Escape HTML content without escaping tags

How can I escape HTML content without escaping the HTML tags?

Thanks for the info.  The select statement worked for me when I ran it with the inputs below but when I tried to put the statement in my code it didn't work.  Can you have a look and see what I may have done wrong?
My code looks like this:
FUNCTION escape_varchar(p_text_in IN VARCHAR2, p_encode  IN NUMBER)
    p_text_out VARCHAR2(32767);
    p_text_out := DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT(utl_i18n.escape_reference(unistr(REPLACE(p_text_in,'\','\\')),'US7ASCII'),p_encode);
    RETURN p_text_out;
END escape_varchar;
p_text_in =
Make sure the following characters are getting Displayed in EIS
~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|[]\:;"'<>?,./ ¢ £€¥©®™‰µ >• • … §¶ß‹›«»==–—¯ ?¤¦¨¡¿ˆ˜°-±÷/×¹²³¼½¾ ƒ??8v˜?=?¬n?´¸ªº
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p_encode = 0
p_test_out =
Make sure the following characters are getting Displayed in EIS
~`!@#$%^&amp;amp;*()_-+={}|[]\:;&amp;quot;&amp;apos;&amp;lt;&amp;gt;?,./ &amp;#xa2; #&amp;#x20ac;Y&amp;#xa9;&amp;#xae;&amp;#x2122;&amp;#x2030;&amp;#xb5; &amp;gt;&amp;#x2022; &amp;#x2022; &amp;#x2026; &amp;#xa7;&amp;#xb6;&amp;#xdf;&amp;#x2039;&amp;#x203a;&lt;&gt;==&amp;#x2013;&amp;#x2014;&amp;#xaf; ?&amp;#xa4;|&amp;#xa8;!&amp;#xbf;&amp;#x2c6;&amp;#x2dc;&amp;#xb0;-&amp;#xb1;&amp;#xf7;/&amp;#xd7;&amp;#xb9;&amp;#xb2;&amp;#xb3;&amp;#xbc;&amp;#xbd;&amp;#xbe; &amp;#x192;??8v&amp;#x2dc;?=?&amp;#xac;n?&apos;&amp;#xb8;&amp;#xaa;&amp;#xba;
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    1. Is it possible to define a tag using a JSP document rather than a Java class? All I'm really after is something similar to an include but I want to be able to provide attributes to it in the long run.Yes. It was introduced with JSP2.0: tag files.
    Just like a JSP lets you write a servlet easily, a tag file lets your write a Custom tag class easily.
    2. Is there some library function I can use to escape the HTML in the VO above?
    There is one provided in the jakarta commons "lang" library.
    They provide a class "StringEscapeUtils" which will do most of the common escaping that you require.
    How hard is it to write something that replaces & < and > though?

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    Goto SU01 transaction.
    Enter your user id & click display
    Goto PARAMETERS tab
    enter PRI & value as LOCL or LP01 depending on the output device which you have configured for SAP.( You can check the same in SPAD transaction => Output device)
    You wont get the popup.
    Best regards,

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    one non-working apple <img src="apple.png"> You loaded the page content with loadcontent, then inside the page content provided a relative url. This is likely an error.
    The question is, what is this url relative to?
    The answer is either likely undefined as no protocol was used to load the page content and so it can't be determined how to load the relative url resource.
    and two non-working peaches <img src="http://localhost/c:/peaches.png">
    You attempted to load content using the http protocol server on the localhost, but you have no such server on the host, so this cannot work.
    and a working remote image url <img src="">
    This works because you fully specified how to load the content by providing the protocol and valid resource reference.
    OK, so the question remains how do you images from the local drive?
    There are three options for this in the following code.
    package org.jewelsea.examples.webviewlocal;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.beans.value.*;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.layout.FlowPane;
    import javafx.scene.web.WebView;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    /** Example of a webview loading resources from the file system. */
    public class WebViewLocal extends Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    //    URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new HandlerFactory());
      public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception {
        final FlowPane layout = new FlowPane();
        WebView webView = new WebView();
    //    webView.getEngine().load("jar:file:///C:\\dev\\javafx\\JavaFXidea\\out\\artifacts\\JavaFXidea_jar\\JavaFXidea.jar!/org/jewelsea/examples/webviewlocal/timeforgotten.html");
    //    webView.getEngine().load("resource:///org/jewelsea/examples/webviewlocal/timeforgotten.html");
        webView.getEngine().getLoadWorker().exceptionProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Throwable>() {
          @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Throwable> observableValue, Throwable oldThrowable, Throwable newThrowable) {
            System.out.println("Load exception: " + newThrowable);
        // layout the scene.
        Scene scene = new Scene(layout, 1000, 600);
    }which loads the following html file:
      <style type="text/css">p { color: sienna; font-size: 20px; text-align: center; }</style>
    <body bgcolor="cornsilk">
        On either side the river lie,<br/>
        Long fields of barley and of rye,<br/>
        And through the fields a road runs by,<br/>
        To many towered Camelot.
    <p><img src="camelot.jpg"/></p>
    </html>If you want to test this example the camelot.jpg image is downloadable from
    Option 1: The file:// protocol for lookup from the filesystem.
    This is the most straight-forward as it is just based on standard html layout in the filesystem - just place your html and it's relative referenced images somewhere in your filesystem in locations relative to each other - if your browser loads it properly, then your webengine will to if you give it the right file:// path.
    In the case of file:///C:\\dev\\gettingstarted\\timeforgotten.html, timeforgotten.html is placed in c:\dev\gettingstarted and camelot.jpg image is placed in the same directory.
    Option 2: The jar:file:// protocol for lookup from a jar hosted on the filesystem.
    This makes use of the to find your resources.
    If your application resources are packaged in a jar file (could be the same jar file as your main application class) then you can reference the jar file through the file protocol, then pick out the resources packaged in the jar file via their relative paths.
    Option 3: The resource:// protocol for lookup based on the classpath.
    This type of resource lookup is the one most Java programmers are familiar with - a classloader is used to load a resource. The pattern is widely used in web application frameworks on the server. But usually the means to do this is via a classloader.getResource() call, not via a URL.
    Java does not, by default, have a URL protocol handler for looking up resources on the classpath, so if you want to do this, it is necessary to create your own protocol and install it.
    The installation function is the commented out line: // URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new HandlerFactory());
    It is a system wide call for the VM and should be called (just once) before any URL Connections are established.
    To get this to work I used a resource handler from which included the following classes: on how all this works are in which defines "A New Era for Java Protocol Handlers" by defining a URL handler extension mechanism which is hardly ever used.
    As a final note to my way overly long forum post, when the WebEngine doesn't process the urls sometimes you can get info on what went wrong via the monitoring the loadWorker's exception property, but sometimes I was able to get more complete stack traces by trying to open a connection on a URL to see if I had got the URL correct - for example:
        URL url = new URL("jar:file:///C:\\dev\\javafx\\JavaFXidea\\out\\artifacts\\JavaFXidea_jar!/org/jewelsea/examples/webviewlocal/timeforgotten.html");
        url.openConnection();Anyway, just using the file:// protocol in webEngine.load() will probably accomplish what you need.
    Note that if it is a webstart or browser embedded app, then you'll need to sign it if you want to access the local file system.

  • Escaping html tags

    Hi all,
    I have af:inputText with:
    <af:autoSuggestBehavior suggestedItems="#{myBean.partSuggestedItems}"/> .
    I am constructing the " List<SelectItem>" normally. No problem.
    I am using code like:
    SelectItem selectItem = new SelectItem();
    ...How can I escape HTML tag to be treated as HTML tag instead of pure string?
    How can I achieve this??
    Please advice.

    Escape property can be defined on Output text only, not on input text.
    I want to add style in the auto suggested list. So the values shown in Italic, or some color.
    selectItem.setLabel(); expects a String.
    So I want to fill my string with HTML tags.
    I tried:
    String italic = "<i>" + eLabel + "</i>";
    selectItem.setLabel(italic);But obvious that did not work.
    Can I escape HTML tags in a String value??

  • How to display a html file without tags?

    I am new for Java programming. Now i have to display a html file without all the tags. My code is the fllowing:
    u = new URL("");
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(u.openStream()));
    while ((s = in.readLine()) != null) {
    Unforturnately, the output is the soucecode of the html file and I just want the content.
    Please help me.
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    Here's a simple example
    I haven't tested it, but I bet camickr did.

  • Escaping HTML in h:messages

    Is it possible to turn off HTML-escaping in the <h:messages> tag.

    <h:messges> action doesnt have the "escape" attribute like the <h:outputText> action which does that.

  • Escape HTML for Page Title

    We created a custom TLN.
    I would like to produce href tags but I face the problem of escaping HTML characters :
    <aa on_click="return EPCM.doNavigate('<%= currNavNode.getName()%>',0,'','null',1,'<%= *StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(*currNavNode2.getTitle(userLocale))%>','')" href="#"><%=currNavNode2.getTitle(userLocale)%></aa>
    The problem is that the org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils is not available (or I do not know how to make it available...).
    How do you proceed for escaping :
    - HTML
    - URL
    - Javascript
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Best regards,

    After many tries, I found out that simply quotes and double-quotes is enough for the Javascript EPCM.doNavigate to work (almost) properly.
    Here is the code I use in the toplevelnavigation.jsp :
    <% String titlePage    = "";
       String escTitlePage = "";
       titlePage    = currNavNode2.getTitle(userLocale);
       escTitlePage = titlePage;
       escTitlePage = escTitlePage.replaceAll("\'","\\\\\'");
       escTitlePage = escTitlePage.replaceAll("\"","\\\\\"");
       //escTitlePage = escTitlePage.replaceAll("\\&amp;","\\&");
       //escTitlePage = escTitlePage.replaceAll("\\&amp;","\\%26");                             
    <a <%=level2Id%> oncclick="return EPCM.doNavigate('<%= currNavNode2.getName()%>',0,'','null',1,'<%= escTitlePage %>','')" href="#"><%= titlePage %></a>
    The last problem I have is with '&'. Whatever escaping I try, I have a truncated string in the page title at position of the '&'...
    Any idea ?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,

  • Escaping html for dynamic javascript

    Hi Folks,
    Can anyone please tell me how I escape html for use in a  function?
    Here is my code:
    onMouseover="ddrivetip('#jobdescription#','white', 300)";
    Thanks in advance

    Hi there
    What is it you're trying to escape exactly? Do you mean you want the literal # signs to go in? If that's the case then use a double hash ## - Coldfusion will render a single one to the browser.
    If that's not what you mean then some more info may be required

  • How to get a value given to a button in HTML using a href tag

    In my application I have loaded  html  content  in WebView. In the HTML file i have used a Button to which i have given some value in href tag as
    <a href="ButtonClick//testing/mysample">
    <input type="button" value="Click me" />
    When i click the button i want to get the string "ButtonClick//testing/mysample" in my app..  But i do not want to use InvokeScript() on my webview.. Could anyone please give me a solution for this?..
    Thank you.

    The only way to interact with HTML content from WebView is using JavaScript. You can do this by invoking such scripts from your C# code (using InvokeScript) or embedding the JavaScript method into the button you are working with.
    But you need to know that if you intend to get a return value from your JavaScript code, you would need to use the InvokeScript.
    Here's an example of printing the value from your hyperlink without InvokeScript. But note that it only prints the value and can't return the value to your C# code without InvokeScript.
    string htmlContent = @"
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    function myFunction()
    document.getElementById('myResult').innerHTML = document.getElementById('myLinkConent').href.substring(6); //remove 'about:' from href string
    <a id='myLinkConent' href='ButtonClick//testing/mysample'>
    <input type='button' value='Click me' onclick='myFunction()'/>
    <p id='myResult'></p>
    Let me know if this helps.
    Abdulwahab Suleiman

  • Showing HTML content in jspx page

    We have stored text/html email messages in database and we want to display this on our page.
    I tried with af:richTextEditor its not showing actual space & font. Few extra line breaks are added.
    I tried af:outputText with escape=false it looks perfect. But all the menu items, command links, tab header label are started showing underlines and the UI looks odd. When I check the documentation it says
    "In addition, nearly all attributes are ignored when "escape" is set to false"
    I believe this is the reason the UI is showing odd.
    All I need is just to show a html content inside a panelGroupLayout. Any suggestions?

    here's what I think works best:
    1. add an ADF Faces inlineFrame component to the page
    2. Have the inlineFrame source property pointing to a servlet that reads and streams the HTML from the database as an HTML document

  • In mozila 3.6 or higher version as i install Browser Highlighter addone then in my site when i edit any html content in fck editor or in tiny mce editor then it add a script name gwproxy how i can solve it

    in mozila 3.6 or higher version as i install Browser Highlighter addone then in my site when i edit any html content in fck editor or in tiny mce editor then it add a script name gwproxy its happend with 3.6 or higher version thanks
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == i upgrqde mozilla to 3.6.3 version and i check it with on another computers

    Hi Deepak!
    This seems to be a well-known and quite widespread problem with this extension, unfortunately - the net is full of complaints about this issue, not to mention 'horror stories' about how this (otherwise fairly innocent and well-certified but clearly highly commercial) extension has 'sneaked' its way into peoples installations.
    I find it quite amazing that such an issue has existed for so long without the Browser Highlighter, TinyMCE and FCKeditor teams getting together and making a working fix - it should be rather easy to prevent with a tag or plugin check in editor code and/or a simple editor recognition routine in the extension.
    If you want (/need) to use this extension, I can only point you to the Browser Highlighter homepage for support; in [ The Browser Highlighter Help section] it is clearly documented - first section, last paragraph - along with a link to [ this problem report form] where it seems you can ask for help solving the problem.
    However, given the (script-)name of the page, I suppose that reporting a problem on your own website (with all details) actually adds your site - or part of it - to a blacklist that TBH maintains to turn off TBH or at least problematic script injections when visiting sites registered in this list. So actually this might help you solve the problem quite easily, if they do what the page implies.
    Please let us know how above works out, and if we can be of further assistance. Detailed feedback is appreciated and helps us to help you better, plus enables us to better help more users with similar problems.

  • Urgent help --  Printing HTML Content to printer from servlet

    I am wanting know if there is a way to Print Reports from servlet.I have some idea about JPS API but it shows some errors on printer services. Pls help me, if any onme having sample code mail to me [email protected]
    I want to print a html content to printer.

    Use the JavaScript window.print() function to print out the current window. However used the HTML LINK tag it can print out a report generated by a servlet without displaying the contents of the report in the browser window.

Maybe you are looking for