Target tab in EM

Hi all,
I have a Data Guard Configuration on Oracle11gR2 , but i want to use Enterprise Manager to administrate the DG configuration. but i don't see the target tab on my Enterprise Manager home page or I'm missing something here.

In Grid Control under 'Availability' for the target there is a 'Data Guard' section:
Setup and Manage
Verify Configuration
Add Standby Database

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    In ODI Procedures is it possible to use the same table in the same logical schema, on the source as well as the target tabs and performdata binding?

    Thank you all.
    Here's what I am trying to do. I am trying to convert PO data from Sybase into Oracle EBS. I have a custom table which captures the vendor name. It also has a field for the vendor_id which is the identifier for this vendor. I am bringing in the vendor name from sybase table into the custom table. Now I need to retreive the identifier value for this vendor from an ebs table *"AP_SUPPLIERS"* and update the same custom table. I was trying to use a procedure to retrieve the records from the custom table on the source side and update the corresponding record on the target side.
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  • Target tabs missing/disappeared

    Hi everyone,
    I'm having trouble with target tracks in FCP 6.0.4
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    Thanks for your help!

    Thanks for the reply, however, another screen capture shows nothing this time:
    I loaded the audio into the viewer and no tabs appear. Any reason?

  • Feature Request: Disable target tabs setting destination for copy paste

    It might have seemed like a good idea at the time but pasting to the targeted layer causes way more problems than it solves. If for instance if I have 10 video tracks which is quite common and wanted to copy and paste a clip to track 10, I have to turn off the target buttons on all 9 tracks below to do that. I do know about option drag which works but sometimes if you're zoomed out you can't get a hold of the clip you are trying to copy. Also I may need one of those layers to help me copy to the right time but now next edit function doesn't stop on them anymore.
    What is important is being able to select which tracks you want PPro to stop at when you hit the next edit keys. For instance if I'm doing a color pass I don't want to stop on audio edits or gfx edits. So If I go through that whole process of turning these things off just to clone a clip I then have to turn them all back on. IMO it doesn't make sense to share these two functions with the target buttons and it's just too tedious in the first place to use the target buttons to set paste destination.
    What I think would make sense would be an option that says copy paste follows target selection or copy paste to same layer. Then the target buttons would mainly effect which media in your timeline you want to focus on which is way more important IMO. This could also be done with an extra keyboard function. IE paste to same track or paste to targeted track and have both functions available.
    Also I think you should have the option of stopping on the ins and outs with the next edit buttons. It's very common to use an in or out as a quick marker for a point in the timeline where there isn't an edit yet.

    Yes I know about alt dragging. Not so great to copy a one second clip in an hour long seq way down. That's the point of it. As it is now it will likely copy to a different track then you want it to so you have to go over and start clicking all kinds of buttons to get the thing to not over write something and maybe / probably all off or all on for the target buttons is nothing close to what you need and you had the buttons how you wanted in the first place. And after you paste you have to click more buttons to set that up again.
    So for one: this method of targeted copy / paste is not efficient at all, and two: sharing two totally different functions for the target buttons is not a good idea. A very simple fix is to provide the option of copy / paste to same tracks.
    This is an opportunity to do it better than FCP because FCP would copy and paste to the same tracks but it had very bad control over which edits the program stopped on using the next / prev edit keys. It's much more efficient to only stop on the video edits and usually one or two tracks when doing a color pass. In FCP you had to disable the audio tracks to get it to ignore them so that you're not pushing the up and down buttons 5 times more than necessary but then you couldn't hear the audio. When you're doing color you want to hit the button once and be on the next shot. With my suggestion you get to focus on exactly what you want and copy / paste isn't a button-fest. This is like golf. Fewer strokes wins!

  • Target/Acual Comp. Tab - No data is passing

    Hi Experts,
    I am creating on Order in DBM 700. But the Task list information is  not appearing in the Target/Acual Comp. Tab.
    The Order is having Labor Value and is assigned to Task and JOb. The order is released also.
    Note: In our case we dont have MRS activated.
    Kindly let us know if there is any configutrion need to maintain for this. Even the Time information is also not updating in this tab.

    I guess, I figured it out what I did wrong.
    when I created infocube B, I made it a transactional cube, which makes it not available to load the data.
    Since I am going to use the Infocube B to load data in the planning area, I deleted the cube and recreated it as a BASIC Cube. Well this helped now, since I can see it in my infopackage under "Data Target" tab.
    Thanks for your inputs.

  • The data target is not appeared in the Infopackage under datatagets tab.

    Hi thanks for your response, i  eloboreted my problem below pl see,
    In the Info Cube structure i check the Trassactinal check box, In the Infopackage level under the data targets tab i selected the 'Select data targets' radio button icon but the data target is not appeared in the give me a suggetion in which location  can i make a change.
    Thanks & Regards

    The same question in data source is not appeared in the Infopackage.

  • How to initialize delta for a new data target

    I have an ODS from which there are several other targets getting updated thru an export datasource. The delta initialization happend some 6 months back. I now have a new ODS into which i need to load the data from the original  ODS. How can i initialise the delta to my new target without changing the delta initialization of the other targets and continue the delta for all of them together?
    can i use the same initialization for my new target??
    If i do a full update and then a initialise w/o data transfer, will the further delta bring the data from the correct point, is there a possiblity of data loss??

    Hi Ajay,
    the steps are as follows.
    1 delete the initialization. open infopackage >> menu scheduler >> Initialization options for source systems >> delete the request thats there.
    2. Now go to the Update tab of the infopack >> select option Initialize Delta process >> check the option initialize without Data transfer
    3. Goto Schedule tab and start the job.
    here the data targets will be all the targets the infopack loads.
    4. Create a new infopack
    5. goto Data targets tab >> select data targets >> put a check on your new ODS/Cube
    6. Goto Update tab >> select the option Full update
    7. goto menu Scheduler >> select Repair full request >> put a check on Indicate request as Repair Request >> hit OK
    8. Goto schedule tab >> start the job.
    9. Continue with the existing Delta infopack that was load the old ODS/Cubes  and make sure your new ODS/Cube is also cheked for the delta.

  • Not Able to Access the Properties of Workspace and Target

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    One more think I notice ,when I was trying to create new application (File > New > Target Tab > Application)  then window will not open.
    Please provide me some suggestion on this issue.
    Amit Maheshwari

    You might find a much larger audience for technical questions if you open a discussion at the PowerBuilder Developer Center
    PowerBuilder Developer Center

  • Reciever File Adapter to create multiple target files

    Hi All,
    I have done the mapping to create multiple output messages . I would like each of the messages to be stored as a separate file in the target .
    Below is the output message with 2 separate MT_CANCELOUT  messages . However, both end up in one single xml file .
    How do I configure the receiver file adapter to ouput 2 separate xml files  ?
    <ns0:Messages xmlns:ns0="">
    <ns1:MT_CANCELOUT xmlns:ns1="urn://">
    <ns1:MT_CANCELOUT xmlns:ns1="urn://">

    Sorry to say you that but your post show the opposite, it shows you have only one target message !
    <ns0:Messages xmlns:ns0="">
    <ns1:MT_CANCELOUT xmlns:ns1="urn://">
    <ns1:MT_CANCELOUT xmlns:ns1="urn://">
    If you want two files, you should generate two Messages, and so to do that:
    In MM, in your target (tab before "function"), you should have 1 source MT and in target MT, you should have two lines (even if you use the same target MT), after having changed the ouccurence 1->N.
    do the same in your operation mapping: 1->N with two receiver service interface (even if it's the same)
    because you should have something like:
    <ns0:Messages xmlns:ns0="">
    <ns1:MT_CANCELOUT xmlns:ns1="urn://">
    </ns0:Message1>  _____<<<<<<<
    <ns0:Message2> _____<<<<<<<
    <ns1:MT_CANCELOUT xmlns:ns1="urn://">
    Edited by: Mickael Huchet on Dec 2, 2011 8:58 PM

  • Loading Data to Multiple Targets in BI

    Hi Experts,
    I have one doubt regarding data load to multiple targets in BI. I explain clearly- the scenario is to load the data coming from one source system to multiple Data Targets in BI. Like in BW, we will just create multiple update rules from InfoSource to different targets. In InfoPackage maintenance screen, under  Data Targets Tab, we will select the respective targets which we want to load and we run the InfoPackage, it will updates the data to all the selected targets in the infopacakge.
    But in BI, how we will implement this scenario, bcoz here we need to create the individual DTPs, and there is no options to load the data simultenaously to multiple targets.
    So, is there any solution to implement this scenario in BI, plz expalin.
    Thnaks in Advance
    Ramakrishna Kamurthy

    Hi Dennis,
    No worries at all. I've been trying different approaches and strangely it does seem to load data packages faster when going via an InfoSource. (I don't understand why). However, it doesn't want to do it parallel.
    Whereas when I went loaded direct from the DataSource to DataSource, it processed data packages twice as slow but three at a time. The result being without the InfoSource was faster. This can be seen in the DTP Process Monitor and in SM50.
    Both DTPs had the default setting in Settings for Batch Manager of 3 parallel processes.
    Our batch queues in SM50 have not been blocked with other processes.
    Has anyone else had problems with parallel processes when loading via an InfoSource?
    I think I've discovered two cases where InfoSource may bring performance improvements:
    Filtering Records
    Transformation A includes the common and more simplistic transformations. e.g Sets a flag "Relevant" for certain conditions being met.
    Transformation B includes the complex transformations. At the beginning of B, you include a Start Routine that filters out records not marked "Relevant". That way it only does the complex work on relevant records.
    Time Conversion
    If your Data Source has Fiscal Period, but you wish your DataTarget to have Calendar Month, you need to write a routine to covert if you extract direct from DataSource to DataTarget.
    Whereas, if the Fiscal Period is passed to an InfoSource, you can use Time conversions or formulas to convert Fiscal Period to Calendar Month in a transformation between InfoSource and DataSource
    Edited by: Adrian Bell on Jul 31, 2008 9:33 AM

  • Linking to a Tab in another page which has 3 tabbed panels

    I have created a page which has three tabbed panels.  The first is a horizontal Tabbed panel with two tabs.  Each of these tabs has a vertical tabbed panel with 4 tabs in each.
    I want to be able to link from another page to the 2nd horizontal tab and the first vertical tab on that page.
    If I use the URL  ?tab=1, the link takes me to the second horizontal tab but also then to the second vertical tab.
    I have tried the following
    giving the target tabs the same id and targeting ?tab=news
    setting the url to ?tab=1&tab=0
    setting the url to ?tab=TabbedPanel1.tab1&TabbedPanel2.tab2
    but none of these work.
    Javascript is not my thing (as you have probably guessed!).  Is there a way that I can target any combination of tabs on one page through the URL?
    Any ideas, much appreciated.

    Tab on main tabbed panels = primetab
    Tab on nested tabbed panels = secondtab
    URL Link = myPage.html?primetab=2&secondtab=2
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <div id="TabbedPanels1" class="TabbedPanels">
      <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
        <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 1</li>
        <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 2</li>
      <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
        <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">
            <div id="TabbedPanels2" class="TabbedPanels">
              <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
                <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 1.1</li>
                <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 1.2</li>
              <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
                <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Content 1.1</div>
                <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Content 1.2</div>
        <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">
            <div id="TabbedPanels3" class="TabbedPanels">
              <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
                <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 2.1</li>
                <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 2.2</li>
              <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
                <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Content 2.1</div>
                <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Content 2.2</div>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryURLUtils.js"></script>
    var params = Spry.Utils.getLocationParamsAsObject();
    var TabbedPanels1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1", {defaultTab: params.primetab ? params.primetab : 0});
    var TabbedPanels2 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels2", {defaultTab: params.secondtab ? params.secondtab : 0});
    var TabbedPanels3 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels3", {defaultTab: params.secondtab ? params.secondtab : 0});
    The highlighted parts denote the markup required over and above the original markup for tabbed panels, placing JS at the bottom of the document is a peculiarity of mine an is therefore not a necessity.

  • Linking between spry tabs

    I've created a page with spry tabs and want to place a link
    on a tab that will take the user to a place on another tab. I
    assumed that I would use named achors but can't get them to work.
    Any ideas?

    RSW14 wrote:
    > I've created a page with spry tabs and want to place a
    link on a tab that will
    > take the user to a place on another tab.
    To open another tab from anywhere in the same page, give the
    target tab
    an ID, and create the link like this:
    <a href="javascript:;"
    to other tab</a>
    To go to a specific place within a tabbed panel, you would
    need to use
    SpryURLUtils.js, which is part of the Spry framework that you
    download from Adobe Labs. Details of how to use it are on the
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS4",
    "PHP Solutions" & "PHP Object-Oriented Solutions"

  • Link to spry tab or accorion not working

    I have gone to by Mr.Powers (great suff by the way!) and tried using the code in the tutorial just as described to create links to non-default tabs or accordions on other pages but not having any luck. The link takes me to the page, but not the target tab or accordion - whichever I try.
    Also, once I change the scrip code at the bottom of the page, it causes the tab or accordion panels to display as a continuation down the page, not contained within the element. As if a div tag were left out or something.
    First I copied SpryURLUtils.js from the Spry 1.6 release into the SpryAssets folder.
    (The 2 pages shown here are working test pages within my site for an accordion panel link).
    Here are the locations and code I entered into this page ( )
    for a link to the bottom unopened (H1N1...) accordion panel:
    At the end of the head section:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="SpryAssets/SpryURLUtils.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript"> var params = Spry.Utils.getLocationParamsAsObject(); </script>
    Then at the end of the page withing the script tags, I modified the Accordion1 variable identifier to:
    var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion1", {defaultPanel: params.panel ? params.panel: 0});
    (this is the code that makes the entire panel set, accordion or tabs, to continue out of the panel container).
    Lastly this is the link from the starting page - ( ):
    <a href="">test link to research panel</a>
    There are a number of other links to tabs or other accordions I need to create. I would assume if I can get this coding figured out, I can get the others to work.
    Please Help!! Thank you!! --Jeff

    One obvious problem is this:
    <link href="../SpryAssets/SpryAccordion2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="SpryAssets/SpryURLUtils.js"></script>
    The link to SpryURLUtils.js is pointing to the wrong location. It should be this:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../SpryAssets/SpryURLUtils.js"></script>

  • Changing the Target data store dynamically

    I have a requirement to load same kind of data into 12 different target tables. Client maintains data in period vise, i.e. Jan data in a table TABLE_01, Feb data in TABLE_02, Dec data in TABLE_12 etc. The structures of all these tables are same.
    My program will process only one period’s data at a time and processed data will be loaded into a table TABLE_SRC. After this, according to the processing period, I need to post the data into the target tables TABLE_01, TABLE_02 etc. i.e. if the data is for period Jan then to TABLE_01, data is for period Feb then to TABLE_02 and so on.
    For accomplishing the same, I need to create 12 different interfaces. So is there any way to accomplish the same using a single interface by changing the target data store dynamically? I am looking for a solution other that creating procedures.
    Any Help is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, it is possible....
    1) at the target datastore use a variable at resource
    2) create a query that returns all target tables in a source tab (procedure step)
    3) at target tab, call the interface scenario send the query result as parameter.
    That will allow you execute the same interface for disitnct targets.
    Does it help you?

  • In Procedure command, source query results not passed to target as # variables - why not?

    Hi all,
    I'm using ODI
    Has anyone had issues with this version with this feature?
    I've just upgraded from and feature doesn't work at all (not even in new procedures!) in my repository.
    I've even tried creating a brand new repository then creating a new data server, new physical schema, new logical schema, mapped physical schema to the logical schema, and created a new procedure that does:-
    Source tab (Oracle):          SELECT scen_name FROM snp_scen
    Target tab (ODI Tools):     OdiStartScen -SCEN_NAME=DUMMY -SESSION_NAME=#scen_name
    The session that's created has the name "#scen_name" and not the name from the result of the source query.
    The DUMMY scenario is just generated from another procedure that has a single OdiSleep command.
    Any ideas chaps?

    Yet another bug...
    Fixed in

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