Test de limits?

Bonjour, lorsque je me serts du VI "test de limit" et que j'y fais rentré un signal fréquentielle alors lors de l'exuction un message d'erreur s'affiche pour me dire que mon waveform est différent de dt. Je ne comprend pas car ds l'aide, il est dis que le VI détect tout seul, en fonction du signal, s'il doit se mettre en mode temporelle ou fréquentielle. Si quelqu'un à déjà eu ce PB merci de me guider.

Le VI 'Limit Testing' compare le signal d'entrée avec une limite haute et/ou une limite basse. Les paramètres de chaque limite sont les suivants :
x0 : spécifie la valeur minimale de l'axe des x.
dx : est égal à la période d'échantillonnage des données d'entrée à comparer avec la limite.
Y : contient les valeurs selon l'axe des y pour la limite.
Le texte de votre message d'erreur est le suivant : 'Les waveforms ont des valeurs différentes de dt.'
Les waveforms de ce message correspondent à la waveform d'entrée et à la waveform d'une des limites.
Assurez vous que le paramètre dx de la waveform de votre limite est bien égal à la période d'échantillonnage des données d'entrée à comparer avec cette limite.

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    Là on dérive un peu du problème principal... Je ne connais pas assez ton appli, mais si à chaque fois que tu envoies une nouvelle valeur de ta variable dans un graphe déroulant tu en envoies en plus une deuxième, cela ne changera pas ta première courbe.
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    L'autre possibilité serait de plutôt partir sur un graphe X-Y: un tableau pour les X (temps), un pour les Y (ta/tes donnée(s)). Il suffit donc à chaque fois que tu prends un nouveau point le mettre dans ton tableau Y, et de mettre le temps actuel dans un tableau X.
    Mais ceci n'a plus rien à voir avec ton problème initial... tu trouveras pas mal d'échanges sur ce forum à porpos des graphes déroulants et des graphes X-Y si tu ne les maitrises pas.
    Francis M | Voir mon profil
    Certified LabVIEW Developer

  • Numeric Limit Test/Edit Limits

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    Hallo Andy,
    leider gibts dafür keine einfache Lösung. Man könnte auf der Property-Page des Steps unter "Edit Limits" als "Unit" millivolts angeben, dann müßte man sowohl die Limits als auch die Messwerte in mV umrechnen, bevor man Sie an Teststand übergibt.
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    Informationen zum Prozess-Modell findet man hier:
    Hoffe das hilft weiter.

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    Your problem _is_ the device limit...you repeated your issue, so I'll repeat the quote from Apple:
    Although you may remove a device from your account, it will continue to count against your 100 device limit.
    Please confirm you understand the process now, thanks.

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  • Limiting the storage enabled nodes?

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    Best Regards

    There are a few improvements in 3.2 to configuration. First of all, eval / dev / prod licenses can now have specific overrides, to avoid accidentally using dev configuration in production, for example.
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    ur help is really appreciated.

      Testing of the changes made in development is referred to as unit testing.
    Unit Test: Testing is limited only to the changes made. This is done in Dev box and is usually performed by the developer.
    String Test: Testing is done by the user in Dev box and it includes testing the sorrounding areas which might have been disturbed because of the changes done.
    Regression Test: Testing done by the user in Q box and involves testing both the changes made and the sorrounding areas.
    This is the terminology we use in our company and could vary.
    The tcode to create a sales order is VA01 in R/3.
    Assign points if helpful.

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    you can clearly see my system specs and i only wrote to my internal 7200 RPM SATA drives.
    in addition, i used some content that i had onhand, there is not much motion, BUT i will test the limits of comressor and capture some speedboat action (water, fast moving object and the colors) really soon.
    the difference between this test and others is that i will post my tests on an FTP so you can SEE and download what i have done (full read and write privilages people) but please do NOT delete these contents so everyone can see them. i will take them down as soon as i post the new speedboat tests.
    also, make sure to check out the "unofficial hd dvd test.rtf" file as i am running the tests and has some minor insight.
    your suggestions, comments and even some flames are EXPECTED
    username = mike
    password = mpeg2

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    I would like to go for some sonnox plugins. I will buy 2, and save 20% in this bundle. I will go for the SuprEsser and the Limiter OR Inflator. And here´s my questions:
    I used the Inflator in the past and loved it. I also used it on my bus in the mastering process.
    I have no Limiter yet (only the W1 freeware plugin) which i use a bit. And the LiquidMix.
    Would you go for the Inflator or the Limiter? Never tested the Limiter, but I think, I can use Inflator for more things.
    Thanks for some ideas and thoughts

    I'm more suprised why you'd pick the Superesser... But different strokes for different folks I guess.
    My 2 fave Sonnox plugs are the Dynamics and Limiter. Dynamics is super flexible, with great gate, comp, limiting and 'warmth' features.
    The Limiter is wonderfully transparent and effective, and I strap it on almost all of my master bus mixes. The secret weapon is the "Enhance" slider, which when used judiciously can really give some last minute polish and clarity to mixes. But ya gotta go easy with it.
    The Inflator is nice, but for my music I only use it on the parallel drum bus most of the time. Obviously your needs and ears will be different.
    Why not just demo all the plugs you're interested in and make your decision then?
    If it were me, as I say, I'd start with the limiter and dynamics. But that's just me. I'm guessing your music is different than mine. Coz if it's not, well that'd just be downright weird, wouldn't it?
    Better yet, buy 3 Sonnox plugs, or one of the bigger bundles . You know you'll want them all eventually... I've got the EQ, Limiter, Inflator, Transmod, Dynamics, and Reverb. All great. The only one I DONT' have, you'll notice, is the Superesser... I've got the Waves and UAD variants, and they do the trick just fine for me...
    But different sonnox strokes for different sonnox folks...

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    Thanks for the tips here. I'm going to add some additional pointers I learned today in my attempted test.
    Since I'm trying to test in a major city, it may be best to seek out the dispatch administrator. When I dialed 911 (which it successfully connected), I told the dispatcher, as suggested, this was not an emergency. I was promptly forwarded to a non-emergency police number before having the chance to verify the location information.
    However, I was able to get the dispatch supervisor's phone number. He instructed me to send an email to their 911 helpdesk to schedule testing. It is important to note that they do testing during limited time frames (obviously). In the city I'm working in this week, Houston, they allow testing between 10AM to 3PM, Monday-Thursday.
    I've sent an email to their helpdesk and awaiting a scheduled time.

  • Enable Recycle Bin on mapped network drives

    A few years ago I discovered how redirected user profile folders in Windows get Recycle Bin protection, even when the folders are redirected to a network location. This was a huge find for me, and I used this feature to add Recycle Bin coverage to some of
    my mapped network drives. I shared this information on another forum here:
    Today I figured out a better way to achieve the same goal that doesn't rely on user profile folder redirection, and am sharing that information for other users to try out. You might want to take a look at these forum topics for additional information:
    The standard disclaimer applies - this might break stuff. I've only tested in Windows 8, and my testing is limited. Try this at your own risk.
    This is what I've learned (or think I've learned - I might be wrong):
    Windows Vista and later store the configuration settings for the Recycle Bin for redirected user profile folders in this registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BitBucket\KnownFolder
    Under this key are separate keys for each redirected folder that is protected by the Recycle Bin. The keys contain the configuration information for each protected folder, and are named to match the GUIDs for "Known Folders." A list of the Known
    Folder to GUID mappings is available in one of the links above.
    The registry also contains a list of "known folders" at this location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions
    So, I reasoned that if I could create my own custom "known folder," I could add that to the list of folders that were protected by the Recycle Bin and protect any mapped network drive I wanted. So I looked at the list of existing "known folders"
    and created a key that was similar to the Documents key. I then fiddled with the values in the key until I narrowed it down to the minimum number needed to make the recycle bin work.
    This .reg file will protect a mapped X: drive with a ~50GB recycle bin. You should modify the file to fit your needs:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    A few things of note:
    The GUID in the above .reg file {9147E464-33A6-48E2-A3C9-361EFD417DEF} came from this PowerShell command: "{"+[guid]::NewGUID().ToString().ToUpper()+"}"
    Each "known folder"/Recycle Bin combination requires a unique GUID. If you don't want to use PowerShell to generate a GUID, you can use an online GUID generator.
    I don't know what the "Category" value does, but the key I copied had it set to 4, and that works, so I didn't test any other values.
    The "Name" value is required, but is not the name that will be shown if you right-click on the Recycle Bin and select properties. (At least not in my environment.) In my environment, the name that is shown is the name of the network drive.
    Making this change adds a "Location" tab to the properties page of your mapped network drives. I suspect this could be removed by changing the "Category" value, but didn't bother to find out.
    I only tested with mapped network drives. I suspect this would work with UNC paths as well, but I didn't bother testing.
    I hope you're as excited to find this as I was to figure it out. Let me know if this works for you. I now plan to deploy the registry keys with Group Policy Preferences and will update this forum post with any information I discover.
    Best regards
    Update: I am now using Group Policy Preferences to deploy the needed registry keys, and all my mapped network drives are now protected by the recycle bin.
    Update 2: I have tested now with UNC paths, and this works fine. I still use mapped network drives, but if your environment requires UNC paths instead, you can use them. Note however that if you have a mapped network drive that points to a UNC path, and
    you protect the UNC path with a registry change, if a user deletes a file from the mapped network drive that points to that UNC path, the file will be permanently deleted. See below for more details.

    FANTASTIC work Russel !
    This is extremely helpful.
    I've turned your work into a Bat Script that will automatically make the reg file.
    It creates a unique guid each time it is run, so no worries on overlaps.
    Just copy and paste the following into notepad
    and save it as "Network Recycling Bin - auto make registry file.bat"
    echo off
    REM ========== MAIN FUNCTION  ========================
    Call :CreateREGfile
    goto :eof
    REM ========== SUB FUNCTIONS  ========================
    set /p RelativePath=Enter
    current mapped path of drive (e.g. X:\FileShare\D_Drive):
    REM replace \ with \\ (for reg value its a requirement)
    Set RelativePath=%RelativePath:\=\\% 
    set /p MaxBinSize_Dec=Enter
    max size (in mb) (eg 11gb=11000):
    call :toHex
    %MaxBinSize_Dec% MaxBinSize_Hex
    Set outputREG="Network
    Recycling Bin - %RelativePath:~0,1% Drive (%MaxBinSize_Dec%mb).reg"
    call :MakeGUID_VBS NewGUID
    REM echo My new GUID : %NewGUID%
    echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions\%NewGUID%]
    echo "RelativePath"="%RelativePath%"
    echo "Category"=dword:00000004
    echo "Name"="NetworkDrive2RecyclingBin_%NewGUID:~1,5%"
    REM The "Name" value is required, but is not the name that will be shown if you right-click on the Recycle Bin and select properties. That will be autoset to the network drive name.
    echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BitBucket\KnownFolder\%NewGUID%] 
    echo "MaxCapacity"=dword:%MaxBinSize_Hex%
    echo "NukeOnDelete"=dword:00000000
    goto :eof
    echo set obj
    = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
    > TEMP_generateGUID.vbs
    echo WScript.Echo obj.GUID
    >> TEMP_generateGUID.vbs
    FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*"
    %%rin (`CSCRIPT "TEMP_generateGUID.vbs"`)DO
    SET RESULT=%%r
    del TEMP_generateGUID.vbs
    goto :eof
    :: todec hex dec -- convert a hexadecimal number to decimal
    ::             -- hex [in]      - hexadecimal number to convert
    ::             -- dec [out,opt] - variable to store the converted decimal number in
    set /a dec=0x%~1
        IF "%~2"
    NEQ "" (SET %~2=%dec%)ELSE
    EXIT /b
    :: eg  call :toHex dec hex -- convert a decimal number to hexadecimal, i.e. -20 to FFFFFFEC or 26 to 0000001A
    ::             -- dec [in]      - decimal number to convert
    ::             -- hex [out,opt] - variable to store the converted hexadecimal number in
    ::Thanks to 'dbenham' dostips forum users who inspired to improve this function
    :$created 20091203 :$changed 20110330 :$categories Arithmetic,Encoding
    :$source http://www.dostips.com
    set /a dec=%~1
    set "hex="
    set "map=0123456789ABCDEF"
    for /L
    %%Nin (1,1,8)do
        set /a "d=dec&15,dec>>=4"
    %%Din (!d!)do
    set "hex=!map:~%%D,1!!hex!"
    rem !!!! REMOVE LEADING ZEROS by activating the next line, e.g. will return 1A instead of 0000001A
    rem for /f "tokens=* delims=0" %%A in ("%hex%") do set "hex=%%A"&if not defined hex set "hex=0"
        IF "%~2"
    NEQ "" (SET %~2=%hex%)ELSE
    EXIT /b

  • How do I increase the thread limit on Linux?

    OS: Linux (or Sun Linux)
    Kernel: 2.4.9-31enterprise
    Memory: 2GB
    CPUs: 2
    Java: 1.4.1_01
    I have a dual processor Cobalt LX50 and I am running
    into a thread limit with Java. No matter what I do
    with the Java JVM parameters (heap and stack), I
    cannot get any more than 949 threads. My "top" and "vmstat" output
    shows that I am no where near my memory capacity.
    Below is a simple Java program (28 lines long) I have
    used to test this limit. My question is simply how do
    I go about increasing this limit. Is there some kernel
    parameter I can set or maybe have to recompile into
    the kernel? My /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max is 16383.
    I do not believe my ulimit settings are the problem,
    but I will post them anyway. The problem also occurs
    on non-Cobalt (plain old PCs) uniprocessor machines
    maxxing at about 1018 threads. The other interesting thing is that when I run the same program through the Kaffe VM with -Xms64M and -Xmx512M I do not run into the thread limit problem. Does anyone know what I need to change to get my thread limit up? Also, rewriting the way the program uses threads is not an option.
    [root]# ulimit -a core file size (blocks) 0
    data seg size (kbytes) unlimited
    file size (blocks) unlimited
    max locked memory (kbytes) unlimited
    max memory size (kbytes) unlimited
    open files 1024
    pipe size (512 bytes) 8
    stack size (kbytes) 8192
    cpu time (seconds) unlimited
    max user processes 8191
    virtual memory (kbytes) unlimited
    /*******************************Sample java program
    testing thread
    import java.util.Timer;
    import java.util.TimerTask;
    public class Reminder {
    Timer timer;
    static int cnt;
    public Reminder(int seconds) {
    timer = new Timer();
    timer.schedule(new RemindTask(), seconds*1000);
    class RemindTask extends TimerTask {
    public void run() {
    System.out.println("Time's up!");
    timer.cancel(); //Terminate the timer thread
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    System.out.println("About to schedule task.");
    cnt = 0;
    while (true) {
    new Reminder(90);
    System.out.println("Thread #" + ++cnt + "

    Confer also:

  • 2 Weeks with my Verizon Z10

    Verizon BB Z10
    Hardware : 
      I have in my possession BB Z10 from Verizon and Q10 from international carrier also Z10 from AT&T. I try to compare my own personal Z10 with the others including my Verizon Galaxy note 2, Droid Razr MAXX , iPhone 5 and Lumia 920.
    My Z10 is very comfy on my hand. 1 hand usage.. I still prefer 1 hand usage for phone.. and for iOS user who switch back to BB Z10, It feels just perfectly placed on my palm
       My personal usage of cellphone is heavy duty emails/texts/web browse with basics entertainment such as netflix and youtube and including but not limited to using notepad and some C++ editor/compiler on my android. In this test I limited it to personal usage only and work related(texts,emails,games)
    Early Usage :
        The initial usage of my Z10 was very weird. it took me 12hrs of charging from 20% to full battery. Next cycle took me 8hrs and after that it took me about 4hrs 53mnt - 5hrs 15mnts give or take. The charging time awfully took a long time. I tried to resolve it with the Verizon customer service but they also did not have any idea as of why and what cause the phone to took some awful long time to charge the battery. Oh well I could live with it.
    2 Weeks After : 
    - 3days into usage I got into random reboot problems that confirmed by BB support team is due to my OS The support said it was a known issue with that OS and fixed with update of OS 10.1 which they said it was up to Verizon to push it out(no news whatsoever about the update from the Big Red Dracula Team).
    -Prompted to install previous OS when connected to Link Desktop Software but prompted to install newer OS when check through OTA update
    -Battery charging issue still plagued my phone until this time
    -Sudden Reboot when opening heavy loaded website or bombarded by emails, texts and whatsapp all together
    - Facebook is another Horror Movie come true... messages not sent, messages late came through or the notifications won't gone even when we already checked it. If that happen I must open my Facebook app to check it again. So what's the point that it linger around in the hub??
    - Incompetent answer by the carrier customer rep as how to resolve my issues and problems.
    -docs open swift and no problem
    -Save screenshot or image from the item cannot be save directly to memory card.. Instead I must work around the system to save it to my phone and moved it to my memory card. What is the point..
    Conclusion :
        For a person who came from iOS and android I actually quite surprised and pleased. After given consideration for a while I realized that AT&T support for the BB platform was actually better than Verizon( I owned BB 9900 and 9930 previously also). It was too bad that my Carrier(Verizon) did not support BB10 all through the way. BB10 is a very solid platform who still keep the main purpose of work functionality in their platform. iOS, Lumia and Android  evolved to mainstream system, that I felt personally, put forward in media and games too much in their system. 
    BB10 is simple and easy to use but also have the media/entertainment aspect as a side compliment to it and not the way around. Too bad that carrier like Verizon is very very SLOW to push update and support for this platform.
    WISHES : 
       I sometimes still like to use my Droid Razr MAXX. I could dock it at my home/office or bring the lapdock with me to make it a full laptop during my meeting. I do not need a tablet since my phone replace everything in one device. Tablet as convenient as they are.. will never replace my All-In-One Droid Razr Maxx. I wish BlackBerry will come out with this solution(e.g www.casetop.ca). A market that no one seems to grab as solution to work enviroment. Phone, Laptop and All Round Personal Computer at home also..
    wish good luck for BlackBerry team.. Good job.. Good job indeed.. 

    Oh I've seen the ACK message also. Sometimes your power source may intermittently not deliver the power needed and that message is generated. Usually if I see that I unplug and re plug and all is well.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
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  • 2 Weeks With My Z10 And Wishes For The Next BlackBerry

    Verizon BB Z10
    Hardware : 
      I have in my possession BB Z10 from Verizon and Q10 from international carrier also Z10 from AT&T. I try to compare my own personal Z10 with the others including my Verizon Galaxy note 2, Droid Razr MAXX , iPhone 5 and Lumia 920.
    My Z10 is very comfy on my hand. 1 hand usage.. I still prefer 1 hand usage for phone.. and for iOS user who switch back to BB Z10, It feels just perfectly placed on my palm
       My personal usage of cellphone is heavy duty emails/texts/web browse with basics entertainment such as netflix and youtube and including but not limited to using notepad and some C++ editor/compiler on my android. In this test I limited it to personal usage only and work related(texts,emails,games)
    Early Usage :
        The initial usage of my Z10 was very weird. it took me 12hrs of charging from 20% to full battery. Next cycle took me 8hrs and after that it took me about 4hrs 53mnt - 5hrs 15mnts give or take. The charging time awfully took a long time. I tried to resolve it with the Verizon customer service but they also did not have any idea as of why and what cause the phone to took some awful long time to charge the battery. Oh well I could live with it.
    2 Weeks After : 
    - 3days into usage I got into random reboot problems that confirmed by BB support team is due to my OS The support said it was a known issue with that OS and fixed with update of OS 10.1 which they said it was up to Verizon to push it out(no news whatsoever about the update from the Big Red Dracula Team).
    -Prompted to install previous OS when connected to Link Desktop Software but prompted to install newer OS when check through OTA update
    -Battery charging issue still plagued my phone until this time
    -Sudden Reboot when opening heavy loaded website or bombarded by emails, texts and whatsapp all together
    - Facebook is another Horror Movie come true... messages not sent, messages late came through or the notifications won't gone even when we already checked it. If that happen I must open my Facebook app to check it again. So what's the point that it linger around in the hub??
    - Incompetent answer by the carrier customer rep as how to resolve my issues and problems.
    -docs open swift and no problem
    -Save screenshot or image from the item cannot be save directly to memory card.. Instead I must work around the system to save it to my phone and moved it to my memory card. What is the point..
    Conclusion :
        For a person who came from iOS and android I actually quite surprised and pleased. After given consideration for a while I realized that AT&T support for the BB platform was actually better than Verizon( I owned BB 9900 and 9930 previously also). It was too bad that my Carrier(Verizon) did not support BB10 all through the way. BB10 is a very solid platform who still keep the main purpose of work functionality in their platform. iOS, Lumia and Android  evolved to mainstream system, that I felt personally, put forward in media and games too much in their system. 
    BB10 is simple and easy to use but also have the media/entertainment aspect as a side compliment to it and not the way around. Too bad that carrier like Verizon is very very SLOW to push update and support for this platform.
    WISHES : 
       I sometimes still like to use my Droid Razr MAXX. I could dock it at my home/office or bring the lapdock with me to make it a full laptop during my meeting. I do not need a tablet since my phone replace everything in one device. Tablet as convenient as they are.. will never replace my All-In-One Droid Razr Maxx. I wish BlackBerry will come out with this solution(e.g www.casetop.ca). A market that no one seems to grab as solution to work enviroment. Phone, Laptop and All Round Personal Computer at home also..
    wish good luck for BlackBerry team.. Good job.. Good job indeed.. 

    Oh I've seen the ACK message also. Sometimes your power source may intermittently not deliver the power needed and that message is generated. Usually if I see that I unplug and re plug and all is well.
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