Timestamp distance

I would like to keep track some events based on their occur time point. Hence, I use timestamp to record event occurance and need to keep track the closest timestamp to the new timestamp added. However, when I use systimestamp - 1, the experession produce the timestamp of the previous day. Can I control finer timestamp scale of the system or can I use other expression to have the closest timestamp to current timestamp (maybe in seconds or miliseconds) ?
Select systimestamp, systimestamp - 1 from dual;
Systimestamp Systimestamp-1
31.08.04 14:09 30.08.04 14:09

I don't have a 9i installation at the moment to test this on but I think the principal is the same as for date columns...
SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
15/01/2005 00:00:00
SQL> select to_char(sysdate - 1,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
14/01/2005 00:00:00
SQL> select to_char(sysdate - (1/24),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
14/01/2005 23:00:00
SQL> select to_char(sysdate - (1/24/60),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
14/01/2005 23:59:00
SQL> select to_char(sysdate - (1/24/60/60),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
14/01/2005 23:59:59
SQL> select to_char(sysdate - (10/24/60/60),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
14/01/2005 23:59:50hth

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  • Help: SQL to select closest points within groups of records grouped by time

    I need help to find an SQL for efficient solution for the following problem:
    - I have 20 buses circling on one bus route and their locations are reported every 10 seconds and recorded into a spatial table “bus_location” with “bus_loc” as SDO_GEOMETRY type.
    - Each bus location record there has a msg_datetime column with the time when the location was recorded.
    - Buses circle the bus route 8-12 times, from A to B, then from B back to A, then new loop from A to B, and so on.
    - I have 3 timing points in spatial table “timing_point” with “tp_loc” as SDO_GEOMETRY type.
    - A bus will pass each timing point 8-12 times in one direction and 8-12 times in the other direction, while making loops on the bus route.
    My task is: for each timing point, for each bus, for each trip direction (A-B or B-A), find the closest bus location to that timing point.
    ...........................................*bus and TP*
    12......A................14:01:00......250 m
    12......A................14:01:10......150 m
    12......A................14:01:20......12 m <== This is the record closest to the TP for this pass
    12......A................14:01:30......48 m
    12......A................14:01:40......100 m
    12......A................14:01:50......248 m
    12......A................14:29:40......122 m
    12......A................14:29:50......72 m
    12......A................14:30:00......9 m <== This is the record closest to the TP for this pass
    12......A................14:30:10......10 m
    12......A................14:30:20......12 m
    I tried to use SDO_NN and I can get closest bus locations, but how to find the closest bus location for each pass? Or how to identify a groups of bus locations which are together within 2-3 minutes and to find closest record for each of these groups of locations?
    Thank you very much for any help.
    Edited by: mburazor on 9-Feb-2012 2:41 PM

    Yes, the problem is one of analytics not spatial. Here is another go that should be independent of year/month/date/hour/minute
    as it does all its math based on an absolute number of minutes since 1970. I round to 5 minutes but you could round/trunc to any
    particular interval (5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes etc)
    Note that I have created extra records in the same table that I built. (Tip: good idea to provide a sample dataset to the forum when
    asking difficult SQL questions like this.)
    drop table buslocns;
    create table buslocns(
    busno number,
    timingpt varchar2(1),
    pttime   timestamp,
    distance number)
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:01:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),250);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:01:10','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),150);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:01:20','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),12);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:01:30','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),48);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:01:40','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),100);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:01:50','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),248);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:29:40','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),122);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:29:50','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),72);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),9);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:30:10','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),10);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:30:20','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),12);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:59:40','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),53);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:59:50','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),28);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 15:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),12);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 15:00:10','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),73);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:44:40','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),53);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 14:44:50','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),28);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 15:45:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),12);
    insert into buslocns values (12,'A',to_timestamp('2012/02/10 15:45:10','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),73);
    with tensOfMinutes as (
    select row_number() over (order by busno,timingpt, pttime) as rid,
           round(((cast(pttime as date) - cast('01-JAN-1970' as date)) * 1440) / 5) * 5 as mins,
      from BUSLOCNS
    select busno,timingpt,to_char(to_date('01-JAN-1970','DD-MON-YYYY') + ( mins / 1440 ),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as pttime,minDist
      from (select busno,timingpt,mins,min(distance) as minDist
              from tensOfMinutes a
             group by a.busno, a.timingpt, a.mins
             order by 1, 2, 3 ) ;
    -- Result
    BUSNO                  TIMINGPT PTTIME               MINDIST
    12                     A        10-FEB-2012 14:00:00 12
    12                     A        10-FEB-2012 14:30:00 9
    12                     A        10-FEB-2012 14:45:00 28
    12                     A        10-FEB-2012 15:00:00 12
    12                     A        10-FEB-2012 15:45:00 12regards

  • Help needed regarding CLLocation Manager

    Hello everybody,
    i am developing a GPS application in which i needs to track the speed of the device/iphone ,i am using the CLCorelocation API's Locate me referral code provided by Apple my problem is that the LocationManager does not updates the current latitude and longitudes thus i am unable to calculate the distance as well as the speed of the device/iphone.
    Any kinds of suggestions/code will be highly appreciated please suggest me if i can do something with the Mapkit framework introduced in the sdk 3.0.
    thanks in advance

    Thanks for your reply i am copying my code what i have implemented and it does not works please have a look at it and let me know what i am doing wrong i will be very helpful to you.
    - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
    didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation
    fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation
    ASafeDriverAppDelegate *appDel1 = (ASafeDriverAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
    chklat = newLocation.coordinate.latitude;
    chklon = newLocation.coordinate.longitude;
    double timeDiff;
    NSMutableString *update = [[[NSMutableString alloc] init]autorelease];
    // Horizontal coordinates
    if (signbit(newLocation.horizontalAccuracy)) {
    // Negative accuracy means an invalid or unavailable measurement
    [update appendString:LocStr(@"LatLongUnavailable")];
    } else {
    // CoreLocation returns positive for North & East, negative for South & West
    [update appendFormat:LocStr(@"LatLongFormat"), // This format takes 4 args: 2 pairs of the form coordinate + compass direction
    fabs(newLocation.coordinate.latitude), signbit(newLocation.coordinate.latitude) ? LocStr(@"South") : LocStr(@"North"),
    fabs(newLocation.coordinate.longitude),signbit(newLocation.coordinate.longitude ) ? LocStr(@"West") : LocStr(@"East")];
    [update appendString:@"\n"];
    [update appendFormat:LocStr(@"MeterAccuracyFormat"), newLocation.horizontalAccuracy];
    mShouldStopAndStartLocationServiceAgain = YES;
    [update appendString:@"\n\n"];
    // Altitude
    if (signbit(newLocation.verticalAccuracy)) {
    // Negative accuracy means an invalid or unavailable measurement
    [update appendString:LocStr(@"AltUnavailable")];
    } else {
    // Positive and negative in altitude denote above & below sea level, respectively
    [update appendFormat:LocStr(@"AltitudeFormat"), fabs(newLocation.altitude), (signbit(newLocation.altitude)) ? LocStr(@"BelowSeaLevel") : LocStr(@"AboveSeaLevel")];
    [update appendString:@"\n"];
    [update appendFormat:LocStr(@"MeterAccuracyFormat"), newLocation.verticalAccuracy];
    [update appendString:@"\n\n"];
    //geocoding implementation here........................................................................... .........................................
    NSString *ServerUrl=@"http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?";
    NSString *restUrl=@"output=csv&oe=utf8&sensor=false&key=ABQIAAAA9nyRoYg0rWpsiVi9iMjoSRQV WFT_Rez40XtsgfvlPpZQQeDyexSS5IUWt7S7bu53pG1lR3fjgcrfxQ";
    NSString * URLdata=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@q=%f,%f&%@",ServerUrl,newLocation.coordinate.latitude,newL ocation.coordinate.longitude,restUrl];
    NSURL *theURL = [NSURL URLWithString:URLdata];
    NSURLRequest *myURLRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL: theURL];
    NSURLResponse* myURLResponse;
    NSError* myError;
    NSData* myDataResult = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest: myURLRequest returningResponse:&myURLResponse error:& myError];
    NSString* StreetName;
    BOOL val=YES;
    StreetName = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:myDataResult encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
    //NSLog(@"this is the lenght of the street name %d",[StreetName length]);
    if([StreetName length]!=0)
    NSLog(@"this is the street name received.............. %@",StreetName);//[StreetName substringFromIndex:6]);
    //NSMutableArray *street=[[StreetName substringFromIndex:6] componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
    NSMutableArray street=(NSMutableArray*)(NSMutableArray)[StreetName componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
    NSString *tempString=[street objectAtIndex:2];
    appDel1.currentLocation=[tempString substringFromIndex:1];
    NSRange range=[tempString rangeOfString:@" "];
    //NSLog(@"this is the value of bool in false %d",val);
    //NSLog(@"this is the vale of bool in true %d",val);
    NSString *finalStreet;
    NSString *temp2;
    temp3=@" ";
    finalStreet=[tempString substringFromIndex:1];
    NSLog(@"this is the street name %@",finalStreet);
    NSMutableArray temp1=(NSMutableArray)[tempString componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
    for(int i=1;i<[temp1 count];i++)
    temp2=[temp1 objectAtIndex:i];
    temp3=[[temp3 stringByAppendingString:@" "] stringByAppendingString:temp2];
    finalStreet=[temp3 substringFromIndex:0];
    NSMutableArray *speedValues=[appDel1 getSpeedValue:[finalStreet stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]];
    if([speedValues count]>0)
    appDel1.maxSpeed=[appDel1 getSpeed:[finalStreet substringFromIndex:0] first:newLocation.coordinate.latitude second:newLocation.coordinate.longitude];
    appDel1.maxSpeed=[[speedValues objectAtIndex:0]intValue];
    //Calculate speed
    CLLocationDistance distance;
    double calSpeed;
    NSTimeInterval difference;
    //calculate distance and time elapsed only if we save old location
    if(oldLocation != nil)
    difference= [[newLocation timestamp] timeIntervalSinceDate:[oldLocation timestamp]];
    distance = [newLocation getDistanceFrom:oldLocation];
    distance = 0.0;
    calSpeed =(distance/difference)*2.23693629;
    NSLog(@"Time elapsed is: %f", difference);
    NSLog(@"Distance travelled is: %f", distance);
    NSLog(@"Speed is: %f", calSpeed);
    //save the latest newLocation for calculating the speed
    oldLocation = [newLocation retain];
    [self.delegate displaySpeed:oldLocation.coordinate.latitude second:oldLocation.coordinate.longitude third:newLocation.coordinate.latitude fourth:newLocation.coordinate.longitude];
    [appDel1 checkLimitAndSpeed];
    the speed and distance returned is always zero as the latitude and longitude remains the same always it does not keep updating.

  • Customizing distance between data Points on x-Axis

    I want to draw a LineChart.
    I have these Timestamps [84, 1000, 34000, 34699, 439999] who
    are represanting the x-Value of DataPoints along the X-Axis.
    Unfortunately the distance between 2 datapoints along the
    x-Axis is always the same, that means that between the points with
    x-values 84 and 1000 is the same distance along the axis as between
    the points with x-values 34699 and 439999.
    But the distance between points with x-values of 34699 and
    439999 should be much greater than between 84 and 1000.
    How can I customize the distance between data Points on a
    LineChart to solve my Problem?
    I really dont know right now!

    "zidaninho" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gls479$nkt$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > I want to draw a LineChart.
    > I have these Timestamps [84, 1000, 34000, 34699, 439999]
    who are
    > represanting
    > the x-Value of DataPoints along the X-Axis.
    > Unfortunately the distance between 2 datapoints along
    the x-Axis is always
    > the
    > same, that means that between the points with x-values
    84 and 1000 is the
    > same
    > distance along the axis as between the points with
    x-values 34699 and
    > 439999.
    > But the distance between points with x-values of 34699
    and 439999 should
    > be
    > much greater than between 84 and 1000.
    > How can I customize the distance between data Points on
    a LineChart to
    > solve
    > my Problem?
    > I really dont know right now!
    What happens if you convert the time stamps to Dates and use
    a DateAxis?

  • Bluetooth + system.getNano - distance?

    Hi, not sure exactly what forum to post this in so I'll take it here...
    Anyway I recently read an article about some new patents by apple, one which involved bluetooth finding lost keys and such via "hot/cold" feedback (using one device to find the other) and the other using triangulation (multiple devices) to more exactly pinpoint the lost device. I haven't looked at their patent so not sure exactly what it entails but from what I could get it worked similar to a gps but much smaller scale (it said something about atomic synced time for instance).
    Anyway the reason I found the article was because a colleague of mine was wondering if it was possible to create something like this.
    Now I'm most familiar with java so if possible it would be nice if I could use it... however got some questions on how plausible it is. And just cause I'm most familiar with java don't mean I'm all that good at that either ^^;
    Anyway, to make it simple lets skip the triangulation bit. We have 2 devices and we would like to find the distance between them. Now I read an article about using signal strength as well to do this but their conclusion was it didn't work very well. So lets skip that as well. And since I doubt I could sync two devices atomically and then as the GPS works send the time and calculate the distance from that.
    So my idea was this, since the clocks are not synced, could you use the round trip time (RTT) /2 to calculate the distance?
    pseudocode of the operations
    OpenConnectionToOtherDevice connection;
    is = connection.getInputStream();
    os = connection.getOutPutStream();
    start = System.getNano();
    rtt = System.getNano() - start;
    distance = speedoflight * (rtt/2) / 10^9  // last division to get it to secondsclient2
    open inputstream is, openoutputstream os;
    os.write(1);The code above would also to improve accuracy not be allowed to be swapped out and such...
    Would something like that actually work? :S From what I've read as well the getNano uses the most accurate clock on the system. "On XP the best you can get (the windows performance timer) is microsecond timing (10^6)"
    Which wouldn't give high enough accuracy to calculate a distance in metres. But lets assume we get it in nanoseconds... Would something like this work or would you get a lot of delays on other parts on the code? :X
    Might not be entirely clear there towards the end... I'll try to make myself more clear if you got questions.
    Feedback appreciated

    Yeah, it is to get a RTT, since the clocks aren't synced you cant send the the timestamp when it was sent and then compare that to the internal clock on the receiving device.
    Yeah I read some of that and was kinda what I was afraid of... I get an average of just below 2000 something...and since like 100ns results in ca 30m, calculating a mean and substracting that is also out of the question obviously...
    Do you know if it's like possible (I think it was in some assignment way back in school in assembler) where you force a section to run, and it can't be placed on the stack before it's done it's stuff... :X
    I'm guessing you'd have to go lowlvl like this for it to work properly in the first place, or anyone else got any ideas? =)

  • Node Timestamp and Exadata

    We have a 3rd party application that is currently using triggers and a sequence to maintain transaction order. We would like to replace thie sequence logic with a timestamp. We are in the processing of migrating to Exada and had a question regarding timestamp sync on the different nodes. For Exadata, what is the maximum amount of time that two nodes will be out of sync. We have heard that it is 2 minutes nut have been unable to confirm.

    As robinsc says, all the cluster nodes run ntpd. ntpd maintains clock sync on a continuous basis. Although the exact sync distance can vary based on network congestion, CPU time starvation etc, I've rarely seen it above 0.1s in Exadata with nearby time source. You can find out your exact sync distance by running the "ntptrace" command on a database server.
    As I haven't seen the text of your SR with Oracle support I'm not sure where the 15 minute number comes from, but it may be related to the cluster time synchronization service (CTSS). CTSS generally functions as a back-up system to ntpd, and takes over if ntpd can't maintain time sync for any reason.
    Further references:

  • Each time I try to synch photos from my Windows 7 PC to my iPad2, iTunes stops working, and the error report says Problem Event Name:     APPCRASH   Application Name:     iTunes.exe   Application Version:   Application Timestamp:     4deec35

    Each time I try to synch photos from my Windows7 PC to my iPad2, iTunes stops working and the error message is:
    Problem Event Name:                          APPCRASH
      Application Name:                             iTunes.exe
      Application Version:                 
      Application Timestamp:                    4deec351
      Fault Module Name:                          ntdll.dll
      Fault Module Version:                        6.1.7601.17514
      Fault Module Timestamp:                 4ce7ba58
      Exception Code:                                  c0000005
      Exception Offset:                                0002e3fb
      OS Version:                                          6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:                                             1033
      Additional Information 1:                  0a9e
      Additional Information 2:                  0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
      Additional Information 3:                  0a9e
      Additional Information 4:                  0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    I reloaded iTunes 10 (64 bit) successfully, but the problem remains the same.
    Any suggestions?

    I looked in the folder from which I want to synch photos, but there is no such thing as an "ipod photo cache" in that folder, or sub-folders, as suggested in the link which you were nice enough to provide.
    I have also tried removing photos from my iPad2 Photos App, and "iTunes has stopped working" shows up  again as soon as I click on the "Synch photos from" button.

  • Changing of the timestamp in sender file adapter in archive mode

    I have a requirement where in I have to archive a file with timestamp different from that generated by XI.
    Please let me know if this can be done and if so how can we handle the changes to be made to the timestamp in the sender adapter in archive mode.

    Option 1) Create a bat file..to run the perl script you call..
    Perl script..
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    print("Starter that you want to change: ");
    chomp($badex = <STDIN>);
    print("Starter that you want added: ");
    chomp($goodex = <STDIN>);
    foreach $file (<$badex*>){
        @fields = split(/$badex/,$file);
        $goodfile = ("$goodex" . "$fields[1]");
    Run that on the os
    That should fix it.........
    Option 2) On your local Machine create a java file..add this code to it
    public class Utils
         public static int Randomizer(){
              int randomInt = 0;
              randomInt = (int) (Math.random()*1000);
              return randomInt;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    save and compile..
    Create a bat file to add the number returned from the random to your targetFilename
    so it would be something like..
    mv oldFileName Newfilename+randomizer... and also get this command written to a file..helpful later on.........
    Hope that helps
    Ravi Raman
    PS:Dont forget the points if helpful

  • Adding Hours To Timestamp Values In A Materialized View

    Is it possible to add x hours to a TIMESTAMP column in a materialized view?
    (I'm using Oracle 10g.)

    In what context?
      2  AS
      4  FROM DUAL;
    Materialized view created.
    DOM@DOM11gR1>desc mv1
    Name                                                              Null?    Type
    TS1                                                                        TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE
    TS2                                                                        DATE
    TS3                                                                        TIMESTAMP(9) WITH TIME ZONE
    DOM@DOM11gR1>select ts1, to_char(ts2,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ts2, ts3 from mv1
      2  /
    TS1                                      TS2                 TS3
    15-SEP-09 +01:00         15/09/2009 23:50:44 15-SEP-09 +01:00

  • A Security Weakness When Signing without a Timestamp

    Hi Guys,
    I am exploring the need of timestamping PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat wrt security. I see a lot of signatures made without timestamps and I see an issue here mentioned below. If my assumption is valid then Ideally Adobe Acrobat should strongly mandate to use timestamps with revocation information.
    The scenario:
    A user uses a high trust credential to legitimately sign PDF documents but chooses not to use a Timestamp to avoid costs.  These documents have an embedded signature plus the signer’s certificate chain CRLs and/or OCSP responses (but no trusted timestamp).
    At a point in time (let’s say 1 June 2012) the credential and PIN is stolen.   If the theft is before the end of validity period the credential is of course revoked. However if the theft is of an expired credential it can’t be revoked and most people would not notice and perhaps would not even care.  Let us further assume the thief gains access to a number of old signed documents.  Of course in theory this is not a problem, because these documents are signed and therefore protected and can’t be changed. However the thief now has access to a range of valid CRLs and/or OCSP responses that were properly valid from before the theft and can use them to their advantage.  These documents may even be widely published or perhaps received anyway by an insider thief.
    The thief can use the stolen credential and can sign a document at any date/time of their choosing up to 1 June 2012 (by varying their local system date/time) to one that lies within the validity period of any previous OCSP/ CRL data they have captured. Even though the signature covers the validation data this is all done at what seems like a legitimate time. 
    Trust Threat Analysis:
    A stolen credential and PIN can easily be used at a local desktop time (set to anything you like).  With PDF editing software – no problem for a hacker of course – you can embed a CRL that shows the stolen credential as good during any period up to the revocation or expiry.  The hacker just needs to select a signing date/time that is within a CRL validity period for one of the CRLs they have access to.  The selected CRL is then re-used as part of the signing process on a fraudulent document.
    It is now up to the receiving software to make the right trust decision – and a trusted timestamp should always be used to make a trustworthy historic decision.  If there is no embedded trusted timestamp the receiver software could decide to verify the signature at (a) the current time or (b) the (untrusted) time indicated by the signer.  Any software that uses option (b) and trusts the (untrusted) time in the signature rather than defaulting to current time creates a substantial trust issue.  The whole purpose of using and attaching a valid, trusted signature time stamp is to independently confirm the accurate date/time of (potentially untrusted) third party signing events.  The timestamp cannot be re-used since it covers the signature details.  Any substantial variance in time between the signer’s time and the timestamp time is peculiar but systems should always default to trusting the signature timestamp date/time.
    Ideally PDF signing software used by a signer that fails to obtain a timestamp should not allow the document to be signed.  If the policy is to sign with a long-term signature then the timestamp must be present to confirm the time.  Some software products create confusion by allowing the timestamp to be missed if it cannot be obtained.  This means that a document that should have a life of several months or years should actually be seen to have an issue immediately after certificate revocation or expiry (could be in a few days or months).  Using such software, users will not be aware of the issue until the problem has manifested itself.
    Any Comments?

    The settings for the warning messages have been removed from the user interface (Bug 513166).
    You need to change the related security.warn_* prefs directly on the <b>about:config</b> page.<br />
    Filter: security.warn
    To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />
    *Use the Filter bar at to top of the about:config page to locate a preference more easily.
    *Preferences that have been modified show as bold(user set).
    *Preferences can be reset to the default or changed via the right-click context menu.

  • 1)Now I use Lightrom 5.7 how to upgrade to 6 or CC? 2) What is the difference between 6 and CC vercion? 3) When I used lightromm 3, I could see inEXIF the distance in meters till the object I took, in the later virsions that function disappeared, it is ve

    1)Now I use Lightrom 5.7 how to upgrade to 6 or CC?
    2) What is the difference between 6 and CC version?
    3) When I used lightromm 3, I could see in EXIF the distance in meters till the object I took, in the later virsions that function disappeared, it is very sad  I am stiil waiting and hope that it would be possibble in the new  versions. Or this indication may  possible by setting?

    1)Now I use Lightrom 5.7 how to upgrade to 6 or CC?
    Purchase the standalone upgrade from here: Products
    Download CC version from here: Explore Adobe desktop apps | Adobe Creative Cloud
    2) What is the difference between 6 and CC version?
    See this comparison chart: Compare Lightroom versions | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC
    3) When I used lightromm 3, I could see in EXIF the distance in meters till the object I took, in the later virsions that function disappeared, it is very sad  I am stiil waiting and hope that it would be possibble in the new  versions. Or this indication may  possible by setting?
    Rob Cole's ExifMeta plugin displays the Subject Distance field (and much more).  Unfortunately, his Web site appears to be down again.  He used to be very active here, but he hasn't posted in several months.


    Urgent Millisecond Question....
    I have the Java Code which used to work well in Oracle 8 and Sybase ..
    When I am using it with Oracle 9.2 it creating a problem...
    The code is
    final public JDatetime getJDatetime(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
         boolean convertb = Util.needConvertTime();
         Timestamp ts=_rs.getTimestamp(columnIndex);
         if(ts==null) return null;
         Date d= new Date(ts.getTime() + (ts.getNanos()/1000000));
         if(convertb) d = Util.ReferenceTZ2Local(d);
         return new JDatetime(d);
    Now in Oracle 8 Say when I insert a
    JDateTime Value as 2003-06-18 16:51:06.89
    When I retrieve is using above getJDatetime
    it get retrieved as
    2003-06-18 16:51:06.0
    Which is ok since Milliseconds are lost....
    Now in Oracle 9
    When I use the convert
    Date d= new Date(ts.getTime() + (ts.getNanos()/1000000));
    It get converted to
    Original Value While Inserting -->TimeStamp in JResultSet->2003-06-18 18:15:56.42
    Date in JResultSet-->Wed Jun 18 18:15:56 GMT 2003
    Date in JResultSet after converting to ReferenceTZ
    Wed Jun 18 18:15:56 GMT 2003
    DateTime in JResultSet after converting to DateTime6/18/03 6:15:56.840 PM
    GMTGETDatetime 6/18/03 6:15:56.840 PM GMT
    so if you see
    Milliseconnd 42 got converted to 840 NanoSeconds
    Can anybody help me with it ??

    The only Adobe program I know that can edit images is Photoshop.
    If you have troubles with Google software, you need to post in the appropriate Google forum.

  • How to find a second point on a line given a point and distance

    Hi All,
    My requirement is: Given a point on a line and distance, I have to find the second point. All geometries are in LRS.
    I tried using SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT, it is returning the second point from the start of the segment but I want to locate the point from the given start point. Kindly suggest in how to solve this.
    SQL Used:
    SELECT SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT(a.shape, m.diminfo, 9, 0)
    FROM lrs_access_fiber a, user_sdo_geom_metadata m
    WHERE m.table_name = 'LRS_ACCESS_FIBER' AND m.column_name = 'SHAPE' AND a.unique_id = 1996;

    Hi Luc,
    Thanks for the information. I have implemented this in a slightly different way like:
    1. Firstly, found the distance (Distance_a of the point selected from the start point of the segment using:
    SELECT SDO_LRS.GET_MEASURE(SDO_LRS.PROJECT_PT(a.shape, m.diminfo,MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2301, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1, 1), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(xa,ya, NULL)) ), m.diminfo ) into Distance_a FROM LRS_ACCESS_FIBER a, user_sdo_geom_metadata m WHERE m.table_name = 'LRS_ACCESS_FIBER' AND m.column_name = 'SHAPE' AND a.unique_id = Input_Fiber_Id;
    2. Then added the given distance (b) to this computed distance (Distance_a ) to get the distance of the second point (Distance_b).
    Distance_b := abs (Distance_a + b);
    3. Then used SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT with offset=0 and distance=Distance_b to get the second point.
    select SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT(a.shape, distance_pt, 0) into point_geometry from LRS_ACCESS_FIBER a where a.unique_id = input_fiber_id;
    Please give your inputs and feedback.

  • How do I extend my Airport Extreme version 5.7 for better wireless at a distance?

    From my researching of this problem, it seems like I may need to "extend" my Airport Extreme version 5.7 to strengthen my signal at a distance.  It is used, but I was able to reset and set it up to my network.  The previous user was getting much better performance.  When at my desk, right next to the router and Airport Express, I get up to 19Mbps.  At a distance of 30-50 ft. (which I often use) wirelessly, I can only get up to 4Mbps.  Will "extending" the Airport help those speeds and strengthen the connection so as not to burden it even farther with 3 users connected to the network or is there something else that I can do?  Am I just being picky?  I am an Apple novice and have read everything I can to figure out my problems, but this one is still lingering.  Problem or not?
    Info:  if needed
    Airport Extreme v 5.7  - only one as a base station
    Wireless network with ZyXel Q1000 router - Airport Extreme is connected to that via ethernet cable.
    I use a Toshiba Satellite laptop, less than a year old running Windows 7.
    Often work about 30-50 feet away wirelessly and speeds are up to par without Airport Extreme, got it to strengthen signal as another user will be added to my network shortly.  Speeds at a distance 4Mbps or less.  Next to router and Airport 19 Mbps.
    I have Century Link 20Mbps high speed internet service.
    Airport "dome" has three lights on top.  Middle is steady green and the two on each side periodically blink white.
    Successfully set up using airport utility for PC.  It shows up on that list and on my wireless connection list.
    Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions or positive comments.
    badboyfun - apple novice.

    I'm having a bit of trouble confirming that the ZyXEL is a combination modem & wireless-N router. If it is, then you really won't get any advantages of using the 802.11g AirPort.
    If the range of your ZyXEL is limited, you may find that doing either or both of the following will help: 1) Move the ZyXEL so that it is higher vs. lower in the room, that is away from any closed areas or placed in a metal cabinet, and 2) Changing radio channels. The latter is especially important in you live in an area where there are a number of competing Wi-Fi.
    A good utility to find out, is iStumbler. You would use this to find these other Wi-Fi and find which have the strongest signal value. Those that do, you would also want to note which channel they are operating on, and then, change yours to one that is at least 3-5 channels away. So, for example, if you find strong ones on channels 1 & 6, change yours to 11.

  • Loops and system timestamp not synchronized

    Running Labview 8.6.1 on Windows 2000, loops and system timestamp (Windows clock) seem to use different time bases; one second in a loop is not exactly as long as a second in system time. If i run a simple VI as in picture, with a 1-second loop which just prints the system time, the printed timestamp goes faster by about 1ms every 4-5 seconds. The same happens using a Timed loop or a While with a Wait until next ms multiple.
    Why is that? Can i set a loop to match the system time?
    1sec.png ‏3 KB

    johnsold wrote:
    In the eastern U. S. interconnected power grid the accumulated time is held to within a small fraction of a second when averaged over days.  Over a year the accumulated error is less than parts in 10^12 or better.  The instantaneous frequency can deviate from the nominal 60 Hz by less than 0.1 Hz.
    The system basically uses an integral controller referenced to a NIST atomic clock to force the steady state error to zero.
    So is that a very technical way of saying "Ben, you are full of Sh#% !"*
    I have not measured the frquency of my AC service in the last three decades or so. I do remember seeing it faster in the summer and slower in the winter. Has it really changed? Silly me thinking that the wide freq input spec I read on wall-warts was there just to handle this variation of freq.
    And to think it has gotten smarter "without a brain".
    * I am just trying to catch up what I seem to have missed. The above is all in good humor. No offense intended or taken.
    Message Edited by Ben on 08-03-2009 12:56 PM
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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