Testing webdynpro browser performance

I am trying to add the tag: &sap.session.ssr.showInfo=true  to the end of my webdynpro test app URL to see browser performance info in the status bar.  But this is not working for me.  I see nothing.  I have tested with IE 6 and Firefox.  The app works fine, but no perf. data is there.
Note how in teh first above refernced doc, it says to use &sap.session.ssr.showInfo=true, while the next one says to use ?sap.session.ssr.showInfo=true.  I have tried both, although I suspect the second doc is wrong.
Am I missing another setting to enable this?

Try "sap-wd-showInfo=true" or "sap-wd-ssr-showInfo=true" (I don't remember exactly).

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    If I understand correctly, you want to do the following:
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    Hope it helps,
    John Lum
    test_engine.zip ‏24 KB

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    Hello j. smith,
    TestStand gives you the ability to create "sequence files" which are lists of tests to be run sequentially or in parallel. These tests can be written in any language: LabVIEW VIs, C/C++ DLLs, EXEs, ActiveX objects, .NET Assemblies, etc.
    You can run your TestStand sequence files from a command-line prompt using the following syntax:
    \bin\SeqEdit.exe" /quit -run
    This will launch the TestStand Sequence Editor (and optionally prompt you for TestStand login information if you have this configured), run your sequence file, then exit.
    If you're using the TestStand process model, it can output your results to a report file or database if you configure this. To use a TestStand process mo
    del to execute your sequence file, use the following syntax:
    \bin\SeqEdit.exe" /quit -runEntryPoint
    Here's an example:
    C:\>"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\bin\SeqEdit.exe" /quit -runEntryPoint "Single Pass" "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Examples\Demo\C\computer.seq"
    Note that multiple sequences and sequence files can be specified on the command line.
    TestStand supports remote sequence execution using DCOM (Distributed COM), which is an east way to remotely execute tests. But as for running tests or commands through a telnet or serial interface, you would have need to check Windows documentation on how to execute command-line remotely like this.
    David Mc.
    NI Applications Engineer

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    Hi Venkatesh,
    Before you can start recording any webdynpro application make sure that the below settings are done in the ecatt system and the target system , for further information refer ecatt documentation.
    Create User ECATT_HTTP in the eCATT System
    The administrator in the eCATT system must create a user called ECATT_HTTP(with a password). The user requires no special authorization but must be a system user (in transaction SU01, display the user and choose the Logon data tab. Under User Type, select System).
    Activate the Service ecatt_recorder in the eCATT System
           1.      In the eCATT System, start transaction SICF and navigate to the service ecatt_recorder.
           2.      Double-click on ecatt_recorder.
           3.      On the Logon Data tab, enter the user ECATT_HTTPand the password.
           4.      Choose Save.
           5.      Select ecatt_recorder and choose Service/Virtual Host  ->  Activate.
    Activate the Service ecattping in the Target Systems
    Java System
           1.      In the Visual Administrator, choose Server ->Services -> Deploy.
           2.      On the Runtime tab, select Application.
           3.      Select ecattping.
           4.      Choose Start Application.
    ABAP System
           1.      In the target system, start transaction SICF and navigate to the service ecattping.
           2.      Select ecattping and choose Service/Virtual Host ->  Activate.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: Balaji DN on Dec 31, 2008 12:04 PM

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    Edited by: user620914 on 19-Jan-2010 01:42

    user620914 wrote:
    I have to say I don't understand your point either :)
    What are you saying, that people should not test their SQL performance? That tools such as autotrace are useless?No.. what I'm saying is that you need a baseline to make an informed decision about SQL performance.
    What does a 4 second SQL performance mean for query foo ? Nothing really.. wearing my dba cap I would point at that this is actually utterly useless for me to determine the impact of your query on production, or use it to determine how to scale it.
    If instead you tell me that is hits that table using an index range scan.. I know what it is doing and have a far better idea what it will do to the production instance.
    Thus my questioning this "+elapsed time+" measurement approach. I as a dba cannot use it... and I'm not sure what benefit (wearing my developer hat) you will find from it either.
    You can form your SQL queries better or worse, or select your table structure / indexes better or worse. Some choices may end up executing orders of magnitude slower than others. Obviously you can't get exact measurements "this query executes in 43123 ns" and there are a lot of unpredictable variables that affect the end performance. Still, it's often better to test your querie's / table's performance before implementing them in the application than not.Exactly. I'm not questioning the fact that optimising your code (and ALL your code, not just SQL) is a Good Thing (tm) - but how you go about that optimisation process.
    For example, your PL/SQL code fires off a query. It returns on average 10,000 rows, hits a single partition (SQL enables partitioning pruning) and then uses a local bitmap index to identify the rows.
    An optimal query by the sounds of it, and one that will perform and scale well.. even when the database instance needs to service a 100 clients using your code and running this query.
    Only, the code does a single bulk collect of all the rows and stuff it into dedicated process memory (PGA). Servicing a 100 clients means that dedicated server memory is now needed for 100x10000 rows - there's insufficient free memory, causing the kernel to start swapping pages in and out of memory heavily as all 100 client sessions are active and wanting to process the rows returned by the optimal query.
    What happens to scalability and performance now?
    Testing for performance is not simply measuring a query and then trying to use that or extrapolate that to determine application performance and the impact on production.
    It starts with the design of the tables, the design of the application, the writing of the code (application and SQL). It is not something that should be done after the fact as in "+okay, application all done, let's see how she performs!+".. and especially not using time as the baseline for performance measurement.

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    when m testing webdynpro abap application m getting this error  help me to get solution.
    plz find the screen shot

    I think you are using the IDES system, Can you check the services in SICF transaction. If the service is not activated you activate it again.
    In this path you will find  in the below path and try to check/activate the services relevant to the WDA stack.

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    Hi Everyone,
    Could anyone please provide me the steps for testing webdynpro-Abap application .
    Thanks in advance,
    Best regards,

    Hi Priya,
                    There are diffrent ways of testing ABAP Web dynpro application, this link should be helpfull for you.
    SDN Demo: on testing WEB Dynpro ABAP applications https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/media/uuid/e3b19f11-0a01-0010-409d-b3951f754963
    Thanks and Kind Regards

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    Hi Vara,
    You can develop Interactive forms using WD ABAP also.
    [E Learning- Interactive Forms using WD ABAP|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/media/uuid/c766e918-0b01-0010-99b1-c2b78cd059b3]
    WD Java is useful in case, when your ABAP system is less than ECC 6.0. Otherwise you can achieve same functionalities in WD ABAP also.
    Hope this will help you.

  • SQLDeveloper 1.5.4 Table browsing performance issue

    Hi all,
    I had read of previous posts regarding SQLDeveloper 1.5.3 table browsing performance issues. I downloaded and installed version 1.5.4 and it appears the problem has gotten worse!
    It takes ages to display rows of this particular table (the structure is shown below). It takes much longer to view it in Single Record format. Then attempting to Export the data is another frustrating exercise. By the way, TOAD does not seem to have this problem so I guess it is a SQLDeveloper bug.
    Can someone help with any workarounds?
    Here is the table structure:
    create table EMAIL_SETUP
    APPL_ID VARCHAR2(10) not null,
    EML_ID VARCHAR2(10) not null,
    EML_DESC VARCHAR2(80) not null,
    PRIORITY_NO_DM NUMBER(1) default 3 not null
    constraint CC_EMAIL_SETUP_4 check (
    PRIORITY_NO_DM in (1,2,3,4,5)),
    DTLS_YN VARCHAR2(1) default '0' not null
    constraint CC_EMAIL_SETUP_5 check (
    DTLS_YN in ('0','1')),
    ATT_YN VARCHAR2(1) default '0' not null
    constraint CC_EMAIL_SETUP_6 check (
    ATT_YN in ('0','1')),
    MSG_FMT VARCHAR2(5) default 'TEXT' not null
    constraint CC_EMAIL_SETUP_7 check (
    MSG_FMT in ('TEXT','HTML')),
    MSG_TMPLT VARCHAR2(4000) not null,
    MSG_MIME_TYPE VARCHAR2(500) not null,
    PARAM_NO NUMBER(2) default 0 not null
    constraint CC_EMAIL_SETUP_10 check (
    PARAM_NO between 0 and 99),
    IN_USE_YN VARCHAR2(1) not null
    constraint CC_EMAIL_SETUP_11 check (
    IN_USE_YN in ('0','1')),
    DFLT_USE_YN VARCHAR2(1) default '0' not null
    constraint CC_EMAIL_SETUP_12 check (
    DFLT_USE_YN in ('0','1')),
    TAB_NM VARCHAR2(30) null ,
    FROM_ADDR VARCHAR2(80) null ,
    RPLY_ADDR VARCHAR2(80) null ,
    MSG_SBJ VARCHAR2(100) null ,
    MSG_HDR VARCHAR2(2000) null ,
    MSG_FTR VARCHAR2(2000) null ,
    ATT_TYPE_DM VARCHAR2(4) null
    constraint CC_EMAIL_SETUP_19 check (
    ATT_TYPE_DM is null or (ATT_TYPE_DM in ('RAW','TEXT'))),
    constraint CC_EMAIL_SETUP_20 check (
    ATT_INLINE_YN is null or (ATT_INLINE_YN in ('0','1'))),
    ATT_MIME_TYPE VARCHAR2(500) null ,
    constraint PK_EMAIL_SETUP primary key (EML_ID)

    Check Tools | Preferences | Database | Advanced Parameters and post the value you have there.
    Try setting it to a small number and report if you see any improvement.

  • Exception During Testing WebDynpro Application in Developer Studio

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    <b>1)</b>During Recording i am getting successful result as follows
    Application Url: http://pawanm:50100/webdynpro/dispatcher/sap.com/compositeapp~webdynpro/MyApplication
    Port: 12000
    The Server is ready to accept Xml files from the Web Dynpro Runtime on Port 12000
    -->Client Connected....
    XML file received from runtime
    The Server is closed and it will not accept any more Xml documents from the Web Dynpro Runtime.
    The script has been stored on the local file system.
    <b>2)</b>But when i am trying to reply the script generated by recording then i am getting
    following error in console
    ->Contacting XML Client on Server to get initial XML document.
    ERROR: Contacted the Xml client on the J2EE Server, but did not receive an Xml document from it.
    <b>And in log viewer i am getting following error</b>
    Date : 03/30/2007
    Time : 20:44:47:481
    Message : Cannot send an HTTP error response [500 Application error occurred during request processing. (details: java.lang.NullPointerException: null)].
    The error is: com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.exceptions.WebIOException: The stream is closed.
    Exception id: [0014222FC3E20052000009490000077C00042CE65506EC3A]
    Severity : Error
    Category : /System/Server/WebRequests
    Location : com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl
    Application : sap.com/tcwddispwda
    Thread : SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_10
    Datasource : 17409750:C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC01\j2ee\cluster\server0\log\defaultTrace.trc
    Message ID : 0014222FC3E200520000094B0000077C00042CE65506EF1F
    Source Name : com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl
    Argument Objs :
    Arguments :
    Dsr Component :
    Dsr Transaction :
    Dsr User :
    Indent : 0
    Level : 0
    Message Code :
    Message Type : 0
    Relatives : /System/Server/WebRequests
    Resource Bundlename :
    Session : 0
    Source : com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl
    ThreadObject : SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_10
    Transaction :
    User : Guest
    So anyony please help me by giving some guideline or send me some document or url from where i can get usefull document.
    And also please let me know that how to test CAF application by using some tool provided by SAP.  
    Thanks in Advance
    Pawan Mishra

    Hi Pawan
    Is your engine functioning properly.I mean go to http://localhost:port/index.html then chech out the webdynpro links and other links available on this page .I am suggesting this so that we can check if <b>sap.com/tcwddispwda</b>
    is working fine.Then we can look into the speacific application you are working on
    Reward suitable points

  • WebDynpro Application Performance

    Can any one guide me how to check WebDynpro Application Performance. I have application which refreshes every 1 hour. There are 1500-2000 users for this. Can any one guide me how to monitor and do changes for streamlining performance?
    Also my application is using both VC and webDynpro in one page.
    Thanks in advance

    To can check the performance of the webdynpro application follow the procedure mentioned in the link below.

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    to improving the Measure performance but nothing about Dimension.
    Venkata Koppula

    Hi Venkata,
    According to your description, you want to improve the performance of browsing a huge dimension. Right?
    As yger mentioned, we could create a default measure in your cube. Otherwise it will query all measure groups when you pulling out your huge dimension. We can change the default measure to empty hidden field, which will speed up this
    kind of queries. For more information about optimizing performance on dimension design, please refer to the link below:
    SSAS - Best Practices and Performance Optimization
    Simon Hou
    TechNet Community Support

  • Very slow browser performance

    Hi and thanks in advance for your time.
    My internet browsing is painfully slow. I tested the speed on speedtest.net and on speakeasy.net, the result were:
    MP3 file download (5MB): 2 sec
    Video clip (35MB): 14 sec
    Movie (800MB): 5min
    Download: 20 MB/s - 26053kbps
    Upload: 6.52MB/s - 6594kbps
    Ping: 71Ms
    Another useful info is that since the last update, Safari has crashed few times, particularly with s website for music that has lots of QT videos. However, the speed was very slow even before the last update
    I use Comcast with a DSL modem that was reset by comcast prior to performing the test (did not see improvement after that). Supposly, I got more speed that what I am paying for, but again, it is QUITE slow.
    My computer is a 2Ghz PowerPC G5 running 2Gb RAM, bus speed: 667Mhz, 128MB video RAM, HD is 232GB (123 are used mainly on music, video, photos and keynote docs)
    What can I do?

    Let's try and deal with the slowness first:
    Adding DNS codes to your Network Settings, should gives good results in terms of speed-up:
    Open System Preferences/Network. Double click on your connection type, or select it in the drop-down menu. Click on TCP/IP and in the box marked 'DNS Servers' enter the following two numbers:
    (An explanation of why that is both safe and a good idea can be read here: http://www.labnol.org/internet/tools/opendsn-what-is-opendns-why-required-2/2587 /
    Open DNS also provides an anti-phishing feature: http://www.opendns.com/solutions/homenetwork/anti-phishing/ )
    Wikipedia also has an interesting article about Open DNS:
    Whilst in System Preferences/Network you should also turn off 'IPv6' in your preference pane, as otherwise you may not get the full speed benefit (the DNS resolver will default to making SRV queries). If you want to know what IPv6 is:
    This is Apple's guidance on iPv6:
    Click on Apply Now and close the window.
    Restart Safari, and repair permissions.
    If that didn't do it, then try this as well:
    Empty Safari's cache (from the Safari menu), then close Safari.
    Go to Home/Library/Safari and delete the following files:
    form values
    Then go to Home/Library/Preferences and delete
    Repair permissions (in Disk Utility).
    Start up Safari again, and things should have improved.
    If your Safari crashes, please copy and paste the crash report here.

  • Safari vs in-app-browser performance

    I have heard that performance using in app browsing vs using safari on an ios device is much slower. Are there any signifant tests that can proove this?
    In cases where a webpage is using gzip to compress webcontent, are there any known performance issues for in-app-browsing?

    It happens but to a much lesser - almost unnoticeable - extent.
    On 15 Jan 2014, at 14:12, Neil Enns - Adobe <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]

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    Some satellite systems have fairly high latencies. The "standard" tcp/ip configuration is not optimized for such connections. You might try installing Apple's Broadband Optimizer and see if it improves performance.
    Note, however, that speedtests only benchmark your broadband connection's best throughput. Browsing on the other hand has more to do with individual site conditions. Some sites are slow, some are fast. It depends upon server capacity, bandwidth limits imposed, server load, and many other factors. Except for fast download servers you may rarely see surfing speeds as fast as the benchmark speed test.
    Why reward points?(Quoted from Discussions Terms of Use.)
    The reward system helps to increase community participation. When a community member gives you (or another member) a reward for providing helpful advice or a solution to their question, your accumulated points will increase your status level within the community.
    Members may reward you with 5 points if they deem that your reply is helpful and 10 points if you post a solution to their issue. Likewise, when you mark a reply as Helpful or Solved in your own created topic, you will be awarding the respondent with the same point values.

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