Time Machine Failed - Won't Recognize Drives now

I was backing up my Mac Book Pro to an external Firewire drive. I was also backing up some files that are on another external USB drive.
Time Machine just froze up. When I restarted my computer, it wouldn't boot and just sat at the grey screen. The only way to boot was disconnecting both the drives. Now when I connect the drives, Finder won't recognize them. I can see they are attached using system profiler but I can't mount them.
I don't know what to do. I am going to take the drives to work and see if they work with another mac. I very highly doubt that both of them are failing at the same time since one of them is brand new (just opened package).
Please if anyone has some advice I would really appreciate it.

Well, you really only have one option - reformat the TM backup drive and start over. This assumes the backup drive hasn't died.
Drive Preparation
1.  Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID (for Intel Macs) or APM (for PPC Macs) then click on the OK button. Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.

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    Need some help!
    Almost 4 year old 24" aluminum iMac; 4 gb ram; 500 gb hard drive; OS 10.6.8.
    About 2 months after Alpple Care expired, the internal hard drive failed (New Year's Eve of all times!). Everything else working great.
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    All apps, internet, mail - fine.
    I hooked up my existing Time Macinne (probably not a good idea), and the next backup failed.
    Did some research, and since I have plenty of archived backup anyway, decided that the best thing to do would be to erase the TM external, and start fresh.
    Did that, and as expected, first backup took a couple hours.
    The Problem.
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    Not right.  :~(
    What I've Done to Toubleshoot.
    First, I re-erased the TM external.
    Then reset PRAM and did an SMC reset on the iMac.
    Then backed up to TM again. The same problem persisted.
    So next, I repeated that process (other than backing up), and I also deleted from the Root Library/Preferences com.apple.timemachine.plist, and from Home/Library/Preferences deleted com.apple.finder.plist. Then rebboted the iMac. Then I did a Disk Utility verify of the empty external - all was/is fine. Then I ran DiskWarrior on the iMac and all was fine; repaired permissions on the iMac from DiscWarrior as well. Then, I did another TM backup to the external, which took a couple hours since it was backing up to an empty drive.
    Next 3 incremental backups still take 4 to 5 hours, even if nothing has changed on theiMac.
    The Request.
    Please if anyone can give me some easy to understand step by step options I might try to get TM working correctly again, it will be most appreciated.
    If I've left out any details that might assist, please also let me know.
    The problem computer is at home and I'm at work, so if any logs are needed, I can post those later today (but in that event, please tell me exactly which log to post and how to isolate it from System Profiler or Console (as there are many logs to choose from and I want to provide the proper info if someone needs to see a log to assist)).
    Thanks in advance!

    Did every step in D2 (green box) - except did not reinstall Combo Updater which I did late last night.
    After that, did a TM backup - started at 6:15.
    All apps were off.
    Sequence of events and facts:
    At start, 434.03 0f 500.1 GB available on the external TM
    Last backup shown - 7:58 AM; Oldest Back Up - Yesterday at 9:56 (that's the 1st backup after I reinitialized the external for the 2nd or 3rd time trying to get this thing figured out)
    Upon starting and doing the backup -
    Preparing 250,000 (approx.) items (too quick to get the final number) - Parenthetically, this AM it was over 600,000; probably has to do with turning off Spotlight per your D2 instructions
    Next message -
    Backing Up 6.96 GB
    Hung at 2 kb to 90 kb for 20 minutes before progressing
    Ultimately, at 1.78 GB the  progress bar started moving rapidly (as it should) - so this isn't a cable connection issue - the Backup phase took 22 minutes, but from 1.78 GB to 6.96 GB took only a few seconds; I have seen this precise same sequence repeatedly the past 2 days
    Next - Backing Up (the candy cane blue and white progress bar)  - Preparing 140,000 items - took 12 minutes
    Now shows 426.95 GB available on the external
    Next - Backing Up (no count of items shown) - started at 7:05 and went until 7:45 (40 minutes)
    Next - Finishing Backup (blue/white candy cane progress bar; no count of items shown) - started at 7:45 - went until sometime after 8:15 (can't give a precise time because I need to sit down and eat :~)  )
    Backup completed (between bites of chicken) at 8:23.
    Over 2 hours - something isn't right.
    Also, TM Prefs tells me that the Latest Backup was at 7:44 - odd.
    Anyway - to take a step further, here's the TM Buddy widget info you might need:
    Successful Backup: 02:06:32.
    There is no log entry or data showing.
    Just as I sent this, a new backup started, and it appears to be going through the same routine, from Preparing  ....
    Gotta eat.
    Please post any further instructions and I'll do what I can tonight.
    What is the problem? How do I speed this mother up?

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    If I understand you correctly, you have a Clone of your original internal HDD and a Time Machine HDD that backed up the Clone.  If it backed up the Clone HDD and deleted the prior backups, then your data is gone.  If it backed up the Clone for only the changes made since the Clone was created, the data should be there.
    Open Time Machine and see what actually is there.  If you cannot open it,  Click on the Time Machine icon on your desktop.  It will give you a display showing one folder (Backups.backupdp).  Open that folder and it will show another single folder.  Open that one and it should display folders that are dated for each day/week that backups have been made.
    If there are 'old' folders in there, you can access the data by opening then up as the image below indicates:
    It may be tedious, but it is better than not having the data.

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    Only download Firefox from Mozilla:
    If you are having a problem getting a "good" download
    *Do not use a download manager when downloading; the download provided with IE is OK
    *Your system security settings might be set too high or your AV/AS application might be interfering. See:

  • I have bought a Seagate Backup Plus 1TB drive, first time I have selected Mac Windows option which excludes Time Machine to work on it, but now I want to go back and select Only Mac option to activate my Time Machine application. I request you to help me

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    I request you to help me with the procedure of the same?

    IMPORTANT - This will reformat your Seagate drive and hence wipe it.  If there is anything on your Seagate drive you want to keep, save it somewhere else FIRST.
    Plug the drive in.
    In Finder select Applications > Utilities > Disc Utilities.
    Select the external drive, select Partition option, give it a name (I call mine Mac Backup), select Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as the Format and under the drop down menu "Partition Layout" select the number of partitions you want (so if you want the drive to just be for Time Machine, select 1 Partition, if you want part of the drive to be for Time Machine and the rest for something else, select 2 partitions and so on).  Click apply and the Disc Utility will partition and reformat your drive ready to use.
    When this is complete, open Time Machine in System Preferences. Use  Select Disc to select the drive (or if you have multiple partitions, the partition of the drive) you want and you are good to go.
    This may be a long way round, but it gives you the option to partition your disc which you may want.

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    After waiting since October for a fix, I have now upgraded the firmware on the Time Capsule and installed the new Airport Utility, released yesterday, and the situation is even worse.
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    How can Apple screw up so badly when they are to become the richest company in the entire world and – soon – will have more cash in the bank than the entire United States? Can’t they afford someone who really can sort this out? Especially when a Firewire connected hard drive – my trusty and simple LaCie – works fine.
    Words, almost, fail me.

  • Time Machine Fails trying to create a backup folder on Lion

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    It looks like Time Machine has copied over most of the data, but I keep seeing the message after a backup is complete. I tried erasing the drive and zeroing it out and then repartitioned as Mac Journaled. and when I started a new full Time Machine backup it failed with the same results. I'm pretty sure there is no issue with this drive especially after doing an erase writing all zeros to it...I'd have expected a failure there if the drive had some type of defect with writes.
    Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions? I'd like to get this thing going and working without errors to know that my data is safely backed up.

    After waiting since October for a fix, I have now upgraded the firmware on the Time Capsule and installed the new Airport Utility, released yesterday, and the situation is even worse.
    Up until now, the Airport Utility had an option to disconnect all drives manually and the Time Capsule would then work until the next reboot – a temporary (?) work-around.
    Now that option does not exist in the new-look Airport Utility. And the Airport Utility installation can’t be rolled back and the old utility won’t restore.
    The sparesbundle is still not accessible. Anyone worked out a work-around in the new environment yet?
    I have another Time Machine backup working fine to a trusty old Lacie Drive so erased the one on my Time Capsule to see if that works. I have renamed the Capsule and the Time Capsule Drive.  But to build another full backup will take at least two days and I shall be away from tomorrow and am reluctant to leave the Capsule and computer up and running for a week. And I’ll bet the sparsbundle will still be nowhere to be found.
    How can Apple screw up so badly when they are to become the richest company in the entire world and – soon – will have more cash in the bank than the entire United States? Can’t they afford someone who really can sort this out? Especially when a Firewire connected hard drive – my trusty and simple LaCie – works fine.
    Words, almost, fail me.

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    First, since this is *unsupported by Apple,* there's nowhere to go when there's trouble.
    Here's the official word: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1733
    Second, you're risking a future update preventing it from working, and perhaps rendering your backups useless.
    It's your choice, of course, but I wouldn't trust my primary backups to it.

  • How do I restore files backed up to time machine to a replacement storage drive? (NOT System disk)

    I've seen plenty of articles about restoring the system disk (restoring the whole system) with Time Machine, but nothing about restoring a secondary disk that has crashed.
    I've been doing backups of both the primary system disk and a secondary storage disk for 2 years. Yesterday, the secondary storage disk crashed. I have a replacement disk, now I need to restore the backup from Time Machine onto this new disk.
    Can I just copy the files from the Time Machine disk to the new one, or do I need to do something more complicated? The instructions for restoring files from Time Machine all include selecting the drive/folder you want to restore, then entering Time Machine. But I can't do that if the original disk no longer exists.
    I'm getting the replacement drive today, so I thought I would ask before I installed the drive. Any advice would be appreciated.
    Mac Pro 5,1
    OS X 10.6.8

      If i had a direct answer, i'd posted it, but, since I don't use TM, I linked you to the TM bible. You know, the one that Apple failed to provide.
    BTW, specific steps on what you did to solve the problem will help others.

  • Using Time Machine to restore external hard drive data

    I have been using a Mac Mini running 10.6.8 for years as a media server.  I have always been very careful to maintain backups of everything, and the inevitable did happen - the hard drive containing all my media did fail.
    To clarify my set up, my Mac Mini internal hard drive is insufficient to store all my media, so I have been using an external 2TB drive to store it.  I then set up Time Machine to back up both the Mac Mini and the 2TB external drive to a second 3TB external drive.  Now that the 2TB drive with my media has failed, I seem to be having problems restoring all the media from 3TB drive.  This is because the Time Capsule interface is designed to display finder windows at various points in time so you can go back to when your missing files existed and restore them.  The problem is that I need the entire contents of the dead 2TB drive restored to a new drive, but I can't open a Time Capsule window that shows the contents of the old drive.  I have tried opening /Volumes in a finder window, then invoking Time Machine, but my dead hard drive does not show up in the list of volumes.  When I open the 3TB drive in a Finder window I can clearly see that it has backups of the 2TB drive, but they are spread out among 83 different snapshots of various dates.
    How can I use Time Machine to easily restore the entire contents of the dead 2TB external drive to a new external drive?

    This web site might answer all of your Time machine questions:

  • Repeated failure when time machine files moved to bigger drive...

    We are trying to copy our Time Machine archive to a bigger drive. We have done this before a couple of years ago using CarbonCopyCloner and had no serious problems. Tried it this time and it was not successful*.
    We have tried this again by following both versions of Apple's directions on moving our TM archive on an external drive to a bigger drive: drag the backups.backupdb from the old TM drive to the newly formatted larger drive OR use Disk Utility's Restore to clone old to new. Both took about 2 days to copy the 1.4TB via FW800. It again was not successful*.
    * By "not successful" what I mean is - the files copied over fine. Disk Utility verified the disk(s) were fine. I kept the name of the new drive the same as the old. When I turned Time Machine back on and verified that it was using the external archive disk I could go into Time Machine and flip back to to files archived almost a year ago - as expected. After TM ran for a while one of two things happened: either the entire archive was replaced by only the current files (eg: the history was nuked) OR or it errored out saying there was not enough space on the new drive (3TB - the previous one was 1.5TB) even though the drives being backed up totaled 1.4TB - as if the old archive was still there (but not visible) and a new one started.
    I recall seeing a post somewhere a while ago concerning trouble moving a TM archive to a different drive and the solution was to delete a couple of invisible files, but I can not find it now.
    In the spirit of Full Disclosure, more has transpired than just moving the TM archive to a different drive. The Mac was changed - though its name remained the same. Also the OS went from Leopard to Lion.
    In more detail, the previous Mac was a 1st generation PowerMac G5 2x2 running Leopard with 1 System & 3 data drives (thanks to a Jive5 bracket and SATA cards) and an external Time Machine drive. The new Mac is a top-end Mac Mini Server running Lion. The data drives have been moved to external FW800 cases (awaiting ThunderBolt). The TM drive will be on USB2.
    [As an engineer, I understand that this should have been done one step at a time so as not to throw too many parameteres up in the air at once, but when you get shiny new hardware it's sometimes tough to hold back...]
    If no solution is forthcoming, it would not be a huge tragedy to keep the old TM as a backup backup and just start anew. It just rankles me that following directions does not yield the desired result.
    Message was edited by: Notary Sojak

    I wanted to use the new one for Time Machine and iTunes.  I stupidly did not partition it.
    I know it's tempting to want to use all the vast space on a large drive your not using, the problem is when your hardware fails, it takes both backup partitions with it when it goes.
    Have multiple copies of your personal data on separate hardware, in separate locations, using easily accessible means and maintain two copies of your personal data off the machine at all times.
    Your at that stage where you need more options than TimeMachine provides, you might want to consider cloning.
    With cloning you could have just cloned the entire drive to another one no sweat, also you can access the files directly from any computer, Mac, Windows or Linux machine. Plus you can boot from cloned drives and do other things, like data recovery etc.
    Most commonly used backup methods

  • Licensing Errors after recovering from Time Machine to an external Hard Drive

    My internal HD failed and I'm temporarily using an external drive as my primary HD. I loaded all my data from my time machine backup onto the external drive temporarily until my new mac arrives (next week). Now, I'm getting licensing error code 150:30 when I try to open Photoshop. It says rebooting can fix it. It has not fixed the issue. Any recommendations? I need to work on some files now and am stuck.

    Yes. This is very common. Photoshop must never be migrated or transferred, because the license is tied to the Mac and moving it breaks the license.
    The cure is simple. Reinstall using your discs and don't forget to apply the updates. You will be starting at 11.0.0.

  • Restoring data from Time Machine to a replacement secondary drive

    Hi all.  I have a Mac Pro with 4 drives installed - one as a system drive, the others for storing project data, music sample libraries etc.  They are all routinely backed up by Time Machine to a large external drive.  One of the library drives has failed and I am trying to restore it to a newly insatlled drive.  I have read as much info as I can find online, but so far, I am not having much success restoring the data. 
    I have named the new drive the same as the previous drive, navigated to the restore point I think is appropriate and right clicked to choose the new drive as a destination.  When doing this, it starts to copy all the items but then flags up that I may need my admin password to continue for certain items.  It doesn't matter if I check the box to say 'apply to all' or just do them each separately, I put my password in and it just copies over the top level folder without any of the contents.
    I have opened the TM backup drive and navigated to the drive to copy the files over manually, but for some folders/items, I get a message saying 'the operation cannot be completed because I don't have permission to access'.  This is fast becoming a tedious experience and not really what I expected from Apple's backup solution.
    Any assistance gratefully appreciated.

    I don't know whether this procedure works in 10.6. I've only tested it in 10.8
    Turn Time Machine OFF temporarily in its preference pane. Leave the window open.
    Navigate in the Finder to your backup disk, and then to the folder named "Backups.backupdb" at the top level of the volume. If you back up over a network, you'll first have to mount the disk image file containing your backups by double-clicking it. Descend into the folder until you see the snapshots, which are represented by folders with a name that begins with the date of the snapshot. Find the one you want to restore from. There's a link named "Latest" representing the most recent snapshot. Use that one, if possible. Otherwise, you'll have to remember the date of the snapshot you choose.
    Inside the snapshot folder is a folder hierarchy like the one on the source disk. Find one of the items you can't restore and select it. Open the Info dialog for the selected item. In the Sharing & Permissions section, you may see an entry in the access list that shows "Fetching…" in the Name column. If so, click the lock icon in the lower right corner of the dialog and authenticate. Then delete the "Fetching…" item from the icon list. Click the gear icon below the list and select Apply to enclosed items from the popup menu.
    Now you should be able either to copy the item in the Finder or to restore it in the time-travel view. If you use the time-travel view, be sure to select the snapshot you just modified. If successful, repeat the operation with the other items you were unable to restore. You can select multiple items in the Finder and open a single Info dialog for all of them by pressing the key combination option-command-I.
    When you're done, turn TM back ON and close its preference pane.

  • Time Machine can't find external drive after installing Lion

    Time Machine can't find external drive after installing Lion. I have a Laice 1 terabyte external drive that worked fine with Snow Leopard and now no show ... tried connecting it to front port and Mac Pro can't see it. Also lost Office,Quicken, and Final Cut Pro  says: " You can't open application because Power PC apps are no longer supported" this is Not a good surprise!

    Does the drive work when just directly connected? If so, have you prepped the drive?
    Extended Hard Drive Preparation
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder. If you need to reformat your startup volume, then you must boot from your OS X Installer Disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger or Leopard.)
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area. If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing. SMART info will not be reported on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Set the number of partitions from the dropdown menu (use 1 partition unless you wish to make more.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID (only required for Intel Macs) then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the volume(s) mount on the Desktop.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.

Maybe you are looking for