Time machine dont start every hour on Lion

We just installed Lion Server on a 2008 xserve.
Everything work fine, but when it's time for TM to make a new backup (every hour) it just don't start.
We need to start it mannualy. TM keeps the scheduling for the next hour but when it's come again it doesn't want to start!
Whats the problem?

Thank you for your kind reply.
The backup is controlled by the server. I mean that we have a Workdisk that our staff access via AFP.
And this disk is backuped by TM to the other one. (3 disk on the xserve 1.System / 2. Workdisk / 3.TM)
No 3rd party apps is used by now.
Nothing is writed on the log until i launch myself the backup.
It's like Time machine is deactived...
Here te copy. backup launched at 10h23 and 12h31 manualy :
10/02/12 10:23:27,321 com.apple.backupd: Starting standard backup
10/02/12 10:23:27,553 com.apple.backupd: Backing up to: /Volumes/TM_BACKUP/Backups.backupdb
10/02/12 10:23:34,700 com.apple.backupd: 3.27 GB required (including padding), 220.31 GB available
10/02/12 10:23:58,246 com.apple.backupd: Copied 6631 files (482.5 MB) from volume Server HD.
10/02/12 10:24:38,404 com.apple.backupd: Copied 8720 files (1.8 GB) from volume Data.
10/02/12 10:24:38,775 com.apple.backupd: 1.10 GB required (including padding), 218.48 GB available
10/02/12 10:24:41,708 com.apple.backupd: Copied 965 files (2.5 MB) from volume Server HD.
10/02/12 10:24:43,232 com.apple.backupd: Copied 1177 files (2.5 MB) from volume Data.
10/02/12 10:24:44,417 com.apple.backupd: Starting post-backup thinning
10/02/12 10:24:50,315 com.apple.backupd: Deleted /Volumes/TM_BACKUP/Backups.backupdb/vous'xserve/2012-02-08-175034 (36.6 MB)
10/02/12 10:24:59,253 com.apple.backupd: Deleted /Volumes/TM_BACKUP/Backups.backupdb/vous'xserve/2012-02-08-171057 (655.9 MB)
10/02/12 10:24:59,253 com.apple.backupd: Post-back up thinning complete: 2 expired backups removed
10/02/12 10:24:59,293 com.apple.backupd: Backup completed successfully.
10/02/12 12:31:45,605 com.apple.backupd: Starting standard backup
10/02/12 12:31:45,719 com.apple.backupd: Backing up to: /Volumes/TM_BACKUP/Backups.backupdb
10/02/12 12:31:53,672 com.apple.backupd: 1.78 GB required (including padding), 219.17 GB available
10/02/12 12:32:09,073 com.apple.backupd: Copied 5185 files (165.1 MB) from volume Server HD.
10/02/12 12:32:27,880 com.apple.backupd: Copied 6683 files (582.1 MB) from volume Data.
10/02/12 12:32:28,098 com.apple.backupd: 1.10 GB required (including padding), 218.59 GB available
10/02/12 12:32:30,355 com.apple.backupd: Copied 471 files (558 KB) from volume Server HD.
10/02/12 12:32:32,120 com.apple.backupd: Copied 587 files (774 KB) from volume Data.
10/02/12 12:32:32,876 com.apple.backupd: Starting post-backup thinning
10/02/12 12:32:40,038 com.apple.backupd: Deleted /Volumes/TM_BACKUP/Backups.backupdb/vous'xserve/2012-02-09-102938 (21.1 MB)
10/02/12 12:32:40,038 com.apple.backupd: Post-back up thinning complete: 1 expired backups removed
10/02/12 12:32:40,081 com.apple.backupd: Backup completed successfully.

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    Sawtooth Prop wrote:
    My Time Machine backs up every hour and when it occurs my Mac operating speed slows down to a crawl. 
    That shouldn't happen, unless you've made lots of changes and have your Mac already pretty well maxed-out.  Changing the backup interval is just addressing the symptoms, not the cause.
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    Well I can have a go at answering you questions
    Is it necessary to upgrade to OSX Server if I wish to use the server a Time Machine target for Mabooks running Mountain Lion?
    I'm not sure about this one as it didn't check before I upgraded my server to Mountain Lion but I would be suprised if a Lion Server (10.7.4) could not back up a Mountain Lion (10.8) client
    If I do upgrade to OSX Server, is it also necessary to upgrade all the Macbooks to Mountain Lion?
    No, I am running a mix of 10.8 and 10.7.4 clients with a 10.8 server and they all backup with Time Machine.
    Is OSX Server stable enough to bother with at this time?
    This is a very subjective area - my server is running well using Mountain Lion, it's not used heavily as it's mainly for backing up a few clients, running the built in wiki, web server, calendar and contacts.  It's running fine and I like the additions enough to put up with the bugs [single sign on / kerberos is the one impacting me].  However if you search here you can find other who are having many more issues. This one is a personal choice you'll have to make.
    For the server app, you have to run the same version across the server and the client to use it, you can always use screen share to get to the server and run the server app directly on the server.  This is what I do when using a 10.7.4 client.
    Hope this helps with you decisions.

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    MacBook Pro 13"
    Wired ethernet to Time Capsule 3rd generation
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    Any advice?

    Start to investigate HD clones.   Time machine is a backup, not an archive or secure storage.
    Some advantages of a cloned HD:
    If you do an option key startup at boot you can directly boot to your cloned drive externally and operate from same like normal.
    Sandboxing: With the help of the Cloned Drive, you can perform sandboxing, or the testing of new software, their updates and applications before they are installed on your Mac system. Moreover, if there are issues with the system, you can troubleshoot them by booting off the Clone. Many people test new APPS or experiment with a secondary clone and never worry about a failure or serious issue since the internal HD is untouched and the secondary clone can be wiped afterwards if any major issue occurs in testing. This is an invaluable tool in many instances.
    If you sell you computer for purchase of a new one, you can take the clone you have on hand and install same or clone it to the new internal drive of your new Mac.
    As it turns out one of the huge positive benefits of a clone is that people were seeing faster HD speeds; with APPS booting up from the clone than they had seen with the internal HD. The cloning applications in cloning the drive defragments the data to the clone and remove the “holes” in the cloning process.
    With a small portable HD clone you can take your ‘computer’ anywhere to most any other current Mac and boot from your HD clone and have your entire system and its data immediately there for use. In case one is across the world and their macbook gets stolen, or damaged, with another Mac you can be up and 100% in the time it takes to boot to the new or borrowed Mac!
    You can clone from your external clone to the internal HD/SSD in case of corruption.
    The best thing that can be said, ideally, when your HD crashes with all its data is “so what, I’ve got a clone right here” and you can return to normal operation within seconds (by booting from the clone) or minutes (by swapping drives).
    In separating out your system hub (OS) and your data hub, and storing them separately, is if you make only periodic clones (every month or so), and have a HD crash, the worst case outcome is that what is lost on your clone are some bookmarks and preferences since your data hub containing your vital files is constantly archived separately as it should be.
    Time Machine is a system backup, not a data archive
    Important data you “don’t dare lose” should not be considered ultimately safe, or ideally stored (at the very least not as sole copy of same) on your Time Machine backup. Hourly and daily fluctuations of your system OS, applications, and software updates is the perfect focus for the simple user to conduct ‘click it and forget it’ backups of the entire system and files on the Macbook HD.
    Bootable clones are the choice of professionals and others in that Time Machine cannot be booted from and requires a working HD to retrieve data from (meaning another computer). Your vital data needs to be and should be ‘frozen’ on some form of media storage, either in a clone, as an archived HD containing important files, or on DVD blank archival media.
    A file that is backed up to Time Machine is unsafe in that if that file is deleted off the computer by accident or lost otherwise, that file will likewise vanish from Time Machine as it reflects changes on the internal computer HD/SSD.

  • Time Machine Backup  fails every time "Backup could not be completed"

    I want to do a new Time Machine Backup on my iMac2007 Snow Leopard 10.6.8 fails every time with message  "Backup could not be completed."
    Console says "Error 11" Some Files allways can not be copied/saved by Time Machine,  i search an exclude them in TM not to save them, try again, new ones po up every time.
    Does anyone know a solution?

    One thing which may help.
    I had similar issues....a few times.
    Have done all the renaming (<8 characters) etc etc as detailed in these forums.
    The first time, I erased TC HD and started again. This fixed things for a few days, and then the same issue came back again.
    The next time, I simply copied the sparsebundle file (so I had two sparsebundles, one called xxxxxxxx.sparsebundle, and the other called xxxxxxxx copy.sparsebundle (luckily I had room on the HD to do this)). Then I deleted the original sparsebundle, and before I could rename the copy back to the original filename, the image mounted and started backing up....to the sparsebundle with " copy" still in its name.......so I left it be.
    A week or so went by, and then I got the same "unable to mount" error message.
    Rather than going thru the whole process again, I simply took the " copy" out of the sparesbundle filename, and all was well again.
    I continue to get "unable to mount" error messages occasionally, so I simply rename the sparsebundle file (either by adding or removing " copy"), and it seems to resolve the problem, at least for a while.
    While not a fix, it seems to be a workaround for me until Apple works out what the issue is, and fixes it.
    Hope this helps someone.
    P.S. One word of caution. I just had the thought, while writing this, that I have not actually gone into Time Machine to check that previous backups (eg, one hour ago, one week ago, original backup) are there and are able to be accessed, should the need arise. Because the back-ups appeared to be working, I assumed, and assume, they were. Won't be able to check this for a few days as I am on the road.

  • Time Machine Backup No longer available under Lion

    I was having a problem with Time Machine, although I didn't know it until today. It had been going through the backup procedure every day.  But today, I decided to go into Time Machine just to look around. It took several tries but it finally came up, however, there wasn't any dates listed on the right side other than today. On the Time Machine Preferences panel, it showed the oldest backup was from August. After reading some comments online, I went into the Select Disk option in the preferences, with the backup disk selected, I set do not back up. I then went back into the Select Disk option and reselected the same disk. Now it shows the oldest date to be none. Other comments said that it would update once a backup is done. When I attempted to do the backup I got an error message that the Backup Disk is not available. Here is the messages:
    Dec  1 21:56:09 MacbookPro com.apple.backupd[482]: Backup failed with error: 19
    Dec  1 21:58:18 MacbookPro com.apple.backupd[506]: Starting standard backup
    Dec  1 21:58:18 MacbookPro com.apple.backupd[506]: Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://Becky%[email protected]:548/TM%20Backups%20MacBookPro
    Dec  1 21:58:19 MacbookPro com.apple.backupd[506]: NAConnectToServerSync failed with error: 80 for url: afp://Becky%[email protected]:548/TM%20Backups%20MacBookPro
    Dec  1 21:58:29 MacbookPro com.apple.backupd[506]: Backup failed with error: 19
    This backup disk is mounted on an imac, which is also mounted on my MBP. I can open the disk and see all the backup files, however, Time Machine will not honor it (for some reason).
    I have rebooted both the MBP and the imac, thinking that would fix it, but it hasn't. I have turned off all backups for now. Can anyone tell me if I can still use the old backups or do I have to start again? If I have to start again, what did I do wrong?

    Daniel Wieder wrote:
    This backup disk is mounted on an imac, which is also mounted on my MBP.
    Try connecting it directly to your MBP.  To see the backups, you'll have to manually mount the sparsebundle they're in (since Time Machine isn't expecting that), and use the Browse ... option, per #E2 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting
    You may want to try repairing them, per #A5 in that same article.
    If that either finds no problems, or fixes whatever it does find, re-connect it to the iMac and go through the setup procedure again, per #22 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.
    Here's the next thing I tried, with no luck.
    MacbookPro:Volumes dwieder$ sudo tmutil inheritbackup
    That only works when you get a new Mac, don't use the normal ways to put your data on it, but want to continue using the same set of backups.  See #B6 in the Troubleshooting article.

  • Time Machine no longer does hourly backups

    Time machine has quit doing its hourly backups.  I have two disks defined to Time Machine.   One is Firewire and the other eSATA.  So neither drive is on the network.   This has been working for a very long time this way.   The other day one of the drives encountered an error that made it unreadable.   I verified that I still had a good set of backups on the other drive, and then removed the bad drive from Time Machine and reformatted it.  I then added the now reformatted drive back to Time Machine.
    My macbookpro is plugged into AC.   There are no error messages in the console log for backupd.   I have seen this happen off and on but it always seems to start up again after awhile.  This time seems diffferent.  I have done two restarts.  I tried deleting com.apple.TimeMachine.plist from /Library/Preferences.  I have removed both drives from Time Machine and added them back.  I can manually do backups and the console log shows them to be successful.   Time Machine properly flips between the two drives everytime I do a manual backup. 

    You may find a solution at this website: Time Machine - Troubleshooting

  • Can't find addressbook data file in my time machine, to restore it to my lion new installed OS

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    Listen guyz i think you took me wrong i have resolved the problem and it will work for you as well, first you have to unhide the user/library folder in lion for that read this:
    http://technocraz.wordpress.com/2011/07/27/updated-to-lion-must-be-missing-user- library-here-is-how-to-get-it-back/
    after having the folder visible open you time machine in finder and copy the address book from User/Library/Application Support/AddressBook and paste the same in your User/Library/Application Support/AddressBook.
    you will see all your contacts immediatly, worked for me and im sure it will work for everyone.

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