
Hello experts,
I want to know How to use TimeStampDiff function appropriately.
My requirement is I have a column in the physical layer say time. It is of datatype varchar(5). It stores the values in HH:MM format.
I want to have the difference between the current time and this column.
For current time, Im using function in OBI Answers: CURRENT_TIME(2) where 2 denotes the precision of seconds.
This is throwing the following error:
ORA-01843: not a valid month at OCI call OCIStmtExecute: select D1.c1 as c1, D1.c2 as c2, D1.c3 as c3, D1.c4 as c4, D1.c5 as c5, max(D1.c6) over () as c6 from (select distinct D1.c2 as c1, D1.c3 as c2, D1.c4 as c3, TO_DATE('1900-01-01 03:54:07' , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as c4, D1.c1 as c5, D1.c1 as c6 from (select max(T45654.TOTAL_TIME_SEC) as c1, TRUNC(T45677.DAY_DT) as c2, ROUND( ( TO_DATE('1900-01-01 03:54:07' , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') - CAST( cast(T45654.START_HOUR_MIN as DATE) as DATE) ) * 1440 ) as c3, T45654.START_HOUR_MIN as c4 from S_ETL_DAY T45677, S_NQ_ACCT T45654 where ( T45654.START_DT = T45677.DAY_DT and T45654.SAW_SRC_PATH = '/shared/PI BOOK of Business - P2/AE Home Page/Search/P2 - Trust Request' and TRUNC(T45654.START_DT) = TO_DATE('2009-03-09' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') and TRUNC(T45677.DAY_DT) = TO_DATE('2009-03-09' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') ) group by T45654.START_HOUR_MIN, TRUNC(T45677.DAY_DT) ) D1 ) D1 order by c1 desc, c2, c3, c4. [nQSError: 17011] SQL statement execution failed. (HY000).
Can anybody help me get the right formula?

I try the similar:
and I got an error:
State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 1843, message: ORA-01843: not a valid month at OCI call OCIStmtExecute: select distinct D1.c1 as c1, ROUND( ( TO_DATE('1900-01-01 12:05:33' , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') - CAST( cast('14:23' as DATE) as DATE) ) * 1440 ) as c2 from (select distinct T21473.PROD_CATEGORY as c1 from PRODUCTS T21473 ) D1 order by c1, c2. [nQSError: 17011] SQL statement execution failed. (HY000)
So the syntax is:
TimestampDiff (interval, timestamp-expression1, timestamp-expression2)
If you harcode it:
Timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_MINUTE, TIMESTAMP '2009-04-28 12:00:00', current_timestamp)
The results is difference in minutes.
So you just need to put 'the right expression' in the second place. Try to concatenate current date with your time value and place it insted of TIMESTAMP '2009-04-28 12:00:00' because this inputs only timestamp format.
Hope this helps.

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    D1.c2 as c2,
    D1.c3 as c3,
    D1.c4 as c4,
    D1.c5 as c5,
    D1.c6 as c6,
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    D1.c2 as c2,
    D1.c3 as c3,
    D1.c4 as c4,
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    D1.c5 as c3,
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    T14963.CRTDDT_DT as c2,
    T14963.CSNMBR as c3,
    T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME as c4,
    T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME as c5,
    T14468.GRP as c7,
    T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_ID as c8,
    T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_ID as c9
    DW_SF_EMLMSSG_CS T14400,
    SF_ORGN_CS_DIM T14468,
    DW_SF_CS_CS T14963 /* SF_CS_CS_Fact */
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    ) D1
    ) D1
    where ( D1.c11 = 1 )
    ) D1
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    Please see the line in Bold in the query.
    I want to get the results in the actual decimal point and not the whole no. Is there a way that I can enable the TIMESTAMPDIFF not to ROUND by default.
    Any answers will be helpful.

    When you specify in the interval in the first argument of TIMESTAMPDIFF you are implicitly telling OBIEE the level of precision that you want. For SQL_TSI_YEAR you are going to get integer values of whole years. if yo uneed to get more granular than that you need to use SQL_TSI_MONTH or WEEK.
    Also note, than when performing mathematical operations like divide an multiply, all elements of the calculation need to be a data type that can represent decimal values, or the result of the entire calc will always get converted to an integer.

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    I guess you can use TIMESTAMP functions in result columns. The only case where you may hit an error is when one of the columns(say saw_5) is having a null/blank value for the corresponding value in saw_3.

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    Thank you,

    So what's your problem using TIMESTAMPDIFF?

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    [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 22027] Union of non-compatible types. (HY000)........................
    Thank you!

    Hi Vale,
    Just looking at the first 2 formulae and not the combined you populating different data types with your case statement from the Timestampdiff.
    Your case statement generates a string response where as the Timestampdiff generates an integer. Try replacing in your Else statement '1' or '0' to counter the timestampdiff instead of 'aaa'

  • OBIEE timestampdiff function syntax error

    Hi all,
    I am getting an error while applying timestampdiff function .help me to sort it out.
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_DAY,"- Sanction and Disbursment"."Value Date" , VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.VAR_CAL_CURR_DATE))
    error details
    Formula syntax is invalid.
    [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 22025] Function TimestampDiff is called with an incompatible type.Please have your System Administrator look at the log for more details on this error. (HY000)

    Syntax looks to be fine but before applying it here can you check if both these 2 parameters returns date in same format:
    "- Sanction and Disbursment"."Value Date" = 08/21/2011 (No Timestamp)
    VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.VAR_CAL_CURR_DATE) = 08/21/2011 (No Timestamp)
    Both shud have same format.
    Also, try this for verification
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_DAY,"- Sanction and Disbursment"."Value Date" , CURRENT_DATE)
    Hope this helps

  • Using TimeStampDiff

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    Any suggestion?

    Try this............
    sum(TIMESTAMPDIFF(interval, tablename.entry_time, tablename.exit_time) by tablename.location)

  • Calendar - timestampDiff

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    i have the following question.
    I want to have the periods of days for 2 periods of time-select by calendar in dashboard
    i created 4 prompts in dashboard prompts using in formula
    CASE WHEN 1=0 THEN "Calendar"."date" ELSE TIMESTAMP '2200-01-01 00:00:00' end(this column is timedate in oracle 10gr2)
    i changed for each the ..01-02 00:.... , an i set 4 presentations variables (dstart1,dstart2,dend1,dend2)
    Then i want to have 2 columns with the period of the days selected before.
    So,i created 2 columns with the following code :
    and i added the quantity in a pivot table to see the specified quantity for these 2 periods.
    The question...
    The function timestamp does not recognize the '@{dsrat1}' as timestamp , how can i achieve it?
    I tried timestamp'@{dstart1}' , with no result.
    I have to change the type for my column in adminstrator as 'timestamp"?
    i have to make a new logical column with timestamp??
    Any ideas?
    tnks,for ur time...

    it works for drop-down list
    but not for calendar.
    any other ideas?
    i have to "cast" in some way my 4 presentaions variables which come from dashboard calendar to "format" which is accepted by the function timestampdiff.
    tnks again 4 ur time.


    I'm new or Oracle and am trying to emulate the JDBC function TIMESTAMPDIFF(interval, timestamp1,timestamp2). This function returns an integer which represents the number of intervals by which timestamp2 is greater than timestamp1. The interval may be set to SECONDS,MINUTES,HOURS,WEEKS,MONTHS,QUARTERS, or YEARS. Anyone have any ideas?

    Duplicate thread. Please only post once.
    Error in function

  • Timestampdiff() function: result in  millisecond

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    which mean
    19 Second and 23 Millisecond.

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    Yes you can.The function is available under CalendarDate/Time Functions in the Expression builder dialog.

  • TIMESTAMPDIFF calculation in Teradata & Oracle

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    I'm using OBIEE version.
    I have noticed difference in the calculation of TIMESTAMPDIFF (SQL_TSI_WEEK) when connecting to Teradata & Oracle as Warehouse DB.
    The diff is in the way the rounding is done.
    Has anyone seen similar behaviour, if yes then is it known issue & is there any solution to it?

    Field A and B are both numbers.
    I also aware of '0' problem and I have already define it (ifnull (xx,0) ) from answers.
    Finally, I use this to make it done:
    <?xdoxslt:div(sum(current-group()/_BE_measures_._GROSS_SALES_) - sum (current-group()/_IFNULL__BE_measures_._TOTAL_COST___0_), sum(current-group()/_BE_measures_._GROSS_SALES_)) * 100 ?>
    I wonder why I can't use simply "div" nor "xdofx" to archieve this....
    Thanks all anyway ~

  • TimeStampDiff Function

    Hi Guys,
    I have an function that says calculate the difference in Months between the opportunity expected close date and Today's date
    Timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_MONTH,Current_Date,"Close Date".Date)
    Today is the 8th December.
    My report shows:
    Close Date:.................. 23-Nov-10
    Months Difference:........ -1
    Close Date: ................. 24-Nov-10
    Months Difference: ......... 0
    But i think any date in November should be '-1' months difference from today.
    Anyone know why this shows 0

    Duplicate thread. Please only post once.
    Error in function

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