Titles and styles

I've looked and not found anyone with this same problem. Last night, I decided to mess around with iMovie '08 just to see what it does. I've not ever used it before. To experiment, I used a short QT movie. Even though the icons showed titles choices in different areas of the screen (ie. lower third, middle, upper third, etc. Every title I put in was in the same place.... near the bottom. Then, I watched the tutorial video and it said if I clicked on the blue title color in the project, it would open up a window of different title 'styles'. It opened nothing. What am I doing wrong? Or what is the problem with my app? Any help much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Well...duh! Thank you! I just went to the tutorial through the help menu in iMovie. When it took me online to the tutorials it never differentiated about which version of iMovie it referred to, and I never thought of what you just told me. That could make a huge difference. You'd think they would label the tutorials accordingly.
I appreciate your fast response. Now I can quit banging my head over this problem.

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    On Adobe Premiere Essentials 13 video editing, if I use Quick is it possible to set a default style for titles and text? I see instructions for setting a default style in Expert, but that doesn't seem to work in Quick. Thanks.

    What is this Premiere Elements Essentials 13? I know the program only as Adobe Premiere Elements 13 for Windows or Adobe Premiere Elements 13 for Mac. On what computer operating system is it running and is it a pre-installed program from the computer manufacturer?
    So, if you have some modified version of Premiere Elements 13 Windows or Mac, I cannot give you a yes or no answer to
    if I use Quick is it possible to set a default style for titles and text?
    In Adobe Premiere Elements 13 Windows (assumed Mac also), there should be no problem in creating a text title in the Quick workspace and saving a particular text style and setting that created text style to the default. Are you OK with doing that in the Expert workspace if not the Quick workspace?
    Please give us more details of your situation so that we can customize a reply for you.
    Thank you.

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    1. Created a custom columne "Breaklines" and set to "Multiple lines of text"
    2. Set Monthly View to display the "Breaklines"
    3. in SPD I created a workflow like this:
    4. On the Calendar page, I used a javascript to remove the <br/>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"
    function updateCalendarWeekday()
        var str = $(this).html();
        str = str.replace(/&lt;/g,
        str = str.replace(/&gt;/g,
    // hook into the existing SharePoint calendar load function
    function calendarEventLinkIntercept()
       var OldCalendarNotify4a
    = SP.UI.ApplicationPages.CalendarNotify.$4a;
    = function ()
    60px !important
    85px !important
    Everything works fine, except that when the All Day event is checked, the display screwed like this:
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    Thanks for any tips!

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    on newform.aspx just above the top of cancel button I want to put 1 hyperlink "Help"
    but I want to do this by script/jquery by reading my configuration list where 1 column is TITLE and other is- URL
    Configuration List has 2 columns Title and URLValue
    Title                                    UrlValue
    HelpEditPage                      http://url2
    so script should read Title and display "Help"--->1st part on NewForm.aspx/EditForm
    Script should read UrlValue column and on click of help-(display link) the respective url should be open in new window.-->second part
    Please let me know reference code for adding anchor tag dynamically by reading from list
    I can see hyperlink near cancel button-
    //This block is just placing help link near cancel button- 
    $(document).ready(function() {
    var HelpLinkhtml ='<a href="#" text="Help">Help</a>';
    var position =$("input[value='Cancel']").parent("td").addClass('ms-separator').append(HelpLinkhtml);
    var HelpLinkhtml ='<a href="#" text="Help" onclick="GetHelpLinkFromConfigList();">Help</a>'; 
    var position =$("input[value='Cancel']").parent("td").addClass('ms-separator').append(HelpLinkhtml);
    var HelpLinkimageButton ='<IMG SRC="../../Style Library/Help.bmp" style="width:35px;"/>'; 
    var position1 =$("input[value='Cancel']").parent("td").addClass('ms-separator').append(HelpLinkimageButton );
    //Rest script
    function GetHelpLinkFromConfigList()
     //The Web Service method we are calling, to read list items we use 'GetListItems'
     var method = "GetListItems";
     //The display name of the list we are reading data from
     var list = "configurationList";
     //We need to identify the fields we want to return. In this instance, we want the Title,Value fields
     //from the Configuration List. You can see here that we are using the internal field names.
     var fieldsToRead = "<ViewFields>"+"<FieldRef Name='Title' />"+"<FieldRef Name='Value' />"+"</ViewFields>";
     var query = "<Query>" +
                            "<Where>" +
                                "<Neq>" +
                                    "<FieldRef Name='Title'/><Value Type='Text'>Help</Value>"
                                "</Neq>" +
                            "</Where>" +
                            "<OrderBy>" +
                                "<FieldRef Name='Title'/>" +
                            "</OrderBy>" +
     operation: method,
        async: false,
        listName: list,
        CAMLViewFields: fieldsToRead,
        CAMLQuery: query,
        completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
        $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function() {
        var displayname = ($(this).attr("ows_Title"));
        var UrlValue = ($(this).attr("ows_Value")).split(",")[0];
    function AddRowToSharepointTable(displayname,UrlValue)
        $("#NDRTable").append("<tr align='Middle'>" +
                                    "<td><a href='" +UrlValue+ "'>+displayname+</a></td>"
    <table id="NDRTable"></table>
    sudhanshu sharma Do good and cast it into river :)

    From your description, you want to add a help link(read data from other list) into new form page.
    The following code for your reference:
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(AddHelpLink, "sp.js");
    function AddHelpLink() {
    var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    var list= context.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle("configurationList");
    var camlQuery= new SP.CamlQuery();
    camlQuery.set_viewXml("<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title'/><Value Type='Text'>Help</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>");
    this.listItems = list.getItems(camlQuery);
    var ListEnumerator = listItems.getEnumerator();
    var currentItem = ListEnumerator.get_current();
    var title=currentItem.get_item("Title");
    var url=currentItem.get_item("URL").get_url();
    var HelpLinkhtml ='<a href="'+url+'">'+title+'</a>';
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • How do I preset a title text style in Final Cut Pro X?

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    Final Cut Pro is happy to have me "Save a Preset to Library", but then I never see it again.   When I go to the dropdown menu, all I get is Apple's list of truly hideous fonts like 80s, Aqua Fade, Candy, etc.
    I save my favorite style as "Basic" and that does nothing either - as soon as I add a new title and apply the "Basic" setting I get Apple's horrible Gil Sans again.  What's going on?
    Any tips on how to perform what should be a very simple operation?  Have spent more than an hour on this now.

    Well, Tom, I guess I'm just not as fortunate.  Anyone else have any suggestions?

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    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to reduce white space in the site title below.
    We can use CSS to achieve it, the following CSS style for your reference:
    More information:
    Using F12 Developer Tools to Debug HTML and CSS
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Title and description

    Hi All,
    I need very urgent help in this.
    I am using the slider webpart.
    I want to show the title name and description under the image.
    When the images r sliding.
    This is the code.
    <div id="news">
      <div id="innerWrapper">
      <div id="alerts">        
    <span id="greenTitle">ANNOUNCEMENTS:</span>
    <span id="content">You are now able to call 1-0-1, the  Service Helpline, directly from your cell phone.</span> 
       <div id="topNews">
          <div id="news_Image">
             <img id="nextItemImage" class="next" src="/Pages/fancybox-media" alt="" style=" display: none;"/>
             <a id="featurednewslink" data-fancybox-type="iframe" href="/Pages/community/storm_debris_pickup1213.htm">
    <img id="currentItemImage" src="/COD_pictures/carousel/stormdebris.jpg" alt="" style="cursor: pointer; float: right; width: 42.5%;"/></a>      
    <div id="manualswitch"></div>
       <div id="listNews">
          <div id="news_Titles">
             <a href="#"><h3>NEWS</h3></a>
    <a href="#"><h3 class="events">EVENTS</h3></a>
             <hr style="clear: both; border-bottom: 6px solid #669900; margin- margin-right: 3.3em;"/>
             <ul id="slideshownav"></ul>
    <ul id="newsslideshow_content" style="display: none;">
             <span><a href="http:// /" target="_blank">All News &gt;</a></span> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/SP.RequestExecutor.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', retrieveAnnouncementItems);
     function retrieveAnnouncementItems() {
        var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
        var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('DCH_Announcement');
        var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
            '<View><Query>' + 
    '<OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\'ID\' Ascending=\'False\' /></OrderBy>' +
            '</Query>' + 
        this.collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);        
        clientContext.executeQueryAsync( Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded8), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed8) ); 
    function onQuerySucceeded8(sender, args) {
        var listItemInfox = ''; var listItemEnumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();       
        while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
            var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
            listItemInfox = "\n<a href='" + oListItem.get_item('URL') + "'>" + oListItem.get_item('Title') +": "+ oListItem.get_item('Description') + "</a>";  
    document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = listItemInfox.toString();    
    function onQueryFailed8(sender, args) { alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());}  
    SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', retrieveNewsItems);
    function retrieveNewsItems() {
        var apiurl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/getFolderbyserverrelativeurl('/COD_pictures/carousel/')/Files?Top=5$select=Description";
            var executor = new SP.RequestExecutor(_spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl);
    url: apiurl,
    method: "GET",
    headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
    success: onQuerySucceeded3,
    error: onQueryFailed3
        //clientContext3.executeQueryAsync( Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded3), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed3) ); 
    function onQuerySucceeded3(data) {  
    var listItemInfo3=''; var i = 0; var listna ='';
    var jsonObject = JSON.parse(data.body);
    var results = jsonObject.d.results;
    if (results.length == 0) { alert('no result'); }
    else {
    var ResultsHtml = '';
    $.each(results, function (index, result) { 
    listItemInfo3 += "<li>"+
    "<span class='newsslide_title'>" + result.Title +"</span>"+
    "<span class='newsslide_url'>/COD_pictures/carousel/" + result.Name +"?renditionID=5</span>"+
    "<span class='newsslide_image'>/COD_pictures/carousel/" + result.Name +"</span>" + 
    "<span class='newsslide_target' title='blank|self'></span><span class='newsslide_fancybox' title='fancybox|fancybox-media'></span>"+
    "<span class='newsslide_description'>" + result.Title  +"</span><span class='newsslide_description'><b style='font-weight:19px'>ABCDEF</b></span></li>"; 
    listna += "<li><a id='slideritem"+i+"' href='"+result.Title +"' style='color: rgb(231,231,231); background-image: none; background- background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;'>"+result.Title
    return index<4;
         document.getElementById("newsslideshow_content").innerHTML = listItemInfo3;
         document.getElementById("slideshownav").innerHTML = listna;
         slideshowcontent = document.getElementById("newsslideshow_content");   
    function onQueryFailed3(data, errorCode, errorMessage) { alert(errorMessage); }
    function nextimage(x, slideshowcontent) {
    var changenews;
    var slideshowcontentitems = slideshowcontent.getElementsByTagName("li");
            imageCount = slideshowcontentitems.length -1;
    for (i = 0; i <= imageCount; i++) {
                document.getElementById("slideritem" + i).style.color = "#e7e7e7";
                document.getElementById("slideritem" + i).style.backgroundImage = "none";
            document.getElementById("slideritem" + x).style.color = "#0166ce";
            document.getElementById("slideritem" + x).style.backgroundImage = "url(/SiteCollectionImages/COD_images/greenArrow_slider.png)";
    document.getElementById("slideritem" + x).style.backgroundRepeat="no-repeat";
    document.getElementById("slideritem" + x).style.backgroundPosition="center left";
            if (x == imageCount) { y = 0; }
            else { y = (x + 1); };
            curtitle = slideshowcontentitems[x].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML; 
            cururl = slideshowcontentitems[x].getElementsByTagName("span")[1].innerHTML;
            curimg = slideshowcontentitems[x].getElementsByTagName("span")[2].innerHTML;
            curtrg = slideshowcontentitems[x].getElementsByTagName("span")[3].innerHTML;
            if (curtrg == "blank") { curtrg = "_" + curtrg };
            curfbx = slideshowcontentitems[x].getElementsByTagName("span")[4].innerHTML;
            curimg = curimg.replace(/<font>/g, "");
            curimg = curimg.replace(/<\/font>/g, "");
            curimg = curimg.replace(/ /g, "");
            document.getElementById("currentItemImage").target = curtrg;
            document.getElementById("currentItemImage").src = curimg;
            document.getElementById("currentItemImage").style.cursor = "pointer";
    document.getElementById("currentItemImage").style.width = "300px";
            document.getElementById("featurednewslink").href = cururl;
            document.getElementById("featurednewslink").target = curtrg;
            document.getElementById("featurednewslink").className = curfbx;
            //document.getElementById("currentItemImage").onclick = function(){parent.location = cururl;};
            nexttitle = slideshowcontentitems[y].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;
            nexturl = slideshowcontentitems[y].getElementsByTagName("span")[1].innerHTML;
            nextimg = slideshowcontentitems[y].getElementsByTagName("span")[2].innerHTML;
            nexturl = slideshowcontentitems[y].getElementsByTagName("span")[3].innerHTML;
            nextimg = slideshowcontentitems[y].getElementsByTagName("span")[4].innerHTML;
            document.getElementById("nextItemImage").src = nextimg;
            changenews = setTimeout(function () { nextimage(y,slideshowcontent) }, 7000);
    Any help please.
    Thank you,

    If you just want to show Title and Description below the image, you take consideration of using the OOTB Picture Library Slideshow Web Part, it provides such functionality can
    meet your requirement.
    Here is a link about How to Use the Picture Library Slideshow Web Part in SharePoint 2013:
    If you want to develop your own Slider, I would suggest you take a look at these JavaScript Image Slider plugins which can make us easier to create a custom one:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • IPhoto "titles" and "comments"

    I am making a slideshow in iDVD with a lot of pictures that im importing from iPhoto. My problem is that the names of the pictures (when I show "titles and comments") are too large and cover important parts of the image. I also noticed that the "comments" was smaller than the "titles". So is there a way for Automater to replace all the "comment" sections with what is in the "title" section for all my pictures in iPhoto? I have never used Automater so any help would be great.
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Create a workflow with a "Run AppleScript" action and replace the (* Your script goes here *) with the following AppleScript. The easiest way to do that is to click on the link, which will open AppleScript Script Editor, and then copy and paste it into the "Run AppleScript" action.
    For this action to work properly you must make sure that before you run the Automator action only the album of interest is selected and not a photo in that album.
    click here to open this script in your editor<pre style="font-family: 'Monaco', 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; overflow:auto; color: #222; background: #DDD; padding: 0.2em; font-size: 10px; width:400px">tell application "iPhoto"
    set theAlbum to selection
    set thePhotos to every photo of first item of theAlbum
    repeat with aPhoto in thePhotos
    set theOldTitle to title of aPhoto
    set title of aPhoto to comment of aPhoto
    set comment of aPhoto to theOldTitle
    end repeat
    end tell
    PowerBook 12"   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • What is the procedure to type my own titles and subtitles in my videos?

    What is the procedure to be able to type titles and subtitles in my videos?

    I have written several blog posts on the Premiere Elements Titler. See if any of them addresses your title needs. But all the titles are within the video, not outside the video, from static titles to crawling newsroom type text at the bottom of the video frame. None of the following demos the crawling titles, put the demo'd principles of the Titler may be of help in navigating through the Titler. Premiere Elements 11 and 12 have the same Titler.
    Although most of the time Adobe demo's its features in the Quick workspace, I prefer the Expert workspace since you can see better what you are doing and thus have more control of the situation.
    After you review all the details for what you are about to do, in mini test runs, explore and experiment before the grand project(s). If you reach an impasse on any technique, please do not hesitate to ask for clarification here. We are all eager for you to succeed.
    Looking forward to your progress.

  • Title and Caption

    I have crated a slideshow of still photos and included a title for each image.
    The title appears in a box that goes on top of the image.
    Why does it do this when there is plenty of blank space on either side of the image?
    Is it possible to change where the title of an image appears on the screen?

    Is it possible to change where the title of an image appears on the screen?
    It is in DVDSP. But I'm not sure how to do this in iDVD yet (nor if it's even possible). I'll keep looking though and post back should I find something else.
    Btw ... You can't change the style or size of text for titles and comments in an iDVD slideshow. But you can in DVDSP.
    A less expensive option to DVDSP might be 3rd party apps like:

  • Help!!!!  cannot print labels with job title and company

    i am trying to do a mass mailing for my business. i cannot figure out how to print the job title and company name for my contacts. when i select print/view and select lists as the style i can choose job title and company. but when i select mailing labels as the style i am given no such options. Help!!!!!

    Hi Michael
    A failing of Mail I'm afraid
    I find Snail Mail as good as anything - it's quite flexible and works

  • Changing font size and style in quiz slides

    Captivate v4
    Can anyone help explain how I can change the font size and style (italic for example) of the 3 text entries with a quiz slide.
    1. Quiz Name
    2. Question
    3. Answer
    When I create a new quiz the Quiz Name is Arial 22, The Question is Arial 18 and the Answer is Arail 12.
    I am pretty sure i must have selected these somewhere - but unable to find where and I need to change these to some new default settings, as I am having to amend each slide as I insert it.

    In Captivate 4 you'll have to select one of these items and change the font size, then Apply to All objects of the same type.  In Quiz Slides the Question Title caption, Question Text caption, and Question Answer caption are all special types of captions unique to quiz slides. So by changing one and then applying to all, you can do all such items in the quiz easily.
    In Captivate 5/5.5 you can achieve the same result by changing the Object Style.

  • Windows 10 needs an option to completely remove Metro/Modern UI, Apps, Live Titles and Windows Store.

    The main thing I expected for next version of Windows is an to completity remove Metro/Modern UI, Apps, Live Titles and Windows Store. Microsoft does not understand the Windows 8 bad reputation and has not learned anything.

    A little Microsoft last years history:
    Microsoft en general has good operatings systems in all segments, good office and server products, before year 2010.
    The best OS that Microsoft never ended is Longhorn:
    Microsoft be the first on a good mobile OS: Windows Mobile. In lastest versions of Windows Mobile, i can sync all my Exchange items, including tasks and notes. Its has a good interface with a menu, a desktop with shortcuts and more. Every new version improve
    visuals with more effects, gradients, transparencies and more. Windows Mobile are far years old than iOS or Android.
    But since year 2010, Microsoft presents Windows Phone, with and ugly user interface, with less visuals, no desktop, no notifications, no apps, no app compatibility with Windows Mobile and only sync Contacts and Email. No calendar, tasks, notes. Also the
    simplicity of the Mail app makes it unuseable.
    Now, in 2014, Windows Phone can sync Calendar, but no Tasks or Notes. Less than in Windows Mobile.
    Android is new for year 2009 and mimics desktop OS's and Windows Mobile with a desktop and gadgets. In every new version of Android i see a lot of improvements and new features. I also sync Exchange tasks and with another app, Exchange Notes. Android continues
    to mimic desktop OS's now featuring Windows on a mobile OS, but Microsoft is removing desktop features in order to a limited Metro ugly interface.
    Windows Mobile had a 30% market share and Windows Phone has a 2,5% of market share.
    With this bad and ugly OS, Microsoft completity destroys Nokia.
    With this bad reputation of an ugly and unuseable OS, Microsoft decide to put all this ugly OS to the Windows Desktop OS, with less features than older Windows OS versions,
    obtaining no more than 10% of market share, compared to the more than 50% of Windows 7 and the more than 20% of Windows XP.
    Also Microsoft remove features in every new version of every Microsoft product except in SQL Server.
    Microsoft Office removed crucial features and shows an ugly UI with ugly icons. For example, Office 2013 shows me less emails on screen than Office 2010. Also the lack of constrast and the lack of ClearType make it difficult to read.
    The UI and icons in Visual Studio with the ridicolous ALL CAPS menu are higly
    criticized by the developer community forcing Microsoft to change visuals, new icons and a Visual Studio 10 Theme. But continues flat, ugly and with less features than previous versions.
    Exchange removes the Exchange Management Console and Exchange Control Panel for an ugly web interface. More functions and commands need to do now by the Exchange Powershell cmdlet commands instead of a Visual GUI interface.
    With this bad numbers and reputacion, Microsoft also puts these ugly OS on the new XBox One, a cloud console developed for a
    house living room to show TV, movies, listen music and play games. Initially forced to always connected to Internet, Microsoft was forced to remove that and the kinect due to the poor reception of a console not developed to power games users and
    with insuffient power for actual games. Actual sales data compared to Playstation4 shows a bad and dead product like Nokia Phones.
    And now, close to year 2015, with all this bad reputation and numbers, Microsoft still continues to force to an ugly, flat and simple OS with apps and cloud. I never use cloud or put my private data on the cloud.
    With even more reason never put my company or work data on the cloud.
    I do not trust the cloud, and even less
    trust in Microsoft. Ads like Scroogled,
    make me gain more confidence in Google
    and lose even more confidence in Microsoft,
    because you need to attack the competition rather than
    focus on developing good products.
    Instead i got at least the same features on a new OS, i never upgrade.
    Less appearance settings. No advanced appearance settings like in Windows 7. No Aero. No Themes. No Customizations options. Only flat and ugly design, with bad and heavy colors that makes eye strained and lack of constrast between areas on the Window of
    an application (see Office 2013).
    Less Protect System options. No Shadow Copies or Prevoius Versions. File History is unusefull.
    Less Network options. No Network map. Less Wi-Fi features. No Bluetooth File sharing.
    No desktop games.
    General ugly UI without options. I dont like FLAT.
    Why change Windows 7 with an OS with less features like Windows 8.x and 10?
    The only new is:
    Ugly Metro/Modern UI does nobody wants and solicitated this.
    Simple apps with ADS that are practically unusefull on desktop PC and more on enterprise.
    Cloud!!! Who, in their right mind, puts his own private data on the cloud?
    Cloud!!! Who, in their right mind, puts his own company private data on the cloud?
    Nobody wants to create a Microsoft Account or use a Store of Simple apps with ADS. Nobody solicitated this but Microsoft wahts to makes money.
    Seeing the little progress
    and development of new features including
    new versions, as
    Windows Phone 7 to Windows
    Phone 8, Windows
    8 to 8.1 and 10 shows the
    reducidad capacity and
    the current difficulty of
    development by Microsoft
    counting the numerous
    layoffs and closing of
    numerous development teams.
    Serious and professional developers never develop Windows Store/Metro-Style apps.
    They develops .NET, Windows Forms Applications, WPF, MFC, C++, etc. applications.
    That is the actual technology that people are using, learning and jobs searching.
    And what Microsoft means Modern or actually:
    “Windows Store/Phone Projects”
    is technology that never wants, nobody asked and needed for.
    I never see a decent “Windows Store/Phone Projects” or a rich client app on that technology. I only see garbage, spam, ads and its the better platform for spammers, and people who want to get my money badly and with bad ways.
    “Windows Store/Phone Projects” is the best platform for thieves, crooks, swindlers and more.
    I never develop to a simply unusefull platform whit limited technologies and a platform in which Microsoft gets 20% of my work.
    I want .NET technologies, WPF, Windows Form and to create exe files. For Mobile/Tablet platform i used .apk files that not need a store to distribute them.
    I expect from next version of Windows to create local accounts and options to COMPLETITY disable Metro and Windows Store with the restore of removed features like Shadow Copies, Backup and Restore, Aero, Advanced Appearance Settings, Expand All Programs
    in Start Menu, Games apps like Solitaire, Mineswipper, Chess Titans, DVD Maker and more removed features. If Microsoft not do this, the next version of Windows continues to be another disaster like Windows 8.x and people stick with Windows XP and 7 in order
    to think about migrations to Mac OSX or Linux.
    For all who likes and defends the new Microsoft concept, please see the actual Microsoft marketshare in all segments.
    Microsoft has to think and open your eyes
    and see that from 2010 all
    new versions of their products are inferior
    products with fewer features,
    destroying and killing the product like Windows Mobile, Nokia, Windows, XBox, etc. Microsoft needs to see the marketshare of all this new products and compare with the marketshare of old products.
    It is very serious and a lot of attention
    today that Windows XP has greater
    market share than Windows 8.x for this reason
    alone should be enough for Microsoft
    to react and change all their wonderful way
    of thinking and his philosophy like
    "Devices and Services "or the
    new" Cloud first,
    Mobile First ".
    In business, one of the main premises
    is that if a product works and sold, do not change it. Microsoft is not only changing Windows, is elimintating the sale of the 50% marketshare of Windows 7 Home Premium and Ultimate edition. And
    more, for more than 2 years, Microsoft is not developing any Service Pack for Windows 7, that is unaceptable. All of this is stupid and idot and the best things to lost confidence and trust on Microsoft.
    Microsoft is doing the all things that i can do to kill a company.
    Remember those companies, like Coca-Cola, Xerox, etc. that
    were about to go bankrupt to change
    its philosophy and strategy, which worked
    very well, and failed to get up
    again until they return to its own strategy and
    philosophy of the beginning.

  • Images and styles not showing in Design view on CS3

    Hi all,
    I am playing around with a CSS website template that I downloaded and
    opened in DW-CS3. I am just using this to learn and play around with. It
    came with the style sheet, jpg images etc.
    I just noticed that when in Design view for the index page, that the images
    and styles, menus are not displaying, only the html text is visible in Design view.
    When I preview the site with a browser like IE or FF, it displays fine along with
    any changes I have made.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    In DW, View > Style Rendering > Display Styles on?
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Hallo ,why is it that when I delete a photo ,which is backed up by time machine and western digital external hard drive , that I am able to restore the photo okay but not the titles and descriptions . I have  a Macbook 4.1, mac osx 10.5.8 . Iphoto 7.1.5 ,

    Hallo , my question is ;whenever I delete a photo and restore it through Time machine and Western digital external hard drive , I am able to restore the photo but not the titles and descriptions . Western Digital inform me that it isn't their external hard drive problem and suggest that it is an Apple software problem ?
    I am using  a Macbook 4.1 , with Mac OSX 10.5.8 . I photo 7.1.5 , last modifie4d 01/05/2010 -universal . Should I be upgrading  Iphoto ?
    I hope that someone is able to help in this matter , as i have to restore 12000 photos !
    Thanking you in anticipation.
    Alan from Wigton

    Hallo  Kieth ,
    I am not quite ready to restore the full iphoto library , as I have days of work re - imputting titles,descriptions and enhancement . I hope that your suggestion works , as I use my Macbook basically to work with digital photography. Through time , I will need to delete my library to recover more disc space and I would hate to have to spend more time re - imputting titles and descriptions all over again .
    Thanks for your interest and advice.
    regards  - Alan

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