Themes for SP16

   After reading this previously posted SP16 Theme Editor and Themes and finding the relevant note number (854870), does anyone have the download link for the themes for SP16?  The note is not available at them moment (related to SP18?) but I could really use the themes now.  Even SP14 or 15 would help if those are available...

I found them here on my local drive (since I have the developer workspace installed):

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    SkyDaughter29 wrote:
    My current situation: I have soooo many texts on my iphone and I haven't deleted many because I need the information contained in them for future reference and for legal purposes.  I would really like to find a means and way to save them other than on the phone itself. I've done searches for various apps yet I'm not finding what I think I would need.  It appears Apple does not sync the texts between the iphone and my MacBook Pro.
    Try the computer apps PhoneView (Mac) or TouchCopy (Mac & PC):
    Best of luck.

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    jpqcampos wrote:
    This appears to be an 'input form' using 'Radio Buttons' to select the category. Neither of these features are supported in Numbers '09.
    You can input the data on one table and summarize it on a second table, but the input table will continue to hold data for each event.
    And by using the Reorganize button, you can hide all but two rows of that table to approximate the appearance and performance of an input form.
    Here are the two tables, Data on the left and Summary on the right. Notes below.
    The grey-filled columns in both tables are 'working' columns, and may be hidden (as shown in the image below).
    Data table:
    D1 contains the word "TRUE" (in capital letters). (This row is always shown.)
    D2 is empty, or may contain any value except "TRUE" (This row is always hidden under the Reorganize rule.)The rest of Row 2 of this table requires the data shown: a number outside the range to be counted (999), and two checkboxes, both checked.
    D3 (and filled down the rest of column D):   =AND(OR(B2,C2),NOT(OR(B3,C3)))
    The formula returns TRUE only for the first unused row in the table (ie. the first row for which neither checkbox has been checked)
    Summary table:
    Column A contains labels for the age ranges to be counted.
    Column B contains the same information in the form necessary for the formulas in columns C and D. They need a numeric value, and that value must be the largest acceptable value in the range to be counted.
    C2 (and filled right to column D, then both filled down to row 5):
        =COUNTIFS(Data :: $A,"<="&$B,Data :: B,TRUE)-SUM(C$1:C1)
    Two changes from the previous example:
    COUNTIFS is used to separate the Native and Foreign counts as well as the age range to be counted.
    The amount subtracted from each result is the SUM of the earlier results, and includes the text value in the first cell of the column (which is interpreted by SUM as a zero).
    See note below regarding my earlier formula.
    When the greyed columns are hidden and the checkbox in the Reorganize pane is checked, the two tables will appear as shown below:
    Close the reorganize pane, and the 'data entry form' is ready to use.
    To use, enter the age first, then check one of the boxes.
    As soon as one box is checked, the row will be hidden, and the next (unused) row will be shown.
    Note regarding formula in my earlier post:
    The earlier formula will give erroneous results as it subtracts only the count directly above it from its count of persons in the age range 0-n.
    In E2 of that table, replace "-E1" with "-SUM(E1:E$1)
    Fill down to E8.
    Ignore the instructions (in that post) following "Fill down to E8."

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    Why start a new and very similar thread to your other one which you have not responded to (have you read the replies?)
    I suggest that no response is made to this duplicate thread. 

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    Have you checked to make sure the batteries are inserted the correct way? Have you tried to turn it on by pushing the right upper (round) edge of the keyboard - if you do that, do you see a tiny little green light? Since you have a wired keyboard, can you get to the Bluetooth setup/preference pane so you can manually try to sync the keyboard?
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