Text Wrapping Fault in Outlook for Mac 2011

Hi!  My Outlook 2011 for Mac refuses to wrap text when I'm writing emails.  I looked online, and on this site, but couldn't find any solutions.  Manually adding line breaks is a mess, so does any one know of a way to fix this?  I'm sure there's just some setting I'm missing. 

Outlook for Mac introduces format=flowed formatting for plain text messages. This is similar to HTML, which by nature wraps only when it reaches the right edge of the window.
Format=flowed means that plain text messages are no longer wrapped around the 80th character. This makes reading messages much cleaner on different size devices like iPhones or iPads. Messages are rewrapped automatically by the receiving application rather than the sending application.
This feature cannot be turned off.
Hope this helps! Thank you

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    If you have outlook on all 3 devices, should be okay. However, I am suggesting you to probably try the Apple's and get used to it as you are using all notebook, phoneme and tab with Apple. Might save you some money with that.

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    According to your description, I notice that Outlook for Mac for Office 365 cannot open shared calendar.
    If I misunderstand your concern, please do not hesitate to let me know.
    Which account are you used, Exchange account or Microsoft account?
    Would you please login OWA and test to open this shared calendar?
    Outlook for Mac cannot open the shared calendar which is a sub-calendar, you have to ask calendar owner share all calendars under the default "Calendar" folder.
    More details about it, for your reference:
    Best Regards,
    Allen Wang

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    Hi oc_jane,
    Is Outlook 2011 your default mail application?
    What version of Mac OS are you running?
    If you click the following email address, [email protected] does it launch a new blank email in Office 2011 w/ that email address in the 'To:' line?

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    Dear Sirs,
    I had just upgraded my OS to the OS X Mavericks.  After doing so, I noticed the following changes:
    1) My MS Outlook for Mac 2011 does not sync with my Mac book's calendar/contacts/notes.
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    Please help, thank you.

    Correct, USB local sync was taken away from iphones and ipads with 10.9.1 and 2. We are not allowed to speculate on rumours it might come back in 10.9.3 plus new iTunes. Either wait and see or explore Syncmate 5 beta free trial.
    icloud still works.
    Cant help with the Outlook problem.

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    All software is up-to-date.
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    Has anyone else experienced this? I've logged a ticket with Adobe but I haven't heard back from them yet.
    Thanks for any advise.

    Take the bhama way
    figured out how to make it work.  I am using Adobe Acrobat X Pro (mac)
    and MS Outlook for Mac 2011.
    For those who are interested, this is what I did:
    1. Create a folder on desktop to save your pdf¹s files you want to email
    to.  Mine is named, "PDF to Email"
    2. Open Automator, create a "Folder Action"
    3. At the top, "Choose Folder", choose your newly created folder on the
    4. Choose the "Rename Finder Items" action from the action list.  I chose,
    "Don¹t Add" on the add a Copy Finder Items Action menu.
    5. On the "Add Date or Time to Finder Item Names" I chose, "Name Single
    Item" from the first drop down menu.
    6. Click on "Options" at the bottom of that window to select the "Show
    this action when the workflow runs" so you can rename your         file
    something other than the Acrobat default.
    7. Choose the "Create New Outlook Mail Message" from the action list and
    add it below the "Name Single Item in Finder Item Names"
    8. Choose "File>Save As" and give your file a name.  Mine is, "PDF to
    9. Close Automator
    10. Open Acrobat X Pro.
    11. Go to "File>Action Wizard>Create New Action"
    12. Here you choose, "Save to>A Folder on my computer"
    13. Choose the folder on the desktop that we saved earlier
    14. Save the file, with the action name you will remember.
    Now when you are in Acrobat X Pro and you want to send that .pdf file via
    Outlook for Mac 2011, follow the steps below.
    With the file you want to email open, go to "File>Action Wizard>(Action
    you created) Mine is "PDF to Email".  It will take a few seconds, but you
    will get an "Action Completed".  You will get a pop up that allows you to
    name/rename the file. Then it should open your Outlook with your .pdf
    attached and ready for sending.
    You might need to tweak the actions to suit your needs, but this should
    work for you.
    De:  DaveGrif <[email protected]>
    Responder a:  <[email protected]>
    Fecha:  Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:56:02 -0700
    Para:  Eugenio Soberon <[email protected]>
    Asunto:  unable to attach PDF to email (Outlook for Mac
    Re: unable to attach PDF to email (Outlook for Mac 2011)
    created by DaveGrif <http://forums.adobe.com/people/DaveGrif>  in Acrobat
    Macintosh - View the full discussion
    It's supposed to work now? I've made sure I'm on latest (check for update)
    and it says I am. Still get an error. It does bring Outlook to the
    forground, but same error when I hide Outlook - An error occurred while
    trying to create a mail document. Suggestions?
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not
    directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply
    to this email or visit the message page:
    http://forums.adobe.com/message/4065409#4065409 To unsubscribe from this
    thread, please visit the message page at
    http://forums.adobe.com/message/4065409#4065409. In the Actions box on the
    right, click the Stop Email Notifications link. Start a new discussion in
    Acrobat Macintosh by email
    <mailto:[email protected].co
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  • Outlook for Mac 2011

    I just migrated one macbook Pro to another both using OS X 10.8.5.   When I try to open Outlook I get an error message that says "This identity cannot be opened with this version of Outlook".
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    Any ideas out there?

    Or better yet, start using mac mail. I went back and forth between the two for year, and without getting into specifics or details I went back to mac mail and never looked back. Simple and does everything it supposed. Mac version outlook got stripped of a lot of functionalities that the pc version includes. With rare fixes, updates, and frequent problems between lost mail, corrupt identity files and mail which hangs up during the sent process just shows you that they half as*ed the mac version of outlook. Save your frustration and switch.

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    Looking forward to hearing from anyone out there (desperately!)

    One thing to check.
    Password – Mail keeps asking for Password
    Try running Keychain First Aid and resetting the original keychain.
    Keychain Reset
    Keychain Issues - Resolve  see post by Kappy

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    New Message, reply, or forward window does not open in Outlook for Mac 2011
    Outlook acts as if I am pressing a dummy button.

    Hi friends,
    I have the same problem.
    Mountain Lion + Office 2011 + Safari 6.1.2 (8537.74.9)
    It is not clear to me what is the relation between Safari and this problem.
    I have Chrome installed as well and it is set as default browser. Is this involved?
    If yes how can I solve the problem?
    Please let me know.
    Many thanks.
    Best regards


    Hi, i cannot share photos anymore by email using Outlook for mac 2011 after 3.4 update. I used to do it normally. anyone knows how can i do it again? i want do send several photos by email reducing the size of the photos

    See this thread, i.e. the post by Rishi Garrod:
      Re: since update I can not send pitures via outlook or apple mail please help
    This seems to be a problem with the sandboxing in Mt. Lion. I do not know of any work-around so far, other than falling back on Mail.app, sorry.

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    I have just discovered the same thing - if you do a search around the topic you will find it confirmed that the only thing that will sync with Outlook for Mac is contacts.
    I've just moved everything over from a PC to a Mac and so to find it not working is so frustrating.
    SORT IT OUT RIM - or at least assure us you're working on it. 

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    possible to do this in Outlook 2011 for Mac.
    So I selected NONE as the defaults for my two signatures, and thought I would be able to manually add the appropriate signature to each email as I compose or reply.  BUT NO!!!! THE PROBLEM LIES BELOW:
    The 2 signatures that I set up are visible in the drop down menu from the signature tab in an email, however they are greyed out and cannot be selected.  I have attempted selecting one of these signatures as the default, and whichever one
    I select dutifully appears when I compose a new email, but when I click on the drop down to change the signature, both are still greyed out.
    So effectively, I only have the option of one signature or none, despite being able to set up multiple signatures in my profile.
    Does anyone know why this is occurring and what the solution is?
    Thanking you in advance.

    Please remove the Signature and re-add it back to check whether the issue persists. We can follow the articles below to create signature in Outlook 2011 for Mac:
    How to create signature or customize it (add picture) in Outlook for Mac 2011
    Add a signature automatically to every message
    If the new created Signature is still greyed out in your Outlook, please restart the Outlook client in safe mode to confirm if the issue is caused by any third-party add-ins.
    If the issue persists in Outlook safe mode, I suggest you ask a question in Outlook for Mac forum for further troubleshooting:
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to sync Address Book TO Outlook for Mac 2011

    I am using the native Address Book from Mac OS 10.7.5 and need to keep using it because it syncs with my iPhone. However, I am using Outlook for Mac 2011 and want the contacts to synch from Mac Address Book to Outlook's contact list.
    Synch services have been turned on in Outlook.
    Originally, I was going to switch to Mac Mail but discovered that importing mail from Outlook is a headache (https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2664208?start=0&tstart=0). Outlook works well and has for years so rather than going through a bunch of manual drag and dropping of folders to make mbox files, or buying software to do it, I thought getting the contacts to synch would suffice since that's all that's really needed.
    What I discovered is that Outlook will feed new contacts to Mac Address Book when they are generated in Outlook but the Mac Address Book does not feed new contacts to Outlook if they were generated in Address Book. Is this even possible? If so, how?
    I read this previous thread but it talks about contact info going FROM Outlook to Address Book instead of the other way around: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2664208?start=30&tstart=0

    I've got Outlook up and running just fine.  Still have the problem with getting duplicate emails but I'm waiting on MS to get a fix for that in an update.  Apparently that has been an ongoing issue.  I've been in contact w/ a senior MS Outlook tech on that.  I guess I'll just have to make sure that all contact adds/edits are done in Outlook.  Then I can sync my phone or iPad and get the cloud to update the other Apple devices off that sync.  Either that or figure out how to export from the Mac address book to the Outlook address book once in a while. 

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