Text Dataload from Flatfile

I have an info Object,I am getting 01 key and Name Description in that Text table,
I have another key 1 description Name2 I want load the text using flatfile,is it possible  to load the text data to that info Object,my IO is char(2),
01 Name
1  Name2
Do I need to specify any conversion in Transfer rule for the info Object.I want to use csv or txt file for the data upload.
Please help me out,
Thanks & Regards,

Hi Biyaz,
The problem is that when I create a csv file for the cell containing value 01 I am giving as general and for 1 I am changing the format of the cell to text but when I save it as csv its changing again to normal i.e to general and when I load the file I am getting error saying duplicate records,I want to load txt data for an infoobject containg 01 and 1 as serial number,with some description,is it possible or not,please advice.
Thanks in advance,

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  • Amount field of VK11 isnt fetching from flatfile when im performing it'sBDC

    Dear Guru,
    Here i have encountered a typical issue.
    Im Performing BDC for VK11 (Create Condition Record) with "Key Combination" --->> "Location, Material Code (Base Price for Longs)".
    While I am running this BDC ( source code attached below) in All screen mode every datas which are of type "CHAR" like--->>
    Condition type(kschl) ,
    Plant(werks) ,
    Material No(matnr),
    Valid From date(datab),
    Valid To date(datbi),
    Rate Unit(konwa) are coming properly from flatfile except
    Rate (condition amount - KBETR)  which is are of data type "CURR".
    So guru I want to know what code i should add into my below bdc prog to fetch data properly into  RATE - Condition amount field which is of type " CURR".
    Pls Help.
    Source Code:
    REPORT z_bdc_vk11_famd
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_cust,
                kschl LIKE rv13a-kschl,
                werks LIKE komg-werks,
                matnr LIKE komg-matnr,
                kbetr LIKE konp-kbetr,
    ***            konwa LIKE konp-konwa,
                datab LIKE rv13a-datab,
                datbi LIKE rv13a-datbi,
           END OF t_cust.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_sucrec,
             cnum TYPE komg-werks,
             cnam TYPE komg-matnr,
    END OF t_sucrec.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_errrec,
           lineno TYPE string,      "Line Number
          message TYPE string,      "Error Message
    END OF t_errrec.
    DATA:  v_file TYPE string,      "Variable for storing flat file
          it_cust TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_cust, "Internal table of Customer
          wa_cust LIKE LINE OF it_cust,  "Workarea of Internal table it_cust
        it_sucrec TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_sucrec,
                                          "Internal table of Success records
        wa_sucrec LIKE LINE OF it_sucrec,
                                       "Workarea of Internal table it_sucrec
        it_errrec TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_errrec,
                                       "Internal table of Error records
        wa_errrec LIKE LINE OF it_errrec,
                                       "Workarea of Internal table it_errrec
        it_bdctab LIKE bdcdata OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
                                        "Internal table structure of BDCDATA
    it_messagetab LIKE bdcmsgcoll OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
                                        "Tracing Error Messages
           v_date LIKE sy-datum,  "Controlling of session date
          v_index LIKE sy-tabix,  "Index Number
         v_totrec TYPE i,         "Total Records
         v_errrec TYPE i,         "Error Records
         v_sucrec TYPE i,         "Success Records
        v_sesschk TYPE c.         "Session maintenance
    PARAMETERS: p_file    TYPE rlgrap-filename.
    "rlgrap-filename is a predefined structure
    PARAMETERS: p_mode    LIKE ctu_params-dismode DEFAULT 'N',
                p_update  LIKE ctu_params-updmode DEFAULT 'A'.
      v_date = sy-datum - 1.
          program_name  = syst-cprog
          dynpro_number = syst-dynnr
          field_name    = ' '
          file_name     = p_file.
      v_file = p_file.
          filename                = v_file
          filetype                = 'ASC'
          has_field_separator     = 'X'
          data_tab                = it_cust
          file_open_error         = 1
          file_read_error         = 2
          no_batch                = 3
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
          invalid_type            = 5
          no_authority            = 6
          unknown_error           = 7
          bad_data_format         = 8
          header_not_allowed      = 9
          separator_not_allowed   = 10
          header_too_long         = 11
          unknown_dp_error        = 12
          access_denied           = 13
          dp_out_of_memory        = 14
          disk_full               = 15
          dp_timeout              = 16
          OTHERS                  = 17.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    ****MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    ****         WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      LOOP AT it_cust INTO wa_cust.
        v_index = sy-tabix.
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '0100'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RV13A-KSCHL'
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLV14A' '0100'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '1595'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'KOMG-WERKS'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'KOMG-MATNR(01)'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'KONP-KBETR(01)'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'KONP-KONWA(01)'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RV13A-DATAB(01)'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RV13A-DATBI(01)'
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '1595'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        CALL TRANSACTION 'VK11' USING it_bdctab
                                 MODE p_mode
                               UPDATE p_update
                        MESSAGES INTO it_messagetab.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *& reading success records to corresponding internal table
          READ TABLE it_messagetab WITH KEY msgtyp = 'S'.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *        wa_sucrec-cnum = it_messagetab-msgv1.
            wa_sucrec-cnum = wa_cust-werks.
            wa_sucrec-cnam = wa_cust-matnr.
            APPEND wa_sucrec TO it_sucrec.
            CLEAR wa_sucrec.
    *& reading error records to corresponding internal table
          READ TABLE it_messagetab WITH KEY msgtyp = 'E'.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
                id  = sy-msgid
                no  = it_messagetab-msgnr
                v1  = it_messagetab-msgv1
                v2  = it_messagetab-msgv2
                v3  = it_messagetab-msgv3
                v4  = it_messagetab-msgv4
                msg = wa_errrec-message.
            wa_errrec-lineno = v_index.
            APPEND wa_errrec TO it_errrec.
            CLEAR wa_errrec.
        CLEAR : it_bdctab, it_messagetab.
        REFRESH: it_bdctab, it_messagetab.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_cust LINES v_totrec.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_errrec LINES v_errrec.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_sucrec LINES v_sucrec.
      PERFORM disp_data.
      SKIP 2.
      IF v_sucrec > 0.
        PERFORM disp_success_data.
      SKIP 2.
      IF v_errrec > 0.
        PERFORM disp_error_data.
    *& Form bdc_dynpro
    *#  text
    *#  -->P_0104 text
    *#  -->P_0105 text
    FORM bdc_dynpro USING program dynpro.
      CLEAR it_bdctab.
      it_bdctab-program  = program.
      it_bdctab-dynpro   = dynpro.
      it_bdctab-dynbegin = 'X'.
      APPEND it_bdctab.
    ENDFORM. " bdc_dynpro
    *& Form bdc_field
    FORM bdc_field USING fnam fval.
      CLEAR it_bdctab.
      it_bdctab-fnam = fnam.
      it_bdctab-fval = fval.
      APPEND it_bdctab.
    ENDFORM. " bdc_field
    *& Form disp_data
    FORM disp_data .
      ULINE (45).
      WRITE : / sy-vline,
      4 'FAMD Price Master UPDATE SUMMARY'(004) COLOR 1,
      45 sy-vline.
      ULINE /(45).
      WRITE : / sy-vline,
      'Total Records Processed'(007),
      28 '=',
      30 v_totrec,
      45 sy-vline,
      / sy-vline,
      'Error Records'(005),
      28 '=',
      30 v_errrec,
      45 sy-vline,
      / sy-vline,
      'Successful Records'(006),
      28 '=',
      30 v_sucrec,
      45 sy-vline.
      ULINE /(45).
    ENDFORM. " disp_data
    *& Form disp_success_data
    FORM disp_success_data .
      ULINE (45).
      WRITE : / sy-vline,
      14 'Successful Records'(012) COLOR 1,
      45 sy-vline.
      ULINE /(45).
      WRITE : / sy-vline ,
      'Plant Number'(010) COLOR 2,
      17 sy-vline,
      25 'Material Number'(011) COLOR 2,
      45 sy-vline.
      ULINE /(45).
      LOOP AT it_sucrec INTO wa_sucrec.
        WRITE: / sy-vline ,
        17 sy-vline,
        19 wa_sucrec-cnam,
        45 sy-vline.
      ULINE /(45).
    ENDFORM. " disp_success_data
    *& Form disp_error_data
    FORM disp_error_data .
      ULINE (90).
      WRITE : / sy-vline,
      35 'Error Records'(013) COLOR 1,
      90 sy-vline.
      ULINE /(90).
      WRITE : / sy-vline,
      'Record Number'(008) COLOR 2,
      37 'Reason for error'(009) COLOR 2,
      90 sy-vline.
      ULINE /(90).
      LOOP AT it_errrec INTO wa_errrec.
        WRITE : / sy-vline,
        17 sy-vline,
        90 sy-vline.
      ULINE /(90).
    ENDFORM. " disp_error_data
    Flat file Sequence:
    Condition Type     Plant     Matrial No     Rate      Validity start date     Validity end date

    I worked out n i hav found the solution

  • I am getting Improper structure data from flatfile

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    ||1||,||abc||,"||[email protected]||",||xxxxxx||
    ||2||,||xyz||,"||[email protected],
    [email protected]||",||xxxxxxx||
    please suggest me why i am getting data as above format and suggest me sloution.

    Hi AVS,
    The issue occurs because there is a line break after the string "[email protected],". To avoid this issue, you only need to set the Text qualifier of the flat file connection manager to " (quotation mark). In this way, the column row delimiter {CR}{LF} will
    be ignored when it exists within a pair of text qualifiers.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

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    When I preview the source from flatfile, I see all the entries there. But it copies other fields but the field with DT_TEXT  is empty.
    This is when I preview
    SQL Table output
    Any help will be helpful!!!

    Hi, I'm not sure If I'm understanding what you're saying. The data got copied from SQL to Flat file. I've double checked the flat file and I see the DT_TEXT data there. The size of file also gives an indication that there's existence of TEXT Data
    But, when I copy that data back to sql again (which I can also preview before the load), The DT_TEXT values goes missing. Same when I copy to Excel as CSV or as a Flat file. I don't see text data.
    The TEXT data resides on the first output. But when I try to extract to other format from that output, it doesn't come out.

  • HT3529 My wife and I both have an iphone.   We initially created it under her apple id.   We will receive each others text messages from certain people not all.   Any ideas why and what we can do to stop it

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    Yup, get your own AppleID.
    The messages that are being sent to both phones are technically not text, they are Apple's iMessage. They use the data part, not the texting part. So if you have an iPad or a Mac computer, you can send/receive the iMessages there too.

  • I can call out but all incoming calls are going directly to VM with no signal that I missed a call or have VM. I can send/receive text messages from other iPhone/iPad/iTouch users, I am assuming this is really "iMessage." Is it apple software?

    I have spent hours on the phone with Apple and AT&T. I went thought reset, on/off, etc, etc with both companies to no avail. Each company pointed fingers at the other....as being the source of the problem.
    Problems: Suddenly ALL  incoming calls were going directly to VM with no signal I missed calls and/or had VM. I was also unable to receive all Text Messages...Oddly, I could send text messages to anyone (even non-apple users but I could not receive their responses)........then I when I got home I started receiving text messages from other apples users ONLY. I assume now - iMessage kicked in and I could text (send/receive)  other iPhone/iPad/iTouch users ONLY. ....yes, I could still (send) text messages to my husband's blackberry (he received my messages fine) but my phone would NOT receive his text respones.
    Finally, I googled the problem and found this community where other people have had the exact same problems! One person said he "turned off 3 G" which was the solution for him....so I did the same and VIOLA! My problem  solved! Nevermind the fact that I pay for 3G and cannot use it....so here's my question, if 3G is the problem on my phone is this an APPLE issue or a NETWORK problem? Do I purchase a new phone and slip in my same SIM card and hope the same does not occur or do I get a whole new SIM card and phone? What is the long term resolution to this problem?
    I am happy however to find that my problem is NOT an isolated incident and wish Apple or AT&T had told me this is not so uncommon because I thought (based on the baffled response from Apple) that this has never occurred before.  Where is Steve Jobs when we need him?

    It pains me to hear about your experience with the Home Phone Connect.  This device usually works seamlessly and is a great alternative to a landline phone.  It sounds like we've done our fair share of work on your account here.  I'm going to go ahead and send you a Private Message so that we can access your account and review any open tickets for you.  I look forward to speaking with you.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Problems with importing text messages from PC Suit...

    Problems with importing text messages from PC Suit to my Nokia 5800
     I am trying to import a csv file that contains text messages (Note that this file was created using PC Suit to a subfolder that I have created to My Folders but PC Suits only imports the text messages to the Draft folder. Note that initially it shows that the messages are import in the correct folder but after a refresh it shows them in the Draft Folder. Is their any setting that I should change in the PC Suit or the phone? My computer runs on Windows XP Service Pack 3 and the Nokia 5800 was upgraded to the latest firmware v20.0.012
     Thanks for your help

    Most phones only allows importing of draft and archived box for SMS.
    To do a restoring, you need to backup the SMS as a .nbu file using PC Suite and restore later.
    If you got an SD card, you can also do a backup on the SD Card (backup.arc) then restore later (reset and restore: backup.arc and mmc).
    What's the law of the jungle?

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    I go to photos, select a photo, select the button in the bottom left hand corner, select message, type in a contacts name, hit send - AND NOTHING.  It's like I'm not hitting send at all.  Then it goes back to camera roll.

    ohhhh yes, I have been looking for someone with this problem. This has haunted me since iOS 7 and Iphone 5. This carried through to my new iphone 5S. of course all apple tells me to do, is SIMPLE, just erase the phone erase all settings and dont restore from an older version. OH, ok apple that sounds so SIMPLE instead of apple just FIXING the problem ill spend a whole day starting from scratch on my phone back to factory setting and then it STILL doesn't work. Got to love apple!!
    This does the same thing when trying to share anything  via text message from within other apps like Maps also. BUT! we are on 7.2.2 NOW and guess what! Its still NOT fixed!! YAY apple!!
    After I restart my phone it does work for like 3 days and then it stops.  I know when it has reverted back to not working because if you notice, when you share within photo album or Maps and you select the persons name to send, it stalls and takes like 5 seconds to load the previous messages from the conversation.. right away I know that I am going to have to CUT and PASTE into the messaging app manually to get it to send. SUCH A PAIN APPLE!!! FIX PLEASE

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    I then rechecked the emails that I received in the past and I found that some early emails I received are from "[email protected]". The link in this email direct me to "losticloud.com"  while the most recent emails are from "[email protected]" and the link in this email direct me to "icloudreport.com" (which is the same as that in the text message). Is any of the email I got is scam? I remembered I did login through the emails so I'm a little worried.

    It's all fake. If you had set up 'Find My iPhone' you could find the phone yourself, provided it's on, not wiped, and able to connect to a network. If you didn't set it up you can't locate the phone and neither can anyone else. The emails are phishing, trying to con you into giving away your login.

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    Why am I unable to change text color from black in LR5 Book Module?

    I'm assuming you clicked on the color patch besides the word <Character> to open the color picker window.
    At the right side of this window there is a vertical bar that has 2 horizontal black lines at the bottom.
    This is actually a slider. Pull it upwards with the color picker and color will appear in the window.

  • LG Revolution not receiving text messages from iphone user

    I am not receiving text messages from iphone user, sporatically.  The messages are showing as reveived on Verizon website in usage detail, but not being received on my phone.

        This issue needs fixed asap! I have a few suggestions that should help you get this resolved. If they are showing up in the usage details, that means they are hitting the Verizon network, but for some reason they are not showing up on the phone.   I recommend clearing the cache from your messaging/text messaging programs. Go to settings> applications> manage apps> all> Messaging/Text Messaging> Force Stop/Clear Cache/Clear Data. Erase the old text threads that you have saved and retry.
    If that doesn't work, please let us know the following:
    1) Do they come in delayed or not at all?
    2) Do you have any 3rd party messaging apps installed?
    3) Do they have any problems receiving messages from you?
    4) When they're sending messages, are they directly to you, or do you have this problem when the iPhone user sends to a group of people?
    Thanks for the additional info! I'm sure we can find a fix.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Cannot Delete SMS Text Message From My Blackberry Curve -

    I cannot delete a SMS text message from my Blackberry Curve. What are some options I can try that would remove the text message?

    you already reset the device taking out the battery? if yes View your Saved Messages folder and see if it is also there
    If I help you with any inquire, thank you for click kudos in my post.
    If your issue has been solved, please mark the post was solved.

  • On previous iPhones you could go to settings and block the the actual text message from pooping up. Only the sender would show up. On the i4gs the sender and message show up. This is a major flaw as far as privacy. There are no options with in settings to

    On previous iPhones you could go to settings and block the the actual text message from pooping up. Only the sender would show up. On the i4gs the sender and message show up. This is a major flaw as far as privacy. There are no options with in settings to stop this from happening. PLEASE TELL ME IM WRONG ???

    Go to Settings > Notifications > Messages. You can turn Notifcation Center off for Messages, or select None for the alert style, and turn Show Preview off, and view in Lock Screen on or off.

  • How to strip text formatting from text field value ??

    Hi everyone,
    Have tried to get some info on this but no luck.... I've
    created a simple contact form in Flash, but the URL which it's
    generating contains the text formatting from the text input fields.
    As a result the script that processes the mail send doesn't work.
    How do I strip the text formatting out of text1, text2 and text3
    before I use getURL() ??
    on (release) {
    url_var =
    getURL("contact.php?"+url_var, "_blank", "GET");
    text1 = "";
    text2 = "";
    text3 = "";

    text1.text = "";
    text2.text = "";
    text3.text = "";
    …that should strip the textfields. You probably also
    want to add this property (text) in the getURL()

  • HT5824 I switched over from an iPhone to a Samsung Galaxy S3 & I haven't been able to receive any text messages from iPhones. Please help with turning my iMessage completely off..

    I switched over from an iPhone to a Samsung Galaxy S3 & I haven't been able to receive any text messages from iPhones. I have no problem sending the text messages but I'm not receivng any from iPhones at all. It has been about a week now that I'm having this problem. I've already tried fixing it myself and I also went into the sprint store, they tried everything as well. My last option was to contact Apple directly. Please help with turning my iMessage completely off so that I can receive my texts.

    If you registered your iPhone with Apple using a support profile, try going to https://supportprofile.apple.com/MySupportProfile.do and unregistering it.  Also, try changing the password associated with the Apple ID that you were using for iMessage.

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