The value returned from the load function is not of type numeric  errors after migration to Coldfusion 11

I am currently testing our website with CF11. It is currently working with CF8 however after migrating it to a new server running CF11 I have encountered the following error.
The value returned from the load function is not of type numeric.
The error occurred in
D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/address.cfc: line 263
Called from D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/contact.cfc: line 331
Called from D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/user.cfc: line 510
Called from D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/user.cfc: line 1675
Called from D:/website/NECPhase2/action.validate.cfm: line 54
261 : <cfif isNumeric(get.idCountry)>
262 : <cfset rc = this.objCountry.setID(get.idCountry)>
263 : <cfset rc = this.objCountry.load()>
264 : </cfif>
265 : <cfset this.sPostcode = get.sPostcode>
Have there been any changes between CF8 and CF11 that could  cause this error?
Does anyone have ideas?

This is the code in file object file country.cfc (
<cfcomponent displayname="Country object" hint="This is a Country object, it allows you to access and set values in the Country.">
// Construct this object
<cfset this.objFunctions = CreateObject( 'component', '' )>
  this.idCountryID = 0;
  this.sCountryName = "";
  this.sISOCode = "";
  this.sDHLCode = "";
  this.iErrorID = "";
// The following functions are the setters and getters. offering us a better way to get
// at the contents of the object
// Getters
<cffunction name="getID" displayname="Get ID" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This returns the ID of the current item.">
  <cfreturn this.idCountryID>
<cffunction name="getsCountryName" displayname="Get sCountryName" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sCountryName value of this item.">
  <cfreturn this.sCountryName>
<cffunction name="getsISOCode" displayname="Get sISOCode" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sISOCode value of this item.">
  <cfreturn this.sISOCode>
<cffunction name="getsDHLCode" displayname="Get sDHLCode" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sDHLCode value of this item.">
  <cfreturn this.sDHLCode>
<cffunction name="iError" displayname="Get iError" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This returns the iError of the current item.">
  <cfreturn this.iError>
// Setters
<cffunction name="setID" displayname="Set ID" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the ID value of this item.">
  <cfargument name="idCountryID" required="true" type="numeric" displayname="ID" hint="The ID to use.">
  <cfset this.idCountryID = arguments.idCountryID>
  <cfreturn true>
<cffunction name="setsCountryName" displayname="Set sCountryName" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sCountryName value of this item.">
  <cfargument name="sCountryName" required="true" type="string" displayname="sCountryName" hint="The sCountryName to use.">
  <cfset this.sCountryName = arguments.sCountryName>
  <cfreturn true>
<cffunction name="setsISOCode" displayname="Set sISOCode" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sISOCode value of this item.">
  <cfargument name="sISOCode" required="true" type="string" displayname="sISOCode" hint="The sISOCode to use.">
  <cfset this.sISOCode = arguments.sISOCode>
  <cfreturn true>
<cffunction name="setsDHLCode" displayname="Set sDHLCode" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sDHLCode value of this item.">
  <cfargument name="sDHLCode" required="true" type="string" displayname="sDHLCode" hint="The sDHLCode to use.">
  <cfset this.sDHLCode = arguments.sDHLCode>
  <cfreturn true>
// Clear, to empty out the contents of this object
<cffunction name="clear" displayname="Clear items Details" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="Clears out all of the items details.">
   this.sCountryName = "";
   this.sISOCode = "";
   this.sDHLCode = "";
   this.iErrorID = "";
  <cfreturn true>
// The following functions deal with the load, save and deleting of objects
// Load
<cffunction name="load" displayname="Load items details" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This loads in all the information about an item.">
  <cfset rc = this.clear()>
  // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
  objDS = CreateObject("component","");
  sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
  // Check to see if it exists
   <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
    SELECT idCountryID
    FROM tblCountry
    WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("load: checkID: '#this.idCountryID#' #cfcatch.detail#");
    <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
    <cfreturn iErrorID>
  <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
      whichOne = "#session.afr.getsAFRNumber()#";
     } else {
      whichOne = "";
     iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that id doesn't exists.[#this.idCountryID#][#whichOne#]");
   <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
   <cfreturn iErrorID>
  // If we got past all then then load in the details
   <cfquery name="get" datasource="#sDatasource#">
    SELECT idCountryID, RTRIM(sCountryName) as sCountryName, RTRIM(sISOCode) as sISOCode, RTRIM(sDHLCode) as sDHLCode
    FROM tblCountry
    WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("load: get: #cfcatch.detail#");
    <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
    <cfreturn iErrorID>
  <cfset this.idCountryID = get.idCountryID>
  <cfset this.sCountryName = get.sCountryName>
  <cfset this.sISOCode = get.sISOCode>
  <cfset this.sDHLCode = get.sDHLCode>
  <cfset this.iErrorID = "">
  <cfreturn true>
// Save
<cffunction name="save" displayname="Save items Details" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="Saves (to some source) the current details for the ID of the item.">
  // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
  objDS = CreateObject("component","");
  sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
  // Now check to see if ithat ID exists
   <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
    SELECT idCountryID
    FROM tblCountry
    WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("save: checkID: #cfcatch.detail#");
    <cfreturn iErrorID>
  // If it doesn't exist, then add the record, otherwise update the record
  <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
   <cfreturn this.add()>
   <cfreturn this.update()>
// Add
<cffunction name="add" displayname="Add Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This adds a Country.">
  // Check to see if that a different item isn't already using the same unique details
   <cfquery name="checkUnique" datasource="#sDatasource#">
    SELECT idCountryID
    FROM tblCountry
    WHERE sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#'
    OR sISOCOde = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOcode)#'
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("add: checkUnique: #cfcatch.detail#");
    <cfreturn iErrorID>
  <cfif checkUnique.recordCount>
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that name or ISO code already exists. idCountryID=#checkUnique.idCountryID#");
   <cfreturn iErrorID>
   <cfquery name="add" datasource="#sDatasource#">
    SET nocount on
    INSERT INTO tblCountry(sCountryName, sISOCode, sDHLCode)
    VALUES('#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#','#this.objFunctions.scrubText(t his.sISOCode)#','#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sDHLCode)#')
    SELECT @@identity as autoID
    SET nocount off  
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("add: add: #cfcatch.detail#");
    <cfreturn iErrorID>
  <cfreturn add.autoID>
// Update
<cffunction name="update" displayname="Update Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This updates a Country record.">
  // Check to see if that a different item isn't already using the same unique details
   <cfquery name="checkUnique" datasource="#sDatasource#">
    SELECT idCountryID
    FROM tblCountry
    WHERE (sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#'
    OR sISOCOde = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOcode)#')
    AND idCountryID <> #this.idCountryID#
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("update: checkUnique: #cfcatch.detail#");
    <cfreturn iErrorID>
  <cfif checkUnique.recordCount>
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("Another Country with that name already exists. idCountryID=#checkUnique.idCountryID#");
   <cfreturn iErrorID>
  // Attempt to update the record to the datasource
  // if this fails for any reason then we submit an error message
  // to the error component and return the ID of the error
   <cfquery name="update" datasource="#sDatasource#">
    UPDATE tblCountry
    SET sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#',
    sISOCode = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOCode)#',
    sDHLCode = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sDHLCode)#'
    WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("update: update: #cfcatch.detail#");
    <cfreturn iErrorID>
  <cfreturn this.idCountryID> 
// Delete
<cffunction name="delete" displayname="Delete Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This deletes a Country record.">
  // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
  objDS = CreateObject("component","");
  sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
  // Now check to see if ithat ID exists
   <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
    SELECT idCountryID
    FROM tblCountry
    WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: checkID: #cfcatch.detail#");
    <cfreturn iErrorID>
  <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that id doesn't exists, delete failed.");
   <cfreturn iErrorID>
  // Now check to see if there are any dependancies, if so we can't delete the item
   <cfquery name="checkDependancies" datasource="#sDatasource#">
    SELECT idCountry
    FROM tblAddress
    WHERE idCountry = #this.idCountryID#
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: checkDependancies: idCountry: #cfcatch.detail#");
    <cfreturn iErrorID>
  <cfif checkDependancies.recordCount>
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("That Country is being used by an address, delete failed.");
   <cfreturn iErrorID>
  // Now attempt to remove the record.
  // if this fails for any reason then we submit an error message
  // to the error component and return the ID of the error
   <cfquery name="delete" datasource="#sDatasource#">
    DELETE FROM tblCountry
    WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
     objError = CreateObject("component","");
     iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: delete: #cfcatch.detail#");
    <cfreturn iErrorID>
  <cfreturn this.idCountryID>

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    Hi Edson,
    Yes you need to use the CALC_ERROR macro function to be able to test whether the last macro function returned an error. CALC_ERROR will return an 'X' if there an error occured during the execution of the last macro function.
    You can use a macro similar to the following:
      CALC_ERROR( )
      = 'X'
    Let me explain how this works internally. The SAP system maintains a global variable g_flg_calc_error during the execution of macros in the planning book. The g_flg_calc_error variable will contain the value of f_calc_error that was set by the last macro function which executed. The ABAP coding of a planning book is something like this:
    data: g_flg_calc_error type /SAPAPO/FLAG.
    * SAP will pass g_flg_calc_error variable to all macro
    * functions. When SAP calls a macro function, it does
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    call function '/SAPAPO/MACRO_FUNCTION_HERE'
              plob_values      = i_s_adv_plob_values
              sdp_book         = g_c_advf_sdp_book
              sdp_view         = g_c_advf_sdp_view
              cols_index       = i_t_cols
              value_tab        = l_t_value_tab
              f_calc_error     = g_flg_calc_error
    As you can see, the g_flg_calc_error variable
    is passed in the "changing" part of the call. The macro  function being called can then use the f_calc_error
    variable to change the value of the global
    g_flg_calc_error variable. In fact, the macro function being called can also check (by looking at the f_calc_error variable) if the last macro function reported an error.  The CALC_ERROR macro function just checks the value of f_calc_error parameter (w/c in fact is the value of the g_flg_calc_error variable) and returns "true/X" if the f_calc_error was set to true by the last macro function.
    Hope this helps in clearing things out

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         my_total             NUMBER(18);
         my_count_pct         NUMBER(18);
         my_total_pct         NUMBER(18);
         my_each_count_result NUMBER(18);
         my_count_result            NUMBER(18);
         my_total_count             NUMBER(18);
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      lane_end             edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes.site_lane_id%TYPE;
      row_start            NUMBER(12);
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         my_count_pct       := 0 ;
           SELECT MIN(site_lane_id)
             INTO lane_start
          FROM edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes
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              INTO lane_end
           FROM edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes
          WHERE edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes.output_lane_id        = in_lane_id
            AND edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes.output_direction_id   = in_direction_id;  
         SELECT MIN(range_low)
           INTO row_start
           FROM edr_rpt_by_ranges_output;
         SELECT MAX(range_low)
           INTO row_end
           FROM edr_rpt_by_ranges_output;
               my_each_count_result := edr_rpt_lane_by_class_package.gen_total_lane_count (
        my_count_result := edr_rpt_lane_by_class_package.gen_total_lane_count (
         my_total_count :=  edr_rpt_lane_by_class_package.gen_total_lane_count (
             IF (my_each_count_result > 0)   THEN                          
                   my_total := edr_rpt_lane_by_class_package.gen_total_lane_count (
                WHEN in_row_number_high = row_end THEN                       
                     my_count_pct := ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_count_result ) * 100 );     
                WHEN in_row_number_high < row_end THEN                
                        my_count_pct := ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_total ) * 100 ) ;               
         RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'The row number specified is not recognized.');                 
                END CASE;     
             END IF;
             return my_count_pct;
    END gen_total_lane_count_pct;          Edited by: Indhu Ram on Jan 5, 2010 11:43 AM

    I have to find out the % value for each column value( For rx if there is only 2 columns).To calculate the % , each column value should get divided by the total of that column value.
    To calculate the % for the total row , each column total should get divide by the sum of column ( sum of column 1 + sum of column 2)values.
    ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_count_result ) * 100 ) ---- This calculaton gives me the % for the total row.
    ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_total ) * 100 ) ------- This calculation gives the % for the data row.
    The condition that I have tried is, if it reaches end of data row (to achieve that condition I have given this condition in_row_number_high < row_end )
    Now my result returns only values based on this condition -- in_row_number_high < row_end .
    It does't look for the first condition.
    WHEN in_row_number_high = row_end THEN
    my_count_pct := ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_count_result ) * 100 );     
    WHEN in_row_number_high < row_end THEN
         my_count_pct := ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_total ) * 100 ) ;               
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'The row number specified is not recognized.');          
    Hope , you have some good understanding now. Please help me how could I do this?

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    can anyone please give some hints as to where I am commiting an errorSomewhere in your code. Post the smallest complete example which demonstrates the problem, then people may be able to give more specific help.

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    Java is not JavaScript, they've got almost nothing in common (apart from superficial syntax similarities and the first 4 letters of their names).
    If indeed your question is about JavaScript, then please find a JavaScript forum, as we can't help you here.

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    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Chakoo,
    If the Periodic Alert is not working as requried. You can write a simple package with 3 procedures to implement the writing output to a out file and simultaneuosly send email to multiple receiptents.
    Create Package xx_pac
    Create public Procedure P1
    Select User_Id, User_Name into &OUTPUT1, &OUTPUT2
    from fnd_users where trunc(creation_date) = trunc(sysdate)
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, &OUTPUT1, &OUTPUT2);
    (Create private Procedure P2
    ---Write the email package using the UTL_SMTP approch. Using this approch you can send the procedure P1 output file as an attachment to the desiginated receiptents.
    (Create public Procedure P3
    ---call the procedure P1 using the "g_request_id = fnd_request.submit_request"
    ---Wait for the above procedure to complete using "l_conc_status := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request" procedure.
    ---call the procedure P2. (When called you must provide the correct to, from address)
    Register the Package xx_pac as a concurrent program and schedule when submit it from the request.
    Arun Rathod

  • What is the data type of the value returned by the List box prompt in crystal

    Post Author: Mudit Kothiyal
    CA Forum: Formula
    Hi all,
    I am creating a report which has a list box prompt. When I am selecting a single value from the list box the report is working fine, but when I am selecting multiple values its not returning any data( although data is there). Does anyone know how the prompt values are passed to the report query by the crystal. I kno it passes the value to the report as an array. But how does it pass the value to the report query.
    I am using command query to fetch data from the DB.
    Crystal Report Version: Crystal Report XI R2.
    DB: Oracle 10g
    Also does anyone know how to pass the values of the list box prompt to the report query in comma seperated format.
    Thanks & regards,

    Post Author: rcoleman
    CA Forum: Formula
    In regards to the latter part of your question
    The following examples are applicable to Basic and Crystal syntax.
    The examples assume that list is a String array consisting of the 3 elements: "Chocolate", "Vanilla" and "Strawberry".
    Join (list)
    Returns the String "Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry".
    Join (list, "***")
    Returns the String "Chocolate**Vanilla**Strawberry".
    Not sure about the first part of your question,sorry.

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         at javax.swing.ImageIcon.readObject(
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         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.unmarshalValue(
         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
         at Source)

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    I have created a report with button in one column adding following code to SQL select statement like
    PROD_LIST, FULL_PERIOD_FLG, GEN_DATE, '<input type=button value="view_list" onclick="javascript:doSubmit('||USER_RQST_ID||');">' button FROM KPI_USER_RQST;
    Then i have implemet doSubmit() function in Javascript like
    function doSubmit(req_id)
    html_GetElement('HIDDEN_ITEM')= req_id.value;
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    doSubmit() is one of the built in javascript functions in apex and it's a bad idea to override it unless you know exactly what you are doing, and even then is a generally bad idea.
    change your function to this
    function mySubmit(pValue){
    $x('HIDDEN_ITEM').value = pValue;
    then your onclick will look like this notice the lack of the javascript: and the three ''' quotes to get the proper quotations for your value.
    And there you go

  • I need more than 255 charater value return from the table control screen.

    Hi guys,
    I used this function module to get the dynamic table control value changes, but it export me back only 255 character value.
    because the 'DYNPFIELDS' internal table structure hold only 255 character. kindly help me in this reg to get more than 255 character length.
    or any other solution.
          DYNAME     = '/A1SSPC/USR_RALG_FILL'
          DYNUMB     = '1000'
    kindly provide me if you have any solution.

    Try using the Text Editor for more info go throught the Control Examples
    Utilities--> Examples -->  Control Examples in SE38
    Ramchander Rao.K

  • How to get the values returned by a function in a drop down?

    Hi All,
    Can anyone please help in getting the values returned by a function into a drop down? I have a java class file where in i have written a function called getWeeks() which give all the week dates and i want to display these week dates in a drop down box in a JSP page.
    Please help me in this regard.
    Thanks in Advance!!

    Hi Lakshman,
    the following code can help you do what you want :
    <hbj:dropdownListBox id="calendar" tooltip="Calendar" selection="<%= selected %>">
    String[] weeks = myObjectBean.getWeeks();
    for (int i = 0; i < weeks.length; i++) {
         <hbj:listBoxItem key="<%= i %>" value="<%= weeks<i> %>"/>
    </hbj: dropdownListBox>
    The <%= selected %> snippet allows you to pre-select one of the options (provided that the variable 'selected' is equal to one of the listBoxItem keys).
    You can also add onSelect to the tag (e.g. = "setSelectedItem"). It corresponds to a method in the corresponding JSPDynPage class. This means that when you select another item in the dropdown list, the method in your Java class is performed (allowing you to save the selected value and performing actions with it)
    I hope this helped you enough,
    kind regards,
    Edited seven times by: Frederic Taes on Nov 5, 2008 11:24 AM -> the onSelect element was in the hbj tag and in the text with "='setSelectedItem'" next to it and when I tried to post my message, I got a 501 error all the time ! Seems like a SDN bug to me ...

  • How to remove carraige return from the field while loading external table

    I am facing an issue of not getting rid of carraige returns present in the fileds of the source .csv file while loading the records into external table.
    I had tried using LRTRIM, but it does not help.
    The error I am getting is:
    KUP-04021: field formatting error for field POPULATION_DESCRIPTION
    KUP-04037: terminator not found
    I am pasting one record out of the .csv file which is causing this error as below:
    "Business Card Accounts
    ",123,7 BizCard - Gamers,Control,"Business Card Accounts
    You can see the carraige return in the 1st field as well as 5th field. Filed are separated by commas & eclosed by double quotes.
    Could anybody help on this please?

    Can you copy the file to an external table only version, and then dos2unix it?
    Alternatively, you can use the ACCESS PARAMETERS area in your external table definition to set that your RECORDS DELIMITED BY carriage returns, instead of the default.
    Check out the example here

  • How do I print out the value returned by a method in main??

    I'm a total newbie at java, I want to know how I can print out the value returned by this function in the "Main" part of my class:
    public int getTotalPrice(int price)
    int totalprice=price+(price*0.08);
    return totalprice;
    I just want to know how to print out the value for total price under "public static void main(String[] args)". thanks in advance,

    Few ways you could do it, one way would be to create an instance of the class and call the method:
    public class Test
        public double getTotalPrice(int price)
            double totalprice = price + (price * 0.08);
            return totalprice;
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Test t = new Test();
    }Or another would be to make getTotalPrice() static and you could call it directly from main.

  • How to check if the approver returned from AME is the last apporver

    I have setup multiple Approval Groups which uses a query to derive the approver list. Each Self Service HRMS transaction is attached to a different approver group.
    My requirement is to write a function in Workflow to check if the approver returned from AME is the last approver of the group.
    Please let me know how I can achieve this.

    there is some seeded attribute like is_last_approver. Check the value if this returns tru then it is last approver

  • request manager server error exception:An unknown error occured while processing the request on server. The status code returned from the server was:0 request manager server error exception:An unknown error occured while processing the request on server. The status code returned from the server was:0 We got this response(In firebug console) when we try to click on link (after leave webpage for 3 minuts ideal) which is AJAX based. Please reply ASAP because its urgent.

    Hi SP,
    Please check if the following web config appSettins value settings from SSRS server could fix the issue (Note, back up your original web config file before any modification).
    If you have more questions about the SSRS error logs related to this issue, you can post in the SSRS forum for a better assistance with more experts.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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