Textarea escapes html tags

I am using a textarea to display text information. The text information contains HTML tags such as < B> and < font> etc. The textarea however displays the tags as text and does not translate them into HTML formatting!! how can we use a text area to display the HTML formatting?? (ie want the functionality of the textarea with editor but with out the editor toolbars)
is this possible??
Message was edited by:
[email protected]

Is there anyway of formatting a Display as Text item type so that you can fix the width and height and have a scrollbar. (Ie is there anyway of making the displayas Text item type look like a textarea??)
we want to have the item displaying the text a fixed size as it is based on a clob and we want the user to be able to scroll up and down to view all of the text. We are using ctx_doc.markup to highlight search criteria so require the ability to show HTML to display the highlighted text; hence the original problem of HTML tags not being translated into commands but displayed as normal text

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    I have af:inputText with:
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    I am constructing the " List<SelectItem>" normally. No problem.
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    SelectItem selectItem = new SelectItem();
    ...How can I escape HTML tag to be treated as HTML tag instead of pure string?
    How can I achieve this??
    Please advice.

    Escape property can be defined on Output text only, not on input text.
    I want to add style in the auto suggested list. So the values shown in Italic, or some color.
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    So I want to fill my string with HTML tags.
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  • HTML Tags escape while exporting to PDF

    Hi friends,
    I have two columns in my BI report like
    Business Group(BG) and OU
    Since in the BG column under the edit formula i used the html tags to show each and every BG column value in bold like below
    '<b>' || "D1.Company"."Business Group Full Name" || '</b>'
    Now the report is appearing fine in answers and dashboard but when i export the same report to PDF i can see the html tags in each and every name of the BG group.
    Is there anything to be done to escape these html tags in PDF while exporting.
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    [html]<p title=\""Employee Count" \">#
    And after that if i tried to escape the same report with the tooltip on the numeric column to pdf means, the number values are missing for the entire column in the PDF, but this case is not appearing while exporting the report to pdf if i set the tooltip to the text column, as the values is missing only for the tooltip of the numeric column. What could be the fix for this problem.

    Hi svee,
    Thanks for the reply.
    For an example i tried with the bold option in the edit formula inorder to portray the html tags problem while exporting it to the pdf inspite of using the default bold option within the column properites like u said.
    Suppose if i used html tags like
    <br>, </br>
    in the edit formula section or if i used any other html tags which is not present as a default option in bi like bold. At that time while exporting the report to pdf i can face the issue.
    And also i need ur suggestion regarding with the values disappearing for the numeric column if a tooltip is used in it while exporting it to the pdf.

  • Escaping HTML in a Custom Tag

    Hello, all. I am sadly failing to find a library function to escape HTML in Java. I'm writing a tag that used to use JSTL as a custom tag and don't know exactly where to find the functionality the JSTL is using. Consider the old JSP:
    <c:forEach items="${versions}" var="version">
             <td><c:out value="${version.version}"/></td>
             <td><c:out value="${version.releaseDate}"/></td>
    </c:forEach>and the new custom tag class:
    public class VersionTableTag implements Tag
        private PageContext context;
        private Tag parent;
        public int doEndTag() throws JspException
            return EVAL_PAGE;
        public int doStartTag() throws JspException
            JspWriter out = context.getOut();
            List versions;
                versions = (List)(context.getVariableResolver().resolveVariable("versions"));
            } catch (ELException e)
                versions = new ArrayList();
                out.println("<th>Release Date</th>");
                for (Object o : versions)
                    VersionVO version = (VersionVO)o;
                    out.println(version.getVersion()); // NOTE: not properly escaped
                    out.println(version.getReleaseDate().toString()); // NOTE: not properly escaped
            } catch (IOException e)
                throw new JspException(e);
            return SKIP_BODY;
    }My questions are as follows:
    *1.* Is it possible to define a tag using a JSP document rather than a Java class? All I'm really after is something similar to an include but I want to be able to provide attributes to it in the long run.
    *2.* Is there some library function I can use to escape the HTML in the VO above?

    1. Is it possible to define a tag using a JSP document rather than a Java class? All I'm really after is something similar to an include but I want to be able to provide attributes to it in the long run.Yes. It was introduced with JSP2.0: tag files.
    Just like a JSP lets you write a servlet easily, a tag file lets your write a Custom tag class easily.
    2. Is there some library function I can use to escape the HTML in the VO above?
    There is one provided in the jakarta commons "lang" library.
    They provide a class "StringEscapeUtils" which will do most of the common escaping that you require.
    How hard is it to write something that replaces & < and > though?

  • Sorting values by escaping the html tags

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    My problem is described below...
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    something can be --- <i>hello<i>
      sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT NVL(ItemDocMeta.xMainTitle, ItemDocMeta.xAlternateTitle) AS generatedPageTitle,");
    other conditions
    // order by
                sql.append(" ORDER BY LOWER(generatedPageTitle) ASC");
    Is there any SQL function that can make it easier?
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    For example :
    SQL> set scan off
    SQL> with sample_data as (
      2      select 'again sort a column' str from dual union all
      3      select '<i>sort</i> a column' from dual union all
      4      select '&lt;i&gt;resort&lt;i&gt;' from dual
      5  )
      6  select str
      7  from sample_data
      8  order by regexp_replace(
      9             utl_i18n.unescape_reference(str)
    10           , '</?[^>]+>'
    11           )
    12  ;
    again sort a column
    <i>sort</i> a column

  • How to add html tags to textarea item

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    for example if i will press a link name bold it will put the bold open and close html tag.
    i want to be able doing so without erasing the already text i have in my textarea item.
    i can't use the textarea with html editor item.

    thanks it works ( still have one more question)
    i used Balaji Chellappa suggestion
    but change it a little bit :
    a href="#" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById('P3_MESSAGE_DESC').value=document.getElementById('P3_MESSAGE_DESC').value + ' B> /B>';">Bold /a>
    one more question:
    this javascript add the bold tag to the end of the textarea item.
    how can i add it the tag where the cursor is ?
    if it's to hard (i'm not javascript expert) i just want to add the tag a line under the text
    for example:
    if my test is : test test test
    and i push the bold link it will be:
    test test test
    b> /b>
    instead of :
    test test test b> /b>
    how can i put html tag in my posts ?

  • Escape HTML content without escaping tags

    How can I escape HTML content without escaping the HTML tags?

    Thanks for the info.  The select statement worked for me when I ran it with the inputs below but when I tried to put the statement in my code it didn't work.  Can you have a look and see what I may have done wrong?
    My code looks like this:
    FUNCTION escape_varchar(p_text_in IN VARCHAR2, p_encode  IN NUMBER)
        p_text_out VARCHAR2(32767);
        p_text_out := DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT(utl_i18n.escape_reference(unistr(REPLACE(p_text_in,'\','\\')),'US7ASCII'),p_encode);
        RETURN p_text_out;
    END escape_varchar;
    p_text_in =
    Make sure the following characters are getting Displayed in EIS
    ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|[]\:;"'<>?,./ ¢ £€¥©®™‰µ >• • … §¶ß‹›«»==–—¯ ?¤¦¨¡¿ˆ˜°-±÷/×¹²³¼½¾ ƒ??8v˜?=?¬n?´¸ªº
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    p_encode = 0
    p_test_out =
    Make sure the following characters are getting Displayed in EIS
    ~`!@#$%^&amp;amp;*()_-+={}|[]\:;&amp;quot;&amp;apos;&amp;lt;&amp;gt;?,./ &amp;#xa2; #&amp;#x20ac;Y&amp;#xa9;&amp;#xae;&amp;#x2122;&amp;#x2030;&amp;#xb5; &amp;gt;&amp;#x2022; &amp;#x2022; &amp;#x2026; &amp;#xa7;&amp;#xb6;&amp;#xdf;&amp;#x2039;&amp;#x203a;&lt;&gt;==&amp;#x2013;&amp;#x2014;&amp;#xaf; ?&amp;#xa4;|&amp;#xa8;!&amp;#xbf;&amp;#x2c6;&amp;#x2dc;&amp;#xb0;-&amp;#xb1;&amp;#xf7;/&amp;#xd7;&amp;#xb9;&amp;#xb2;&amp;#xb3;&amp;#xbc;&amp;#xbd;&amp;#xbe; &amp;#x192;??8v&amp;#x2dc;?=?&amp;#xac;n?&apos;&amp;#xb8;&amp;#xaa;&amp;#xba;
    &amp;#x2020;&amp;#x2021;AAA&amp;#xc3;A&amp;#xc5;&amp;#xc6;CEEEEIII&amp;#xd0;&amp;#xd1;OOO&amp;#xd5;O&amp;#xd8;&amp;#x152;SUUYU&amp;#x178;&amp;#xde;aaa&amp;#xe3;a&amp;#xe5;&amp;#xe6;ceeeei i i i &amp;#xf0;&amp;#xf1;ooo&amp;#xf5;&amp;#xf8;&amp;#x153;suuuuy&amp;#xfe;y??G????T?????????S??F??Oa&amp;#xdf;?de?????

  • HTML tags displayed with the text in "Notification" area

    We want to display an HTML formatted message in the "notification" area, but the HTML tags are being escaped and thus are displayed along with the text. We are using Application Express The application has been handed off to us to support and we have no experience with APEX. So I hope I am explaining this correctly.
    The process to display the message is as follows:
    After submission, a page validation fires, which is of type "function returns boolean": "return some_function('P100_MESSAGE',2nd_arg);".
    In "Error Message" is "&P100_MESSAGE."
    The function returns true when the validation is successful. When validation fails, it returns false, setting 'P100_MESSAGE' to some error message - for example: "&lt;li&gt;Phone number is not numeric&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Email address is not valid&lt;/li&gt;".
    Our template has this in the body definition:
    As I understand it, #NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE# will be replaced with the value of 'P100_MESSAGE'.
    I've displayed 'P100_MESSAGE' on my page to confirm its contents and it is rendered correctly with bullets. But the notification area does not show bullets. It displays the text and the HTML tags.
    Is there anything obvious we can do to fix this problem? Thanks

    I 've changed P100_MESSAGE to text field, text field (disabled, saves state), text field (disabled, does not save state), and textarea, display as text, etc. It is originally set to Hidden type (because it is only to be displayed in the notification area). But changing it to various types makes no difference as to how it is displayed in the notification area. Of course, when it's not hidden, then it's also displayed on the page, among to other page elements,which is not acceptable.

  • Values having html tags not getting populated while using AJAX in APEX

    I am using AJAX to populate certain values in a tabular report.
    I have a java script of this form (I have taken this example from Denes's example http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=31517:241:1400877312570049)
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function f_set_multi_items_tabular(pValue, pRow){
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,
    gReturn = get.get('XML');
    var l_Count = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item").length;
    for(var i = 0;i<l_Count;i++){
    var l_Opt_Xml = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item");
    var l_ID = l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('id');
    var l_El = html_GetElement(l_ID);
    var l_Value = l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue;
    var l_Value = '';
    if(l_El.tagName == 'INPUT'){
    l_El.value = l_Value;
    }else if(l_El.tagName == 'SPAN' && l_El.className == 'grabber'){
    l_El.parentNode.innerHTML = l_Value;
    l_El.parentNode.id = l_ID;
    l_El.innerHTML = l_Value;
    get = null;
    And I have the application process as follows
    OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);
    HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');
    HTP.p ('Pragma: no-cache');
    HTP.prn ('<body>');
    HTP.prn ('<desc>this xml genericly sets multiple items</desc>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="f05_000' || :T_ROWNUM || '">' || :TEMPORARY_APPLICATION_ITEM || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('</body>');
    If I have :TEMPORARY_APPLICATION_ITEM as 'Vikas' it gets displayed properly but if I have '&lt;b&gt;Vikas&lt;b&gt;' it shows null. if it has any HTML tags function l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue is not working properly .Please tell me what modiifcation can I use in function l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue to get Values with HTML tags also to get displayed.

    Try escaping special characters: htf.escape_sc(:TEMPORARY_APPLICATION_ITEM)Regards,

  • How to include HTML tags in a success message?

    I have seen a few posts on this topic in the past, but have not seen a definitive response...apologies if this has been answered.
    I would like to have a dynamic process success message that includes some HTML tags in it - in this case an anchor tag that can jump the user back to the object he/she just edited.
    So, I build up a dynamic success message in a page variable - say P10_SUCCESS_MSG - and set the Process Success Message field in the relevant Process to &P10_SUCCESS_MSG.
    The problem is that when the page template substitutes in my message for #SUCCESS_MESSAGE# it looks like it also escapes any HTML tags, so the markup gets displayed literally on the page.
    Is there any recommended way to override or get around this behavior?
    Many thanks,

    I just noticed that it looks like the success message is passed around on the URL - when I look at my URL after a successful form process, I see &success_msg=BIG_UGLY_ESCAPED_SUCCESS_MSG_HERE embedded in the URL. If this is the case, I can see why - technically - it ends up getting escaped. Looks like I may have to figure out my own hack for success message processing - maybe some weird post-processing of a placeholder success token that I replace in a page 0 process or something...

  • Html tags in .properties files.

    Hi all,
    I want a small clarification regarding the .properties file in JSF.
    I want to execute html tags in the properties file. my resource file is...
    code = Section Code
    I want to make the Section Code as bold. If i give like this
    code = < b > Section Code < /b >
    all the html tags are displayed as it is on UI. In struts this works fine. means "Section Code" is displayed in Bold.
    In JSF, is there any way to do this?

    Use escape attribute of outputText tag.
    <h:outputText value="#{employee.dataText}" escape="false"/>

  • Error in my CODE- replace data in html tags in APPLET

    I'm trying to send html format of output to an excel file....As you can see my data in the td tag had data as: 
    BRANCHOFFICE<125 & BRANCHOFFICE>176 where < is interpreted as an html tag....So I want to replace
    < -> <
    < -> >
    & -> &
    <table border="1">
    <td>BRANCHOFFICE<125 & BRANCHOFFICE>176</td>
    So I'm testing my replace method in a small snippet.........
    So the steps my code works is:
    1)BRANCHOFFICE<125 & BRANCHOFFICE>176 gets converted to
    2)BRANCHOFFICE<125 & BRANCHOFFICE>176 gets converted to
    3)when it comes to the third & conversion it goes to a infinte loop....
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.io.*;
    public class escape
    public static void main(String arg[])
    String s1 = "BRANCHOFFICE<125 & BRANCHOFFICE>176";
    System.out.println("s1 = " + escape(s1));
    private static String escape(String s)
    while( true )
    int index = s.indexOf('<');
    if ( index != -1 )
    String before = s.substring( 0, index );
    String after = s.substring( index+1, s.length() );
    s = before + "<" + after;
    index = s.indexOf('>');
    if ( index != -1 )
    String before = s.substring( 0, index );
    String after = s.substring( index+1, s.length() );
    s = before + ">" + after;
    index = s.indexOf('&');
    if ( index != -1 )
    String before = s.substring( 0, index );
    String after = s.substring( index+1, s.length() );
    s = before + "&" + after;
    return s;

    Jdk 1.4:import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.io.*;
    public class escape
         public static void main(String arg[])
              String s1 = "BRANCHOFFICE<125 & BRANCHOFFICE>176";
              System.out.println("s1 = " + escape(s1));
         private static String escape(String s)
              s = s.replaceAll ("&", "&");
              s = s.replaceAll ("<", "<");
              s = s.replaceAll (">", ">");
              return s;
    }<= Jdk 1.3:import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.io.*;
    public class escape
         public static void main(String arg[])
              String s1 = "BRANCHOFFICE<125 & BRANCHOFFICE>176";
              System.out.println("s1 = " + escape(s1));
         private static String escape(String s)
              s = replace (s, "&", "&");
              s = replace (s, "<", "<");
              s = replace (s, ">", ">");
              return s;
         private static String replace(String original, String find, String replacement) {
              int i=0;
              if ((i=original.indexOf(find)) > -1) return original.substring(0, i) + replacement
                   + replace(original.substring(i+find.length()), find, replacement);
              else return original;

  • Display HTML Tags on web browser

    My problem is display Html code in web browser.
    i try TextArea.htmlText, Label.htmlText... but they don't
    i'm searching in google.com and i know Html Component can do
    that, but it not well because i don't have money for that.
    Some body help me for my problem.
    Thanks so much. !
    nice day every body.

    The htmlText property should work however only a few basic
    html tags are supported as far as I know.

  • HTML tags not displayed when using Data Template

    Hi All...
    I'm developing a BI Publisher report in which one of the columns is a clob data type. I'm using an xsl stylesheet to format the data present in the clob column.
    I've developed the report using data template as the data set. The problem is the clob column which has the HTML tags where not displayed properly...for example
    the tag starting with
    is replaced with
    & lt;
    I did a couple of searches in this forum and in tim's blog but couldn't find a proper solution...
    API and HTML Formated Content
    Re: Problem with text data elements containing escaped HTML codes
    HTML Output from CDATA
    Re: HTML formatted output
    Re: Special characters in CLOB are making report fail
    Re: Formatting of HTML tag problem
    I'm using BI Publisher standalone:Release In one of the threads..
    Re: Special characters in CLOB are making report fail
    I came to know that data template cannot generate proper HTML tags for release Is there any work around way to get the proper HTML tags when data template is used as a data set?
    Thanks in Advance...
    Edited by: user10280715 on Dec 9, 2008 3:13 PM

    Issue could be with the data that is selected in the other environment. It generally happens that the ALV will not give the same results as in the DEV in the other systems.
    Possible errors could be the control break statements in the loop...endloop block. validate the correctness of the control break stmts if any.

Maybe you are looking for