Time Machine [artial restore : don't have permission

Any Suggestions on what happened in the below scenario?
I upgraded to SL and time machine did it's backup. The first attempt it reported not enough space so I excluded all drives except the boot drive. Deleted TM file and reformatted the ext. drive and let TM run again. First test of recovery was good(recovered file).
Then disaster hit - I deleted a folder of photoshop templetes so used TM to restore. It restored the root folder and some sub-folders then gave me the message I didn't have permission to read file and quit.
I recovered the folders from a cloned drive created by CCC.
Like to understand so if it goofs I can correct and go forth into
the next abyss ..

I also had a similar thing tonight with a folder of PDF files. Was backed up from my machine a couple of days ago to an external firewire disk, now I don't have permission to do a partial restore on some files. What can be done?

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  • Time Machine won't restore: don't have permission

    I am trying to restore a project folder containing website files. It was backed up originally when I was using Leopard and then again after the Snow Leopard upgrade. I need access to the pre-snow leopard files, which are visible in time machine. When I click "restore", however, time machine creates a blank folder and gives me the message: "the operation can't be completed because you don't have permission to access [name of file]."
    Nothing has changed besides the operating system. The computer and the backup disk are as they have always been. The computer has only one user, so it's not a user conflict. I've reset permissions and restarted. I have tried restoring to several different locations, including the file's original position and the desktop, as well as replacing and keeping both.

    Cheryl, How was that Snow Leopard installation performed?
    a. Did you simply install SL over Leopard, thus preserving your user data?
    b. Did you install SL and create a new user account
    c. Did you erase the Macs' HD, install SL, and then Migrate your legacy user account from a Time Machine backup?
    Depending on how you perform the upgrade will determine whether you can get at your old data or not. Was there a point after the SL installation that you recall Time Machine popping up a message that the existing backups originated somewhere else but offering you the opportunity to resume current backups to the same set? If so, your legacy user account may ow be inaccessible?
    I and others have discovered that once an account has been migrated, both Time Machine and Migration Assistant won't let you recover further data from the old backup set (I intend on filing a Bug Report on this by the way).
    However, there is a way around this.
    CTRL-Click the Time Machine icon in the Dock and select "Browse Other Time Machine Disks…".
    Select your Time Machine backup drive and the 'star field' interface will launch. This approach will allow you to navigate back to the user folder or item you wish to Restore. You will likely be prompted for the username and password of the old account, but you will be able to move the data.
    Once the Restore is complete You should be able to now go into this restored folder and change the permissions of the folder or item you are trying to access.
    Highlight the file/folder and select Get Info from the File menu.
    Click the tiny gold lock icon at the bottom. You will be asked for your current admin username and password. Now click the tiny "+" button on the left. In the resulting window select your current user account and click "Select".
    This should have added your current username to the list under Sharing & Permission. Under "Privilege" change "Read only" to "Read & Write". Now, if the item you are dealing with is a folder, then click the tiny Gear icon at the bottom and select "Apply to enclosed items...".
    You will be warned that you can't undo this but click OK anyways. When finished close Get Info and you should now have full access to the item in question.
    (Make sure that, if it is iLife data you are moving (iPhoto, iTunes, etc), that you have run Software Update and updated your applications. Otherwise, any attempt to import the old data may result in alerts telling that it was created with a newer version.)
    Let us know if this resolves your issue. Cheers!

  • Time Machine Backup Failed, don't have old backups

    Last night I ejected my external hard drive to use that USB port to plug in a card reader and download a bunch of videos and images. This afternoon, when I plugged my external drive back in, I got a Time Machine Error: "This backup is too large for the backup volume". When it tries to back up, I get the more detailed message that this backup needs 6.7 GB of space but there are only 6.2 GB available.
    This is the only computer I've ever attached to this external hard drive, so the 49.38 GB that are currently being used should be being used by Time Machine to back up this computer (and so Time Machine should delete old weekly backups to make room for the most recent backup). However, when I open Time Machine to go look at my backups, it says I only have one backup, from last night.
    I do like the fact that I can go restore old stuff I've deleted or disastrously edited, so, if possible, I'd like to get my old backups back. Failing that, I guess I need to clear the external drive and just do a new back up.
    If someone can help me 1) get my old back ups back or 2) get Time Machine do a successful completely new backup, I'd be really grateful.

    My first reaction was that that couldn't possibly be the problem (because I've had no problems at all backing things up for the past year and a half), but it appears that you are correct.
    Apparently, all of the pictures and videos are, in fact, too much for my Time Machine external hard drive. I don't have anything else on the external hard drive, but my TM drive is, in fact, much, much smaller than my internal HD.
    Time Machine Backups
    Capacity: 55.57 GB
    Available: 6.19 GB
    Used: 49.38 GB
    Macintosh HD
    Capacity: 232.57 GB
    Available: 175.45 GB
    Used: 57.12 GB
    I see the problem. I guess I'll move all of the videos to a folder that I can exclude from backups. (I much prefer to have excel spreadsheets I put data on every day backed up than blizzard videos shot with my spouse's camera: those I can lose.)
    I was so certain that I wasn't running out of space that I didn't check, so I was thinking that I should still have old backups. Since they've been deleted, that's fine with me.
    Thanks for asking me to check the relevant sizes!

  • Time Machine:...you don't have permission to access

    Hello People (it's been a while)
    I'm having trouble restoring files from Time Machine to my desktop. Specifically, i accidentally deleted an imovie project i was working on and turned to Time Machine to get it back. Unfortunately when i click restore i get the message "the operation can't be completed because you don't have permission to access..."
    It's a head scratcher, as i've found from hunting around google and these forums. Has anyone come up with a solution?
    I've tried repairing permissions and had a look in the get info box on my external (TM) hard-drive. Nothing appears to be amiss.

    Read the following:
    What to do if Time Machine reports you don't have permission
    This was posted in the Apple Discussions by V.K. I have only modified it slightly to be more generic.
    The problem seems to be that 10.5.6 changes permissions on a file so that even the root user doesn't have write peivileges. I have no idea why they did this. The workaround suggested in [an]other post will probably work, too, but i did something less drastic. Instead of deleting the file I changed permissions on it, and it worked just fine. An added benefit is that the permission change seems to stick, so you don't have to delete the file every time you change a drive.
    [Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder. At the prompt [enter] the following command:
    sudo chmod 644 /volumes/"TM drive name"/.xxxxxxxxxxxx
    The name of the file .xxxxxxxxxxxx is based on the MAC address of your computer and will be different for every computer. Put the name of the TM drive in the above and keep the quotes.
    You'll have to enter your admin password (which you won't see) which is normal.
    This was edited by Kappy just for cleanup.
    Enable Finder to Show Invisible Files and Folders
    Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder. At the prompt enter or paste the following command line then press RETURN.
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
    To turn off the display of invisible files and folders enter or paste the following command line and press RETURN.
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
    Alternatively you can use one of the numerous third-party utilities such as TinkerTool or ShowHideInvisibleFiles - VersionTracker or MacUpdate.
    Also, see User Tips for Time Machine for help with TM problems. Also you can select Mac Help from the Finder's Help menu and search for "time machine" to locate articles on how to use TM. See also Mac 101- Time Machine.

  • Leopard.  Did a full restore from Time Machine.  Now I can't access my other internal and external drives.  I get the following error: The folder "Capture Video" can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents.

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    sudo chflags 0 /Volumes/"FCP Time Machine BU"
    sudo chown 0:80 /Volumes/"FCP Time Machine BU"
    sudo chmod 775 /Volumes/"FCP Time Machine BU"
    sudo chmod -N /Volumes/"FCP Time Machine BU"

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    My Final Cut Projects folder were missing some files, I went to my time machine backup to restore and it said I don't have permission to access the time machine folder "Final Cut Projects". Why?

    Yes, I've done all "the ususal suspects.." repaired permissions, zapped pram, "reintroduced Time Machine to the backup drive by turning it off and on... etc

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    I need to restore my music via time machine but it will not as my mac mini says I don't have permission access iTunes. Any help would be great. Thanks

    Have you looked at the previous discussions listed on the right side of this page under the heading "More Like This"?

  • Cannot restore do not have Permission in Time Machine HELP

    Have searched and Searched but cannot find answer so Help please - all sugestions appriciated
    Using Mountain Lion , fully updated , however had a Problem with Internet , stopped and could not get it working , so was time to do a Clean Install - first time ever in 5 years since new so probably needed it .
    Anyway I have done a Clean Install of Mountain Lion - erased disc first , just trying to restore to a good stage , have restore all Files/docs/pictures/music/etc just by copying over from External HDD ,
    But have lots and lots of Apps and games , many I have fresh downloaded , or re-installed from the DMG i have kept , but there are some APP's and Games i want back that i cannot find anywhere else , Plus games have saved stages and things like that -
    Every time I try to restore a Game/App i get a message ""The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access (name of App/game)""
    I go into Time Machine find the correct one and Click restore on the right Hand side ?
    So can someone tell me what has gone wrong and how to Fix , Obviously the permissions are wrong (have done a Fix permissions on Computer HDD - do not have option to do on TM hdd though) , could this be as maybe a new account when set up the mountain Lion again ?
    Also is it possible to restore a App in it's complete form , with all settings and bits Via time machine as I also have Mac mail before working with Hotmail using a mboxmail system that i cannot get working again either so a restore of that would be great also.
    Thanks in Advance all

    I'm assuming that you are really on OS X 10.8, not 10.6 as your profile indicates. If that assumption is wrong, don't follow these instructions.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below to select it:
    open /V*/*/B*.b*/*/L*/*/A*
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C).
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V).
    A folder should open, which is the latest snapshot of the Applications folder. Drag the items you want from there. You may be prompted for your login password.
    If the items are not in the latest snapshot, navigate in the Finder to an earlier snapshot folder. The snapshots are represented by folders with a name that begins with the date of the snapshot.

  • Unable to recover Time Machine back-up because I "don't have permission"...

    Trying to recover an old version of my iPhoto library from a Time Machine backup. I get about 1/3 into the restore and I get the message "The operation can't be completed because you don't have permission to access iPhoto Library". Any suggestions? Does the back-up have an error in it?

    This article might help:

  • Help! Time Machine is telling me I don't have permission to access backup

    I recently did a clean SL install to try and correct some issues I am having with Aperture. The install did not correct the problem, and I now have a library of 70,000+ images (years worth of edits, etc..) that I cannot run in Aperture 3. Today I tried to access a copy of that library via time machine, based on the instructions in the FAQ above: I opened a finder window, went to "enter time machine" and tried to restore the library from February 8th (the day before I upgraded the library to AP3) to my newly installed snow leopard. I am getting the following error message:
    The operation can't be completed because you don't have permission to access "Aperture Library".
    Please help. I checked the troubleshooting section, but did not find any helpful info pertaining to this particular issue.

    some additional info about the clean install, I did not Migrate any data over from a Time Machine, I started fresh. Perhaps this could be my issue. Do I need to Migrate over the User account in order to have access to my old data?

  • Time machine backup saysThe folder "Documents" can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents.

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    :The folder “Documents” can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents.
    I did get the info on the file to unlock it but still it gives me a no entry sine. How do I install my backup to my new mac when this backup can't be opened?

    Hello yvettefrompretoria,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    From your post it looks like you're trying to restore a Time Machine backup to a new computer.  To do that simply follow the steps in the article below, in the section "Time Machine or other disk migration."
    OS X: How to migrate data from another Mac using Mavericks
    Take care,
    Alex H.

  • Time machine file restore fails "you don't have permissions to access.."

    Frequently I work my macbook (10.7.3) in the terminal as root.  I seems like files that owned by root are not eligable for restore via time machine by the system administrator.   Is there a way to operate time machine as root?   Or is there a way to grant root rights to the user account designated as administrator?
    Specifically, the time machine copy dialog reports "The operation can't be completed because you don't have permission to access [filename].   For example, in one case case, it is .gitignore.

    In post https://discussions.apple.com/message/9945786#9945786 Scott T. states that "time machine always runs as root.", I take that to mean that time machine will have rights to copy all files, regardless of the owner. 
    That's great.  So I can restate the question: how do I restore a file that is owned by root?

  • After trying to restore from time capsule, I get the following message when I try to access the folder "data." The folder "Data" can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents.  Any ideas?

    after trying to restore from time capsule, I get the following message when I try to access the folder "data": "The folder “Data” can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents."  Any ideas?

    Are you restoring from a TM backup??
    Check the methods Pondini outlines to do restore.

  • Since I upgraded to Mavericks X, I don't have "permission" to open my photo files in Time Machine.  Other documents seem to work fine.

    Since I upgraded to Mavericks X, I don't have "permission" to open my photo files in Time Machine.  Other documents seem to work fine, and I am the only "administrator".  

    Is the iPhoto library in your home folder, or have you moved it somewhere else?

  • Unable to access time machine backup. The folder "Documents" can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents.

    My MacBook Pro with 750GB storage refuses to startup due to a problem with logic board (unfortunately I'm in Singapore and there is no Apple store here and zero customer support).  I'm trying to access some of the files from the time machine back-up using my MacBook Air with 120GB storage, but I'm unable to open the backup.  I receive an error message "you don't have permission to see its contents". Unable to access time machine backup. The folder “Documents” can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents.
    I don't really want to migrate the data from the time machine to the MacBook Air as I simply don't have sufficient storage space on the MacBook Air.  The iPhoto library which I'm trying to access is 200GB, which is more than the size of the MacBookAir.
    Is there any way I can view the photos and documents stored on the time machine backup.
    Thank you very much.

    When you setup the Mac, you created a Admin user account with say name X
    You ran Migration Assistant and it migrated user Y from the Windows machine.
    User Y has different permissions than User X.
    User X can't normally access User Y's account.
    So what you do is log out of User X via the Apple menu and into User Y, this way you have permission to access the files.
    If you want to transfer files from User Y to User X account
    Transfer files between user accounts on the same machine instructions
    Finder > Go menu > Computer
    A window appears with your boot drive, double click on it to open
    Inside is Users folder, double click to open it
    Inside is your User accounts, double click on the one you want to send files too
    Double click on the Public folder drop the files into the DropBox folder,
    The permissions will change and can be used in the other user account when you log into it and moved to the appropriate folders.
    Applications are typically installed and kept in the Applications folder which is a global access folder all users can access to run them from, but not all users can modify unless they are a Admin user.
    Windows programs won't run on a Mac, but they can be instaled into a virtual machine program that is running Windows.
    Windows in BootCamp or Virtual Machine?

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