The ability to remove crap apps

I have a motorola droid, that just updated to 2.2 a few days ago, 1st thing that happened, activesync stopped working, but tech support helped me out on that and it's working perfectly again.  the main thing i would like to complain about is VZW putting crap applications on my phone without the ability to remove them.  I.E. Twitter came with this latest update,  i don't want it, i don't like it, and i wont use it. but i can't remove it,  thats {word filter avoidance} some of you are going to say, just ignore it, or we then don't use it.  and thats what i'm going to do, but the fact remains, that even though it's small, it is still eating a chunk of my Card space, and is continually running until i use task killer to kill it, (which of course it starts itself up again a few hours later), so it's using system resources. 
I don't care is  VZW wants to push {word filter avoidance} apps like this to phones during updates, but at least give us the ability to remove them if we don't want them.  Seriously, i pay well over 100.00 a month for there service and whatnot, and they still think they know what "needs" to be on my phone?  
WAKE UP VZW and give us the option to uninstall the crap apps you put on it.
Done ranting now.   have a great day

moonwick wrote:
your remarks are besides the entire point i was making,  sure they can put all the crap they want on it, but they do NOT have the RIGHTS to do so, no where in my contract that i signed does it  say they will add unremoveable apps to the device as they see fit. i bought this phone it is mine lock stock and barrell technically anything they do outside of the contract i signed and do not authorize is a violation of my rights as an individual.
 It is in the contract you signed as the guy showed above.  They will add stuff as they see fit which you agreed to.
 task killer is a very valuable app, if you don't use it i feel sorry for you, as all the bloatware VZW has put on the phones, comes on when it wants, and resides in the devices memory, so yes it does use system resources,  If i kill all the tasks my battery will last 2 days from full to empty if i do not, i'm lucky if it lasts 3/4 of a day.   so your wrong on all points, thanks for playing try again.
I will explain this to you.  Nothing in ram is wasted ram for a Linux based system which android is.  What you are closing is the libraries that Android has open which is shared through numerous apps.  For example if you close the "phone" app messaging app and a few others will close as well just because the library was closed.  It only looks like they reside in memory as they share the same library as another app.  What you need to look at is processes and not what's in ram.
All i'm saying is if they put it on there that is fine,  just give me the option to remove the crap i don't want.
 You do have an option, and it's your choice to do it or not.  Root your device, and remove them.  Warranties are over-rated anyway you will always get a "refurbished" device 99/100 times.  If you screw up most of the time unless you can get into fastboot they'll never know you rooted your device.  If you can get into fastboot you can ALWAYS bring your phone back to stock.
if you can't see that point, then maybe you need to actually use your phone, instead of playing with it as a toy.
If you wanted a "phone" wouldn't you buy a phone that did only that?  These devices were meant more than just being a phone.

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    You installed a hacked app, originally from the Mac App Store. It contains the receipt for a different app, downloaded using an account that you don't control. You need to identify and remove the hacked app.
    Important: The app you need to remove is not necessarily the one named in the App Store alert. For example, the App Store may prompt you to update "Angry Birds" or "Twitter," but the hacked app may be something else entirely. Don't make any assumptions about which app you're looking for. To find it, you must carry out a systematic search with Spotlight.
    1. Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    2. In the Finder, press command-F to open a search window, or select
    File ▹ Find
    from the menu bar. In the search window, select
    Search: This Mac
    from the row of tokens below the toolbar. Below that is a popup menu of search criteria, initially showing Kind. From that menu, select
    A sheet will drop down. In that sheet, select
    Raw Query
    as the criterion, then click OK or press return.
    Now there will be a text box to the right of the menu of search criteria. That's where you enter the raw search query. Click in that box and paste the text you copied earlier by pressing command-V.
    4. The search window will now show all the App Store products that are installed. Compare those search results with the list of your purchases from the App Store. To see the complete list, you may need to unhide hidden purchases. If any apps were download from the App Store using other Apple ID accounts that you control, sign in to the store under each of those ID's and check the purchases.
    At least one of the apps in the Spotlight search results is not among your purchases in the App Store. Move each such item to the Trash, after quitting it if it's running. You may be prompted for your administrator password. Empty the Trash.
    Quit and relaunch the App Store. Test.
    If you find these instructions confusing, ask for an alternative method.

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    You cannot delete them from icloud at all.
    You can hide them:
    iTunes Store: Hiding and unhiding purchases - Support - Apple

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    nvm. I found it.

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    All help will be greatly appreciated.

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