Tif compression?

Can I compress tis with Aperture? I know that there are diffrent schools of thought on compresssing tifs but I sometimes need to fit images on on cd or dvd for a client. I cannot find this option in Apertures export. Is it there?

I've looked for it and have not found a compression choice. HOWEVER if you make an 8bit tif with Aperture and compare it with a tif made of the same file in Photoshop you will notice very serious problems with the shadow detail in the Aperture version.
If you ask Aperture for a 16 bit tif instead you get a much better result. Until you convert that 16bit tif to 8bit for production at which point it falls apart just as badly as the original 8bit did.
These are not subtle or esoteric flaws either.
Additionally, before you do any of these conversions be aware that Aperture will convert ALL of your output, except for PSD's, to sRGB color space by default. You've got to dig around in the dropdown menus of the Output command to change the settings.
So in my opinion, until they fix this you don't want to use Aperture to make tifs anyway.
Good luck,

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    Use a batch EXIF editor (like EXIFTools) to set the DPI on all files before you import them into Aperture. Whatever goes in is what comes out currently.
    Another option is to set the DPI on all exported files in a similar way. Since all you are doing is changing an EXIF tag it's pretty quick...
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    >DNG is essentially luminance values only and colour comes from the inferred pixel position (Bayer Pattern)
    Exactly right!
    P.S. You can gain close to a factor of two in the tiff by using the lossless LZW or tif compression to get files around 40 megs. CS2 should read those fine. Then again, you can do the same thing with the dngs from your K20D. Just convert them to dng in Lightroom or dng converter and enable lossless compression and the dng should shrink to around 14MB without loss in quality.

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    If you are editing tif files, then you have only a couple of choices.
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         at com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriter.checkSOFBands(JPEGImageWriter.java:1279)
         at com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriter.writeOnThread(JPEGImageWriter.java:694)
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        String s = "c:/sample images/gray_bug/graybug.tif";
        BufferedImage bi = ImageIO.read(new File(s));
        File outFile = new File(s + "-out.tif");
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        ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(outFile);
        TIFFImageWriteParam writeParam = new TIFFImageWriteParam(Locale.ENGLISH);
        IIOImage iioImage = new IIOImage(bi, null, null);
        writer.write(null, iioImage, writeParam);     
      }The test image that creates the problem can be found here:
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    I can't help you but here's an exercise for you. When you get an exception you can't explain yourself, try posting it in Google. With a catch: remove anything from the error message that is specific to you like a classname or a specific value.
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    Thank you

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    Tiff files are notoriously large which is why it may not be supported - have you tried converting to PNG as this is also lossless and was developed for saving highly detailed images where loss of quality was unacceptable. PNG should be supported I have used them for transparent graphics. Also it may be because you put them in an image placement or album rather than straight on the page. Other than that I can't help. I use jpegs for ordinary images and haven't noticed too much loss of quality but it depends on the purpose of your site.
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    Experiment and see what happens, thats the fun of learning new things.

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    thanks for any suggestions.
    mac mini   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    no trick - i didn't create the cdrom but it only has 3 tif files with approximately 3000 pages each, not 3000 large tif files. plus several smaller pdf files, but those aren't giving me any problems.
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    mac mini   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    CS4 (11.0.2) and Windows 7 Home Edition.
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    * Unchecked Enable OpenGL Drawing
    * Advanced setup: Unchecked Advanced Drawing.
    * Advanced setup: Unchecked Color Matching
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