Tiger update conflict

Yesterday I had to clean reinstall on my PB due to a problem with Filevault. Now, my G5 has TIger 10.4.8 and my PB is 10.3.9 and the 'software update line is telling me my software is up to date on both machines?
Any ideas why they are different and how to force the PB to 10.4.8?

Hi Silverfox;
Your PB is update because it is running Panther and your G5 is up todate because it is running Tiger. You can get from Panther to Tiger with an update, you will have to buy the Tiger upgrade media and upgrade the PB to Tiger.
Using the install media for the G5 which is hardware specific would be both illegal and probably not work correctly any way.

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    the first time, I get an error and the web app creation does not complete. Just as an FYI, I can create a new Web App using Central Admin, but that creates it with Claims authentication which I cannot use.
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    Name=SharePoint2013 (82) was updated by DOMAIN\SP_Administrator, in the powershell (13020) process, on machine SPWEB01.
     View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.
    At line:1 char:1
    + New-SPWebApplication -Name "SharePoint2013 (82)" -ApplicationPool "SharePoint201 ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...PWebApplication:SPCmdletNewSPWebApplication) [New-SPWebA
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        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletNewSPWebApplicationUnknown SQL Exception 547 occurred. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below.
    The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_Dependencies1_Objects". The conflict occurred in database "SP_Config", table "dbo.Dependencies", column 'ObjectId'.
    The statement has been terminated.
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    Unknown SQL Exception 547 occurred. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below.
    The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_Dependencies1_Objects". The conflict occurred in database "SP_Config", table "dbo.Dependencies", column 'ObjectId'.
    The statement has been terminated.
    I have tried to resolve the issue by performing the following:
    Delete the partially created web app using Central Admin or PowerShell
    Clear the file system cache on all servers in the farm (Stopping wss timer job, Saving Copy of the
    cache.ini file from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\application data\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config folder. Clearing all the .xml files from the location except cache.ini but Edit the cache.ini to have value 1. Starting the timer job)
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    encountered. You select 'disconnect', hit next, and the server disconnects.
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    Run the PowerShell script again...still get the same error
    I have tried it on multiple servers in the farm too.

    Hi Michael,
    I found a similar thread for you reference:
    If it doesn’t work, sometimes the issue might be caused by long time keep powershell opening and generating some cache files. So please try re-opening the powershell and test the issue again.
    In addition, here is an article which explains the possible reason of the SQL error:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected] .
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update conflict

    Hi Forum,
    Can anyone help me to give the solution for this below problem.
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    by another transaction. Retry the transaction or change the isolation level for the update/delete statement .
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    change the isolation level for the update/delete statement .
    The error message already mentions the solution.
    See also MSDN
    Lesson 1: Understanding the Available Transaction Isolation Levels => Update Conflicts
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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    set ipp_uid = 20
    where id = 4;
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    it should be resolved and not to gnerate error message.
    Here is detail info.
    Table name: menu_code
    --creating column group
    sname => 'SYNAPSE',
    oname => 'MENU_CODE',
    column_group => 'MENU_CODE_CG1',
    list_of_column_names => 'id,ipp_uid');
    -- adding update conflict resolution
    sname => 'SYNAPSE',
    oname => 'MENU_CODE',
    column_group => 'MENU_CODE_CG1',
    sequence_no => 1,
    method => 'DISCARD',
    parameter_column_name => 'id,ipp_uid');
    --regenerating support for the table.
    sname => 'SYNAPSE',
    oname => 'MENU_CODE',
    type => 'TABLE',
    min_communication => TRUE);

    You are absolutely right. Now we decided not to write any conflict resolution routine at all.
    Non MDS database is read-only till fail over. After fail over non MDS (other master) will allow insert/update operation.
    To fail back to MDS we will write our procedure/function, out side of Oracle conflict resolution( both database will be in Read only mode during synchronizing).
    We will delete all deferred transaction/error form the queue and once data transfer is complete, again MDS becomes primary database to use.
    Oracle conflict resolutions are to complicated and has lots of overhead and maintenance.

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    insert into jas23.test73 values ('gugg','qwer',2000,SYSTIMESTAMP);
    insert into jas23.test73 values ('papa','sdds',2050,SYSTIMESTAMP);
    insert into jas23.test73 values ('jaja','xzxc',2075,SYSTIMESTAMP);
    insert into jas23.test73 values ('kaka','cvdxx',2095,SYSTIMESTAMP);
    insert into jas23.test73 values ('mama','rfgy',1900,SYSTIMESTAMP);
    insert into jas23.test73 values ('tata','jaja',1950,SYSTIMESTAMP);
    conn to strmadmin/strmadmin to server1:
    cols(1) := 'first_name';
    cols(2) := 'last_name';
    cols(3) := 'salary';
    cols(4) := 'time';
    object_name => 'jas23.test73',
    method_name => 'MAXIMUM',
    resolution_column => 'time',
    column_list => cols);
    conn to strmadmin/strmadmin to server2
    cols(1) := 'first_name';
    cols(2) := 'last_name';
    cols(3) := 'salary';
    cols(4) := 'time';
    object_name => 'jas23.test73',
    method_name => 'MAXIMUM',
    resolution_column => 'time',
    column_list => cols);
    And now, if i try to update the value of salary, then it is not getting handled by update conflict handler.
    update jas23.test73 set salary = 1500,time=SYSTIMESTAMP where first_name='papa'; --server1
    update jas23.test73 set salary = 2500,time=SYSTIMESTAMP where first_name='papa'; --server2
    commit; --server1
    commit; --server2
    Note: Both the servers are into different timezone (i hope it wont be any problem)
    Now, after performing all these steps - the data is not same at both sites.
    Error(DBA_APPLY_ERROR) -
    ORA-26787: The row with key ("FIRST_NAME", "LAST_NAME", "SALARY", "TIME") = (papa, sdds, 2000, 23-DEC-10 PM +00:00) does not exist in ta
    ble JAS23.TEST73
    ORA-01403: no data found
    Please help.
    Edited by: gags on Dec 23, 2010 12:30 PM

    When i tried to do it on Server-2:
    it throws me an error,
    Error -
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-32588: supplemental logging attribute all column exists

  • Complex Oracle Streams issue - Update conflicts

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    Statement handlers can not be used for our conflict scenarios.
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    1. Have anyone implemented or faced such a scenario in their real time application? If yes, can you please share some insights or inputs?
    2. Is there a custom way to handle this complex problem of configuring both DML and Error handler?
    3. Is there any alternative possible way to resolve this situation at Oracle streams environment with other handlers?

    Dear All
    I too have a similar requirement. Could anyone help with one?
    We can handle the error-ing transactions via Error Handler procedures.
    But we can not configure the DML handler procedure for transactions that are successfully replicated. STreams does not allow us to configure a handler for this. Is there any other handler / procedures / hooks in streams where we can implement the desired functionality - which includes changing the values in the LCR before invoking lcr.execute() and we should be able to discard the LCR also if required.
    Edited by: 982387 on Jan 16, 2013 11:25 PM
    Edited by: 982387 on Jan 16, 2013 11:27 PM

  • System password not regognised with install of Tiger update on mac restart

    Hi all,
    I have just installed the latest Tiger update and on the machine restarting after installation to complete the install process, a message comes up asking for the password so that the Tiger update can access the system.
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    Any ideas?
    Thank you.

    I must add that this very same password that I am trying still works on software installs and so forth.

  • Oracle Replication update conflict handler creating notifications

    Hi All,
    I want to use an update conflict handler that overwrites the records in the destination database, while notifying the dba about the conflict by creating a log entry to a log file (alert log or other custom log file).
    I know that I can use prebuilt overwrite update conflict handler to overwrite the conflicting record. As far as I know there is no way to create a log entry using this prebuilt conflict handlers.
    Is there a way to create a log entry via prebuilt conflict handlers?
    Or else I can use pl/sql to create a log entry and a pl/sql can be used as conflict handler.
    But how can I create a pl/sql overwrite conflict handler?
    Thank you,

    You must create your own update conflict handler.
    Conflict handler is a PL/SQL procedure (usually in package). For given conflict type is defined what parameters this procedure must have.
    And in procedure you simply put locig you need:
    1/ write a log entry
    2/ update (overwrite) data in table

  • PANTHER TO Tiger update discs?

    Anyone know where I can get some Tiger update discs?
    Our G4 needs Tiger and we currently have Panther. Evilbay is a little pricey for them at the moment.
    We will Be getting a new G5 in a year or 2 with Leopard....for now I need to upgrade to Tiger any ideas?

    An Upgrade disc, is a disk that was provided by Apple, to consumers that purchased a new model of Mac, shortly before, or after, a new version of OS X Tiger 10.4.x, was released.
    The new Mac would have had the older version Panther 10.3.x, pre-installed when manufactured.
    The Upgrade disc Tiger 10.4.x, is Model Specific, for that particular Mac, and will only Update the existing system Panther 10.3.x.
    It is not a full version of the OS X.
    Therefore, the previous version of OS X, must be present.
    The Full Retail Version, of the Tiger Install DVD, will install Tiger 10.4.x, regardless if a previous version Panther 10.3.x is present.
    The discs must look exactly like the images in the above links, and not say Upgrade, CPU Drop-in DVD, or "This software is part of a hardware bundle purchase - not to be sold seperately." on them.
    Additional info in these links.
    Using OS X Install CDs/DVDs On Multiple Macs
    What's A Computer Specific Mac OS X Release
    Software Update, Upgrade: What's The Difference?
    This is the correct one Mac OS X 10.4.6 Tiger, (DVD) Retail at FastMac.
    And at HardCore Mac.
    Notice, both are more expensive, than The Apple Store (U.S.).
    ali b

  • Serious QuickTime 7.3.1 (Tiger) update problems

    I installed the QuickTime 7.3.1 Tiger update on a PowerBook G4 1.2GHz running OS X v10.4.11 that is well-maintained and has worked flawlessly for months.
    I assume the update installed properly, but I left the room for dinner. When I returned and awoke the sleeping computer, I was informed that the updater was successfully installed and prompted to Retsart. Upon restarting, the updated PowerBook would not pass the gray Apple screen -- it simply froze at the spinning wheel (I probably waited about 10 minutes) and tried restarting several times.
    - During several subsequent Restart attempts, the updated computer would not boot into Safe Mode (depressing Shift key during startup).
    - The PowerBook would not boot from an external FireWire drive with OS X installed.
    - I then inserted and booted from an OS X v10.4 install DVD and launched Disk Utility, which found the drive. In several attempts, Repair Permissions "quickly "lost contact with the disk" being repaired. Disk First Aid found no problems to repair.
    - Next, I tried "Safe Boot" mode again, and this time, I encountered a kernal panic for CPU 0) unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerBook 5,2"). I may have inadvertently let go of the Shift key for a moment during this attempt, so...
    - I tried "Safe Boot" mode yet again. Same kernal panic as above.
    Now what? Target Disk Mode? I'd like to try to manually remove some suspect files as noted here (http://www.macfixit.com/article.php?story=20060322080433175) by MacFixIt... Any other ideas?

    I encountered a kernal panic for CPU 0) unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerBook 5,2")
    I believe that driver is munged on the HD, or the HD is munged, seen several just like that on 2.5" drives, never on a 3.5"er btw.
    If you can copy/retrieve your important data, I think you need to Zero the internal HD & start over, though if Permissions get repaired on it, you might try a reinstall of the latest big Combo Update... 2nd an Archive & install.

  • Tiger Update Crashes my Mac Mini Intel

    I got a new Mac Mini and finally got it going though it was not easy to transfer from my eMac. But I prevailed. Then I made the fatal mistake of updating all that the Software Update software suggested. Now my brand new Mac Mini will not run at all.
    REWIND: I tried to update my eMac a couple of weeks ago to Tiger. I did that and ran Software Update and GUESS WHAT? It crashed my eMac so badly I had to reinstall ALL the Panther software.
    Did Microsoft buy Apple???

    I figured out the problem last night after a week of gnashing, grumping, and general anxiety. Hope this post helps others with a similar problem.
    I have a free Lexmark 1150 All-In-One printer attached to my Mac. Apparently Tiger DOES NOT like the Lexmark application that turns off the printer during Restart and Shutdown. The application is in Library/Startupwhatever folder and I just trashed the Lexmarksleep..app (whatever it is named - I'm at work and cannot remember the exact name) and erased it.
    Now my Mac Mini is back working like a Mac - PERFECT.
    Mac Mini Intel Dual Core Mac OS X (10.4.6) Brand New
    Mac Mini Intel Dual Core Mac OS X (10.4.6) Brand New

  • Tiger update 2008-004 screwed up iMac G5 screen resolution/desktop

    I have an iMac G5. Installed the Tiger 2008-004 update (and Safari update). When the iMac boots up the screen resolution/desktop gets enlarged just as the spotlight icon appears. As I move the mouse around the screen the desktop moves with it. The desktop is about 5%-10% larger than the standard size. Tried display preferences with no effect. Zapped PRAM. Re-installed updates individually,nothing works.Help!

    You probably have 'Zoom' enabled in the Universal Access preferences. Have a play around in there to find the setting to turn it off (sorry for the vague directions but I'm on a Linux machine at the moment )

  • Which Tiger update version is the best?

    Have installed the original Tiger 10.4 on my Sawtooth 400mHz. Need to do a software update, but not sure which of the updates (from 10.4.1 to 10.4.11) is the best one to use without having any headaches. I have not installed any other software on the Mac yet (plan on installing Microsoft Office X and iWork 06 for example) until it's updated a bit. Haven't even hooked up a printer to it yet. The iWork 06 program says that you need at least 10.4.3. I've heard 10.4.7 and possibly the last update (10.4.11) have given problems.
    Any suggestions and advice is greatly appreciated!

    In Applications>Utilities, launch Disk Utility, that will allow you to Verfy & Repair Permissions both, but if the Verify says there's a problem, then you must boot from the Install Disk...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Yes, I'd do it in one swoop, far less to go wrong!

  • 10.8.4 update, Conflict Resolver keeps eating up memory

    Ever since I updated to 10.8.4 this morning, Conflict Resolver started popping up again and again. My iMac also starts to get really slow. I went through the steps from this article, but it again continued to pop up. I went to activity monitor and killed the process so that I can work. Anyone else experiencing this issue?
    OS X 10.8.4
    Processor - 3.1 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3

    I have not gotten conflict resolver prompts but tag related searches seem to be broken across the board in finder since the update. Smart folders based on "tags contains" rules crash finder without an error, mail tags prompts for an upgrade, tags no longer available as a search attribute from a command-f search in finder. To find files that have tagged, I have to use a third party app like Doo or Leap. I know 10.9 will have a tags incorporated into finder but why was this removed from 10.8 as it was available prior to 10.8.4?

  • Experimented: iPS with latest update "conflicts" with Intel Mac mini

    Hello everyone.
    Please see my earlier post first as "background story":
    So I have 2 1Gb iPod Shuffles, one mine, one my sister's. My sister's, the 1st time I plugged into her new Intel Mac mini, it asked for an iPod Update, I clicked "Yes" and proceeded with the update.
    After that, I set the iPS with Disk Mode, it appears on the Desktop, when I launched or inside iTunes, once I hit the "Autofill" button, the shuffle unmount and disappear from the desktop immediately, leaving behind a 'warning message' with red exclamation mark, the same when you pull out a thumb drive or turn off an external drive, without unmounting them first.
    My own shuffle, I did not apply the latest iPod Updater
    When I bring the 2 iPS to my own iMac G5, both with same settings (Disk Mode etc) mounts perfectly on the Desktop, inside iTunes, I can 'Autofill' BOTH shuffles.
    When I plug my non-updated shuffle into my sis's Intel Mac mini, it mounts nicely, and when hit with Autofill, it does so nicely without "self-unmounting" at all.
    So in the end? I swap my shuffle with my sis, and make sure she never ever update the shuffle, at least for the time being.
    So what does this show?? That the iPod shuffle with the latest update may have a conflict of instability with Intel-based Macs??
    Thanks and cheers

    Hi Howwow,
    To add a detail: my updated Shuffle works like a charm on my old iBook and not on my new Intel MacBook. So I am convinced it is in the Shuffle/Intel combination. I did try undoing the update on the shuffle (reverting back to 2005-11-17), but that made no difference on my Intel MacBook.

Maybe you are looking for