Timed sequence problem

I am currently working on a program that instructs a laser to lase and a PMT to read the number of counts of photons received. Attached please find the core sub VI program.
However, I do not really understand how the timed sequence works. The millisecond delay is supposed to be the delay between 2 laser pulses. Read in array is a sub vi that tells the array of PMT to read counts, and Read out array is a sub vi that reads the data from the PMT. Fire laser is a sub vi that instructs the laser to lase.
Could you kindly explain the sequence of events in this sub vi? In the main program, it is put in a big while loop, and there is a delay timer (Wait 20 ms). What would the delay between 2 laser pulse and that between 2 PMT readings?
Thank you so much for your kind help!!! Your generousity is highly appreciated!
FireAndReadCounts.vi ‏137 KB

Millisecond Delay specifies the delta T value from the start of the first frame to the start of the second frame (as long as it's greater than the time  for the ReadCommandPMTArray VI to execute).  Then the second frame (Fire Laser) will execute.  After the sequence completes, ReadOutPMTArray_old will execute.

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    I'm a newbie in LV, and I'm trying to create a VI that is capable of controlling a small filtration unit I have build as a part of my engineering studies.
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    Thanks in advance
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Anders!
    I have looked on the State Machine solution, but couldn't really figure out where to start. As I mentioned, I'm a newbie. All I have done so far is data logging and working with analog signals (temperature logging, controlling a pump and so on). I have build a filtration unit as a part of my studies to become a chemical engineer. In order to clean the ceramic membrane in use, there is a procedure where the fluidstream is pumped back in to membrane to loosen fouled particles etc (called backflush). This is done with high pressure air. I have mounted three magnetic valves to be able to control this process.
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    Best regards

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    I'll attach my code to give you an idea of where I am  
    Go to Solution.
    SARA_mod.vi ‏47 KB

    no need for sorry at this point of time but you will defenitly end up with some trouble later on if you dont change that code you have written.
    I suggest you to go through the "state machine architecture" or "Queued message handler"(with event structure for capturing the user operations) (could be found in the templates provided by LabVIEW) for perfoming this task.
    1) you can perform the timed sequence something like this
    2) The state machine or the Queued message handler"(with event structure for capturing the user operations) will solve this problem easily. Go through the shipped examples or serach ni.com for some example codes
    Guru (CLA)

  • Timed sequence doesn't work right with external timing source

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    I can't
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    Problem 2 (run with the
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    course). That's actually the main impetus for this whole exercise. But
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    test timed sequence.vi ‏144 KB

    Hi George, I have been playing with the code that you have posted and I think I am seeing what your concern is with regards to the first problem that you stated.  Without running the code I would expect both internal and external timing to cause the VI to run in the exact same manner, however obviously that is not the case.  I am currently looking into this behavior and I will post you a response as soon as I have an answer for you. 
    As for the second problem, If you look at the manner in which you have coded this VI, a 1ms wait in the first frame will lead to a calculation of 1999ms wait in the second frame, and thus 5 iterations of 1999ms or about 99,995ms total running time.  If you increase the wait in the first frame to say 50ms, then an overall all wait of 1950ms is calculated in the second frame so not the overall iteration time is now 1950 which, over 5 iteration leads to 99,750ms thus as you increase the wait in the first loop the overall loop duration will be less.  This is expected behavior.
    Again I will post back once I have a clarification on the internal vs external timing.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • What's wrong with timed sequence?

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    Using LV2009 with winXP.
    Timed structure timing.vi ‏55 KB

    Take a look at this thread:
    The poster was trying to get a 100 iteration per second loop. Putting a recessed frame on the front panel caused the loop to iterate between 60 and 80 times per second. Removing the frame (or just minimizing the front panel) allowed him to get very close to 100 times per second. He was verifying the iteration time using an oscilloscope connected to an IO he was toggling.
    Putting the timed sequence structure in a subVI and changing the execution environment from "same as caller" to something else might help. Also try turning off debugging and changing the execution priority. These are just guesses but they might help.
    Edit: Even if you get it to work you are still at the mercy of Windows. If something horrible will happen if you don't update the motor phases at exact intervals you will want to reconsider Can you set a hardware timing source with your IO card? I don't know anything about those but they might have a timer you can use to drive the loop. But even then I am not sure it will be guaranteed to be deterministic.
    LabVIEW 2012

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    You need to place the iPod in recovery mode and then connect it to your new computer and restore it via iTunes. Note that you will lose all content on the iPod. You can redownload apps at no additional cost provided you are signed into the same iTunes account that originally purchased the apps.

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    Go to SNRO t-code.
    In this t-code enter AUFTRAG object.
    This object is for Order type.
    Here you will get option No. of Numbers in buffer check it. This is the field which is responsible for number range buffering

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    <add address="*" maxconnection="2"/>
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    Furthermore: in metalink note 240997.1 i found an example of setting several pooling parameters at connect-time. Is this the only way to do it, or is there something like an odp.config where you can specify these parameters?
    Regards, Paul.

    Hi Paul,
    1) "how the pooling parameters are set up initially": refer to the odp.net documentation, it tells you what all the default parameters are. The key parameter in this case would likely be "max pool size" which defaults to 100.
    2) "maxconnections in machine.config": I looked at that note which doesnt contain very much detail, but couldnt force a problem. maxconnection="2" is apparently the default, it's what mine is set to, and I can open 100 connections without problem. It may be that theres another setting that can affect this (I doubt the guy who wrote the note just made the info up) but I dont know what that is top of my head.
    3) the pooling parameters can only be set in the connect string itself. You could certainly store the settings in a System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings file however.
    4) "Connection request timed out" is typically not an Oracle software problem, but more frequently an issue with code not cleaning up after itself properly. To confirm whether you've hit "max pool size", check v$session; how many actual connections does that app have? Make sure you're closing and disposing the connection, and additionally the command, reader, etc, under all circumstances (ie, a finally block).
    Hope that helps,

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    OS X
    Built-In: Perfect
    External: Flicker
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    External: Perfect
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  • OC4J: Connection timed out problem

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    I am developing a web application in OC4J(, today I found a problem: Client access the server, nothing but only the following content be returned:
    "Description: Connection timed out"
    I used the com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource and com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource for database invoke, were they timed out?
    My developing environment:
    AppServer: OC4J(
    DBServer: Orcale 9i
    ServerOS: MS Windows 2000 Server
    ClientOS: MS Windows 2000 Professional
    JDK: 1.3.1_01
    thank for your any info.

    Verify your mysqld start script. If you find a --skip-networking parameter, remove or comment and try again.
    In slackware /etc/rc.d/rc.mysql have a line with: SKIP="--skip-networking"
    And in mysqld_start():
    /usr/bin/mysqld_safe datadir=/var/lib/mysql pid-file=/var/run/mysql/mysql.pid $SKIP &
    Comment the #SKIP="--skip-networking" or remove $SKIP (the first is recomended)
    (eu n�o escrevo ingl�s, mas talvez ajude)
    Seja livre! Use linux!

  • Oracle sequence problem in CMP Entity EJB

    I have a problem with Oracle sequence when I am using from the CMP entity EJB in WebLogic
    The problem is when the WebLogic server starts it acquires the correct sequence number
    from Oracle, but during the runtime, when I open a new sqlplus window and increment
    the sequence number, the container is not picking up from the new incremented value
    instead it is still continuining by incrementing the old sequence number it has acquired
    when it fetched from Oracle last time.
    The sequence increment and key-cache-size in weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml are exactly
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Change the key-cache-size to 1 in weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml and then try
    your experiment again.
    -- Anand
    "Satya" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3d06274c$[email protected]..
    I have a problem with Oracle sequence when I am using from the CMP entityEJB in WebLogic
    The problem is when the WebLogic server starts it acquires the correctsequence number
    from Oracle, but during the runtime, when I open a new sqlplus window andincrement
    the sequence number, the container is not picking up from the newincremented value
    instead it is still continuining by incrementing the old sequence numberit has acquired
    when it fetched from Oracle last time.
    The sequence increment and key-cache-size in weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xmlare exactly
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • URGENT: Motion JPEG?? Sequence problems

    I have a sequence that instead of having DV PAL in the settings has Motion JPEG A - will this be ok to go into DVDSP for a DVD video project??. This sequence has a few issues with frame size which I've made posts about and trying to rectify.
    In the edited sequence I changed the Motion JPEG A to DV PAL, is this ok?? I'm about to try and test this out - but wanted to ask the forum for your urgent advice.
    The 1024 x 576 frame size is wrong also - I tried making a new sequence with the 720 x 576 settings and copying and pasting my AV into the new timeline. The template graphic was ok, but the video within it is all stretched!!!
    I'm starting to panic now.. as I need to send this off for sound then to the client tomorrow first thing...
    Hope you can help.
    Cheers, Margie

    Hi Karthik,
    I'm not trying to create an animation for a webpage.  I'm exporting the movie as a JPEG sequence for use in Final Cut Pro (as it's the cleanest way to recreate a flash animation in a movie file format).  Exporting as a GIF Animation however creates the same problems as when I export as a JPEG sequence... the timelines within timelines (movie clips) don't move at all (the movie clips are animations of various carbon molecules moving in a larger animation of a lot of other things going on).  Also, exporting as a GIF Sequence yeilds the same result... foreground elements move while background elements (movie clips) don't move.  Strangely, everything DOES move when it's exported as a SWF file... except I can't use a SWF file.  I've already tried exporting the file as a MOV file and it's too graphic-intensive and causes a lot of freezing in the animation when it renders as a MOV file, and when I try using various 3rd party SWF converters to convert the file to .MOV or .DV format, it also gets bogged down by the heavy graphics and freezes and skips.
    The only way that it works is when I export it as a JPEG sequence because the computer doesn't have to render it in real time, but for some reason, movie clips within the timeline won't play.  I'm hoping someone here knows a way around this, or a setting I can toggle to make it work.  Any info would be appreciated.  Thanks for trying though Karthik!

  • Multiple destination tables, oracle sequence problems

    Please look at this sql - there is 2 steps to add data to 2 destination tables:
    - step1:
    VALUES (OB_SEQ.NEXTVAL, null, null, null, null, 'Legionowa', null, '8', '15-099', '0', null, null, 'WSSE w Białymstoku',null , 'Białystok', null, null, '0', null);
    VALUES (ZAS_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 'import', null, null, null, '0', SYSDATE, '0', null, null, null, null, KTZ_SEQ.CURRVAL, OB_SEQ.CURRVAL, (select p.id_poz_sl from pozycje_slownikow p join slowniki s on p.id_slownika=s.id_sl where s.nazwa like 'TYPY_ZASOBOW' and p.kod = 'OB'), null, '1');
    There are problems with sequences. As you can see, there is OB_SEQ.NEXTVAL in first step and OB_SEQ.CURRVAL in second step. It's impossible to define multiple destination tables in one interface. But, if I do this in multiple interfaces, OB_SEQ.CURRVAL will be undefined in second interface.
    Also, all steps should be performed row by row. So: first step for first row, second step for first row, first step for second row, second step for second row etc. This don't happen if I use multiple interfaces - first step will be performed for all source records and then, second step will be performed for the same records - this is not what I want.
    Do you have any tips what is the best way in this case?

    Unfortunately, problem is not solved still. As you can see, there are 2 sequences, from 2 not joined tables: KTZ_SEQ.CURRVAL, OB_SEQ.CURRVAL. KTZ_SEQ.CURRVAL is declared here:
    values (KTZ_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 'import', null, '0', '0', null, SYSDATE, '0', '0', '1', null, 'Jednostki WSSE', '0', null, (select p.id_poz_sl from pozycje_slownikow p join slowniki s on p.id_slownika=s.id_sl where s.nazwa like 'TYPY_ZASOBOW' and p.kod = 'OB'), '1');
    So, summary:
    - there are 2 steps (OB_SEQ.CURRVAL. KTZ_SEQ.CURRVAL) are set
    - third step: insert some hardcoded data + OB_SEQ.CURRVAL. KTZ_SEQ.CURRVAL values.
    Since KATEGORIE_ZASOBU and OBIEKTY are not joined, I can't add them as datasources in my interfaces (how to create join?) and set CURVAL?

  • Create Timing Source problem in RT deterministic loop

    I'm updating an old LV 7.1 vi to run with LV10 and DAQmx.  We have a deterministic timed loop driven by an external 10 kHz clock source.  As I understand, it should be possible to set up this functionality using a timed loop and the DAQmx Create Timing Souce vi.  The attached image shows how I wired it up.
    This vi is deployed to a PXI system running LV 2010 with 6608 system timing card (Dev 1).  I'm using counter 1 on the 6608 to create the timing source.  I have an external 10 kHz square wave (5 V p-p)  connected to Src1 (PFI35) on Dev 1.
    The problem:  the loop seems to be using a 1 kHz clock, even though I've specified the counter and input for a 10 kHz source.  If I choose a frequency of 20 Hz (500 edge counts for a 10 kHz clock) the actual loop frequency is only 2 Hz.  But, the loop stops if I disconnect the 10kHz signal, so it is somehow using the specified counter !!??  How can this be?  Is there additional counter configuration needed here??  I've verified the external clock signal is exactly 10kHz with an oscilloscope.
    Thanks for any thoughts.
    Go to Solution.
    CreateTimingSourceTest.JPG ‏37 KB

    OK.  I solved this one.  You need to wire a "1" constant to the period input node of the timed loop.  The default value of "10" will only execute the loop on every 10th clock pulse, hence the factor of 10 decrease in loop frequency.

Maybe you are looking for