Terminal Asks for password

When I open the terminal app it prompts for a password before it displays the prompt. I can type my password, then the prompt is displayed and terminal appears to run as expected.
I have compared the preferences to another machine that does not ask for the password and they are the same. I have run a permissions repair and removed the ~/library/preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist but neither has fixed the problem.
Any suggestions as to what might be the issue?

Either you have something in your .bash_profile (or .bash_login, or .profile) that is running a command that wants your password, or your terminal default session has been configured to ssh into another system (which could be localhost, aka yourself).
So look at the shell initializations files I mentioned above. See what they are doing. You could always edit the shell initialization file and add
set -x
at the very beginning to see exactly what it is doing when you login. Remote the "set -x" when you are finished.
To see if you have your Terminal preferences configured to ssh, you could enter the following
printenv | grep ssh
If you get
SSH_CLIENT=::1 49801 22
SSH_CONNECTION=::1 49801 ::1 22
chances are you have been issuing the ssh command as part of your Terminal preferences.
By the way, Terminal, Unix, X11, and command line command, ssh, rsync, etc... questions are best asked in the Mac OS X Technologies > Unix Forum

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    Step #1:
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    Repairing the permissions of a home folder in Lion is a complicated procedure. I don’t know of a simpler one that always works.
    Launch the Terminal application by entering the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. If that doesn’t work, then in the Finder, press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    Drag or copy – do not type – the following line into the Terminal window, then press return:
    chmod -R -N ~
    You may see a few error messages about an “invalid argument” while the command is running. You can ignore those. If you get an error message with the words “Permission denied,” enter this:
    sudo !!
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    okay well they got me to take out some .plist files to see if that would help it didn't. I'm not sure what ones that they deleted for my self maybe someone here would be abel to tell you what ones to take out but didn't work the one that came close to working was this going into keychain and deleting the account(s) then reading them again.
    if you are to do this please back up first with Time Machine. You can do this with a usb drive.
    Okay so go back to where you had internet accounts and make sure mail is shut. click the - on the account your having problems with then quit system preferences.
    Okay so then press cmd and space bar at the same time then type 'keychain access' into the search then click on 'keychain access'
    once it is open go to the top of the window and put your email address that you are having problems with.
    once you have put in your full email, have a look at what comes up i deleted things in the kind colome with 'internet password' and anything with under name that had smtp.gmail.com or imap.gmail.com so it would look like this, map.gmail.com - internet password.
    right click and delete them. make sure not to touch any other files that dont say them things on them.
    Once you have done this quit keychain access and then restart the computer, once the computer is restarted go back to system preferences and internet accounts and re-add the account.
    Hope this helps. if something is not clear just ask.

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    Sites >> Advanced >> and added the site URL and
    >>   Local Intranet >> Custom Level >> At bottom choose “Automatic logon with current username and password”
    http://blog.fpweb.net/sharepoint-credentials-prompt-quick-tip/#.VPBz3vmUdUW http://www.sharepointdiary.com/2012/04/sharepoint-keeps-asking-for-password.html
    https://sysadminspot.com/windows/google-chrome-and-ntlm-auto-logon-using-windows-authentication/ (IE, Chrome, Firefox)
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    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.    
    Aroh Shukla

    Sites go into the Intranet Zone, not the Trusted Zone. Only Intranet is configured, by default, to automatically pass credentials to SharePoint.
    Yes, there are scenarios where this may not work, e.g. if you've configured the Web Application with Kerberos but didn't configure the SPN. Or if you're using Kerberos Constrained Delegation with Domain Controllers older than Server 2012 and your users are
    in a different forest, etc.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    You aren't going to be able to delete it without the correct password.  If it's your ID, you can reset the password as explained here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5625.  If it isn't your ID, you will have to get the password for the person who owns the ID.  There's no way around this and no one else can help.

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    I had the same problem today and was able to resolve it without having to do a restore or reset. The problem had something to do with my mail accounts. The upgrade reset my mail settings, switching both my gmail and my .mac mail to "archive all mail". I went into the General Settings, disabled that setting, and resynced the phone. The "other" storage allottment dropped back down to less than a gig.
    Before you restore or reset, I would try that first.

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    I have never had to enter a password to access mail.
    However, recently, I keep being asked for password on my ***** address.
    Only on my macbook. (which, btw, has a version number your drop down doesn't offer as a choice. I had to putt 9.4)
    When I look up the account the "password" is a long string of gobbledygook. Something I would never do.
    But when I attempt to use that pw I still can't get in.
    I have no trouble accessing that email account on my mac mini. Just on the macbook.
    <Edited by Host>

    I'm confess I'm still trying to get a handle on your problem. You do a fantastic job of describing it ... but I'm just trying to picture it accurately in my head.
    I think, were I in your shoes, I'd begin by looking at what the debug page has to say for the specific destination in which you're interested in fixing. In other words, I'm not clear on where, exactly, this destination points ...
    Destination illinois.edu.1945806043
    Is that your site, or the division within your site that you want to fix? "Normally", you do not need to specify a site handle to get to your site within your transfer CGI ... if you say "uillinois.edu", it's enough to transfer your users to iTunes U ... but every site still has a handle, and you could, if you wanted to, actually specify it in your transfer CGI. For example, this:
    Destination uic.edu.1139051993
    is for my entire site ... it's my site handle. Whereas this:
    Destination uic.edu.1991288441
    is for a division within my site ... but it's impossible to tell the difference between "site" and "division" from just the handle (I mean, if I didn't say "this is a site" and "this is a division", there'd be no way for you to know). So when I look at your creds and permissions on your debug page, I can't quite tell if they give you download access for your site, or for the specific division you want to fix. If you could open the debug page with your division as destination (or confirm that that's what we're looking at), it'd rule out some things.

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    can anyone help.

    Place the iPod in recovery mode and then restore the iPod.  For recovery mode see:
    iPhone and iPod touch: Unable to update or restore

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