The "template" question

I use a Bridge gallery to demonstrate various website designs whose image files I download from well-known websites (for web designers, at least). At times, I have had potential clients, who are prepared to pay next to nothing for a website with CMS, etc., derisively ask if use "templates" for my designs.
How do you deal with this? It is pointless to offer bespoke web design for discount prices, especially as I am on my own here.

Sorry, I forgot to close the thread but i've found it on the SAP Help
Anyways, i'm crediting you the points !
By any chance do you know if it's possible to put conditions in the processing of the table ?
For example something like do not display the partner function sold-to-party.
Do i have to code it in the XML or is it possible to do that with the Web service tool or with the template designer ?

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    To search this web forum, go to "Ask a Question" on top of the Discussions page.  Simply type your question and hit Enter.
    Or use Google to search forums.adobe topic.
    Nancy O.

  • Question on the Template Designer

    Hi Experts.
    I am trying to create a document template using a web service.
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    Sorry, I forgot to close the thread but i've found it on the SAP Help
    Anyways, i'm crediting you the points !
    By any chance do you know if it's possible to put conditions in the processing of the table ?
    For example something like do not display the partner function sold-to-party.
    Do i have to code it in the XML or is it possible to do that with the Web service tool or with the template designer ?

  • Ask your question.How do I change the template for a pages document

    How do I change the template for a pages document?

    Once you've opened it, the opened document is no longer a template. Edit it as you would any other Pages document.
    If you want to use the edited document as a Template, then , after editing, go File > Save as Template, give the new template a name, and click Save.
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    Hi excolprof,
    We only support disc printing with the supplied Easy Photo Print and My Image Garden software.  You are welcome to try using third party programs, but as they are not supported, the only steps I can recommend would be to make sure that hte paper size is set to CD Disc within the software.
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

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    Read up on Smart Objects. It looks like you have no idea as to how to create and use them.
    Jut create a Smart Object from the layer containing whatever it image it is that you are "plugging into your template".  But you do need to learn the application at its most basic levels.
    Photoshop is a professional level application that makes no apologies for its very long and steep learning curve.  You cannot learn Photoshop in a forum, one question at a time.
    Or is it possible that you don't even have Photoshop proper but the stripped-down Photoshop Elements?"
    If the latter is the case, you're in the wrong forum.  This is not the Elements forum.
    Here's the link to the forum you would want if you're working in Elements.:
    If you do have Photoshop proper, please provide the exact version number of that application and of your OS.
    (edited for clarification)

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    Si vous avez utilisé la commande Save As Template depuis Pages, il y a forcément un dossier
    iWork > Pages
    contenant Templates > My Templates
    comme il y a un dossier
    iWork > Numbers
    contenant Templates > My Templates
    Depuis le Finder, tapez cmd + f
    puis configurez la recherche comme sur cette recopie d'écran.
    puis lancez la recherche.
    Ainsi, vous allez trouver vos modèles personnalisés dans leur dossier.
    Chez moi, il y en a une kyrielle en dehors des dossiers standards parce que je renomme wxcvb.template quasiment tous mes documents Pages et wxcvb.nmbtemplate à peu près tous mes documents Numbers.
    Ainsi, quand je travaille sur un document, je ne suis pas ralenti par Autosave.
    Désolé mais je ne répondrai plus avant demain.
    Pour moi il est temps de dormir.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)  mercredi 23 janvier 2011 22:39:28
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community

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    Thank you
    Are you meaning to create sites on SharePoint Online by invoking web services in your own program? SharePoint Online indeed provide some web services for custom programming, however, the web methods for creating a new site seems not included in them. Here
    are some resources for the development of SharePoint Online for your reference:
    SharePoint Online for developers
    Code example for SharePoint Online: Accessing Web Services
    As to create a site collection, the parameter "Template" is the name of the template you want to use, as to find the name of the custom site template, you can use the powershell command "Get-SPOWebTemplate",
    it will list all the templates with the names.
    Note, The Template and LocaleId parameters must be a valid combination as returned from the Get-SPOWebTemplate cmdlet.
    Also check
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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    While most likely not of interest to you, Spotlight can also tell you where the files it finds are located
    Hover the mouse pointer over the name, and press Command-Option and the path to the file will be displayed.
    As for opening a terminal session in the directory where a file is located, there is Applescripts that do just that as well as specific features in Lion/Mountain Lion terminal:
    < inal>

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    Hi Everyone, I was told that with Dreamweaver it is possible to copy another websites templates? What are the steps in copying another websites template with Dreamweaver?
    This is difficult to understand.   How are you copying templates from another site?
    If you have all the files that make up the template, then it's only a matter of saving all the files to a folder on your hard drive and setting up a site definition pointing to this folder.  You then work on the files as usual.
    Also, I am having problems creating a drop down menu for each of my web pages. When I go to highlight a specific box on my homepage I want the dropdown menu to appear vertically and not horizontally. I may have missed something when watching the video tutorials or I didn't quite understand what they meant. Thank you for any information on the series of questions that I have asked in this new thread.
    Without seeing the page it's difficult to judge what your problem is.  If possible, please upload the files to a remote server and provide a link to the page. It's the only way people can help - if they see your page in action.
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates | Tutorials | SEO Articles
    Web Design & Development

  • I want to create a fillable form using the templates that were in adobe acrobat

    Hi all,
    I am having trouble finding the templates that were offered in the previous version of Adobe. Before, when I wanted to create a form, I could simply click "create form" select from template, and I had access to dozens of varieties of forms. Now when I try the same thing, it only lets me scan in a paper form. I don't have a paper form. That's why I'm trying to make one.
    Any advice would be appreciated, I have tried to search for my question but the help function keeps redirecting me back to "how to prepare a fillable form" and tells me to use a paper document. Why did this simple task become so difficult all of a sudden?
    Thanks in advance,
    Kind regards

    That was the FormsCentral designer software. Adobe has decided to discontinue FormsCentral, so it wasn't included with Acrobat DC.
    The usual way to create a form in Acrobat is to create the layout in a program such as InDesign or Word and create a PDF. You can then add the fields in Acrobat, which can attempt to automatically add fields where it thinks they belong.

  • How to get the line in the template (smartform) with out using under score

         How to get the line in the template (smartform) with out using under score,
         and how to print the box (line the check box - small squre box (which is used ot mark the tick by the user in front of the item).
         Please provide the valueble answer as early as possible.

    Hi Ravi,
    Line -
    Use a SMATSTYLE for this the smartstyle create a paragraph or character with underline atribute.Then call the smartstyle in the text.
    Search SDN with Key <b>UNDERSCORE</b>.. will get few more posts on the same.
    For Checkbox - refer link
    Re: Quick Question on Smartforms
    Re: putting tick mark into check box in smartform
    Reward points if this Helps.
    Message was edited by:
            Manish Kumar

  • Change Font in Master pages so that it changes the rest of the template?

    I cannot change my font in the Master pages so that it effect the rest of the template. I would have to go through each of the page and change the font. I just want the body paragraph a certain font and I don't know how to do that. I don't know if I explained my question well enough.

    go to page panel, and select all page that you want to apply a mater page items, mouse right click select Apply Master to Pages
    Next select the Master page to apply

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    Is downloading a file hyperlinked to a photo your intended purpose? If so, then you might be better off not using the photo template. But I understand if you like the look of the photo template. If you want to continue using the template, then instead of using your photo to "cover" the template photo, go ahead and drag your photo over the template photo and hover until you see your cursor turn to a "+" sign. Then let go and your photo will replace the template photo. Since you cannot apply a hyperlink to a file download to the template, you will then need to insert a rectangle shape...make it the same size as the photo...and then lay it on top of the photo. Open up the Inspector and use the Hyperlink tab to attach the hyperlink to file to this shape. Then click over to the graphics tab and adjust the opacity of the rectangle shape to 1% to let your template photo show through. This should replicate the function that you currently have but replace the template photos with your own.

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