Task Server unresponsive

I'm using ARD 3 on an Xserve with Mac OS X Server 10.6.3. I'm finding that when I run package installs using "From the Task Server on this computer," many times the package never gets installed. It simply says "Client Idle."
I've checked Activity Monitor and the ARDAgent is still active, so it seems the TS is still running -- but it's not doing anything. Has anyone found a way to restart the Task Server, or wake it up? If I install the package immediately, it works just fine.

its not that there is a lag it just doesn't come up.  When I am not in full screen it works just as normal as it did when I had Mountain Lion.  This computer is only 4 months old (retina).  It is as if it does not recognize that I want to do anything on the Dock.  It is driving me up a wall I am about to go back to mountain lion if there is not solution.

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    MacBook-001959 /Applications/Remote Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/Remote Desktop: setCollectionAtComputer: Got unexpected error (-6410) setting Admin entry in DOC.
    Has anyone had this problem before?

    Well, in fairness to Apple, the ARD license does say that each copy can only be installed on a single system. But I do agree that it would be nice if a more explicit "this serial number is in use on another system" message appeared (since it may not be known in some organizations that someone installed ARD elsewhere). You can suggest that to Apple through the feedback page.

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    Would love to hear if anyone has any solutions for this as well! I'm in the same boat: I have multiple client networks, that I would love to monitor on my ARD Task Server.

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    Hello all, and thanks for reading this.
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    I have ARD on my laptop as the task server, but we've bought another copy to place on an XSERVE as a centralized task server. What I want to do is change the package installation routines so that the XServe is the autoinstall box. I can't seem to find any documentation that explains how to do this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Remote Desktop/Preferences/Task Server
    Add the FQDN or I.P address of your server in this pane on your book(basically your pointing your book to your installed software on the other machine). Setup your server with the installs you want it to make, and administer it via your book (or any machines with another unlimited ARD) IF you want report generation, you would schedule the clients to send the info to the server. A task server can only do 2 things, install packages or change client settings, thats it.

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    1. I have a local account "ZAMadmin" on both servers that is a local admin account with full rights to the Filestore
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    3. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the Task Server.
    4. Port 7465 is NOT open when a TELNET 7465 (connect failed)
    Any ideas what to check?

    Originally Posted by pcwoodring
    I have set up a second Collection and Task Server (W2003 SP2) on a VM. The Collection Server is running fine.
    The Task Server does not appear in the Manager displayer, after refreshes (F5) and rebooting both the Manager and the new Collection/Task Server.
    Following some of the suggestions on this forum, he is my troubleshooting:
    1. I have a local account "ZAMadmin" on both servers that is a local admin account with full rights to the Filestore
    2. Only the TASKSERVER.exe is running; TASKSERVERCORE.exe is not
    3. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the Task Server.
    4. Port 7465 is NOT open when a TELNET 7465 (connect failed)
    Any ideas what to check?
    I entered a ticket with Novell Support $, and the issue revolved around installing the Collection Server, then installing the Task Server later on. I guess the "Component Install" isn't entirely true!
    Here is the scenario for anyone else with this problem:
    1. Second Collection Server installs and it grabs new DLLs for the Primary
    2. Task Server installs but can't start because of DLL conflict
    3. Reinstalling the Task Server does not overwrite the DLL, so the same problem
    The fix is stupid and simple:
    Install the Task Server to a new folder. Then it can install all of the DLLs including the shared programs
    I hope this helps someone else avoid misery!

  • Task server not showing up?

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    ZAM collection server
    ZAM Task Server
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    Originally Posted by WoofaJB
    m_jonis wrote:
    > In article <SIHaj.12025$[email protected]>,
    > [email protected] says...
    >> Are you pressing F5 when on the Task Server tab? For some reason
    >> some of the tabs don't refresh themselves. The Task Server tab
    >> is blank for me until I press F5.
    >> Simon
    > That was it.
    > That's kinda stupid though that it doesn't refresh automatically
    > Although I've not applied IR7
    These tabs in the Manager never refresh automatically - on any IR. The
    Tasks one (ie active tasks) does though, every so often...
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    Any ideas?

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    Would it be a good idea to re-send an ard configuration package to all of the clients?
    I opened a ticket with Apple, but they won't do anything without having purchased software support.

    Hmmm... I seem to have found the plist file that is doing it. I was looking at /Library/Application\ Support/Apple/Remote\ Desktop/ before... looks like /Library/Preferences/com.apple.ARDAgent.plist is the culprit.
    This plist is a binary, so I had to use plutil to convert to xml in order to make it human readable. I wonder if I can just hack this file up a bit and re-deploy it to each machine. Or I wonder if it would re-build if I simply remove it from each client. I will need to test to find out, seeing as though the task servers are listed in it, probably not a good idea to remove it all the way.

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    *** SESSION ID:(8.8) 2001-01-16 16:43:16.140
    *** 2001-01-16 16:43:16.156
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure
    ORA-06512: at line 18
    The only way to recover is to terminate the instance's service and restart. This happens every time we add more than 2 users to a group.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    From metalink
    # symptom: ERROR = 12571
    # symptom: trace file generated
    # symptom: Database operations continue successfully
    # cause: The most common cause for the above error is an ungraceful disconnection of a session from the oracle db while the db is currently running a dml statement issued by that session. The error is recorded when oracle attempts to reply back to the session with the results of the dml and cannot access the session. Overall database operations are usually not affected.
    The ora-12571 error usually occurs when the client abruptly terminates with a Ctrl-C or powers down.
    The ora-12571 error, usually, indicates an instability with Oracle with the network. Communication Gap between eHub and Database Server.
    Refer to Doc ID: 164839.1 and Doc ID: 576929.1 on metalink
    Edited by: Anand... on Jan 16, 2009 1:18 PM DoC ID added

  • Task Server Problem and Load Balancing

    I am trying to use ARD to adminstrate the 100 or so macs in my college.
    I have a few issues.
    I am running ARD as a task server on a mac mini setup as a server. To use ARD I remote onto the mac mini and use ARD from there.
    If I try and send an install package using the task server on the mac mini, the task will just hang, saying that the targetted computers are idle. If I use the ARD tool on our departments MBP and run it from the task sequence on the mac mini, it will work, but it's a stupid way of doing it as ARD pulls the install files down over the network to the MBP to send them back to the mac mini. Also ARD has started crashing everytime I attempt this now anyway.
    The reason I have been trying to run this from the task server rather than just from the ARD application is  because of the second problem. If I send a package or group of packages to a single mac, it will send it at full speed, pretty much saturating the speed of the connection the mac is connected to, in this case about 8MB/S. If I select multiple macs the speed tanks, usually less than 1MB/S, this means sending a 4GB package to 20 macs takes 3 days, obviously not ideal.
    Anyone else experienced similar problems and found a way around them?

    Thanks for the reply
    I think you might have misunderstood my post slightly, I have a mac mini set up as the task server.
    If I run ARD from my MBP and tell it to run tasks from the task server, the tasks will run.
    If I go onto the mac mini and tell ARD to run tasks from the local task server, they just hang.
    All clients are added to ARD and fully authenticated.
    The server isn't limited by 8MB/s it's the network. The macs are all networked into each other with 1Gb/s switches, but that is then linked back into the comms cab on a 100Mb/s port, which then goes back to the main server cabinet on a 1Gb/s link.
    The package is the general software for the macs in this room, and in total all the software is about 8gb, it includes CS6, office, iLife and a few other bits n bobs, but it doesnt matter how big the package is it always fails.
    If I try and send it using the ARD application on the mac mini, it will work, but sends really slow when i select all 20 macs at once, if i send it to just one mac at once then it sends at full speed, sounds to me like ARD is not very good at multicasting!
    I managed to do a work around by queing up the package and sending it to 1 mac at a time, but this seems stupid, and apart from that after it did a few of them the rest failed saying not authenticated, so I had to go back onto the list view for it to reauthenticate.
    All in all ARD is just being a pain, and is not doing what it's advertised to do, i'm finding this to be a dissapointing patter with apple server products.

  • ARD Task server email notification trouble shooting

    I have set up my ARD Task Sever successfully. I am able to push out task from my machine to the task sever. I have set up the default mail script and was able to test it manually by running ./Notify and get an email. When I have a job set up to run I do not get a notification. I set up a simple task (Repair Permissions to test) and was unable to get ARD to send an email.
    I took an additional step of changing the notification to changing the mail to go the mail server to where the task server is running. the address would read something like [email protected] Again I was able to test this manually and was able to get an email. Is there an additional file I need to edit or another setting to change to get that notification working?

    Try using formatDateTime() function if you are using BPEL process.
    Try using HTML, it works.

  • Task server and data collection

    I'm going to be setting up a task server shortly, to help centralize the collection of asset info. When I add computers to my ARD Admin app, I'm going to stagger the timing of report data upload by department, so that I don't have hundreds of machines reporting in all at once.
    I'm wondering, after I configure all this, when my junior admins ad a machine to their ARD app, they'll wipe out the upload schedule I've already set. They'll need to Uncheck the box to 'Apply default data upload schedule', right?

    >Where is this info (the IP address) kept? How do I force the services to
    >use the NIC on the 10.x subnet????
    Is the 172 network the first NIC?
    Jared Jennings - Data Technique, Inc.
    Novell Support Forums Sysop
    My Blog and Wiki with Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials

  • Curve 9360 "contenct blocked or server unresponsive"

    Hi Guys, I'm new here and I put this topic initially in the wrong forum (Tour). Anyway I'm trying to resolve a problem with my 9360 youtube videos. Everytime I wan to watch anything on youtube I got the same result :contenct blocked or server unresponsive. I rebooted phone few times, cleared cache and also have done all 3 steps withs succesfully receiving messages etc (sending new service books) as I have found this info on Tour forum.  If it is connected via wifi it works without any problems. I am on the contract with unlimited data plan and generally internet works well. Surprisingly I can watch all the videos from the naughty sites but not youtube :-) Staff at the shop is totally no use, helpline of the provider after "investigating the problem" told me that it will be a problem withe device. No surprise as they know that this phone is just over a year old by few weeks. Any suggestions how to fix this problem will be very appreciated...

    Hi garrison
    Please Check this Knowledge Base :
    KB19091 : Error "Content not available. Server is blocked or unresponsive" occurs when attempting to access videos on m.youtube.com from the BlackBerry smartphone
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • Installing Custom Packages via Task Server

    Hi everyone. I am looking to install custom software updates that I have placed in a PKG format via a task server. I need to be able to have a user logged out and their screen locked. Is there some way to do this? Or does anybody know of a way to add custom packages to a customn Software Update server?
    Thanks in advance.

    LOL. Yea well we are trying to come up with a better solution for pushing updates to all these users. But there is no way to have the screen lock when the users computer turns on in the morning. Shoot me an email with your current email when you get a chance.

  • Task server two copies and serial number.

    I have two issues. Firstly, I'm assuming because I only have a one 10 client version of ARD 3 I only have very limited functionality (i.e. no TASK server ability)?
    Secondly, I'm asked for the product serial number every time I start up ARD.
    This can't be right can it? I understand the lack of a second license with respect to functionality (but it is a bit misleading).

    I'm assuming because I only have a one 10 client version of ARD 3 I only have very limited functionality (i.e. no TASK server ability)?
    A single copy can still run as a task server. You just can't have ARD installed on a second system to be a dedicated task server and report collector unless you have two copies of ARD.
    Brian, I haven't seen anything to indicate that there are any differences in functionality between the 10-user and Unlimited User versions of ARD other than the number of managed systems. But I could have missed it somewhere.

  • ARD won't accept my Task Server

    We have three Clients: 2 iMac and a MacBook, alltogether with Mac OS X 10.5.5. Then there's an Mac Pro with Mac OS X 10.5.5 Server.
    On each of these computers is ARD running. On the server is also ARD running with the enabled "Use task server on this computer" option.
    Now, if I try to set the task server on a client with the IP or FQDN of the server I can see the FQDN of the server for a few seconds in a label under the textbox and suddenly it's gone and the form seems to be resettet.
    What is the problem?
    Can anyone help me, please?
    Thank you!

    Thank's to your reply! Yes, you're right. It really seems that there has been installed the same copy. Now I know what to do.

Maybe you are looking for