TDS (Witholding) Certificate config & user steps

Hi Gurus,
Kindly help me in configuring withholding tax certificate and user steps to generate as well as take its print out.

Hi Viki
Follow the path given below
IMG-FA-Financial Accounting Global Settings-Withholding Tax-Extended Withholding Tax-Postings-Certificate Numbering for Withholding Tax
Do the configuration:
1.Define numbering Class: No. Class - Give the Plant Code say for Ex. Delhi Plant -DEL followed by text.
2.Define numbering Groups: As 000001 and text as no. group for Delhi Plant.
3.Define Number Ranges: Enter each no. group and accordingly maintain the no. range for each group.
4.Assign no. group to no. class
Later in the same path select INDIA
Select the WHtax Certificate for Vendors/Customers
1.Maintain No. groups for SAP Script Forms Here give these inputs
Company code, Section Code - DEL, Official Wtax Key - 194C/194A etc Form:J_1IEWT_CERT and finally the no. group 01/02/03 maintained in the no. class.
2.Assign no. ranges to the no. groups
3.Finally maintain the no. ranges
After the initial configuration go to the TC: J1ILN
Select the Tax Deduction at Source - Ext. Wthax - Vendor Certificates - and follow as given.
This is the entire configuration settings to Witholding Taxes Certificate Generationand hope this will solve your problem.
Murali Kanth Natti

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    Thanks a lot Mark.
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    For e.g lets take the assignment:  aListVariable = {a list of attachments}
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    Moderator: Please, read the rules of SDN before posting. You can search for Wiki material or explore for basic process description

    Hi there,
    Make to order is when you manufacture or procure the material only upon order. Stocks are not maintained for those items in the storage loc. As & when the order comes, a production run is triggered through MRP. After the production, stock is posted as reserved sales order stock. Stock is then made available to fulfill the delivery.
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    go for a custom print program... copy the standard one and chnage it.. it's the only best option.

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    Dear Venkatesh,
    Thank you for replying.
    I did maintain as you had suggested to me. Now I'm facing a new problem.
    The bold text is exactly, what I've copied from the system's error message and pasted it across here.
    No unpaid tax lines exist for the given selection criteria.
    Message no. 8I702
    The corresponding withholding tax line  &1& is not present in WITH_ITEM table.
    System Response
    For withholding tax recovered from the vendor, tax line is present in table BSIS, but the corresponding entry is missing in table WITH_ITEM , which is necessary for challan updation. Check the entries.
    check entries in table WITH_ITEM for the open tax items chosen for clearing.
    Now, I dont have a clue to go further from here. Plz suggest, if there's something else for me to go ahead with.
    I appreciate you for your answer coz that's taken me a step further is what I feel.
    I'm sorry I've assigned only 2 points, coz I've used up the max llimit of being able to assign 6 points, If my problem is solved, I'll make it sure I'll assign 10 points
    thnx once again

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    Hi Jerry
    Did you checked this

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    Hi Callahan,
    SignalExpress (SE for short) does the following on the Stop event:
    1. Takes the list of parameters that SE found on your VI's connector pane, and sets the values that the user set from the "Run LabVIEW VI" configuration page, if any.
    2. Then tells the VI that SE is running the Stop event by setting the Enum found on your VI's front panel. This in turn should produce some boolean values telling your VI to execute the Stop case.
    3. The VI is then run, with those values and states.
    4. SE checks to see if any errors where returned.
    5. Since this is the Stop event, SE releases the reference to the VI which it possesses.
    Questions for you would be, is the reference to your Workbook linked to a control on your connector pane, or held in a uninitialized Shift Register. If it's held in a Shift Register, SE would not be aware of it, and would not be able to affect that reference.
    Hope that helps. Feel free to post your LLB if it doesn't.

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    What are the steps involved for creation of new client EX: 100 as a customizing client and what is the procedure to create an user in client 100, becaz am able to create a client but user is not created proeprly
    PLZ help me

    Hi Subash,
    Finally am able to create client and user also successfully.
    by again doing the client copy with change of  selected profile SAP_CUST----.

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    please let us know how we can create LC document in ENLO for vendor. if anybody has configuration step and user manual please revert.
    Thanks & Regards

    sap has confirm that this functionality is not available for import hence not possible in sap.

  • TDS - Witholding tax

    Hi all!
       We are having a vendor who serve both as subcontracting vendor and normal purchase vendor . We are maintaining same vendor code for it. If it is subcontracting vendor we have to maintain witholding tax(TDS) details in vendor master record. So that it will be overviewed during MIRO. But this is not required for normal purchase.But sometimes when we  do normal purchasing for it the same details is overviewed during MIRO which is not at all required.
    The problem v is due to maintaining same vendor code for both. If it is different vendor codes for it then there will no problem. But my client is asking to maintain same vendor code for it.
    Now how to do this....
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Raj,
    Assign tax codes for non- taxable transactions:
    Path: SPRO  Financial Accounting  Financial accounting global settings  Tax on sales/purchases  posting  assign tax codes for non taxable
    (Transaction code: OBCL)
    Select position button
    Give your company code:
    For company code: AML: Assign input tax code:
                                                    Output tax code:
    Now you can do process through TDS or wothout TDS system will ask before saving the data so that you can choose TDS or Not'
    May be this information is useful to you

  • Require Computer Certificate And user credentials

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    I'm trying to test 802.1x authentication in a lab environment with some standalone 1131AGs and a Server 2008 R2 NPS server. I've been able to set up a few different scenarios but none have met all my requirements:
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    Laptops in the domain automatically get certs from a GPO
    Laptops in the domain automatically get an SSID configured from a GPO
    Laptops in the domain automatically authenticate using their computer certificate.
    I can't add non-domain computers to this network. I've tried installing computer certs using Windows 2008 R2's certsrv CA web portal but these types of certs don't seem to work.
    Scenario 2:
    Same as below except I provide non-domain computers with a user certificate which they can request through Windows 2008 R2s certsrv CA web portal.
    They can connect BUT they can export the private key and put it on other devices or give it to their friends, etc.
    I'd like to figure out a way to ensure certificates can't be exported or at least require a user cert and a username and password to get onto the wireless network. Is this not possible with EAP-TLS or PEAP-TLS?

    Moving this to AAA forum.
    Vinay Sharma
    Community Manager - Wireless
    Cisco Support Community

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