Time Machine Hourly Back Up - How can I Disable

Even though I have Time Machine swicted off at the toggle it continues to back up every hour
I have a MAc Mini and a 1TB external hard drive atatched. Despite wswitching off the toggle the hard drive is three quarters full of back ups.
I agree a back up is good but there is now too much - I dont make that many cahnges.
How can I stop this hourly back up and - as I thought I could by switching the toggle off - simply back up mnually?
Also wjhat about when I upgrade to Moutain Lion?

- If you used PhotoStream then try getting them from your PhotoStream. See that topic of:
iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
- Maybe from the restored iPod via How to perform iPad recovery for photos, videos
Wondershare Dr.Fone for iOS: iPhone Data Recovery - Wondershare Official     

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    Hi, please open the 3-bar menu > Customize, and if you can see the Home icon, you can drag it to a location of your choice > Exit Customize to save.
    This [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-to-set-the-home-page How to set the home page] article may also be of help.
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    If you mean that you encrypted your Time Machine backup, there's no way to recover the password. You must not have saved it to your keychain, or you wouldn't need to ask the question. Erase the drive and start over.

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    A  whole  lot  about  Time  Machine for help with TM problems.  Also you can select Mac Help from the Finder's Help menu and search for "time machine" to locate articles on how to use TM.  See also Mac 101- Time Machine.

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    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    Start here: http://www.apple.com/findouthow/mac/#tutorial=leopardtimemachine
    and here: http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/timemachine.html

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    I tried this out on one of my pages to see if it works.
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    Emergency Backups (Data Recovery)
    A)          Format an external disk:
              (This will erase all data on the external disk.)
              Boot in recovery mode (power then Command-R).
                        Alternative: Network recovery boot (power then Command-Option-R keys)
              To format (and erase) the destination recovery disk:
              Plug in the drive you are about to erase.
              Select the volume that is NOT your system disk.
              Click on Partition.
              Pull down under Partition Layout to 1 Partition.
              Click on Options…
              Select GUID Partition Table.
              Name: Emergency Backup (or whatever you prefer)
              Format: Select Mac OS Extended (journaled)
              Click Apply.
              Click Partition.
    B)          Try to boot in Safe Mode (power then Shift key).
              (This will be a slow boot.  Be patient.)
              If it won’t boot in Safe Mode, jump to C.
              If it boots in Safe Mode, try to boot in normal mode.
                        If that fixed your problem then start a Time Machine backup.
              If not, boot in Safe Mode again.
              Go > Computer.
              Double click on the system disk.
              Drag the Users folder to the recovery disk.
    C)          To clone the disk:
              Boot in recovery mode.
              Select Disk Utility.
              Try to repair the system disk twice.
              Whether or not the repair succeeds:
              Drag and drop the system disk to Source:
              Drag an drop Emergency Backup to Destination:
              (Take care not to reverse this order.)
              Click Restore (the lower Restore button).
    Once your system is healthy, maintain two reasonably current backups.  (Time machine restores can fail.)
    Create either two Time Machine backups (good) or one or more Time Machine backup(s) and one or more bootable-clone backup(s) (better).
              Use Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! to create bootable-clone recovery disks.
              See https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-3045
              and https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-6031

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    How can I get my time machine to allow me to recover files again?
    After upgrading MBA to OS X, the time machine still backs up the files; but, I'm not able to navigate within the time machine or select any folders or files for restore.
    I've searched and can not find a solution to the problem that's being encountered.

    Yeap that all makes sense now.
    Do you only have the current backup showing in the TM display?? Won't it fill in the rest?
    Over wireless are you waiting for the indexing to finish.. ??
    Previous backup may not show for a couple of hours.
    Long short of it.. Mavericks version of TM is a pain.
    Sometimes it is easier to completely ignore the TM backup and do the restore manually.
    I have posted the details here. See if this helps.
    Can't access old files on time capsule

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    How can I force Time Machine to make a complete backup of my Hard Drive.  I just installed a new external drive for Backup since my previous one failed.  Now when I back up, Time Machine only backs up my data folder and the Users folder.
    When I start a backup. Time Machine says "Oldest Backup: None; Latest Backup: None", so it seems like it should do a complete backup, but it only does a partial. 

    Hi I'd like to jump in here. Your app showed me this:
    Time Machine:
              Skip System Files: NO
              Mobile backups: OFF
              Auto backup: YES
              Volumes being backed up:
                        Macintosh HD: Disk size: 749.3 GB Disk used: 453.81 GB
                        Plastic Wrapper [Local] (Last used)
                        Total size: 999.86 GB
                        Total number of backups: 64
                        Oldest backup: 2013-07-24 23:25:11 +0000
                        Last backup: 2013-11-17 01:40:47 +0000
                        Size of backup disk: Too small
                                  Backup size 999.86 GB < (Disk used 453.81 GB X 3)
              Time Machine details may not be accurate.
              All volumes being backed up may not be listed.
              /sbin excluded from backup!
              /usr excluded from backup!
              /System excluded from backup!
              /bin excluded from backup!
              /private excluded from backup!
              /Library excluded from backup!
              /Applications excluded from backup!
    Aside from the size of my backup drive, which I will increase at some point, I'd really like to have time machine backing up all system folders, especially Applications. How to I reset this hidden exclusions?

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    How can I get Time Machine to back up an external hard drive (iPhotos) that is attached to airport extreme base station. Note: Time machine is usb to macbook pro and external drive with iphotos is usb to airport extreme base station. Help please. Thanks!

    Once you have the drive connected to your Mac, click System Preferences (gear icon) on the dock
    Click Time Machine
    Click Options
    Be default, the hard drive will be Excluded from backups. Click the drive to highlight it, then click the "-" (minus) button at the bottom of the list to remove the drive from Excluded items.
    The drive will be backed up on the next Time Machine pass
    Everything above assumes that the hard drive has been formatted in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as Time Machine will only backup drives in that format.

  • TS3991 i deleted  a pages doc and my time machine was NOT on. Can i get it back? if so how?

    i deleted  a pages doc and my time machine was NOT on. Can i get it back? if so how?

    If  you backed up the phone when the video was still on it, restoring the backup will get it back.  However, anything new on the phone since the backup will be deleted.
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content

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