Third-party library

Hi, all,
If my servlet or EJB needs to use some third-party classes, how do I let OC4J know ? Do I have to add everything to $OC4J_HOME/lib ?

That is one way of doing it. Otherwise can you add the librarys to your application library directory and include the jar file into the ear file.

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    You can very well use third party libraries in J2ME as far as it is compatible. If u have the source code of the library copy it in to the src directory of the project or if u have only the library then put it in lib directory of the project

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    Native code is not interchangeable between platform.
    It means that you can't use library that wasn't build specifically for flascc.
    And when they say linkable files they mean libraries compiled for flascc, not any libraries.
    So if your libs are for windows, no luck, you have to recompile everything

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    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
    ... etc
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    5) I'm using J2SDK 1.4.2 on Red Hat Linux 9, although I've tried other versions of the SDK and had the same problem.
    I've done a lot of web searches on the "_Z4formPKcz" symbol and have turned up absolutely nothing (zero Google hits!).
    Any help would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks, Jon

    Thanks chrisswhite,
    I should have mentioned that I tried this too and it didn't solve the problem. You're right though, I should be compiling with -fPIC anyway.

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    The orchestral party pug ins you are already looking at are among the best, no question. But for good strings at a reasonable price the IK Multimedia Philharmonik is quite good, don't pay the price you'll see it for... I paid like $300 or so. The Wallander group is making some very good brass, flutes and oboes for a good price as well, you can pay as you go with them as well.
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    /// <reference path="engine/Score.js"/>
    /// <reference path="engine/Camera.js"/>
    etc etc
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    Hi MrProsser,
    For third aprty library, actually we didn't support it.
    But for the Intellisense issue, I think we would know the real way how we use the
    Tools->Options->Text Editor->the specific language you use, and then enable the Auto list members or others.
    So we would enable it for the specific development language, so please make sure that you have enabled it for your current development language, if it still no help, we would make sure that it doesn't support it in VS IDE for this third party library. 
    Best Regards,
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    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Confusion about third-party-libraries in different versions in CE 71.

    After some research on the use of different versions of third-party-libraries in SAP netweaver CE 7.1, I am actually quite confused and would be happy if someone could shed a light on that subject....
    1. Is there a way to tell netweaver CE 7.1 to use a library in my WEB-INFlib-folder by simple configuration?
    E.g. we would like to use a third-party-lib in a newer version than the one which is loaded by CE 7.1. Many application server provide a simple configuration option (e.g inside META-INFapplication.xml) where the web as can be forced to use the library inside WEB-INFlib for this application.
    2.Is the concept of "heavy loading" described in a blog by Georgi Danov(Using Hibernate in SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment) the answer to question 1.?
    Does it also work for other third-party-libraries than hibernate? Does it work at all?
    3. In the blog mentioned in question 2, Mr. Danov is talking about "shared libraries". Does this mean, that I have to forget everything about "bundled" and "standard" libraries explained in, if I want to create a heavy loader?
    He is referencing another blog (Applications and shared libraries) which is two years old? Can I still apply the information there to CE?
    4. Are "Bundled libraries" applicable when using different versions of third-party-libraries in CE 7.1?
    In "Working with libraries" ( it says:
    "Bundled libraries: These provide resources only to a single enterprise application, and are packed inside the application's EAR file."
    =>As I want to provide the lib only to my enterprise application, I will probably have to create a bundled library, right? Does this also work if netweaver CE 7.1 uses a different version of the same library?
    5. Do I need Netweaver Developer Studio for creating "bundled" libraries?
    Or can I copy the binaries in the WEB-INFlib-folder of my application, deploy it and use it?
    6. Is configuration of application-j2ee-engine.xml the right place to reference a third-party-library in a specific version which exists in WEB-INF/lib-folder in my application even if it exists also in another version on netweaver?
    => In the document "Troubleshooting: Finding Missing Parent-Child Relations" it says: "To implement the chain of parent-child relations in the deployment descriptor of the component, use either application-j2ee-engine.xml (for applications) or provider.xml (for libraries and services)."
    => "Creating standard libraries" ( tells me, that I have to configure the file application-j2ee-engine.xml, too.
    => But in "Working with libraries" ( it says:
    "Standard libraries: These provide resources to all enterprise applications deployed on the server. They are packed in EAR files like the enterprise applications."
    => Does this mean, that I have to force Netweaver CE 7.1 to use a higher version of a certain third-party-library? Does this even work? Do all applications deployed on Netweaver 7.1 have to use this library in the higher version?
    It is really confusing to read through the documentation!!! Sorry for that avalanche of questions, but I really hope it will make the issue of using libraries (especially if they exist in different versions on the CE 7.1) a little clearer!
    Best regards

    Hi Bettina,
    I'll try to answer your questions:
    > Hi
    > After some research on the use of different versions of third-party-libraries in SAP netweaver CE 7.1, I am actually quite confused and would be happy if someone could shed a light on that subject....
    > 1. Is there a way to tell netweaver CE 7.1 to use a library in my WEB-INFlib-folder by simple configuration?
    > E.g. we would like to use a third-party-lib in a newer version than the one which is loaded by CE 7.1. Many application server provide a simple configuration option (e.g inside META-INFapplication.xml) where the web as can be forced to use the library inside WEB-INFlib for this application.
    First of all, the appropriate docs are here: [|].
    Basically what you do is define a lib project in the studio and deploy it do the server. This may be less comfortable then just configuring manually, therefore it work better in larger environments because the server checks that libs are available in all running instances - which it could not do if you manipulate diretories manually  (an approach you should never attempt in any SAP envrionment)
    > 2.Is the concept of "heavy loading" described in a blog by Georgi Danov(Using Hibernate in SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment) the answer to question 1.?
    > Does it also work for other third-party-libraries than hibernate? Does it work at all?
    If Georgi describes it, I hope so, as he is one of our developers who knows best.
    > 3. In the blog mentioned in question 2, Mr. Danov is talking about "shared libraries". Does this mean, that I have to forget everything about "bundled" and "standard" libraries explained in, if I want to create a heavy loader?
    "shared" are all of theses libs, as otherwise they would be specific to an application.
    > He is referencing another blog (Applications and shared libraries) which is two years old? Can I still apply the information there to CE?
    This was about anearly version of CE and even Georgi updated the blog this year to talk about slight differences. So yes, this still applies.
    > 4. Are "Bundled libraries" applicable when using different versions of third-party-libraries in CE 7.1?
    > In "Working with libraries" ( it says:
    > "Bundled libraries: These provide resources only to a single enterprise application, and are packed inside the application's EAR file."
    > =>As I want to provide the lib only to my enterprise application, I will probably have to create a bundled library, right? Does this also work if netweaver CE 7.1 uses a different version of the same library?
    That depends... Your application uses it's own classloader which means it should only use your libs in case there is another version available on the server. But if you're trying to deploy a lib that is used by a service of the server (int that case loaded by the server not your classloader!) I'm not so sure.
    > 5. Do I need Netweaver Developer Studio for creating "bundled" libraries?
    > Or can I copy the binaries in the WEB-INFlib-folder of my application, deploy it and use it?
    You need the Studio. No way around that. [Edit:] Sorry, misunderstood you here: I thought you want to copy something into the deployed directory on the server! - Of course, any deployment method would do it and though copying binaries seems to be valid. However,  I'm checking this currently with development in detail.
    > 6. Is configuration of application-j2ee-engine.xml the right place to reference a third-party-library in a specific version which exists in WEB-INF/lib-folder in my application even if it exists also in another version on netweaver?
    > => In the document "Troubleshooting: Finding Missing Parent-Child Relations" it says: "To implement the chain of parent-child relations in the deployment descriptor of the component, use either application-j2ee-engine.xml (for applications) or provider.xml (for libraries and services)."
    > => "Creating standard libraries" ( tells me, that I have to configure the file application-j2ee-engine.xml, too.
    > => But in "Working with libraries" ( it says:
    > "Standard libraries: These provide resources to all enterprise applications deployed on the server. They are packed in EAR files like the enterprise applications."
    > => Does this mean, that I have to force Netweaver CE 7.1 to use a higher version of a certain third-party-library? Does this even work? Do all applications deployed on Netweaver 7.1 have to use this library in the higher version?
    > It is really confusing to read through the documentation!!! Sorry for that avalanche of questions, but I really hope it will make the issue of using libraries (especially if they exist in different versions on the CE 7.1) a little clearer!
    > Best regards
    > Bettina
    Could you tell me what you're trying to deploy? I'll try to get Georgi on this....
    Edited by: Benny Schaich-Lebek on Nov 5, 2008 1:40 PM

  • Third-party JS Libraries and XHR cross-domain requests

    I am running into issues while developping a Windows Store app implementing the Jabber javascript SDK. This jquery-based SDK allows you to connect to a Cisco communication server to send/receive messages between users and share presence states. 
    The problems I am having is that the SDK attempts to send a request (for the connection) to the communication server using XHR javascript function and Visual Studio throws me an Javascript Access Denied error that I can't get passed even trying to add the
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    Thank you very much for your help,
    Kind regards.

    Hi Clement,
    This issue may caused by the compatibility between store app and Jabber javascript SDK. Since Jabber is a third-party library and it is out of our support range. I would recommend you post this question on Jabber discussion forum.[published]~objecttype~objecttype[thread].
    I also found some similar question about access deny using js. Please refer to see if it help.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. Click HERE to participate
    the survey.

  • EjbCreate not completing when calling into third party JAR ?

    Are there any limitations/restrictions on calling out to a third-party library within an ejbCreate method of a stateless session bean.
    I've set <initial-beans-in-free-pool> to 1 so that when I deploy the bean ejbCreate is invoked, but only the first System.out appears. The weblogic console shows the EJB deployment status as available, no stack traces of exceptions are shown.
       public void ejbCreate() {
            try {
                System.out.println(new Date() + " EJB XTestBeam ejbCreate invoked");
                searcher = new SearcherService();
                System.out.println(new Date() + " EJB XTestBean created SearchService " + searcher);
                System.out.println(new Date() + " EJB XTestBean ejbCreate completed ok");
            } catch (EJBException e) {
                throw e;
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                throw e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
        }The environment is WLS 8.1 SP4, W2K, HotSpot Client VM 1.4.2_05.

    Thanks chrisswhite,
    I should have mentioned that I tried this too and it didn't solve the problem. You're right though, I should be compiling with -fPIC anyway.

  • Compiling third party libraries

    I have included a third party library in my project and have placed it in the lib folder of the project directory. When I build the project through the WTK2.0 the jar size includes all the classes in the library, whereas I just use a few of them only. My question is, how do I make the jar file small ? Can't the WTK2.0 automatically select only the classes I use from the library and pack them up in the jar ? Can the obfuscator do the same? if yes, which one ? Proguard/Retroguard.
    I would really appreciate if anyone can give me some more pointers regarding this issue.

    Obfuscators get rid of any code that is never accessed. If that doesn't work you can always unpack the jar, take only the needed classes and repack it.

  • Using Third Party Libraries in J2ME IDEs

    How easy is it to use functions from a third party library in J2ME IDEs? Is it usually just a matter of including the library or is more configuration involved?
    Thanks for your time.

    I had this problem a year ago. I'm surprised it hasn't been fixed yet. Here is what I had to do to create an external library DC for my third-party apis.
    - Create a java library DC.
    - Switch to resource view
    - Edit .dcdef to change component type to Library
    - Edit .project file, Delete Nature Java line
    - Restart IDE so that it shows as Library DC instead of Java
    - Switch to Resource View
    - Get all the third-party jar files into folder structure com
    - Copy and past the root folder into src (this would bring all class files)
    - Add build.vm in cfg folder (content #BuildSecondaryLibrary())
    - Add Public Part for API Reference (the IDE should allow to add the all the classes from the selected folder. You probably will have to select each classes manually. Very problematic when you have a lot of classes from your third-party provider)
    - Build and Deploy
    - Now go to your other project where you want to refer this external library DC
    - Add to the external library DC as used DC (select build and deploy options)
    - Build and Deploy
    - Make sure provider.xml in the sda file has reference to dfc lib (for some reasons the IDE doesn't want to reference the external library DC and just skip it despite the fact that you've selected build and deploy options when you referenced the used DC)
    - If not extract the SDA file, Edit the provider.xml, and zip back. then Build and Deploy

  • API and Third party tools ?

    its not exactly a java related. I need some help regarding understanding of API and Third party tools.
    can anyone give me defination and example of API and THIRD PARTY TOOLS. Also, is API a THIRD PARTY TOOL ?
    Please help me in understanding it properly.

    Hmm.. program code a can be a third party tool, but what you describe is normally not called a tool, but rather a third party library.
    Lets have an example.
    Lets say that I'm building an IDE, and with my IDE I also deliver Ant and JUnit. Both Ant and JUnit are tools that haven't been developed by me, they are third party tools.
    When I develop my IDE I want others to be able to write addins/plugins for it. So I provide an API that lets other call functions within the IDE.

  • Is the FanControlDaemon folder in /library Apple or third party?

    I was getting constant errors
    kernel[0]: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TC0D kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff802a9a0000
    on my MBP 2011 in Console and my fan was blowing like crazy all the time until I uninstalled all third-party fan software and the f older in the title. Now, I don't know if the folder in the library should be there or not (the assignment 'daemon' is not used much in Mac I don't think) so it's sitting on my desktop for now. But the fan has stopped screaming and I have no more SMC errors on Console.
    I do have a question though. I have free third party widgets (Temperature Monitor) that monitor some temperatures but I don't know how accurate they are. I am a bit confused though. Right now the only visible applications running are Finder, Safari, and Console (well, throw Dashboard in there too) and it's quiet as a mouse. The temperature readings I'm getting are as follows:
    Left Palm Rest 25
    Main Heatsink2 38
    CPU A Proximity 46
    CPU A Temperature Diode 48
    When I have a bunch of applications going that really tax the CPU the last figure can go into the 80's, fan full blast, but always goes back into the 70's or 60's quickly. When everything is at rest it's as above. No other problems except application specific ones like
    I don't understand the difference between the Heatsink and CPU A Proximity and CPU A Temperature Diode. Which one should be concerned more about?
    And, again, can I delete the FanControlDaemon folder or should I put it back?
    Thanks a lot.

    All of the temperatures that you report are normal for the types of usage involved.  I am always concerned about the temperature that has the highest value, which usually is the CPU.  I ignore the rest.
    In regards to 'FanControlDaemon' go to the developers website and get the appropriate uninstall instructions. Sometimes one has to reinstall an application and then follow the uninstall instructions in order to rid the MBP of all its elements.

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