Time Machine takes 2 days for 1GB

Since my upgrade to Snow Leopard, my Time Capsule takes 2 days alone for 1GB, and takes 24 hours to even start the 1GB... Any ideas?

HI Tom,
Check to see how much free disk space there is on your Mac.
Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure you always have a minimum of 10% to 15% free disk space at all times.
Not enough and that can slow processes down.
Two days for 1GB... no way.

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  • Time Machine wants 16 days to do an initial backup.  ps shows PRI = 33 with NI = 0.   But I can not get sudo renice to set PRI less than 15.  And renice sets NI directly with strange behavior for PRI. Any suggestions?

    Time Machine said it would take 16 days to do an initial backup, and indeed, after many days it is less than a quarter done.   (The problem started when I put in a new bank disk for Time Machine to write to for its backup file.)
    Activity Monitor shows that the process name is   backups   with Process ID   6060.
    Then putting this PID in Terminal UNIX command ps gave:
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  33  0  2556488  29040 ...
    Wow!  A priority of 33! 
    Don't know how that happened, but the way to fix that (I thought) is with renice. 
    But renice doesn't work.
    After a lot of playing with renice and ps, it looks as though renice can not make the priority better than (no less than) 15.
    And the parameter you put in, that according to the man page that is supposed to be priority, turns out to be "nice index", with priority changed by sometimes subtracting or sometimes adding either this number or twice this number - down to a limit of priority no less than 15.
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  33  0  2556488  29040 ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ sudo renice 5 -p 6060
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS  ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  28  5  2555964  29028  ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ sudo renice -5 -p 6060
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS  ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  38 -5  2555964  29028  ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ sudo renice -15 -p 6060
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS  ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  48 -15  2555964  29028 ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS  ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  48 -15  2555964  29028 ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ sudo renice -n -5 -p 6060
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS  ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  53 -20  2555964  29028 ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$
    This is with OSX 10.7.5 and Terminal 2.2.3 on an early 2009 Mac Pro with lots of memory.
    What am I dong wrong, and any suggestions for how to fix my Time Machine process?

    The backup file size is 1.67 TB.*
    That's across the internal bus of a 2009 quad-core Mac Pro - which is pretty fast.
    Copying an hour's worth of MPEG-2 HD takes about a minute.
    I do a fresh backup from scratch about once a year, and the last time it finished over night.
    This time the first Time Machine backup is only about 1/5 complete after many days, and Activity Monitor shows essentially no use of disk drives or of CPU.  And in the first note I pointed out what is gleaned by using Terminal to execute the UNIX ps command. The priority of the running Time Machine process looks incorrect to me. 
    I could be wrong, but I think the problem is process priority, not file size.
    I am unable to set priority to 0 or a negative number.  Can someone straighten me out on how to do that?
    [*The machine has four 1.5 TB disk drives in it plus lots of memory.  Two of the physical drives are configured as one 3 TB backup drive (RAID concatanated).]

  • Time machine makes 30 backups for the last two days, no backups for any earlier times: is there a way to control it?

    I've been running Time Machine in the background for as long as I've owned my current Mac--- a few months.  It is a completely generic set-up: it's a desktop (rarely shut off or asleep) connected to an external hard drive that is much larger (1 TB) than my internal hard drive (0.5 TB), and Time Machine is configured to save backups of my whole internal drive to the external drive.  The external is half-full, and the internal is a little more than half-full.  I often hear my external crunching away, working on something.
    I recently needed to access an old file, so I went into Time Machine mode on the folder where it had been deleted a few weeks ago.  While I'm not upset that it isn't available (it's my own fault for deleting it), I didn't expect the Time Machine to have such a bad distribution of saved backups.  There are 30 backup snapshots of the past two days, and nothing earlier.  I was expecting something more like a few from today, a few from this week, a few from this month, and a few going all the way back in time--- a broader distribution.
    I don't see any way to control this in the Time Machine Preferences (in fact, very little control at all).  Is there a secret way to control it, or some tip to ensure a more useful distribution of saved snapshots?
    -- Jim

    Thanks, but it doesn't exactly address my question.  TimeMachineEditor allows me to set the intervals or times when backups occur, but it doesn't control the algorithm that decides which snapshots should be deleted.  My problem was that Time Machine chose to delete all of the old snapshots and keep only the most recent ones: I'd like it to keep more of the recent ones than the old ones, but still keep some old ones.
    In fact, the (unmodifyable) text on the Time Machine control panel says that it keeps:
    hourly backups for the past 24 hours
    daily backups for the past month
    weekly backups for all previous months
    That would be perfect if it were true.
    Perhaps the algorithm did the wrong thing because the size of my internal hard drive varied quite a lot a few days ago: a process got out of control and used up all of my internal disk space.  I killed the process and deleted its output (several times), so my internal disk eventually went back down to normal.  Perhaps in the intervening hours, Time Machine made a backup, once an hour, and used up all of the external drive space.  When it had to choose between keeping "weekly backups of previous months" and "hourly backups of the past 24 hours", it chose to keep hourly backups of the past 24 hours.  This was the wrong choice in my case (it was the unwanted output) and is probably the wrong choice in most cases.
    Is there a way to control the algorithm that decides which backups to keep and which to delete?  I would have it delete the hourly, daily, and weekly backups in a way that preserves their relative distribution.
    By the way, while I have made it sound like my problem was a runaway log file (something that would be easy to put in an excluded directory with Time Machine's "Options" button), it was a VirtualBox snapshot merge.  The data in question are precious, but were unnecessarily copied many times while VirtualBox failed to merge them properly.  I can't simply exclude a directory: I'm talking about a more general problem.
    -- Jim

  • How much space does time machine take up on hard drive?

    Can anyone let me know how much hard drive space time machine takes up?

    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    Time Machine keeps copies of everything on your system (except a few things like system work files, most caches and logs, and trash), so the first backup will be a bit smaller than the amount of data on your system.
    Subsequent backups will copy things you've added or changed, but doesn't delete the copies of the old versions, or of things you've deleted, so you can restore them if you find you've deleted or changed something in error, or something has gotten corrupted. Thus Time Machine will need considerably more space. IIn most cases, it won't delete it's copies until it runs out of room.
    It varies depending on how you use your Mac, but a "rule of thumb" is, it needs 2-3 times the space of the data it's backing-up to be able to keep a reasonable "depth" of backups for you.
    You might want to review the [Time Machine Tutorial|http://www.apple.com/findouthow/mac/#timemachinebasics] and perhaps browse [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/FAQ.html] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of the +Time Machine+ forum).

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    I've tried monkeying with priveleges using Command I, and changing users, but to no avail.  Can anyone help?

    Right.  Here's what the permissions look like from the Finder Command I:
    I'm not sure what "Custom" means, but when I then try to change it to "Read & Write", it doesn't take.... just comes back as Custom. Interesting to note that not only am I logged into Joan's account where the data folder and file lives) to do this, but when I do it from my own account  as Admin (dunc...mpster) I get the same result.

  • Time machine takes very long time

    Time machine takes very long time to write the back up.
    For writing 2,33 GB (from 26,33GB) it takes abou14 hours and I don't know, why it is so very slow. I work with USB 3.0 2 TB external hard disk drive.

    Try Here  >  http://pondini.org/TM/D2.html
    From Here  >  http://pondini.org/TM/Troubleshooting.html

  • Time Machine takes very long time to back up with new large drive

    I started using Time Machine on my 17" MBP about a month ago. I was using a 250 GB Samsung drive. When I discovered that TM will back up other external drives (I have several firewire pocket drives), I purchased a 500 GB Cavalry drive with USB 2.0 and eSATA connections. The first backup of my MBP drive (about 85 GB) took several hours (4-6?). I backed up one of my pocket drives (about 60 GB), which took 3-4 hours. Then, when I changed the back-up drive in Time Machine to the new 500 GB drive with the eSATA connection, I stopped it after an hour, because only 2 GB had been backed up. I erased the drive and restarted using the USB connection. It backed up 3 GB in an hour. So, now I'm back to using the original back-up drive. I've performed benchmark tests on all drives (the Samsung 250, Cavalry USB and eSATA 500 GB, and the MBP internal drive) with Xbench. The USB speeds on the Samsung and Cavalry drives came out about the same with a slight edge to the Cavalry drive. The eSATA connection with the Cavalry drive operated at over twice the speed of the USB connections and at about twice the speed of the MBP internal drive (which is a 1.5 Gb/s SATA drive). Basically, I can't figure out why Time Machine takes so incredibly long to back up when I switched to the new drive. Any ideas?

    It took me 20 hours to backup 32GB out of 65. I don't know why. Using carbon copy clone to download to another backup drive I did it perfectly in about 30 minutes. I expect that those appllications which show applicatiions are at fault and will try later getting rid of apps such as F-10 and pathfinderfor the first download. I have no idea why this is so slow. Everything is so slow.

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    Can one also print wirelessly with an old HP C6280 printer?

    Can I set up multiple usb hard drives- one for time machine and a second for media?
    Can one also print wirelessly with an old HP C6280 printer?
    Possibly by using an Airport Express, but depends on what type of port connection the printer requires.

  • Time Machine is not working for me

    There is no way that Time Machine is working right for me. Backups are taking a split second and are reporting crazy small amounts. Example, I have added to my Mac 1 gig of movies and 1 gig of images. I backed up today and Time Machine reported 28k of material being backed up and it took less than 1 second to start and finish the backup. None of these files are in areas that Time Machine has been told to not back up.
    How do I get Time Machine to work again? Please help me. TIA.

    Agreed. This particular glitch doesn't affect a lot of users, apparenly, and Apple is aware of it and hopefully it will be fixed soon.
    I've learned over the years (mostly the hard way, of course ), never to trust my backups to a single app or piece of hardware: no app is perfect, and all hardware fails, sooner or later.
    Like many here, I keep both full Time Machine backups, plus a "bootable clone" on a separate external HD. I use CarbonCopyCloner, many use the similar SuperDuper. That gives me the best of both types of backups, plus of course a completely separate, independent backup.
    CCC is donationware; SD has a free version, but you need the paid one (about $30) to do updates instead of full replacements, or scheduling. Either is easily found via Google.
    And/or, see Kappy's post on Basic Backup, complete with links to the web sites of each product.
    ps: glad it's sorted out, and thanks for the star.
    Message was edited by: Pondini

  • HT201250 How long should an initial time machine backup of tack for 675 GB?s with a USB external hard drive?

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    Not much faster than 40 GBs-60GBs per hour. So, minimally, around 12 hours.

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    Is Time Machine still not recommended for the lastest version of Aperture (1.5.6)?
    This support article ( http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=306853 ) does not clarify.
    Thanks for the advice!

    Is Time Machine still not recommended for the lastest version of Aperture (1.5.6)?
    Yes, it still isn't recommended.

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    ~4.5 gigs, so if your connection is crap, then sure....

  • Time machine takes days for first back-up

    I have a new WD my passport HD 2 GB for the time machine back-up. The first back-up of about 500GB takes 130 days!!! What is wrong?

    Hi Davis,
    Thanks for your help. Here is the requested data:
    23.11.12 06:18:35.730 com.apple.backupd[3216]: Starting manual backup
    23.11.12 06:18:35.815 com.apple.backupd[3216]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Ohne Titel/Backups.backupdb
    23.11.12 06:18:35.817 com.apple.backupd[3216]: Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume.  Enabling.
    23.11.12 06:18:37.014 com.apple.backupd[3216]: Forcing deep traversal on source: "Macintosh HD" (mount: '/' fsUUID: XXXXXXX
    23.11.12 06:18:37.000 kernel[0]: USBF: 26123.665 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff802ac09000]::Found a transaction past the completion deadline on bus 0x24, timing out! (Addr: 5, EP: 1)
    23.11.12 06:18:39.000 kernel[0]: process 3220 set trusted
    23.11.12 06:18:49.000 kernel[0]: revoking trust for process 3212
    23.11.12 06:18:50.506 com.apple.backupd[3216]: Backup content size: 520.05 GB excluded items size: 29.28 GB for volume Macintosh HD
    23.11.12 06:18:50.507 com.apple.backupd[3216]: Found 1750359 files (490.78 GB) needing backup
    23.11.12 06:18:50.508 com.apple.backupd[3216]: 588.94 GB required (including padding), 2 TB available
    23.11.12 06:18:50.518 com.apple.backupd[3216]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    23.11.12 06:19:09.000 kernel[0]: /SourceCache/AppleFSCompression_kexts/AppleFSCompression-49/Compressors/Datales s/compressorType5Kext.c:532: Error: post_request error for /Volumes/Ohne Titel/Backups.backupdb/Stefan iMac/2012-11-23-061837.inProgress/308E0330-60A2-4965-B673-44365BDDDB82/Macintos h HD/.DocumentRevisions-V100/PerUID/501/1/com.apple.documentVersions/C8C61715-47F 4-4015-9720-F3A835348460.pdf: 35
    23.11.12 06:19:09.000 kernel[0]: decmpfs.c:1339:decmpfs_read_compressed: decmpfs_fetch_uncompressed_data err -35
    23.11.12 06:20:10.114 mdworker[3223]: Unable to talk to lsboxd
    23.11.12 06:20:10.181 sandboxd[3225]: ([3223]) mdworker(3223) deny mach-lookup com.apple.ls.boxd
    23.11.12 06:20:10.000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(3225) deny mach-lookup com.apple.coresymbolicationd
    23.11.12 06:22:10.254 Locum[3233]: Connection with distnoted server was invalidated
    23.11.12 06:24:00.162 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[171]: (com.avira.antivirus.ipm.ui[3245]) Exited with code: 5
    23.11.12 06:24:32.474 WindowServer[107]: CGXDisableUpdate: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    23.11.12 06:24:33.581 WindowServer[107]: reenable_update_for_connection: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Finder" after 2.11 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    23.11.12 06:27:30.717 WindowServer[107]: Created shield window 0x184 for display 0x04272d40
    23.11.12 06:27:30.729 WindowServer[107]: device_generate_desktop_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x0(0)
    23.11.12 06:27:30.741 WindowServer[107]: device_generate_lock_screen_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x0(0)
    23.11.12 06:32:48.450 WindowServer[107]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: no lock state data
    23.11.12 06:33:22.908 uxipm_loader[3304]: CFPreferences: user home directory for user kCFPreferencesCurrentUser at /Users/_avipm is unavailable. User domains will be volatile.
    23.11.12 06:33:26.029 lsregister[3306]: CFPreferences: user home directory for user kCFPreferencesCurrentUser at /Users/_avipm is unavailable. User domains will be volatile.
    23.11.12 06:34:00.717 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[171]: (com.avira.antivirus.ipm.ui[3316]) Exited with code: 5
    23.11.12 06:37:29.558 mdworker32[3325]: CGSGetDisplayBounds: Invalid display 0x00000000
    23.11.12 06:37:29.601 mdworker32[3325]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
    23.11.12 06:37:44.722 sandboxd[3340]: ([3325]) mdworker32(3325) deny mach-lookup com.apple.PowerManagement.control (import fstype:hfs fsflag:4809018 flags:240000005E diag:0 uti:org.openxmlformats.spreadsheetml.sheet plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Office.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 230)
    23.11.12 06:39:51.975 Safari[308]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x0
    23.11.12 06:41:57.447 WindowServer[107]: Created shield window 0x189 for display 0x04272d40
    23.11.12 06:41:57.448 WindowServer[107]: device_generate_desktop_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x0(0)
    23.11.12 06:41:57.460 WindowServer[107]: device_generate_lock_screen_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x0(0)
    23.11.12 06:42:27.327 mdworker32[3364]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
    23.11.12 06:42:27.720 sandboxd[3387]: ([3364]) mdworker32(3364) deny mach-lookup com.apple.PowerManagement.control (import fstype:hfs fsflag:4809018 flags:240000005E diag:0 uti:com.microsoft.excel.xls plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Office.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 503)
    23.11.12 06:42:37.371 WindowServer[107]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: no lock state data
    23.11.12 06:42:58.167 WebProcess[3392]: objc[3392]: Object 0x7fced0c1cab0 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
    23.11.12 06:42:58.178 WebProcess[3392]: objc[3392]: Object 0x7fced0c1cab0 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
    23.11.12 06:43:55.148 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[171]: (com.avira.antivirus.ipm.ui[3400]) Exited with code: 5
    23.11.12 06:46:29.038 Dock[185]: no information back from LS about running process
    23.11.12 06:47:17.115 fseventsd[46]: Events arrived for /Volumes/Ohne Titel after an unmount request! Re-initializing.
    23.11.12 06:47:17.115 fseventsd[46]: creating a dls for /Volumes/Ohne Titel but it already has one...
    23.11.12 06:47:17.125 com.apple.backupd[3216]: Stopping backup to allow backup destination disk to be unmounted or ejected.
    23.11.12 06:47:24.908 com.apple.backupd[3216]: Copied 1873 files (288.9 MB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    23.11.12 06:47:26.133 com.apple.backupd[3216]: Backup canceled.

  • Time Machine and a CRY for Help!!!!

    After 25 years being a windows user I finally came over to Apple this month. I bought a IMAC 24" intel 2.88(OS X 10.5.3) and thought I might as well get a Time Capsule (500GB). I absolutely love the IMAC and wish I had got one years ago. My problem lies with the Time capsule. My setup is a Ethernet cable from the IMAC to the Time Capsule and then the same from the capsule to my broadband modem.
    Followed the instructions for backing up, which it did after much trial and effort. Only backed up 21GB. Checked that there was a file in the capsule folder. Great I thought I will try the time machine. Screen drops and the stars are moving but that's it. I cant click on cancel or press escape. The only way I could get out of this was to do a hard reset.
    I looked back at the Time machine preferences and no sign of a last back up. Checked that the file was still there in the capsule folder and it was. Sorry for wittering on but can someone please help.
    thanks in advance

    While there certainly isn't enough evidence to say for sure, I have to say that I don't think your issue is at all unique to your Time Capsule or your specific configuration. I also just purchased an iMac after using a PC for most of the 25 years or so of home computing (I did have a Mac for a while back in the mid-to-late 80s). I felt like the original thread poster did, I might as well have a backup drive and take advantage of Time Machine. In my case I watched the Apple.com OS 10.5 video and went online and purchased the same G-Drive Q from G-Technology that the Apple Store representative was using. After connecting up the new Ext. Drive using Firewire 800, the popup asked if I wanted to use the drive for backup ... I did want to so I answered yes and sat back and observed my entire Hard Drive being backed up. After several hours, I came back and depressed the Time Machine icon on the Dock and everything worked just like the Video indicated that it would. Unfortunately after 48 Hrs., I came downstairs and noticed my Ext. Drive light was on, but it wasn't making the usual drive sounds it typically had been making every ten minutes or so during the day. I depressed the Time Machine icon and the popup progress indicator said it was connecting to the Server and to Time Machine. This progress bar just kept moving and moving but was actually just "not responding". To make a long story short the only way I could get out of the situation was by learning about a "Force Quit". After doing that procedure, I ultimately had to hold the Power button to shut down the iMac. When I tried to Power back up, all I got was the startup tones and then a white screen. Finely I had to turn off the Ext. Disk Drive and turn it back on again, where upon, everything worked again. I have now gone into the Control Panel and Power Management and unchecked the "Put the External Drive to sleep..." box. We will see over the next few days if that solves the issue or not. In any case my lock up situation was similar enough to your that I thought I would let you know it may not actually have anything to do with your Ext. Drive or its configuration.

  • Time machine slow - 470 days to backup 150GB

    Just installed a brand new 2TB for use with my wife's Mac Air.  Time machine telling me it will take 470 days to backup...
    I'm new to this, but that seems a little crazy.  Tried restarting computer, no luck.  CPU running 92% idle...
    Any pointers where to start looking, what to try next?

    The backup file size is 1.67 TB.*
    That's across the internal bus of a 2009 quad-core Mac Pro - which is pretty fast.
    Copying an hour's worth of MPEG-2 HD takes about a minute.
    I do a fresh backup from scratch about once a year, and the last time it finished over night.
    This time the first Time Machine backup is only about 1/5 complete after many days, and Activity Monitor shows essentially no use of disk drives or of CPU.  And in the first note I pointed out what is gleaned by using Terminal to execute the UNIX ps command. The priority of the running Time Machine process looks incorrect to me. 
    I could be wrong, but I think the problem is process priority, not file size.
    I am unable to set priority to 0 or a negative number.  Can someone straighten me out on how to do that?
    [*The machine has four 1.5 TB disk drives in it plus lots of memory.  Two of the physical drives are configured as one 3 TB backup drive (RAID concatanated).]

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