Timecode overlays not showing

today is a hard day.
My Timecode overlays are not showing in the canvas window. I have researched this problem and done everything I can to fix it.
Show Overlays is checked
Show Timecode overlays is checked
My monitor is set to Millions of colors
nothing helps. waaa
powerbook g4 Mac OS X (10.3.9)
power mac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

i installed finalcut yesterday, is it possible they are allready screwed?

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    Thank you for your help.

    Hi PatLCH,
    For this issue, I recommend to check the things below:
    Click into the Calendars in View link and then check if the overlay calendars are to set to be visible in View. If not, check this option and then check the results.
    Check if there are any custom codes in the page which will hide the “iframes”.
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    To narrow down the issue scope, I recommend to create a calendar list and then check if the same issue will occur.
    Please also provide a screenshot of the calendar view.
    Best regards.
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    According to your post, my understanding is that one of your calendar view didn’t display when configured the calendar overlay.
    Was the “other events” view created by the Calendar View format?     
    You can only select the view created by the Calendar view format when you configure the calendar overlay.
    I had tested with five view as your description, they are all the calendar views, and all the views could display when I configured the calendar overlay as below.
    You can recreate a new view or a new calendar, then check whether it works.
    There is an article about creating Calendar Overlay, you can check with it.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    My persistence probably is based on the fact I was a computer programmer many eons ago!  Also, I was trying to get YOUR app to work and the avi files were not showing up in your listing but they were showing and playing in Video app (but no subtitles).  Finally, after copying/moving/re-copying over and over including moving and copying to the PB's Print folder (just since it was empty) and copying it back to the video folder (now 2 copies), the files would finally show up.  Peculiar - yup!
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    You can open a second calendar in a new window and display up to 30 calendars in side-by-side view. You can also overlay calendars to see transparent calendars stacked on top of each other. This view is useful when you want to find a common free time slot
    on several different calendars.
    In Calendar, in the Navigation Pane, right-click the name of another calendar that you want to view.
    Click Open in New Window.
    The calendar that you selected opens in a new Outlook window.
    More information refer to the following article:
    View calendars side-by-side or overlaid
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

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    Is the welcome page the page with the big picture of
    a flower overlaying everything, linking into your
    site? Your page source does show a counter to be
    present at location 34 pixels from top of page and 40
    pixels from the left, but you have the picture over
    .......... Lorna says ................................................
    Yes, that is the welcome page: the pink flower. What page source? How do you see a page source? Anyhow, I went to the Welcome page in iWeb and moved the pink flower picture to the side and out of the window. I see nothing! No Counter and no picture covering a Counter. The only picture I see is my pink flower picture.
    It is probably still counting, but you won't be able
    to see it. If you remove your picture (or make it
    smaller) and republish you will see it.
    .......... Lorna says ................................................
    But I have moved the pink flower picture away and have cleared the field and see nothing. I did not make the picture smaller; if I can just push it out of the way, why would I need to make it smaller? (I suspect I am missing something here.)
    Lorna in Southern California

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    What's wrong?

    I fixed the problem.  (YAY!)
    It was the way I embedded the files -- the Dreamweaver default does not work properly so I used the embed from this generator: http://www.bobbyvandersluis.com/swfobject/generator/index.html#alternativeContentHelp which now lets my navbar and swfobjects load properly.  I also made sure that my slideshow (loader.swf) was set with wmode = opaque while the navbar is set to wmode = transparent.  The div for the nav bar has z-index set to 5 while the div for the slideshow has z-index set to 1.  Both have absolute positioning.  I hope this helps anyone in the future that has trouble with overlaying flash (.swf) files.
    Thanks for your reply and trying to help me solve this issue!

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    Where exactly is the filename missing? Aperture has plenty of places to display metadata.
    You configure and enable the display of metadata by defining Metadata presets. One place todo this is the little baggage label icon below the browser:
    Press the icon,enable the display of metadata overlays for Browser and Viewer, then press "Edit" to customize the display of the tags you want to be displayed.
    -- Léonie

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    Tried that several times John. Tried again after you asked me to. Even created a new directory etc. and checked out from SVN. Not sure what is going on.
    Ok, i found a workaround.
    Tools->PReferences->Versioning->General->Env Settings uncheck overlay icons and labels hit ok
    and then again, do the same thing but this time check the icons to make sure icon and labels are used.
    This works for me.
    Edited by: user8565698 on Nov 3, 2010 3:57 PM

  • Markers not showing up from emailed project file.

    I couldn't find an asswer to this but for some reason the clip markers that someone painstakingly put in a Premiere project are now not showing up on my end so i can continue working on the project.
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    I have a notion as to why this is, but I'm hoping someone can confirm this and possibly offer a solution to help us out.
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    Im hoping that if I replace the .xmp files they will show up again.  Can anyone offer some advice here?

    As noted, Premiere's new Export Markers feature works with only one source at a time. When the Timeline has focus, that could either be the sequence's markers (if no track items are selected) or the markers from a single track item (if only one is selected).
    Unless Jim knows some trick that I'm unaware of, there's no way in PPRO to export the markers from all the constituent clips in one go.
    If you'd like the ability to export markers from multiple project items, please submit a feature request. The more, the merrier.
    The good news is that if you have PPRO CC, you also have Prelude CC, and as noted that app supports exporting markers from multiple selected assets. It gives you the option of writing a separate file for each asset or collecting them all in one file.
    CaptainPincone: would you elaborate on what you mean when you say
    "the in and out points did not match the markers in and out points" -- when you export markers with a clip is selected in the sequence, the timecodes in the marker export file correspond to the markers' timecodes in the master clip, not in the sequence. (If you want the option of having the sequence timecodes used in this scenario, that would be another feature request.)
    "there was no information such as the marker's "Title", or "Comments"? I was the tester on this feature and know of no bugs where any marker's content is not written to the marker export file.

Maybe you are looking for

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