Testing audio line input

Outside of using the input itself, is there any way to test the audio line input on my iMac to determine whether or not it is working?
Also, how can I determine the level which must be used for input to my iMac?
Thanks for your help.

In System Preferences/Sound/Input you have volume control over audio input and a graphic indicator of the volume of various sources of input.

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    Make sure the source is sending stereo. Make sure the cable or adapter being used between the iMac and source is not mono.
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    Hi Paul
    Maybe try a different cable between the input device and the iMac.
    For the scroll ball issue have a look at: "How to clean your Mighty Mouse" I even resort to a little rubbing alcohol on a clean rag from time to time.

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    Here's the explanation. The audio line input is not connected to the audio output - this i as it should be.
    What program are you going to use to record? Whichever program you use should have a setting for where to send the monitor output. In other words, it's the program's responsibility to take the input and send it somewhere for monitoring.
    Try fiddling with Garage Band to see how this works.

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    What audio application are you using to pass the audio through the input to the speakers/headphones?

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    Did you see the fix for this problem and did you try it?  I use to do a lot of direct line in recording with my guitar and now I have the same problem. I won't be able to try to fix till tonight. I am in Oregon.  So I was just curious if you got a solution.
    Cause I am kind of ****** about this.
    I would appreciate you feedback!

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    My specs:

    Couple of things to check, you say you have selected line in ok, are you sending an analog signal to the line in port?(It needs to be analog to be seen) If you are, when you open  QT, under file click new audio recording, then also click the little white triangle on the upper right and make sure that it is set to line is a well. You need to click the red square to begin recording. Also check the Audio MIDI Set Up is configured as in the 2nd  screen shot

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    Realtek HD Audio Driver
    Windows 7 Home Premium
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    Did you try the latest HD audio driver directly from the RealTek website?  That has solved various issues.
    If you haven't here it is.  Accept the agreement, download and install the first driver on the list.

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    What am I missing?
    Thanks in advance...

    I'm going to change this to "answered" because thanks to this conversation I have found a solution.
    Versiontracker has a freeware program called LineIn that bridges this gap. It will let you select your audio in and out and with a click of a button labeled "Pass Thru" it plays any audio input through your audio output.
    Just like OS X should.
    This might be beating a dead horse, but one of the most disappointing things about the migration to OS X was these missing bits of functionality that somehow got lost in translation. I have heard the defense that since OS X is a brand new operating system from the kernel on up it's not a question of having taken something away.
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    It's clearly possible. I found a third-party non-Apple developer that did it.
    The reason I'm ranting is that I shouldn't have had to hunt for this answer or a third-party solution in the first place. This is an obvious need that Apple really should have handled for me. The "pass-through" button should have either been there, or not been necessary because line-in audio would automatically be passed through to the line-out selected.
    Thanks for the help, everyone. I really do mean that. I am now grooving to satellite radio through my Mac thanks to you folks.

  • No sound with input to audio line in

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    I was a bit confused by your description of what is going on with your system, so I'm sure you;ve already done some of this stuff. Having said that, here are a few suggestions...
    1. Did you change anything in the Audio MIDI Setup application? It is located in: Applications: Utilities
    2. Did you hit the Mute button on your keyboard?
    3. Did you plug the cable into the correct port on your Mac?
    4. Did you double-check your setting in System Preferences: Audio? Input and Output?
    5. Are you coming out of the Audio Out on your sound source?
    6. Have you tried any other external audio source with success?
    G5 dual core 2.5 ram   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

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    Got it fixed, defective user

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    I think you're missing something.
    You have to configure each program top to bottom, go to the above link and make sure all your settings are correct. (the won't necessarily match the pic)
    Look at your Logic 9 settings  Preferences/Audio  and then set up Logic X the same way.

Maybe you are looking for

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