Time Machine Fails Every Time - No back ups for over a week

I am running 10.6.6 on a mac pro. I have a 2GB G-Data hard drive that is partitioned into 2 section one for time machine and the other for storage 500 GB and 1.5 GB respectively. The drive is connect by firewire and up time last week was working fine. I tried running disk utility on the drive but it comes up with no problems. Here's what i'm getting in error logs. The files it's having issue with open just fine in photoshop and quark.
Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 UserInfo=0x102ea69c0 "The file “nick.jpg” couldn’t be opened." Underlying Error=(Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=20 UserInfo=0x100141690 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Not a directory")
Feb 9 11:29:52 toy-dmcgee com.apple.backupd[393]: Stopping backup.
Feb 9 11:29:52 toy-dmcgee com.apple.backupd[393]: Error: (-41) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/lstormes/Desktop/collision april 09/collision card/Fonts/ARIAL.TTF to /Volumes/Time Machine/Backups.backupdb/SNE-ADV-SUPZ/2011-02-01-135259.inProgress/52DA871E-D64 6-4F48-9DBC-FD1AF43A88F7/Macintosh HD/Users/lstormes/Desktop/collision april 09/collision card/Fonts (tried deleting the whole folder and still issues)
Feb 9 11:29:52 toy-dmcgee com.apple.backupd[393]: Copied 4409 files (1.7 GB) from volume Macintosh HD.
Feb 9 11:29:52 toy-dmcgee com.apple.backupd[393]: Copy stage failed with error:11
Feb 9 11:29:57 toy-dmcgee com.apple.backupd[393]: Backup failed with error: 11

this is what it gives me:
Feb 9 13:45:04 toy-dmcgee com.apple.backupd[1550]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 16.67 GB requested (including padding), 20.83 GB available
Feb 9 13:45:11 toy-dmcgee [0x0-0x1a01a].com.xrite.ColorMunkiTray.design[166]: profileDate: "2009-08-24T13:20:30"
Feb 9 13:45:11 toy-dmcgee [0x0-0x1a01a].com.xrite.ColorMunkiTray.design[166]: Now DateTime: QDateTime("Wed Feb 9 13:45:11 2011")
Feb 9 13:45:11 toy-dmcgee [0x0-0x1a01a].com.xrite.ColorMunkiTray.design[166]: Reminder DateTime: QDateTime("Wed Jan 12 13:45:11 2011")
Feb 9 13:45:21 toy-dmcgee [0x0-0x1a01a].com.xrite.ColorMunkiTray.design[166]: profileDate: "2009-08-24T13:20:30"
Feb 9 13:45:21 toy-dmcgee [0x0-0x1a01a].com.xrite.ColorMunkiTray.design[166]: Now DateTime: QDateTime("Wed Feb 9 13:45:21 2011")
Feb 9 13:45:21 toy-dmcgee [0x0-0x1a01a].com.xrite.ColorMunkiTray.design[166]: Reminder DateTime: QDateTime("Wed Jan 12 13:45:21 2011")
Feb 9 13:45:30 toy-dmcgee com.apple.backupd[1550]: Stopping backup.
It doesn't look like anything has an error

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    Thanks, Rigby.

    If you are using Ethernet to connect your Mac to the Time Capsule, are you allowing at least 2-3 minutes for Time Machine to fully load when you open the application to see your backups?
    If you are using wireless to connect, you may need to allow 8-10 minutes or longer for everything to fully load, depending on the speed of your wireless connection.
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    I recommend the following.
    1. Reset the TC to factory.
    Universal Factory Reset.. any model TC or AE.
    Unplug your TC/AE from power or turn off at the power point.
    Hold in reset. and power the TC/AE back on..  all without releasing reset and keep holding in for about 10sec. (this is often difficult without a 2nd person or a 3rd arm).
    Release it when the status light flashes rapidly. If it doesn’t flash rapidly you have missed it and try again.
    Be Gentle! Feel the switch click on. It has a positive feel..  add no more pressure after that.
    TC/AE will reboot after a couple of minutes with default factory settings and will wipe out previous configurations of the router.
    No files are deleted on the hard disk in a TC.. No reset of the TC deletes files.. to do that you use erase from the airport utility.
    2. Rename the TC to SMB standard.
    That means short names.. 2-20 characters but less than 10 is excellent. eg TCGenx (use number for x that is actual generation of the TC)
    No spaces.
    Pure alphanumeric. No apostrophe.
    3. Ensure IPv6 is set to link-local..
    Do the same thing for ethernet if that is used.
    4. Manually mount the TC disk in Finder.
    Use Go in the top menu.. connect to server.
    Type in
    AFP://TCname.local (where TCname is your new short name for the TC and local is default domain .. it helps using the domain I found).
    You will then find the computer either can or cannot find the network resource.. if it fails something else is wrong with the actual network and you will need to fix that.
    It will request the password if it is found.. password is public by default unless you changed it.. type in the password and check to keep it in your keychain.
    5. Delete current TM setup and redo it with the newly named TC.
    See A4 here. http://pondini.org/TM/Troubleshooting.html
    If your backups cannot be found, try B6 again, now that you actually know that the disk has been properly discovered.

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    Click the Time Machine icon in the menu bar. The time of the last backup is shown in the drop down.

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    Latest backup July 10, 2011
    Next back up Today at 7:25pm
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    Hi, what Mac Utilities is this you ran?
    Have you looked through Pondini's extensive TM help site?
    Can't imaging something not being covered there.

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    Have you tried a reset ? Press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider if it appears), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

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    Every time TM tries to do a backup, it says it failed because there isn't enough disk space. Before, TM used to delete old backups to make space for the new one but now it doesn't seem to do it automatically.
    I've checked everything I can think of and the preferences window does state that "the oldest back-ups are deleted when your disc becomes full".
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    Any suggestions/advice please?

    It will never delete the only backup if only one complete backup remains, no.  If it needs to make a new full backup for any reason, it will only remove the exisiting backup once the new one is complete and in place, so for at least a short period, it would need double the normal backup space.
    Without knowing the full history and details of backups on that drive, I would say you are pushing things quite a bit with so little available space.  Depending on just how much changes in any one backup cycle, or if anything needs to be replaced because something gets corrupted, you could get warnings or outright errors.  Basically anything that causes TM to need to make a larger than usual backup could cause you problems.
    As Pondini mentions elsewhere in his FAQ, a good rule of thumb is to have a backup drive at least 2x-4x the size of the drive being backed up.  External 1TB drives are pretty cheap these days - you could avoid a lot of headaches if you got and used a larger drive.
    An alternative for that drive you have now is to use something like Carbon Copy Cloner (Bombich software) or SuperDuper (Shirt Pocket software) and make a full bootable system clone, then use the incremental option in those tools to keep it up to date.  If you setup the incremental to basically always keep the clone to just a true single snapshot in time of what your boot drive has on it, then the clone will never take up more space than your boot drive.  A cloned drive is itself a bootable complete copy of your entire current internal boot drive and system.  The downside of such a clone is that it only includes copies of everything from the most recent incremental cloning operation, so you cannot go back in time to multiple previous versions of a file as you can in TM.
    In an ideal world, you could get a bigger drive and start using it for TM, and also use your existing drive for a clone.  Redundant backups are an asset (I keep 3 on hand at all times - a TM, and two clones).

  • Time Machine Doesn't Show Previous Back-Ups

    Just reconnected a TC after a 2 year hiatus. I can connect as a shared disk and see the the contents of the TC which includes a sparsebundle - so I know content is there. But when I launch Time Machine I dont see any previous content. I haven't performed a Time Machine back-up yet.
    What would be the best way to proceed? I dont want previous back ups to get wiped. Also, I take it connecting via wired Ethernet would speed up what initial back-up I might perform as much on my computer has changed in two years.

    mrhifi wrote:
    Just reconnected a TC after a 2 year hiatus. I can connect as a shared disk and see the the contents of the TC which includes a sparsebundle - so I know content is there. But when I launch Time Machine I dont see any previous content. I haven't performed a Time Machine back-up yet.
    What would be the best way to proceed?
    What's changed in those 2 years? Any hardware repairs, especially a new logic board?
    If not, try Repairing the backups, per #A5 in [Time Machine - Troubleshooting|http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/Troubleshooting.html] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of the +Time Machine+ forum).
    If that doesn't help, try the Browse... option, per #E2 there.
    I dont want previous back ups to get wiped.
    2 year old backups? That makes me wonder if you deleted things from your Mac, counting on Time Machine to keep the backups indefinitely. If so, see #20 in [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/FAQ.html] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of the +Time Machine+ forum).
    After that long, Time Machine will almost certainly do a new, full backup. That, of course, will take a lot of space, so if there isn't enough room on your TC, it will have to delete old backups, perhaps a LOT of them, to make room. Depending on the sizes, it may delete all but the most recent one, then fail because there still isn't enough room.
    See how much space is available on the TC. If that's less than 120% of the amount of data on your Mac (or the estimated size of a full backup under the exclusions box in +Time Machine Preferences > Options,+ backups will have to be deleted. How many is impossible to predict.
    Also, I take it connecting via wired Ethernet would speed up what initial back-up I might perform as much on my computer has changed in two years.
    Yes, absolutely!
    If old backups have to be deleted, that can be an excruciatingly slow process, even via Ethernet. Because of the way sparse bundles work, TM must mount it, delete the oldest backup, dismount it, compact it, then mount it again to see if that made enough space. If not, repeat, repeat, repeat . . .
    So, if it looks like a lot of old backups will have to go, and you really don't want that to happen, your best bet is to connect a USB or FireWire disk directly to your iMac and start backing-up to it. That's much faster and more reliable anyway. You should still be able to see and restore from the old backups via the Browse... option.
    By the way, please click +My Settings+ at the right of this page, and update your Mac and OSX specs. I'm assuming you're still on the iMac, but clearly not 10.4.5 )

  • Can't get to Time capsule back-ups -- Connection Failed and "Connect As" does nothing

    I had to replace my hard drive.  I am trying to access the Time Machine back-ups.  I can see the back-up volume in the Finder under the "Shared" category, but when I try to connect to the back-up volume, I immediately get "Connection Failed" and the "connect as" button does nothing when I click on it. 
    Do I have to re-start backups before I can get into the old back-ups??  Any advice on how to get "Connect As" to let me connect? 
    Thank you.

    EXACTLY the same problem..
    10.5.6 iMac

  • Time Machine won't create diff. back-ups despite sufficient disk space

    I have one full back up on my external HDD, and several differential back ups. However, despite there being over 80GB left on my external HDD, Time Machine will fail to complete further differential back ups when I disconnect my external HDD and then reconnect (say a week later or so). Time Machine seems to want to create another full backup when I reconnect my external HDD (or it seems this way). My questions are: why won't Time Machine create further differential backups based on my original full backup when I reconnect my external HDD and/or can I change a setting so that TM will create ONLY differential backups (given that one full back up already exists)?
    Advice appreciated,

    I should add that when TM attempts to create another backup after I reconnect my external HDD, it fails, stating 'not enough disk space' - which is why I assume it's attempting another full backup. Cheers, SM.

  • How can I remove old Time Machine back-ups for a Mac I no longer have??

    So, i am trying to back-up a brand new MBPro to my Time Machine but it says there's not enough room. Only 13.5 GB avail and need 284 GB. Is there a way to go into Time Machine and delete all the old back-ups from my former MBPro? (I've already migrated all the files and data to the new MBP from my iMac, also on the same Time Machine.) If I could wipe out the old MBP back-ups that should create enough room.

    Delete the backups.
    Q12 here. http://pondini.org/TM/FAQ.html

  • Time Machine deleting too many old back-ups

    I connect Time Machine (external drive) and start the back-up. TM takes a while to clean old back-ups to create space. Fair enough, as I have not been backing up since a month ago. This takes too long though, I get suspicious and I check Console and see that TM has deleted 5 old back-ups. It does not make any sense, I know that deleting one, at most two, would have been enough. I check the Console log and see the text below:
    1/10/15 10:19:33.109 PM    com.apple.backupd[415]    Deleted backup /Volumes/LaCie/Backups.backupdb/John Doe’s MacBook Pro/2013-09-29-211629 containing 1.76 GB; 140.71 GB now available, 194.75 GB required
    This is curious as I am sure a single TM back-up is much larger than that, at least 130GB. I get into TM via Finder and notice that each back-up for a given date has the expected size there, with all the many files from my laptop correctly saved in the back-up. And yet, when TM deletes a given back-up, it frees up only much less in terms of space and so it keeps deleting back-ups.
    I have had some issues in the past with this external drive and I recently had it fixed. I have another one and I plan to switch to it as TM. Yet, I do not understand why this happens.
    Macbook Pro OS X 10.9.5, 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    Time Machine External Drive: La Cie Porsche 500GB

    140.71 GB now available, 194.75 GB required
    It appears Time Machine needs 194.75 GB to do the latest backup, but only 140.71 is available. So it keeps deleting more in an attempt to make enough space available.

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