Doubt in the value return by the function based on given condition

Below function should return the value based on the value of in_row_number_high variable.
I have used CASE but it does't return proper value.
How could I give that condition?
Please help.
FUNCTION gen_total_lane_count_pct
    in_lane_id                  edr_rpt_by_ranges_output.lane_id%TYPE,
    in_direction_id             edr_rpt_by_ranges_output.direction_id%TYPE,
    in_interval_start_date_time edr_rpt_by_ranges_output.interval_start_date_time%TYPE,
    in_interval_end_date_time   edr_rpt_by_ranges_output.interval_end_date_time%TYPE,
    in_row_number               edr_rpt_by_ranges_output.range_low%TYPE,
    in_row_number_high          edr_rpt_by_ranges_output.range_high%TYPE,
    in_lane_min                    edr_lane_by_class_report_data.v_lane%TYPE,
    in_lane_max                    edr_lane_by_class_report_data.v_lane%TYPE   
     my_total             NUMBER(18);
     my_count_pct         NUMBER(18);
     my_total_pct         NUMBER(18);
     my_each_count_result NUMBER(18);
     my_count_result            NUMBER(18);
     my_total_count             NUMBER(18);
  lane_start           edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes.site_lane_id%TYPE;
  lane_end             edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes.site_lane_id%TYPE;
  row_start            NUMBER(12);
  row_end              NUMBER(12);
     my_count_pct       := 0 ;
       SELECT MIN(site_lane_id)
         INTO lane_start
      FROM edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes
     WHERE edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes.output_lane_id        = in_lane_id
       AND edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes.output_direction_id   = in_direction_id;
     SELECT MAX(site_lane_id)
          INTO lane_end
       FROM edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes
      WHERE edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes.output_lane_id        = in_lane_id
        AND edr_rpt_tmp_report_lanes.output_direction_id   = in_direction_id;  
     SELECT MIN(range_low)
       INTO row_start
       FROM edr_rpt_by_ranges_output;
     SELECT MAX(range_low)
       INTO row_end
       FROM edr_rpt_by_ranges_output;
           my_each_count_result := edr_rpt_lane_by_class_package.gen_total_lane_count (
    my_count_result := edr_rpt_lane_by_class_package.gen_total_lane_count (
     my_total_count :=  edr_rpt_lane_by_class_package.gen_total_lane_count (
         IF (my_each_count_result > 0)   THEN                          
               my_total := edr_rpt_lane_by_class_package.gen_total_lane_count (
            WHEN in_row_number_high = row_end THEN                       
                 my_count_pct := ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_count_result ) * 100 );     
            WHEN in_row_number_high < row_end THEN                
                    my_count_pct := ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_total ) * 100 ) ;               
     RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'The row number specified is not recognized.');                 
            END CASE;     
         END IF;
         return my_count_pct;
END gen_total_lane_count_pct;          Edited by: Indhu Ram on Jan 5, 2010 11:43 AM

I have to find out the % value for each column value( For rx if there is only 2 columns).To calculate the % , each column value should get divided by the total of that column value.
To calculate the % for the total row , each column total should get divide by the sum of column ( sum of column 1 + sum of column 2)values.
ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_count_result ) * 100 ) ---- This calculaton gives me the % for the total row.
ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_total ) * 100 ) ------- This calculation gives the % for the data row.
The condition that I have tried is, if it reaches end of data row (to achieve that condition I have given this condition in_row_number_high < row_end )
Now my result returns only values based on this condition -- in_row_number_high < row_end .
It does't look for the first condition.
WHEN in_row_number_high = row_end THEN
my_count_pct := ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_count_result ) * 100 );     
WHEN in_row_number_high < row_end THEN
     my_count_pct := ROUND((my_each_count_result / my_total ) * 100 ) ;               
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'The row number specified is not recognized.');          
Hope , you have some good understanding now. Please help me how could I do this?

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    Hi Lakshman,
    the following code can help you do what you want :
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    String[] weeks = myObjectBean.getWeeks();
    for (int i = 0; i < weeks.length; i++) {
         <hbj:listBoxItem key="<%= i %>" value="<%= weeks<i> %>"/>
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    The <%= selected %> snippet allows you to pre-select one of the options (provided that the variable 'selected' is equal to one of the listBoxItem keys).
    You can also add onSelect to the tag (e.g. = "setSelectedItem"). It corresponds to a method in the corresponding JSPDynPage class. This means that when you select another item in the dropdown list, the method in your Java class is performed (allowing you to save the selected value and performing actions with it)
    I hope this helped you enough,
    kind regards,
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    262 : <cfset rc = this.objCountry.setID(get.idCountry)>
    263 : <cfset rc = this.objCountry.load()>
    264 : </cfif>
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    This is the code in file object file country.cfc (
    <cfcomponent displayname="Country object" hint="This is a Country object, it allows you to access and set values in the Country.">
    // Construct this object
    <cfset this.objFunctions = CreateObject( 'component', '' )>
      this.idCountryID = 0;
      this.sCountryName = "";
      this.sISOCode = "";
      this.sDHLCode = "";
      this.iErrorID = "";
    // The following functions are the setters and getters. offering us a better way to get
    // at the contents of the object
    // Getters
    <cffunction name="getID" displayname="Get ID" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This returns the ID of the current item.">
      <cfreturn this.idCountryID>
    <cffunction name="getsCountryName" displayname="Get sCountryName" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sCountryName value of this item.">
      <cfreturn this.sCountryName>
    <cffunction name="getsISOCode" displayname="Get sISOCode" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sISOCode value of this item.">
      <cfreturn this.sISOCode>
    <cffunction name="getsDHLCode" displayname="Get sDHLCode" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sDHLCode value of this item.">
      <cfreturn this.sDHLCode>
    <cffunction name="iError" displayname="Get iError" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This returns the iError of the current item.">
      <cfreturn this.iError>
    // Setters
    <cffunction name="setID" displayname="Set ID" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the ID value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="idCountryID" required="true" type="numeric" displayname="ID" hint="The ID to use.">
      <cfset this.idCountryID = arguments.idCountryID>
      <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="setsCountryName" displayname="Set sCountryName" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sCountryName value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="sCountryName" required="true" type="string" displayname="sCountryName" hint="The sCountryName to use.">
      <cfset this.sCountryName = arguments.sCountryName>
      <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="setsISOCode" displayname="Set sISOCode" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sISOCode value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="sISOCode" required="true" type="string" displayname="sISOCode" hint="The sISOCode to use.">
      <cfset this.sISOCode = arguments.sISOCode>
      <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="setsDHLCode" displayname="Set sDHLCode" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sDHLCode value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="sDHLCode" required="true" type="string" displayname="sDHLCode" hint="The sDHLCode to use.">
      <cfset this.sDHLCode = arguments.sDHLCode>
      <cfreturn true>
    // Clear, to empty out the contents of this object
    <cffunction name="clear" displayname="Clear items Details" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="Clears out all of the items details.">
       this.sCountryName = "";
       this.sISOCode = "";
       this.sDHLCode = "";
       this.iErrorID = "";
      <cfreturn true>
    // The following functions deal with the load, save and deleting of objects
    // Load
    <cffunction name="load" displayname="Load items details" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This loads in all the information about an item.">
      <cfset rc = this.clear()>
      // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
      objDS = CreateObject("component","");
      sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
      // Check to see if it exists
       <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("load: checkID: '#this.idCountryID#' #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
          whichOne = "#session.afr.getsAFRNumber()#";
         } else {
          whichOne = "";
         iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that id doesn't exists.[#this.idCountryID#][#whichOne#]");
       <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // If we got past all then then load in the details
       <cfquery name="get" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID, RTRIM(sCountryName) as sCountryName, RTRIM(sISOCode) as sISOCode, RTRIM(sDHLCode) as sDHLCode
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("load: get: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfset this.idCountryID = get.idCountryID>
      <cfset this.sCountryName = get.sCountryName>
      <cfset this.sISOCode = get.sISOCode>
      <cfset this.sDHLCode = get.sDHLCode>
      <cfset this.iErrorID = "">
      <cfreturn true>
    // Save
    <cffunction name="save" displayname="Save items Details" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="Saves (to some source) the current details for the ID of the item.">
      // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
      objDS = CreateObject("component","");
      sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
      // Now check to see if ithat ID exists
       <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("save: checkID: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // If it doesn't exist, then add the record, otherwise update the record
      <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
       <cfreturn this.add()>
       <cfreturn this.update()>
    // Add
    <cffunction name="add" displayname="Add Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This adds a Country.">
      // Check to see if that a different item isn't already using the same unique details
       <cfquery name="checkUnique" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#'
        OR sISOCOde = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOcode)#'
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("add: checkUnique: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif checkUnique.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that name or ISO code already exists. idCountryID=#checkUnique.idCountryID#");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
       <cfquery name="add" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SET nocount on
        INSERT INTO tblCountry(sCountryName, sISOCode, sDHLCode)
        VALUES('#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#','#this.objFunctions.scrubText(t his.sISOCode)#','#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sDHLCode)#')
        SELECT @@identity as autoID
        SET nocount off  
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("add: add: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfreturn add.autoID>
    // Update
    <cffunction name="update" displayname="Update Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This updates a Country record.">
      // Check to see if that a different item isn't already using the same unique details
       <cfquery name="checkUnique" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE (sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#'
        OR sISOCOde = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOcode)#')
        AND idCountryID <> #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("update: checkUnique: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif checkUnique.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("Another Country with that name already exists. idCountryID=#checkUnique.idCountryID#");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // Attempt to update the record to the datasource
      // if this fails for any reason then we submit an error message
      // to the error component and return the ID of the error
       <cfquery name="update" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        UPDATE tblCountry
        SET sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#',
        sISOCode = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOCode)#',
        sDHLCode = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sDHLCode)#'
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("update: update: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfreturn this.idCountryID> 
    // Delete
    <cffunction name="delete" displayname="Delete Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This deletes a Country record.">
      // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
      objDS = CreateObject("component","");
      sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
      // Now check to see if ithat ID exists
       <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: checkID: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that id doesn't exists, delete failed.");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // Now check to see if there are any dependancies, if so we can't delete the item
       <cfquery name="checkDependancies" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountry
        FROM tblAddress
        WHERE idCountry = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: checkDependancies: idCountry: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif checkDependancies.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("That Country is being used by an address, delete failed.");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // Now attempt to remove the record.
      // if this fails for any reason then we submit an error message
      // to the error component and return the ID of the error
       <cfquery name="delete" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        DELETE FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: delete: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfreturn this.idCountryID>

  • How can I use the value returned for a function into the macro ??

    I create a function to work in a macro and I would like to use the value of parameter f_calc_error returned by function in a condition like IF, but I don't know how can I do that. I have to use the macro function CALC_ERROR ??
    Edson Suzuki

    Hi Edson,
    Yes you need to use the CALC_ERROR macro function to be able to test whether the last macro function returned an error. CALC_ERROR will return an 'X' if there an error occured during the execution of the last macro function.
    You can use a macro similar to the following:
      CALC_ERROR( )
      = 'X'
    Let me explain how this works internally. The SAP system maintains a global variable g_flg_calc_error during the execution of macros in the planning book. The g_flg_calc_error variable will contain the value of f_calc_error that was set by the last macro function which executed. The ABAP coding of a planning book is something like this:
    data: g_flg_calc_error type /SAPAPO/FLAG.
    * SAP will pass g_flg_calc_error variable to all macro
    * functions. When SAP calls a macro function, it does
    * something like this.
    call function '/SAPAPO/MACRO_FUNCTION_HERE'
              plob_values      = i_s_adv_plob_values
              sdp_book         = g_c_advf_sdp_book
              sdp_view         = g_c_advf_sdp_view
              cols_index       = i_t_cols
              value_tab        = l_t_value_tab
              f_calc_error     = g_flg_calc_error
    As you can see, the g_flg_calc_error variable
    is passed in the "changing" part of the call. The macro  function being called can then use the f_calc_error
    variable to change the value of the global
    g_flg_calc_error variable. In fact, the macro function being called can also check (by looking at the f_calc_error variable) if the last macro function reported an error.  The CALC_ERROR macro function just checks the value of f_calc_error parameter (w/c in fact is the value of the g_flg_calc_error variable) and returns "true/X" if the f_calc_error was set to true by the last macro function.
    Hope this helps in clearing things out

  • What is the data type of the value returned by the List box prompt in crystal

    Post Author: Mudit Kothiyal
    CA Forum: Formula
    Hi all,
    I am creating a report which has a list box prompt. When I am selecting a single value from the list box the report is working fine, but when I am selecting multiple values its not returning any data( although data is there). Does anyone know how the prompt values are passed to the report query by the crystal. I kno it passes the value to the report as an array. But how does it pass the value to the report query.
    I am using command query to fetch data from the DB.
    Crystal Report Version: Crystal Report XI R2.
    DB: Oracle 10g
    Also does anyone know how to pass the values of the list box prompt to the report query in comma seperated format.
    Thanks & regards,

    Post Author: rcoleman
    CA Forum: Formula
    In regards to the latter part of your question
    The following examples are applicable to Basic and Crystal syntax.
    The examples assume that list is a String array consisting of the 3 elements: "Chocolate", "Vanilla" and "Strawberry".
    Join (list)
    Returns the String "Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry".
    Join (list, "***")
    Returns the String "Chocolate**Vanilla**Strawberry".
    Not sure about the first part of your question,sorry.

  • How do I print out the value returned by a method in main??

    I'm a total newbie at java, I want to know how I can print out the value returned by this function in the "Main" part of my class:
    public int getTotalPrice(int price)
    int totalprice=price+(price*0.08);
    return totalprice;
    I just want to know how to print out the value for total price under "public static void main(String[] args)". thanks in advance,

    Few ways you could do it, one way would be to create an instance of the class and call the method:
    public class Test
        public double getTotalPrice(int price)
            double totalprice = price + (price * 0.08);
            return totalprice;
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Test t = new Test();
    }Or another would be to make getTotalPrice() static and you could call it directly from main.

  • Can I use the value returned from a Text Function in another Formula?

    I'm writing a report in Hyperion System 9 BI + Financial Reporting Studio version 9.2. I have 2 grids in my report.
    Grid1 Column A is set up as a text function using the function type - <<GetCell("Grid2", 1, a, 1)>>. I would like to use the values returned from this text function in Column A (Grid 1) in a formula in Column B (Grid 1).
    Is it possible to use the values returned in Column A of the text function in another formula? My report does not seem to recognize Column A as numerical values, even though the values to be returned are numerical.
    If so, how do I recognize the values in Column A Grid 1 as numerical values and not text?
    Thanks for any help you can offer!

    Hi Edson,
    Yes you need to use the CALC_ERROR macro function to be able to test whether the last macro function returned an error. CALC_ERROR will return an 'X' if there an error occured during the execution of the last macro function.
    You can use a macro similar to the following:
      CALC_ERROR( )
      = 'X'
    Let me explain how this works internally. The SAP system maintains a global variable g_flg_calc_error during the execution of macros in the planning book. The g_flg_calc_error variable will contain the value of f_calc_error that was set by the last macro function which executed. The ABAP coding of a planning book is something like this:
    data: g_flg_calc_error type /SAPAPO/FLAG.
    * SAP will pass g_flg_calc_error variable to all macro
    * functions. When SAP calls a macro function, it does
    * something like this.
    call function '/SAPAPO/MACRO_FUNCTION_HERE'
              plob_values      = i_s_adv_plob_values
              sdp_book         = g_c_advf_sdp_book
              sdp_view         = g_c_advf_sdp_view
              cols_index       = i_t_cols
              value_tab        = l_t_value_tab
              f_calc_error     = g_flg_calc_error
    As you can see, the g_flg_calc_error variable
    is passed in the "changing" part of the call. The macro  function being called can then use the f_calc_error
    variable to change the value of the global
    g_flg_calc_error variable. In fact, the macro function being called can also check (by looking at the f_calc_error variable) if the last macro function reported an error.  The CALC_ERROR macro function just checks the value of f_calc_error parameter (w/c in fact is the value of the g_flg_calc_error variable) and returns "true/X" if the f_calc_error was set to true by the last macro function.
    Hope this helps in clearing things out

  • How to get the value field of the return parameters for an action step in teststand sequence file programatically using c#

                    Sequence mySequence = myEngine.NewSequence();
                    mySequence.Name = "myAction";
                    //Create new step of type Action and set Name
                    Step mystep = myEngine.NewStep(AdapterKeyNames.DotNetAdapterKeyname, StepTypes.StepType_Action);
                    mystep.Name = "GetStringObject";
                    //Obtain the code module from the step
                    DotNetModule myModule = mystep.Module as DotNetModule;
                    //Set properties of the module
                    myModule.SetAssembly(DotNetModuleAssemblyLocations.DotNetModule_AssemblyLocation_File, @"C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\HelperClass\HelperClass\bin\Debug\HelperClass.dll");
                    myModule.ClassName = "Class1";
                    myModule.MemberType = DotNetModuleMemberTypes.DotNetMember_GetProperty;
                    myModule.MemberName = "StringObject";
                    mySequence.InsertStep(mystep, 0, StepGroups.StepGroup_Setup);
                    mySequence.Locals.NewSubProperty("StringObject", PropertyValueTypes.PropValType_Reference, false, "", 0);
                    DotNetParameterDirections reference = mySequence.Locals as DotNetParameterDirections;
                    mySequence.Locals.GetPropertyObject("StringObject", 0);
                    myModule.ClassReference = "Locals.StringObject";
                    myModule.LoadPrototypeFromMetadataToken(385875969, 0);
    After this I am not able to proceed.herewith attached documents contain screenshot of teststand file marked red is to be solved. How to define the value field of the return parameters?
    HelperClass.cs ‏1 KB
    ex1.gif ‏2305 KB

    Please see my answer to your question on page two of the following forum thread:
    Programmatically generating DotNet Steps in TestStand
    Manooch H.
    National Instruments

  • I have a macbook pro with OSX Mavericks 10.9.5 and some keys that are not working. Specifically, the enter/return button, the "p", "0", ";", and all the function keys.  What's really weird is that happens randomly.  I've never spilled anything on it

    I have a macbook pro with OSX Mavericks 10.9.5 and some keys randomly are not working. Specifically, the enter/return button, the "p", "0", ";", and all the function keys.  What's really weird is that happens randomly.  I've never spilled anything on it, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix this.  Can anyone help?  of course this happened after my warranty expired.

    I don't know if this will help someone but I am posting this for that purpose.  In the past when I first had this problem, I'd read a post somewhere (sorry, long ago, don't have the link) where an individual was having the same problem and they stated that when the MBP got heated, that's when the keys would stop working, and they went into the MBP and jiggle some stuff around (a specific wire, I'm not electronically inclined so I know NOT of what they spake!).  Well I didn't want to do that but it always stuck in the back of my mind.  I had given up, really, and was planning to take my MBP to the apple store.  But by chance one night I left my MBP on the floor where it's cool, and when I turned it on, the problem went - poof! It seems there was some validity to the post that spoke about heat, because my problems started when I would stream foreign dramas on my MBP for hours at night, and I would hear the fan going off all the time, and in the mornings, my "p", "enter", "0", ";", and all the function keys would stop working. 
    So, maybe try keeping the MBP in a cool place when it's off.  Since I've started doing this overnight every night (keeping it on the cool floor, out of reach of any big feet), I have not had a single problem with my keyboard.
    Hopefully this might help someone.

  • Iterating over the Values returned from a HashMap

    I have a HashMap which stores some Strings as Keys and their corresponding Values are a Vector of Strings.
    for eg. one (Key, Value) pair is
    (String1, [StringA, StringB, StringC, ........])
    I understand that I can read the Vector Values by iterating over the HashMap using the ".entrySet()" and "Map.Entry" operations.
    My problem is I am not able to iterate through the Vector values returned by the ".getValue( )" method.
    can anyone please give some hints as to where I am commiting an error, or if I need to cast my values in some manner to iterate over them?
    thanks in advance

    can anyone please give some hints as to where I am commiting an errorSomewhere in your code. Post the smallest complete example which demonstrates the problem, then people may be able to give more specific help.

  • How to enter a credit memo with the funds returning to the PO

    Hi Guys,
    This is my first post on here, not sure if I am posting this question in the correct area however hope you can help.
    I have a number of credit notes from a vendor which need to be entered, we usually enter these in MIRO which is fine but what I am after is how to enter these credit notes so the funds return to the Purchase Order for further use.
    For example, say the limits on the PO looked like this:
    Overall limit: 10,000
    Expected Value: 10,000
    Actual Value: 10,000
    So we have had invoices for the entire 10,000. Is there a way I can enter a credit for say 5,000 so the limits would then look like:
    Overall limit: 10,000
    Expected Value: 10,000
    Actual Value: 5,000
    We are hoping there is a way so we can avoid having the PR/PO increased, which has also gone above the contract ceiling.
    Usually with credits we would enter them as a credit memo if we wanted to change the qty and price, and a sub credit if we just needed to amend the price leaving the qty as is. By doing it this way the funds don't actually return to the PO like in the example above, what does happen is when we pull up the PO in MIRO we can access the "credited" funds at that time. We would like to see the funds back on the actual PO, not sure if this can be done though, any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Hello Pistol,
    This question is related to PO's then it belongs in one of the FI forums.
    This is the forum for SAP Solution Manager which is the software SAP's support strategy is based upon.
    You have posted in the wrong forum.
    I would recommend closing this thread, and looking for a more appropriate forum to raise this question.
    I hope this is helpful.

  • How to capture the value selected in the drop down box

    Hi all,
    I am populating values in  drop down box by using FM vrm_set_values in module pool.
    like below
    01  ABC
    02 ACB
    03 BCA
    04 CAB
    in module pool drop down box element name is RQGM-VALUE.
    Problem is what ever the value is select in the drop down box from above element RQGM-VALUE is not filling any value.
    i need to capture the value selected in the drop down box and pass it to another variable.

    Refer this standard code. Your issue will be resolve.
    REPORT demo_dynpro_dropdown_listbox.
    TYPE-POOLS vrm.
    DATA: name  TYPE vrm_id,
          list  TYPE vrm_values,
          value LIKE LINE OF list.
    DATA: wa_spfli TYPE spfli,
          ok_code TYPE sy-ucomm,
          save_ok TYPE sy-ucomm.
    TABLES demof4help.
    name = 'DEMOF4HELP-CONNID'.
    CALL SCREEN 100.
    MODULE cancel INPUT.
    MODULE init_listbox OUTPUT.
      CLEAR demof4help-connid.
      SELECT  connid cityfrom cityto deptime
        FROM  spfli
       WHERE  carrid = demof4help-carrier2.
        value-key  = wa_spfli-connid.
        WRITE wa_spfli-deptime TO value-text USING EDIT MASK '__:__:__'.
        CONCATENATE value-text
                    INTO value-text SEPARATED BY space.
        APPEND value TO list.
                id     = name
                values = list.
    MODULE user_command_100.
      save_ok = ok_code.
      CLEAR ok_code.
      IF save_ok = 'CARRIER' AND NOT demof4help-carrier2 IS INITIAL.
        LEAVE TO SCREEN 200.
        SET SCREEN 100.
    MODULE user_command_200.
      save_ok = ok_code.
      CLEAR ok_code.
      IF save_ok = 'SELECTED'.
        MESSAGE i888(sabapdocu) WITH text-001 demof4help-carrier2

  • ADF- search get the value back to the edit form

    I am trying to do a search on one inputtext field from an Edit frm. After the selection in the search dialog page, when I set the value back to the edit form it does not set like a value. it sets like an object.
    the value of the field comes like - view.managedbean.myBean@5571b0
    It should have been "333164"
    I have followed the following link in doing this -
    the code for the searchbean and the edit bean are as follows
    //on the serachbean
    public void returnObject(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    JUCtrlValueBindingRef selectedRowData= (JUCtrlValueBindingRef)getSearchResultsTable().getSelectedRowData();
    if (selectedRowData==null){
    // Get JobTitle and Salary of selectedRow
    oracle.jbo.domain.Number oracleJbosearchID = (oracle.jbo.domain.Number)selectedRowData.getRow().getAttribute("myId");
    myID = new Integer(oracleJbosearchID.bigIntegerValue().intValue());
    //on the edit bean
    public void handleReturn(ReturnEvent returnEvent) {
    MyBean myBean = (MyBean)returnEvent.getReturnValue();
    if (myBean==null)return;
    Integer myID = myBean.getMyID();
    AdfFacesContext afContext = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Any help would be appreciated

    the following line
    returns an instance of the managed bean, which for the example of a return value is an overkill to do. Please have a look at
    for how to use dialogs. It explains how to return an simple object and how to return a collection (e.g. in a Hashmap)

  • Using the value "Image/*" for the accept attribute of the HTML input Element, how can I add .pdf to the array of preconfigured file types (.jpe, .jpg, .jpeg, .?

    On a form, using the value "image/*" for the accept attribute of the HTML input Element, how can I add .pdf to the array of pre-configured file types (.jpe, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .ico, .svg, .svgz, .tif, .tiff, .ai, .drw, .pct, .psp, .xcf, .psd, .raw)?
    Say I wanted to add .gif, .jfif or .ico. I find this array limited, how can I add types to image?
    <input type="file" name="file" accept="image/*" id="file" />
    mimeTypes.rdf does not seem to allow this.

    ''mimeTypes.rdf'' has nothing to do with web development. It's a file that stores your file handling preferences (e.g. if you want ZIP files automatically saved or opened).
    You can't change the file types of the pre-defined content specifiers (audio/*, video/*, image/*), but you can specify additional MIME types. To add PDF to your above example,
    <pre><nowiki><input type="file" name="file" accept="image/*,application/pdf" id="file" /></nowiki></pre>
    For details, see
    * []

  • I need to add the values stored in the session object into the html textbox

    Dear Sir,
    i have been trying to create an edit employee details page
    What i have done till now is as follow:
    1. Got employee id from HTML page.
    2. Compared it with the id stored in the database.
    3. If the id is correct then pulled the record of the corresponding employee and stored it in the session object.
    4. Dispatched the session values to another servlet
    what i need to do now
    5. Now i need to set the session values in the text field of the html form
    6. I also need to be able to edit those vales and store the edited values in the database.
    Please help me as i have tried doing it for 1 week without any clues
    i have tried to create a html page which is something like this:
    <title>Edit Employee Details Page</title>
    <body BGCOLOR="red" text="black">
    <h1 ><font color="black">Edit Employee Details Page</font></h1>
    <form action = "EditEmpDetails" method="Get">
    <table width="50% align="center"
    <tr><td>Employee ID: </td>
    <td><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="employeeid"<br></td></tr>
    <tr><td><center><input type="submit" value="submit"></center></td></tr>
    <tr><td><center><input type="reset" value="reset" ></center></td></tr>
    design of my servlet
    public void EditEmpDetails1 extends HttpServlet
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)throws ServletException, IOException
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    String employeeid;
    String X = request.getParameter("employeeid");
    System.out.println("Employee iD:" + X);
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:murphy");
    String query = "Select * from users where employeeid=?";
    PreparedStatement stat = con.prepareStatement(query);
    ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
    String Z = rs.getString(password);
    String A = rs.getString(1);
    session.setAttribute("employeeid", A);
    String B = rs.getString(2);
    session.setAttribute("firstname", B);
    String C = rs.getString(3);
    session.setAttribute("lastname", C);
    String D = rs.getString(4);
    session.setAttribute("gender", D);
    String E = rs.getString(5);
    session.setAttribute("dateofbirth", E);
    String F = rs.getString(6);
    session.setAttribute("address", F);
    String G = rs.getString(7);
    session.setAttribute("postalcode", G);
    String H = rs.getString(8);
    session.setAttribute("phone", H);
    String I = rs.getString(9);
    session.setAttribute("mobile", I);
    String J = rs.getString(10);
    String url = "/EditEmpDetao;";
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(url)
    catch (Exception e)
    I do not know how to put the values stored in the session object into the html text box

    3. If the id is correct then pulled the record of the corresponding employee and stored it in the session you really need to store this in session object?
    5. Now i need to set the session values in the text field of the html form which form? in a new html/jsp page? i suggest go for a JSP
    In your JSP page use JSP expression tags to put the session attributes.
    it's something like : <input type='text' name='employeeid' value='<%= session.getAttribute("employeeid") %>' >and you need to generateanother servlet for saving the details/modifications to the database.
    I think i m clear enough.
    if you need more clarifications. just try it and then post your problem.

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