Time machine on two partitions

I have a backup drive that is not working well on my iMac Lion.  I would like to test this drive on my Macbook Pro Snow Leopard. If I change the T M preferences to do the test on a different partition on the macbook, will I lose my macbook backups?T

you have to be in the minority. The only way to partition is to pull the drive out of TC and use Disk Utility.

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    If I understand correctly, you want to mount the other partition. Are you prompted to do that? Does the password include any characters other than plain letters and digits? Are you using the same keyboard layout on both machines?

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    Yes, sharing a TM disk is a bad idea, and disks are cheap enough so that you don't need to.
    Have you tried to repair the disk yet

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    Yes. You will need to configure Time Machine preferences on each computer to backup to the same drive. Note that you cannot connect the backup drive to both machines at the same time.

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    If you want to and it is so large that it has room (350% is a good estimate for TimeMachine), then use a partition(s) to hold system restore images or bootable clones. Or VM images.
    Using SSDs most Mac Pro models can easily hold 6 or more storage devices inside, except the nMP cylinder 6,1's;  which do need external Thunderbolt and USB3.
    System drive / data / scratch / backup data / backups of system / ....
    I recommend a couple system backups, especially when faced with dual boot situations as well as an OS that is still undergoing updates and changes.

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    I appreciate your input!

    Please visit Pondini's Time Machine FAQ for help with all things Time Machine. You will find several items relevant to your query.

  • Time Machine backing up partitioned external HD

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    One word of caution, TM does not clone(Bootable Copy) your HD, it backs up everything on your HD that you set it for. You will need another application to accomplish this. One last word of caution, different makes of external drives work differently with the new OS 10.5.2. This only applies if you are shutting down your external drive after you have updated to either partition. The external drive icons cannot be removed by dragging them to the trash. You get a window that says that the volume is in use. If this happens the only way to remove the external drive icons from your desk top is to shut down and unplug everything. Then hold the Mac power button in for about 20-30 seconds and release. Then plug in only the computer, mouse and keyboard. Start your computer and then plug in your external drive. When the external drive icons appear on your desktop apple click them and drag then to the trash. Icons should then disappear. This info received from an Apple Tech Rep.and worked for me. However if you ever change these 2 partitions on your external drive you will have to repeat this process every time. No name given for this problem but the fix works. Apple should really address this issue. Good luck

  • Time Machine with two hard drives?

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    Is there any way to assign two separate hard drives as being available Time Machine network backup drives? IOW, if I had six Macs on my network and I wanted three of them to back up to Time Machine Drive #1 and the other three to back up to Time Machine Drive #2, is this possible? If so, how? It seems like Time Machine Server will only allow me to assign one drive as a network backup volume.

    OK, here's the deal with TM. First is to know to what TM will backup:
    Requirements to use Time Machine
    Time Machine is only available with Leopard (10.5.x)
    1. External FireWire or USB 2.0 drive
    2. Time Capsule
    3. Drive shared by a Mac running 10.5 or later using File Sharing
    4. Drive shared by a Mac running 10.5 Server
    5. SAN volume managed by Apple's Xsan file system
    A TM drive must be partitioned with either APM (PPC) or GUID (Intel) and formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled.)
    Second, because TM is an incremental archival backup system the backup drive should be at least twice the capacity of the total capacities of the drives it backs up.
    Now, each Mac on your network can use TM to backup their computer to a drive selected in the TM preferences on their computer. Multiple machines can backup to a single TM backup drive. TM will create separate backup folders on the target drive for each computer. Each computer needs to have a unique Computer Name (Sharing preference.)
    Note that this is set up on each computer on your network, not through the server itself. As far as I'm aware TM only backs up to one drive. Thus, each networked computer can backup to a drive. The server on the other hand has its own separate TM backup.
    You will need to manage the exclusion list to minimize space usage on the backup drives. Most likely you would want to have each client machine only backing up a Home folder. I would set up a /Home/Applications/ folder on each client machine exclusively for third-party user applications unless all applications are installed exclusively on the server.

  • Can I use Time Machine on two different Hard Drives?

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    Alfonso, let me give you a warning. What you want to do should work, but does not work well for me. Here's my story:
    I have Time Machine (TM) backing up a MacBook Pro to a Time Capsule (TC) on my home wired network. First backup (BU) took 24 hours. Subsequent incremental backups were very fast and convenient. All was working well.
    About 6 weeks setting up TM/TC, I had to take my MacBook in for repairs. Being paranoid, I wanted a second backup, so I connected the computer to an external LaCie drive via FW800. Second BU also took 24 hours, even over the MUCH faster firewire connection. That really hacked me off, so I got CarbonCloner and made a bootable image on another external LaCie drive over FW800. That took only 2 hours.
    I got the computer back from Apple after repairs and directed TM to start backing up to the original TC drive (no changes to the drive during repair). The TM software decided it had to do another initial backup! As I write this, it's been running 36 hours and has completed only 19 of 76 GB. This is MUCH MUCH worse than the first initial backup.
    I want to like this TM software because of the convenience, but it is really crap and unusable in my opinion. With my setup, I simply cannot switch to a second backup drive without triggering another lousy initial LONG BU process. Frankly, I really regret buying TC and trying TM.
    I used to use Retrospect with great success with the two external LaCie drives, but they went into the toilet when EMC bought them and spun them out. The quality of the software has really suffered and it is very buggy now.
    So, unfortunately, it looks like my best strategy is to use CarbonCloner and the two LaCie drives.

  • Time machine on two remote computers

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    Is it possible to have a hard drive connected to one computer physically backing up on Time Machine and have another computer wirelessly connect on the same network and have its own Time Machine backups on that hard drive?
    Yes. I have an iMac with an external drive connected. The iMac is connected to the network via Ethernet. My wireless iBook connects to the network and uses the iMac's external drive as the destination for it's Time Machine backup.

  • Malignant secondary boot device.  When I plug in an external hard drive which has time machine in one partition and a secondary boot device in another, the secondary boot takes over and wipes existing files.  How do I turn it off but keep the time machine

    Please help new (senior) convert to Mac Pro (OS X).  Am following the 'switching to a Mac' portable genius 2nd ed, and as it advised, I bought an external hard drive (a Mac My Word) and partitioned it with one partition for a secondary boot device and another for time machine.  Book implied I needed both.  Seemed to download OK but now when i plug in the external hard-drive it wants to reboot me fresh all over again.  How do I keep the time machine partition going but have the secondary boot device only in case of emergencies?  Do I 'eject' that partition- and if so how do I do it from outside the hard drive (I am not game to reattach it currently)

    Launch the System Preferences application (under the Apple menu) and select the Startup Disk preference pane. Set your internal drive as the startup disk. Close the window.

  • Time Machine with two computers - "You do not have sufficient access privileges"

    I am currently running an Intel-based iMac at home and was recently given a new Intel-based MacBook Pro to use for work.  The iMac at home is running Leopard and the MacBook is running Snow Leopard.  After I loaded all of the necessary files from the home computer to the work computer (using the files on my external that I use for time machine backups), I decided to use the same external hard drive to use as the Time Machine for both computers.  However, now whenever I try to access the Time Machine Backups from the opposite computer, I am told that I "do not have sufficient access privleges."  E.g., when I try to open the TM MacBook files on the iMac or vice versa, I recieve this message.  Opening the files that were backed up on the same computer is no problem.
    Any thoughts? Thanks!

    kabbydriver- No, no, no, no no! Do not screw around with permissions on the sparse bundle or the mounted disk image. Dude, this is the third bad advice from you I've read in the last hour. Isn't it enough that one of your responses violated the forum terms of use and had to be deleted? It's time to give it a rest; come back another day.
    UCOdoublebass- You need to create a different Time Machine backup for each Mac. Two Macs cannot backup to the same Time Machine backup image. Read this to get started learning about your options:

  • Time Machine Backup on Partition

    Is it possible to use Time Machine without having an external drive or iDisk, instead use a partition on the hard drive?

    Yes. Time Machine will work fine on internal partitions or separate internal drives.

  • Can't restore from Time Machine using recovery partition

    I came up with the idéa to put in an extra disk (SSD) into my mid 2009 13" Macbook Pro running Mountain Lion and create my own fusion drive.
    In order to make sure not to lose all of my data I made sure to back up all my files using Time Machine so that simply could restore my entire system to the new drive.
    Careful as one should be when about to wipe the entire drive on a computer I wanted to check so that I could make a proper restore from my TM backup disk. So I booted into recovery mode and choose to restore from Time Machine and then I selected my external drive, but then nothing. Where the list of my latest backups should be there was nothing.
    I've tried to format the disk several times, changing disk permissions etc.
    Does anyone have a clue what could solve this? Is it possible that it has something to do with the fact that I'm (probably) running 10.8.3 and that my recovery partition is 10.8.2?

    Is the TM backup complete? When you Enter Time Machine, do you have snapshots going back in time?
    See here for info on a problem Pondini has found with Time Machine that may have affected you:
    UPDATED: Serious Time Machine bug on Mountain Lion (Updated)
    You may just have to restart your TM backups to get those folders backed up.
    If you do have that issue, please post at his link. He is trying to get enough background info to pass to Apple to solve the problem.

  • Setting Up Time Machine with a Partitioned External Hard Drive

    I recently bought a new external hard drive (MyPassport) and I was advised to partition it in order to keep my movies/music files separate from the rest of my files. So I partitioned it, but now I can't figure out how to set up the Time Machine with 2 separate hard drives. Is there a way to set it up so that I can use Time Machine for both, one for movies/music and one for everything else?

    I recently bought a new external hard drive (MyPassport) and I was advised to partition it in order to keep my movies/music files separate from the rest of my files. So I partitioned it, but now I can't figure out how to set up the Time Machine with 2 separate hard drives. Is there a way to set it up so that I can use Time Machine for both, one for movies/music and one for everything else?

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