repair shop and they said they could not find them. They said they would charge me £100 for an attempted recovery  of data which I 'm now not sure what to do, as I'm unsure what has happened. I desperately would like to get some of the data back, i;e (some files from desktop and photos)  as frustratingly  it was not backed up....
    My questions are:
    1.Would trying to open iphoto, and itunes from my  external HD with earlier software in  10.9.2 Mavericks cause me to lose data (including desktop files) ?
    2. Could the water damage be the issue for destroying the data? (although other data is still there)
    3. Is it likely the files are still on my external hd and I just can't see them (although the low bytes seems to indicate perhaps not)
    4. Is there a reliable data recovery program out there someone can recommend I can get and use that may recover the files, and do I download it on my new mac, and direct it to the external hd?
    5. Would apeture locate the missing iphoto picture files  from the external HD and integrate it into the library on my mavericks?
    6. Could the problem be caused by leaving the HD in my old(water damaged) laptop for so long before I tried rescuing it?
    Any light on situation much appreciated. Apologies if this issue already been aswered, I did scour but did not see help I needed.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi  T,
    Thanks again for reply.  Just checked my mac for the first time without the external HD attached. I had a hard time trying to get back into this site on my new mac. Now I keep getting a pop up that says (https:// discussions.apple.com bad gateway) with ok button every every 30 secs or or something after that I can't type except if I click ok. Prior to that I had some message telling me something about proxy server gateway no access or something. Not happenign on other sites so perhaps just a random error, (hope I have now not picked up a bug or another insidious thing from some site whilst trying to resolve my old HD probs....)
    Extremely annoying!!
    Well I checked as you asked. This is the process.(if you can tell me how to take a screen shot I will do it, but at moment I don't know how to do that exactly)
    At the moment I have got my HD showing on my desk top Top RH corner, like they used to in the good old days before it all changed. I do this, because everything is conveniently placed in one place. Call me old fashioned I guess..
    (Not to change the thread but this pop up thing is driving me mad...)
    If I doubleclick on that by default it opens with five folders in it, I;E applications, library, system, user information, users.
    When I click on Users.
    It is here I find the user  file  with a user name that I have NEVER entered into this new mac, (especially with old MAC HD attached as I did not want any confusion) I even re-named my  old HD (OLD mac HD)
    This new user file even has the icon of  a HOUSE instead of a folder, which is something off older OS as far as I know, I never saw it in mavericks before attaching this encased contraption which is just a metal box as far as I see that holds my old HD, but annoyingly done by someone that may not have known what they were doing..
    Why the heck is it there? It should not be there!
    When I click on this old (home folder) as that is what it used to be, and that was the name of my OLD HD before it got the name (old mac HD) which now I think of it, was not changed by me by default... which is a thought.. I only added the word OLD to it..
    Well it has all my default folders such as desk top, docs, movies, pictures ect.. When I click on pictures I  have my new iphoto library and another folder called root which has the salvaged files I saved there from the recovery software Stellar Pheonix which I downloaded a couple of days ago but can't actually open with preview anyway. I tried to do it with an old version of CS 5 photoshop to see if that would work, but I could not get photoshop to open in mavericks even after java update)
    The interesting thing is is: if I go to system preferences in my dock I click on users it only has the user folders I specified that should be there on my new mac.
    now peeved.  and this annoying pop up.....Situ does not seem to be getting any better!
    Instructions please how to post screenshot..
    PS sorry about LONG POST

  • Drag and drop picture frames in Photoshop Elements 11 from one file to another?

    I am a digital scrapbooker.
    I recently started using Adobe Photoshop Elements 11. I previously had been using Elements 7. I make extensive use of Picture Frames i.e "Basic Black 10px", and in Elements 7, it was very easy to drag and drop a picture frame from one file to another. (I use a separate file for each scrapbook page, and I often move pictures between  pages as I scrap them)
    In Photoshop Elementa 11,  I can drag and drop a picture frame from one file to another, but ONLY if there is no picture in it. If there is a picture, I cannot drag and drop - the circle-slash icon appears showing that it won't land. I was able to do this in Photoshop Elements 7, whether or not there was a picture in the frame.
    Any ideas of what I might be doing wrong, or did Photoshop Elements change this functionality?
    Thank you!

    I think this might be a bug in pse 11, at least on the windows version.
    You might try right clicking on the frame layer in the layers panel, choose Duplicate Frame Layer and pick your other document as the destination.

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    When I export an indesign document the graphics are missing from the eps file.

    The why it isn't working can be a number of reasons. While I never have exported an EPS out of ID before, I just tried it and it worked fine.
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    Links up to date? For items not hitting the EPS, are they on a layer set to non-printing?
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    tlynne28 wrote:
    When I turn the passcode on, the icon disappears, but every time I power down or after a period of time, I have to re-enter the passcode.  Is there some way to disable the icon having the passcode off?
    No. You either use a passcode and disable the Picture Frame icon, or live with the icon and no passcode. If you don't like the way that it currently works, let Apple know how you feel about it here.
    Apple - iPad - Feedback

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    Hi - the new lightning connector on the iPhone 5 has an authentication chip so very few 3rd party manufacturers have come out with compatible devices - so I doubt that you will find a frame that works for both phones - however Apple has come out with 2 apapters - one is a cable and one is a direct 30 pin to lightning device - you would have to check out each frame to see if one of these might work - I looked at the Panasonic and it looks promising but I would check the return policy of anything that you buy in a case it doesn't work.

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    use iMovie or Quick Time Pro - or other video editor is you have one - that is not a feature of iPhoto

  • Transfer pictures from iphoto to picture frame via bluetooth

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    I can do it one picture at a time by sending each file by selecting the send file option from the bluetooth menu on the desktop, but i have to know the file name to do that. It would be so much easier if i could select the pictures in iphoto and them just send via bluetooth to the end device which is the picture frame.
    Thanks for any help

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    When you go to send a file using Bluetooth File Exchange that opens a standard Open... dialogue, and on the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Command-Click for selecting multiple pics.
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!

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    shut off from passcode lock menu on ipad...........there was a picture frame off / on switch

  • Picture frame button disappear from the lock screen

    hi guys,
    after updating to iOS 5.01, I can no longer find the picture frame button in the lock screen. can I get it back somewhere by tweaking in the settings? thanks

    Ah, you mean the camera.  Your original post sounded like you were asking about the photo frame/display function.
    To get the camera button on the Lock screen, just double-click the Home button.

Maybe you are looking for

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