The dangers of robocopy and symbolic links

I was backing up a laptop to a USB drive overnight, using robocopy to copy the directory structure of C:\Users on a Win 7 Pro build. The process ran all night. By the next morning, the copy had failed due to insufficient space on the drive. The data being
backed up was only 120 GB and the drive was an empty 500 GB. According to the log, the process only made it about 20% of the way before it got caught in an endless loop of copying the C:\Users\<username>\Application Data link. I had forgot to include
the /xjd switch in the job file it seems.
Unfortunately, now I am unable to delete the "Application Data" folder as I get a "...filenames are too long for the destination folder..." error. Upon inspection, the folder appears to point to itself, creating a seemingly endless subdirectory
tree. I've tried manually deleting parts of the directory structure through cut, paste and delete operations but I gave up after 2 hrs. I then tried writing a batch script using robocopy to mirror an empty folder, hoping that would remove the "Application
Data" folder, but that too fails after a few minutes once the directory path gets too long.
I've checked online but haven't been able to find any tool which would allow me to delete the circular link that was created by robocopy. Does anyone have suggestions on how to remove this file structure besides formatting the drive?

From all the other threads I've read, I'm beginning to realize this just isn't an option with this O/S.
Thanks for the help and suggestions.
I got intrigued by this problem, then spent a couple of hours on finding a solution. You can use the batch file below to deal with your circular folder. It will deal with any folder, no matter how deep.
@echo off
goto Start
This batch file will delete circular directories that are 
created by robocopy.exe when used without the /XJ switch.
The batch file will warn you before it deletes any folder.
Pressing Ctrl+C will terminate it.
Usage: rdd "Folder Name"
22.3.2013 FNL
set msg=
if [%1] EQU [] goto Error
if [%2] NEQ [] goto Error
goto Initial
Initial checks:
- Is this an elevated command prompt?
- Does the user want to proceed?
- Does the folder exist
set r=%random%
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('echo %1') do set Stripped='%%~a'
set msg=You must execute this batch file under elevated privileges.
dir \ 1> %SystemDrive%\%r%.txt 2>nul || goto Error
del %SystemDrive%\%r%.txt
set msg=Folder %Stripped% not found
pushd %1 2>nul || goto Error
set msg=Exiting
set /p reply=About to delete the folder %1. Go ahead? (Y/N) 
if /i not "%reply%"=="Y" goto Error
set Level=0
for /F %%a in ('dir /b \RDD_Folder* 2^>nul') do rd \%%a
set Args=WScript.Arguments
echo WScript.Echo Left(%Args%(0), InStrRev(%Args%(0), "\")-1) >"%temp%\rdd.vbs"
goto Loop1
Create a number of junctions to various points
inside the circular directory tree.
Prerequisite: mklink (exists under Windows 7)
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /s 2^>nul') do set FullPath=%%a
if "%FullPath:~200,4%" EQU "" (echo. & goto Loop2)
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('cscript.exe //nologo "%temp%\rdd.vbs" "%FullPath%"') do cd "%%a"
set msg=Unable to create junction.
set /a Level=%Level%+1
echo Creating junction \RDD_Folder%Level%
mklink /d \RDD_Folder%Level% "%CD%" > nul|| (popd & goto Error)
cd "\RDD_Folder%Level%"
goto Loop1
Delete the circular folders, working from
the inside to the outside, then delete the
symbolic links.
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b "\RDD_Folder%Level%"') do set ToDelete="\RDD_Folder%Level%\%%a"
echo Deleting %ToDelete%
rd /s /q %ToDelete%
rd \RDD_Folder%Level%
set /a Level=%Level%-1
if %Level% NEQ 0 (
  cd \RDD_Folder%Level%
  goto Loop2
echo Deleting %1
rd /s /q %1
goto :eof
Error exit
if "%msg%"=="" set msg=Usage:  rdd  "FolderName"
echo %msg%

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    I still don't understand the issue. And you should probably be posting the question in one of the ASP.Net forums which I provided a link to in my original post.
    You say you enter a URL in your website. But you make no mention of how that is done. Therefore even if you post a question in one of the ASP.Net forums you will need to explain what you mean by entering a URL in your Website.
    For example. "We have a website. A user can browse to the website with a WebBrowser. Then in a textbox on the website they can enter a URL (for whatever reason your website would allow a user browsing your website with a webbrowser to want to enter
    some URL for some reason into a textbox at your website) and select a button (to do who knows what) and we need to validate the URL does not contain invalid characters."
    Maybe these links can help or not.
    Validator.Url Method
    PathIsURL function
    Pinvoke.Net - pathisurl (shlwapi)
    Uri.TryCreate Method
    I suppose you could even use Regex to validate a URL based on Regex patterns that you should be able to find on the net for doing so with Visual Basic. But I would suppose you would want to provide whoever is placing invalid URL's on the website with the
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    I suspect you could even try to validate a URL with a DNS by finding out if it exists or not.
    La vida loca

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    You have to Customize the viewmessages.xml file. The original file path for English Language is
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    It the site folder has a cloud on it that means it's being published to a MobileMe account. It the site folder is plain then it's being published to somewhere else, either a commercial server or a folder on your HD.
    The page with a Q on it is a movie layout page. The only other page with a symbol that I've come across is the blog page, and "a" on the page icon.
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    Last edited by banbh (2009-05-24 00:22:13)

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    $ diff -u PKGBUILD.orig PKGBUILD
    --- PKGBUILD.orig 2009-05-23 17:58:47.000000000 -0400
    +++ PKGBUILD 2009-05-23 18:00:49.000000000 -0400
    @@ -11,9 +11,12 @@
    'used if present at compile time: freeglut, gsl, fftw')
    build() {
    - cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
    + cd $srcdir
    + tar xzf $pkgname-$pkgver.src.tgz
    + cd $pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --enable-gc=/usr --prefix=/usr \
    --with-latex=/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex || return 1
    make asy || return 1
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    You may have '''Switched ON Caret Browsing'''. press '''F7 (on Mac: fn + F7)''' to toggle '''Caret Browsing ON/OFF'''
    * click '''Firefox''' button and click '''Options''' -> Advanced -> General -> remove Checkmark from '''Always use the cursor keys to navigate within pages'''
    Check and tell if its working.

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    hello angrommet, this sounds like a problem caused by adware active on your pc. please go to ''firefox > addons > extensions'' & remove any suspicious entries (toolbars, things that you have not installed intentionally, don't know what purpose they serve, etc). also go to the windows control panel / programs and remove all toolbars or potentially unwanted software from there and run a full scan of your system with the security software that you have in place and different other tools like the [ free version of malwarebytes] & [ adwcleaner].
    [[Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page]]
    [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]]

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    could you please tell me the procedure of asigning Reports, specific tables and Url links in the role.actually i know the process of assigning T-Codes to the role but i dont know the procedure for reports and url links and tables...
    i hope u people will respond positively.

    Hi Srinivas,
    "i want to add only one particular table not all tables", you can do this using a Custom Transaction Code, the following are the steps to do it:
    1) goto se93, give a unique name, say zxxx
    2)Enter SE16 into the transaction field and select the flag the ‘skip initial screen’ field:
    3)On the lower portion of the screen, enter the following information:
    Name of screen field: DATABROWSE-TABLENAME
    Value: Enter the name of the table you want to browse with
    4)save it.
    5) Now add the transaction zxxx in th role, and assign it to the user.
    With this, when user executes the transaction, he/she will be able to see only the perticular table you added.
    "in PFCG what is the use of Exper mode for profile generation. what is the difference between general profile generation and expert mode profile generation".
    Expert mode has 3 options:
    1) Delete and recreate profile and authorizations---This will completely delete the old profile and add only  the new once.
    2) Edit old status----It will edit the old values
    3) Read old status and merge with new data----This will add the new values aithout actually disturbing the old ones.
    Hope it helps.
    Please award points if it is useful.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • [SOLVED] Inquiry about the {{Note | }} environment and url links

    Recently I've added some notes to the wiki and tend to like to link to sources where possible. I've tried to do this with forum posts, but because of the url syntax:
    the note environment doesn't like it and results in this:
    Specifically, I've tracked it down to the equals sign ("="). Could anyone chime in on:
    - the preferred method of linking to an external url inside of a note (or if that is discouraged)
    - if I've overlooked some syntax that would allow this for the url format above (like putting it in quotations or something like that?)
    - if it's possible to change why the "=" in a url will prevent such linking
    It's a bummer... I love linking to the forums from the wiki because a lot of the answers originate here during problem solving. I don't have to use the note environment, but I find lately that some of the main article will be quasi correct but potentially misunderstood and so I've create a note and linked here. Since I can't directly link, I've been adding the forum post urls in the "Additional Resources" section at the bottom of articles and just linking to that via the [[wikiURL#Additioanal_Resources]] syntax.
    To be able to directly input a url would simply things, I think.
    Last edited by jwhendy (2011-03-11 01:12:55)

    See Help:Template
    Note: If you use the equal sign ( = ) inside a template with numbered parameters, MediaWiki will break the template's output. You need to enclose the equal sign (or the entire block of text) in <nowiki> tags like so:
    {{Codeline|<nowiki>variable = value</nowiki>}}
    Alternatively, treat the parameter number as a named parameter, as in:
    {{Codeline|1=variable = value}}
    This is a technical limitation that you should keep in mind while using templates.

  • Maintaining Multiple Arch Installs, Symbolic Links, BTRFS

    Hi again.
    A quick update on my previous post ( The GRUB problem I was having seems to have stopped. I got a very useful recommendation regarding pacman and XBMC still hasn't been fixed, but is fully usable with the workaround I am using and have just gotten used to it so it's not so much of an issue now. I think now that it should be marked as solved but how do I do that? Was looking around but guess I'm just missing it.
    Anyway now I have a few more issues, or more just questions I guess that I would like help on. Recently I found an old laptop of mine and so to learn more about the Arch system I decided to try and install Arch. Now this laptop is around 5-6 years old and I haven't been able to get WiFi working fully for around 3 years and eventually upgraded 2 years ago to my current laptop. The WiFi was always 'soft-locked' until after about 4-5 restarts (in windows it was fine, but any Linux Distribution post Ubuntu 10.10 had the same issue). The issues still remains in other distributions even after "rfkill all". In Arch ever since running that command (the first boot from install media the issue occurred) this laptops WiFi has been brilliant. I also installed XFCE4 desktop for speed of set up. Now I'm looking to give my laptop to my younger brother before he heads of to University in September until he can afford a new one (or he breaks this one - somehow his laptops never last), as this old one now runs better than it ever did on Windows Vista. My girlfriend is also looking for me to install Linux again on her laptop (we used WUBI in the past) but a full install since her Windows Vista laptop is near unusable in Windows. So far I have got hamachi set up between my new and old laptop, this gives static IP addresses and will allow me to SSH into the laptop for upgrades every so often. I'm planning to do the same for my girlfriends laptop. Would I be stupid to do this via Arch? I've heard it breaks often and I don't want to have to be doing fixes for other peoples laptops as I won't have the time to do so. I guess the reason I want to use Arch is both laptops are quite old and Arch has breathed new life into my old one.
    Secondly I have symbolic links set up in my "Music" and "Video" folders in my home directory to their counterparts in my Windows partition. However my music player "Clementine" doesn't find every album in the music folder. Does symbolic links have "flaws" like this or is it more likely to be my music player behaving badly with symbolic links? I would try another music player but I can't seem to find one which plays FLAC files with external / embedded .cue files so can't really test this out. I can of course link directly to the location but I thought I would ask, just to learn more I guess.
    Now when I installed Arch using BTRFS file system I didn't know that I had to mount using compression immediately, I thought I could add it to the fstab at a later point - obviously not. Now I found a command which will defragment my drive and supposedly compress everything. However this command doesn't make any sense to me and I don't want to just run it without knowing what it does. Could anyone other me any insight into this please? Also does defragmentation after the fstab mount options have been added cause the compression?
    "find -xdev -type f -exec btrfs fi defrag '{}' \;"
    or I also found
    "btrfs filesystem defragment ~/stuff"
    Thanks for any help, I understand this post is quite long so I really appreciate it.
    Last edited by BradPJ (2013-06-13 10:19:47)

    Ah right thanks. I thought as much which is why I asked before I did so, I'll find another distribution. Just where I've been running Arch for a few weeks now and haven't had to do any maintenance at all really, but weren't too sure what I'd be in for in the long-run. I mean to be fair I was always planning on another distribution but as I was playing around at first on the old laptop I ended up with my current way to SSH in and just wondered if it would be viable to do it this way.
    I knew it would be a driver issue at the core of my problem, just weren't too sure if it something else could of been affecting it. Guess I'll try and find another distribution which runs near as new software to Arch as possible as it seems the issue has been fixed in newer versions of the kernel and drivers. Granted the old laptop had been unused for around a year so any update in the last year could of fixed it in this case. Thanks for your input!
    Last edited by BradPJ (2013-06-13 11:35:16)

  • Symbolic links on Solaris 9 OS/Sun AS 8.01

    Hello, we are migrating several applications from SunAS 7 to SunAS8 and have several document directories that were set up on SunAS7. These appear to not be available in SunAS8. A symbolic link would work fine. We have attempted to implement the fix suggested in closed bugs #5015444, 6171573, and 6155565 which say to add the following to domain.xml and/or sun-web.xml:
    <property name="allowLinking" value="true"/>
    We have added this property and are still getting a 404 browser error. IS this correct or are we missing something? Or, are there any otherways to make content available to the application that is outside of the main war/ear file?
    Thanks in advance,
    Dave K.

    Yes, that's the stats of things in the AS 8.01 and AS 8.1 BETA releases.
    For the upcoming AS 8.1 FCS release, we have added a property named "allowLinking" to the <virtual-server> element in domain.xml, with the following meaning:
    - Determines whether symbolic links outside the virtual server's
    docroot are to be followed.
    - Is inherited by all web apps deployed in this virtual server.
    Notice that a webapp may override the inherited value by
    specifying its own "allowLinking" property in its sun-web.xml,
    like this:
    <property name="allowLinking" value="true" />
    Also in the upcoming AS 8.1 FCS, we've changed the default value of the virtual-server's "allowLinking" property to TRUE.
    Hope this helps.

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