Timeline view restrictive on the end of the movie

Hi Folks,
I love Imovie and have been working with it for just two weeks. However, I am frustrated by how little room the timeline view gives you to work with on the right hand side. Meaning, the last clip bumps right up against the end of the timeline instead of leaving you a little space to put in your next clip or transition. Anyone know how to give yourself more room to work with at the end of the movie timeline?
Thanks in advance
IMac, 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

Hi kloeffert:
Welcome to discussions.
I guess I have never seen that as a problem.
Unfortunately, there is no way to show anything past the end of the timeline, but you can switch over to the "Clip-View" instead of "Timeline View". That way you will be able to see farther down.

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    I see you are probably seeing following sort of issue. correct me if i am wrong.
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    SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)
    $ snmpwalk -v2c -c r*******
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib-2 = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)
    So this device is not responding to ANY snmpwalk? If so, please try the following:
    [1] Create new SNMP community without Access list
    conf t
    snmp-server community ciscotac RO
    [2] then go into TCLSH from enable mode and run the below commands:
    *         snmp_getone ciscotac
    *         snmp_getone ciscotac
    For example: (please note my community string is public, you would be using ciscotac)
    NMS-7-SW-6509(tcl)#snmp_getone public
    NMS-7-SW-6509(tcl)#snmp_getone public
    (s72033_rp-ADVIPSERVICESK9_WAN-M), Version 12.2(33)SXJ1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
    Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
    Copyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Wed 22-Jun-11 18:03 by pr'/>}
    Remove test community string afterwards. If you don't get any output then go to [3]
    [3] restart the SNMP Engine. This will remove all your SNMP configuration, so please do
    "show run | i snmp-server"  to save a copy of the configuration before restarting SNMP
    conf t
    default snmp-server
    or do the following
    conf t
    no snmp-server (this will remove the snmp-server related commands)
    snmp-server community RO (Any one similar command saved from
    "show run | i snmp-server" and this will restore the snmp-server related commands and in the process restarts SNMP).
    [4]  If restarting doesn't work then you will need to reboot the device.
    * If this resolves the issue then please mark this as solution.
    K. Lakshmi Ganesh

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    What are your fico MORTGAGE credit scores for each mortgage applicant?I don't really want to pay to get mortgage scores now because I'm not ready to get prequalified... still paying down credit cards, so to me it's useless to get the score until my credit situation is stable. Here are free scores from credit cards and whatnot:
     Myself:Discover 6/21: 773Citi 5/26: 744Capital One 6/18: 746Mint.com 4/7: 686 (score to be updated July 7th) My Wife:Discover 6/14: 749 Based on these, and the general deviation between them and mortgage scores (<50 points?) I think I would be able to qualify for a conventional loan, skipping FHA (ugh... mortgage insurance for life?). Some low-downpayment loan programs like Fannie Mae's MyCommunityMortgage (MCM) require higher scores (especially for DU), and I do think I would have the required 680-or-so, but as I mention elsewhere in this post, I haven't found an NJ MCM lender (other than brokers). But ideally, a 3% downpayment (like MCM) and reduced (compared to FHA and conventional) MI (again, like MCM) would be ideal... Obviously, there's no guarantee that these are anywhere close to the mortgage scores, so once I feel like I've paid down my cards as far as I need to (i.e. I feel I'm ready to get pre-qualified), I'll make sure to buy the mortgage scores. I'm thinking that point will be in about a month, but that depends on your answer(s) to question 8 :\ 2. Credit Negatives:  None except for a late payment more than 24 months ago on a student loan that was in "interest-only deferment." I believe that's on TransUnion, which is what Capital One pulls. 3. Gross Income./4. Source of income.   Myself: $65,000 (+ bonus that some years is as low as $500, so won't include it)My wife: $13,000 (±$2,000) All income is from employment (hers is part-time, and with two retail jobs, very likely to vary; mine is a salaried position). I may get an added part-time just to boost my savings, but it wouldn't be reported to them (I'm thinking a 3-6 month deal). 5. Monthly debt payments. Here are all my cards and loans, including month opened, APR, balance, limit, and payment. All balances as of today: Currently in my name w/wife as authorized user:Elan Financial CC, opened 6/2013, 20% APR:$-10 ($10,600 CL); payment $0Discover It CC, opened 5/2013, 15% APR:$2,900 ($5,000 CL); payment $59 **current APR 0% since entire balance was transferred from Elan at one point with a 0% offer that expires in AugustCapital One Quicksilver CC, opened 2008, 16% APR:$678 ($4,000 CL); payment $25Citi ThankYou Preferred CC, opened 8/2013, 14% APR:$700 ($2,600 CL); payment $25BankAmericard Cash Rewards CC, opened 8/2013, 15% APR:$616 ($2,000 CL); payment $25 My credit limits all went up within the last 6 months. Before then, they were $6,600 for Elan, $4,000 for Discover, $1,000 for Capital, $2,000 for Citi, and $800 for Bank of America. BofA was the only one that didn't automatically raise my limit or tell me I should request an increase, and when I requested it, they were the only ones that hit me with a HP. The Kay card below has also had a constantly-rising credit limit, from an original of $500, to $2500 a year ago, to the current $4000. Just in my name:Kay Jewelers CC, opened 4/2012, ridiculous (25%?) APR:$0 ($4,000 CL) - payment $0Macy's CC, opened 5/2014, 25% APR:$0 ($600 CL as of March) - payment $0M&T Auto Loan, since 9/2013, 5.3% APR:$10,310 ($14,218 original) - payment $231 (72 months total)HESAA/NJ Class, in repayment since 6/2015, 7.5% (approx. avg.) APR:$13,014 (originally less, but interest has accrued while in school) - payment $131FedLoans Direct Loans, in grace until 11/2015, 5% (avg.) APR:$56,237 (originally $52,000, but interest has accrued while in school) - payment $403 under standard repayment, <$250 under extended repayment ("Mortgage Letter" shows $403 unfortunately, since I can't pick a repayment plan now unless I forfeit the rest of the grace period) Wife's name w/me as authorized user:Discover CC, opened 5/2015, ridiculous (>20%) APR:$1,304 ($1,500 CL) - payment $35 So basically, I have a crapload of debt and quite a few recent inquiries. However, my credit score shot up when:The 5/2013 accounts aged to 2 years (and thus the inquiries were removed);I paid down cards and increased limits; usage went from ~$13k of ~$19k revolving limit used to about ~$6.5k (at one point) of about ~$25k (at one point) revolving limit used; now it's at about $5k used of $29k;I was added as an authorized user on my wife's card (at card opening).I think those point to a nice boost to the credit score when (1) I pay down the cards even more [to end of July], and (2) the three inquiries from BofA, Citi, and M&T disappear [2 in Aug, 1 in Sep]. Sounds like my pre-approval should be early October, making my intended closing date near-impossible . Maybe I can still qualify with a good rate despite the inquiries?
    6. Employment (for those who are employed). Myself:Went from $16k/year to $26k/year part-time while in school, now $65k/year (as of last month) and salaried, all at the same company for 4 years now, and the boost was due to graduating; surely they can throw out the 2-year requirement? I plan on staying here for many years, and am about 99.9% certain there will be no reason for that income to drop in the forseeable future. Wife:Nothing's sure, and it's very low pay. As noted above, $13k/year at the moment, but she's unhappy with both (retail... ugh) jobs, so that's not guaranteed. She's looking for a break and a decent office job, but even if she gets it, I'm pretty sure the short length of time that she'd have it before getting a loan would make the difference in income useless. I'll add here our budget: In our current situation, with about $5000/month net income ($1k from her, $4k from me), we can comfortably save $2000/month. July and October are 5-week months, so that goes up to $3000 those months. However, I'm using the $3000 surplus from this month to pay down cards. So that's $7k added to savings thru October or $9k thru November. Hypothetically, I could "skip" paying off cards (or pay down all but Discover) in order to boost up savings.
    7. Assets/Reserves. This is to determine how much you could potentially have as a down payment and also as reserves to help qualify (for example if your debt to income ratio is high this could help qualify you anyway). Savings: $5000Checking: Everything that goes in, goes to paying credit cards or into savings. I haven't made a purchase transaction with a debit card in over a year because I get points on all my cards. So call it $0 available for moving to savings.
    8. Location:  This is to determine govt guaranteed loan limits, what special programs might be available for you, how much property taxes & homeowners insurance will likely be, amongst other items. Central New Jersey (Somerset, Middlesex, possibly Hunterdon counties). I don't know where I can find a "conforming" 3-3.5% down loan here that's not FHA, since no local banks seem to advertise something like it. I've been looking at MyCommunityMortgage and they seem awesome - 3-5% down with mortgage insurance that is typical for 10-15%-down conventional loans - but when I do search for "Fannie Mae + your home state" as recommended, all I get is HomeFirst and general info on MyCommunityMortgage (since the income/value limits are higher for NJ, that info gets included in all their documentation on the program).
    9. Property Description:  Single-family, "single home" (no townhouse/condo). No foreclosures, short sales, or other "as-is" situations.
    10. Property Value.  $200,000-$250,000
    11. Occupancy.  Currently? Rent $550/mo. As far as every credit application I've filled out is concerned, it's my responsibility. However, since the contract IS in both our names, I could hypothetically call it $275/mo (even split) or $440/mo (split based on relative income). Not sure what that would help/hurt with; I've heard of sticker shock being a concern for some, but if all goes according to plan ($2000/mo into savings, basically the amount the mortgage+tax+insurance would be), I don't see that being an issue. 12. Transaction Type. Purchase - primary residence. ----------------------------------------- Sorry for the extremely long post... and thank you all in advance

    Georgie_Boy wrote:
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums, and only a "lurker" for about a week or so. There are too many factors involved to explain why, but my wife and I want to buy a house by the end of the year; so we're calling December 15 our deadline. As you read through our situation below, please keep the following questions in mind. I have the opportunity to use about $3000 to pay down some debt; what do I pay down, and what do I leave with a balance (and use for purchases)? You want to get as many of your ccs to zero as you can ...optimum scoring is one account carrying a balance of 3-9% of your CL, all others at zero ...the mortgage lenders will count each account with a balance as a monthly debt due equal to your minimum payment when calculating your dtirs ...those minimum payments quickly add up and can seriously impact how much you can get approved for.Should I open a personal loan to pay off some cards and have a "new" type of loan on my credit report? Or will the added inquiry hurt more than the new line will help? I get constant offers from crap places like Prosper, but maybe with a better company...Ignore the personal loan offers. You have a decent credit mix now between your ccs and auto installment loan. A personal loan would only hurt your scores at this point.Should I refinance my NJ Class loans at a lower interest rate? Not personally familiar with these but it looks like a SL from the other info you've provided. Generically you should refinance when the total cost of doing so is beneficial to you. That said, a mortgage lender is going to look at total student debt, and use the greater of your current payment or 1% of the total ...thus refinancing for mortgage purposes may not result in any dtir benefit to you. Should I refinance my car loan at a lower interest rate or longer term? If this is a new car loan, yes ...if its a used car loan, it depends on age and value because your current rate isn't outrageous for an older car loan ...generically, if you can refinance to a lower monthly payment at a reasonable cost, you should do so in order to lower your dtir ...but its a trade-off because the HP will probably cost you a few points on your scores.Should I go into repayment on the Federal student loan now so I can choose the repayment plan with the lowest monthly payment (30-year "extended" or "graduated extended") and have it show up on my credit report with a low monthly payment? Or will it not come up on my credit report as such (will it still show a high payment)? Or will the payment amount be ignored by the mortgage company (I've heard some use something like 1% of the loan amount per month)? All of the govt guaranteed loan programs have recently moved to using the higher of your current payment or 1% of the total in your dtir calculations ...do the math and act accordingly. Be wary of any lender that is not using the higher figure when giving you preapproval numbers, uw will inevitably catch it and it could torpedo your loan after you've signed a contract and spent on prepaids and fees.Since my wife's employment situation is not ideal, can I get approved with only my credit and income and whatnot (making me the only one legally responsible for payment), but still have "joint ownership" of the property? She is either on the loan or not ...you can't have it both ways. At the time you apply, your LO will look at both of your incomes and tell you what will work best in your situation. As long as her income can be documented via tax returns, it should be "useable"It looks like a downpayment of 5% on $240k ($12k) turns into about $20k of up-front expenses when you count closing costs and escrow-tax-insurance-somethingorother (technical term, right?). What are the chances that after settling on a price with the seller, they'd accept bumping up the price by the amount of my closing costs, and then paying my closing costs for me? So basically, I'd be financing the closing costs. I've seen it mentioned in another form ("I offered $###k with seller-paid closing costs"). If the chances are low, how else can I reduce those closing costs? I've seen negative points, personal loans and cash advances (not sure if legal to use borrowed funds?), and downpayment-assistance programs (reduce downpayment = more cash available for closing costs, but I haven't seen this offered in NJ outside of taking a second mortgage for the downpayment in certain cases only) mentioned, but does anyone have a definitive list of how to lower the financial burden of closing costs? This is very specific to the loan program ...conventional with 5% dp limits seller concessions to 3%, FHA is 6% regardless, USDA is technically unlimited ...be aware that every lender will have their own overlays which may affect those numbers. It is also affected greatly by your market conditions which at the moment vary greatly by your locale ...in a buyers market, you can expect seller concessions ...in a sellers market, probably not. USDA offers the best govt guarantee program for closing costs since they will allow you to include closing costs in the loan up to the appraised value. New Jersey's web site is screwed up (at least for me) and I can't nail down exactly what dp/closing cost assistance programs are available to you but it looks very dependent on the specific location you are buying in.Based on my income, debts, interest rates, monthly amount I can put into savings, and general "homebuying timeline," when should I get pre-qualified? DO NOT get "pre-qualified" ...get "pre-approved" ...a pre-qual is virtually meaningless ...a pre-approval means they've actually looked at your documentation and, short of verification, are reasonably sure they can get you to closing ...its a huge difference ...as far as when? ...yesterday would have been great ...rates are rising ...its almost certainly going to get worse ...so bite the bullet ...find a decent realtor in your target area, ask them to recommend lenders they have worked with that can actually close their loans ...talk to those lenders ...get a pre-app ...go shopping ...if your credit scores/dtir improve significantly because of cc paydowns, ask your lender to rescore you ...mortgage pulls within 30-60 days all count as one HP. Please do not limit your advice to that related to the questions above... I hope to learn as much as I can, as quickly as I can  1. Mortgage Credit Scores: Its essential to your question of "when" that you know your actual mortgage scores ...the Discover scores are actual Fico cc scores, the others are FAKOs afaik ...but the Fico cc and mortgage scoring models differ in several important ways and vary easily by +/- 50 points depending on what is in your CRA files ...mine actually track fairly closely but others have seen very negative differences ...its worth the $40 imnsho to know where you actually stand ...anything you do to improve them in the next month will only help but is not sufficient reason to delay ...again imnsho.  2. Credit Negatives:  Have you tried to have the late removed from the CR? Depending on the SL source, some programs have been very responsive to GW requests after a good payment record has been reestablished ...ymmv but you lose nothing by trying.  5. Monthly debt payments. Get the Discover to under $500 if possible ...and ask for a CLI asap ...Discover has been handing them out like candy lately ...keep a balance open 3-9% if possible but if not, as low as you can ...its more important to zero the other ccs first.Capital One Quicksilver CC, opened 2008, 16% APR:$678 ($4,000 CL); payment $25 ...pay it to zeroCiti ThankYou Preferred CC, opened 8/2013, 14% APR:$700 ($2,600 CL); payment $25 ...pay it to zeroBankAmericard Cash Rewards CC, opened 8/2013, 15% APR:$616 ($2,000 CL); payment $25 ...pay it to zero HESAA/NJ Class, in repayment since 6/2015, 7.5% (approx. avg.) APR:$13,014 (originally less, but interest has accrued while in school) - payment $131FedLoans Direct Loans, in grace until 11/2015, 5% (avg.) APR:$56,237 (originally $52,000, but interest has accrued while in school) - payment $403 under standard repayment, <$250 under extended repayment ("Mortgage Letter" shows $403 unfortunately, since I can't pick a repayment plan now unless I forfeit the rest of the grace period)Its almost certain that the last two will be seen as a combined 69k SL with $690 used in your dtir calculation Wife's name w/me as authorized user:Discover CC, opened 5/2015, ridiculous (>20%) APR:$1,304 ($1,500 CL) - payment $35 ...pay this to zero Credit score almost certainly isn't your major problem ...debt-to-income is Total income = 78k =6500 moTotal mo debt = 134cc/231auto/690SL= 1055 + ~1600 mo PITI+MI (220k@5%/5%dp) NJ taxes are higher than national avgs = 2655 total monthly paymentsThats a be ratio of 41% ...ideal is <36% but many programs will go higher
    6. Employment (for those who are employed). Do not count on reason and logic being used in the mortgage process ...this will come down to finding a lender who will work with you ...if the 4 yrs is same company and the line of work matches your degree, it may not be a problem ...but its one reason you want to get the pre-approval process going now ...to find a lender who knows your exact situation, has reviewed the documentation, and given you a pre-approval knowing all the facts ...av pre-qual will look at your score, ask you for your current income, and promise you pie-in-the-sky until the rubber meets the road and his uw upchucks over your employment history ...goodbye loan and all the money you paid ...get a real pre-approval  8. Location:  Hunterdon county has a lot of areas eligible for the USDA program and your income is well within the limits ...if the commute is acceptable, its a good program. Somerset/Middlesex are mostly ineligible. The NJ website for dp assistance programs isn't working for me but take the effort to ask your prospective lenders about these programs and their experience with them. Any that pooh pooh them should be scratched off your list. 11. Occupancy.   Sticker shock WILL be an UW issue but you appear to have it addressed. Current rent will not factor in to dtir for your mortgage.  ----------------------------------------- Sorry for the extremely long post... and thank you all in advance ...I could only wish that everyone would supply as much info as you have ...please feel free to ask if you dont understand ofr if I misunderstood something ...hth

  • Need to add a new row at the end of the table

    working jdev
    i am adding row programetically, my requirement need to add the row at after last row.
    i tried different ways.
    Row newLastRow = getPWBBidLaneVO().last();
    int lastRowIndex = getPWBBidLaneVO().getRangeIndexOf(newLastRow);
    getPWBBidLaneVO().insertRowAtRangeIndex(lastRowIndex - 1,
    this is giving --- java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
    http://kohlivikram.blogspot.com/2008/10/add-new-row-in-adf-table-on-button.html --- its giving index out of bound because vo.getRangeSize() is 25. We set this value at vo for performance improment suggestions.
    is there a way to add a new row at the end of the table?

    Add this to the view row impl class
           public void insertRow(Row row) {
               //go to the end of Rowset if it has rows
               Row lastRow = this.last();
               if (lastRow !=null){
                    //insert new row at the end and make it current
                   int indx = this.getRangeIndexOf(lastRow)+1;
               }else { // empty Rowset

  • Thunderbird puts a new message at the end of the thread. Is there any way of changing this preference to listing new message at top of the thread?

    Thunderbird puts a new message at the end of the thread.
    Is there any way of changing this preference so that new messages are displayed at the top of the thread.
    This is is more logical. You need to see new message in thread directly, rather than scanning to end of thread to see what is there.

    No it is not possible. The newest message is attached to the message it is in reply to.
    The conversations add-on might better suit your needs. see https://addons.mozilla.org/thunderbird/addon/gmail-conversation-view/?src=ss

  • Urgent: loading a pdf file  to presentation server at the end of the day

    I got a requirement like smartform will be converted into pdf file and it will loaded into application server, at the End of the day all the pdf files which are generated on that day will be loaded to in file at presentation server ,
    so please help me out regarding
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Chris,
    this problems are in fact new to me, but I'm just starting on a new workplace where they have these issues since forever.
    I'm hoping that new point of view may find a solution to it ;-)
    I'll try to watch the traffic - it could be related to the particular network we have. Will ask and post some more info tomorrow.
    Thank you!

  • If I am buying single app adobe premier pro by annual prepaid plan,after the after the end of the year subscription would it be possible to use the program further without updating or I should pay each year?

    If I am buying single app adobe premier pro by annual prepaid plan,after the after the end of the year subscription would it be possible to use the program further without updating or I should pay each year?

    2 бер. 2015 15:50, користувач "Peru Bob" <[email protected]> написав:
        If I am buying single app adobe premier pro by annual prepaid
    plan,after the after the end of the year subscription would it be possible
    to use the program further without updating or I should pay each year?
    created by Peru Bob <https://forums.adobe.com/people/Peru+Bob> in *Premiere
    Pro* - View the full discussion

  • When saving an image in PS CS 6, and going back to Lightroom 5. The original image and the edited image are at the end of the line up.

    I'm using a Mac, Lightroom 5 and Photoshop CS 6. I've started having an issue with the line up in Lightroom 5 after saving an image from PS CS 6. For some reason when I save the edited image form CS 6 it's taking the edited image and the original image and putting it at the end of the line up in Lightroom. If I take the edited image and move it to the right of the original it will put both of them back in the line up where they should be. How do I fix this. I've been looking in the menu for some kind of setting  with no luck.

    Change the sort order. View->Sort

  • Listening for the end of a movie

    Hi, I have some code that loads a movieclip into an empty
    var container:MovieClip =
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("container", this.getNextHighestDepth());
    container.attachMovie("twdc_mc", "twdc_mc", 1, {_x:300,
    then i want to wait until the end of the movieclip, unload it
    and load another in its place - all without leaving frame one of my
    main timeline...so my initial thought was to add this:
    function getframes(numFrames,totalFrames) {
    if (numFrames == totalFrames){
    trace("removed") //changed the return variable to this for
    container.twdc_mc.onEnterFrame =
    (the use of a function because i want to re-use it)
    the problem is that the if statement is parsed and evaluated
    to false immediately, then it moves on to the next statement
    without looking back despite the existance of the onEnterFrame
    So my question is how can I listen for this event without the
    need to add unLoad or removeMovieClip to the end of the offending
    Thankyou in advance for any replies, I'm trying hard to get
    to grips with "as" but Im a php boy at heart and really struggling!

    Hi Sam,
    in AS, you can't pass parameters to an event or callback
    function like onEnterFrame this way. You can either pass a function
    reference (without brackets, otherwise the function would execute
    immediately and the event is undefined after that):
    container.twdc_mc.onEnterFrame = getframes;
    or define a function 'on the fly':
    container.twdc_mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
    Since you want to use the first way, getframes() can't have
    any parameters, but instead it can use the scope of the event it is
    bound to through the 'this' keyword:
    function getframes() {
    // trace(this._totalframes);
    if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes){
    Now 'this' depends on the scope in which getframes() is
    called, so you can use it with the onEnterFrame event of the loaded
    container.twdc_mc.onEnterFrame = getframes;
    and it will compare twdc_mc's position to it's end. Bound to
    another MC it would take that MC's values.

  • Detecting the end of a movie clip

    Objective: Display a book that the user can turn the pages to
    view more text. I used a tutorial from the web to create the
    turning page.
    Process: On layer 1, frame 1 of the main time line, I put an
    image of a book. On layer 2, frame 1 and also frame 2 of the main
    time line, I put text for the book. I then created a movie clip
    (MC) called PageTurnMC that looks like a page in the book is being
    turned. On layer 3 of the main time line, I put an instance of the
    MC and called it PageTurn. On layer 4 of the main time line, I put
    a button to play the MC and advance to frame 2 called drawer1cont
    (see code).
    //code on the button used to turn the book's page
    on (release) {
    PageTurn.play(); //plays my PageTurnMC
    gotoAndStop("drawer1cont"); //advance to the next frame of
    Problem: I need to detect when the end of the MC before I
    advance to the next frame. I have to use the PageTurnMC many times,
    so it is not possible for me to put the action in the last frame of
    MC. As of right now, my frame 2 text appears as the PageTurnMC
    plays which is not what I want.
    Thanks for any help.

    I just tested it and got my quick example to work. Here are a
    couple of possible areas to double check:
    In the last frame of PageTurnMC, gotoAndStop must reference
    the main movie clip, e.g. _root.gotoAndStop().
    Also, make sure the parameter _root.frameID isn't in quotes
    because it is a variable, not the actual string.
    As I said, I'm not a Flash expert nor do I know the setup of
    your movie, but this should work as long as you have all of your
    references correct. If you can't get it to work, try to trace
    necessary variables to make sure you are accessing the appropriate
    The suggestion by nilu_only will also work, but it will waste
    some cycles because you will have to wait for the movie clip to
    end. Here is what I mean:
    Immediately after playing PageTurn, accessing
    PageTurn._currentFrame will return the currentFrame only once. So
    if PageTurn isn't on its lastFrame, your condition statement
    (PageTurn_currentframe == PageTurn._totalframe) will fail and
    gotoAndStop will never be called.
    Instead, you would need to wait for some time and continually
    check the _currentFrame until the condition statement is true, e.g:
    on (release) {
    while (PageTurn_currentframe != PageTurn._totalframe) {}
    //wait until reaches the last frame
    gotoAndStop ("drawer1cont")
    This approach is likely to be suboptimal since you are
    wasting cycles checking the current frame instead of just having
    the movie let you know when it has reached the last frame.
    Depending on how Flash handles that while statement, you could have
    serious slowdown from that while statement. And since Flash doesn't
    have a sleep() function, you would have to do some sort of
    setTimeout() to slow down those checks. Either way, I would venture
    to say this approach is better off avoided.

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