Titles Include Blank Space?

Whenever I try to make a title in iMovie (6.0.3) it works (although they are all a little fuzzy), but iMovie adds on the same amount of time used in the title to the end of the clip as blank space.
For example, if I make a 5-second long title, the clip is 10 seconds: 5 seconds of the title followed by 5 seconds of blank, black screen.
Is there anything I can do to solve this?

Hi Mitchell:
Do you have the "Over Black" box checked that is found on the title screen? If so, un-check it.

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    I have a field in the internal table with length 10.
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    how to do tht.
    plz help.

    Hope below code will be useful for u.
    data: v_dt type d value '        '.
    i given 8 spaces here becoz length of d is 8. likewise u can use ur Internal table
    write: 'date',v_dt.
    Reward if helpful....

  • Weird blank space above fixed navigation bar. help!?

    Dear all,
    Im a real no no in building websites, so this is already my fifth post in a week
    And i have an issue again....
    on my website: http://vinddit.nl/ you can see i made a fixed navigationbar. but you will see a blank space above it when you scoll down.
    This is not what i want! I want the content behind it to not be visible.
    See also my printscreen:
    Can someone help me get rid of it?
    Pls find my .HTML & CSS below:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    <script src="scripts/jquery.cycle.all.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <style type="text/css"
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                <h1>VINDDIT NU!</h1>
                <h2>Vertel ons wat je zoekt en wij gaan persoonlijk voor je opzoek! <a href="vindditnu php version.php">Doe meteen een aanvraag...</a></h2>
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                <h1>Persoonlijke VIND machine</h1>
                <h2>Wij zijn geen zoek machine, wij VINDEN! Onze ervaren personal zoekers zullen jouw artikel vinden naar aanleiding van jouw specifieke wensen. <a href="vindditnu php version.php">Lees meer...</a></h2>
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        <h1>Met  gemak GEVONDEN</h1>
        <h2>Ontvang een persoonlijke selectie van 1 tot 5 opties en besluit vervolgens zelf welke keuze je wil maken! <a href="over_ons.html">Lees meer...</a></h2>
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          <h1>Hoe VINDEN wij voor jou?      </h1>
    <h2>idsfjdspodopsv, dspofjsdfopfj.</h2>
          <h2>sd[vjsdvosv      psdofjsd jsdpofjds pofjdsfpos fspojdsf!      </h2>
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                <h1><img src="icons/shadow-icons-19.png" width="100" height="100" alt="icon1" /></h1>
                <p>vinddit was found in 2014 door Lisa &amp; Annes dsfhdofhafhiofasfoihs</p>
                <p><a href="over_ons.html">lees hier meer over ons....</a></p>
    <p> </p>
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    <div title="sample title"></div>
        <div id="slideshow_1-caption"></div>
    <h1>DOOR VINDDIT</h1>
                <h1> GEVONDEN! </h1>
                <h2> </h2>
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        <h1><img src="icons/shadow-icons-02.png" width="100" height="100" alt="icon2" /></h1>
        <h1>VRAAG &amp; ANTWOORD</h1>
        <p>Heeft u vragen of suggesties. Laat het ons weten </p>
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        <h2> </h2>
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          <p>De prijs is afhankelijk van wat je zoekt &amp; Succes gegarandeerd, kunnen wij onverhoopt niet vinden wat jij zoekt? Dan kost het je niets. <br />
            Betalen doe je dus achteraf, dus geen verplichtingen zonder resultaat! </p>
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    great! thank you! simple solution

  • Tons of blank space:

    Okay, maybe not a ton of it, but there's a lot of blank space after the movie's done. I tried getting rid of it, but there's nothing to select. Oh, and I put in a song that stretched the time line to make said blank space. Thanks for the help!

    If you want to song to play out which is not a bad idea add something to see while it is like a still or longer titles etc. I have a few clips of waves lapping at the beach which I can put in for a title background or just a visual while the song ends.

  • Replacing # with blank space in Bex Analyser

    Hi All,
    Can any one help me out in replacing # values in Bex analyser with blank space.
    I tried with the macro:
    Sub SAPBEXonRefresh(queryID As String, resultArea As Range)
    ' First Query in the workbook
    If queryID = "SAPBEXq0001" Then
    ' Selects the area where the report query is rendered
    'Replace "" with 0
    Selection.Cells.Replace What:="", Replacement:="0", LookAt:=xlWhole, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, MatchByte:=True
    End If
    End Sub
    Means I have include the macro to the Excel, but still it is not working.
    If this macro is the correct solution, then may be I am not using it properly(in the sense I'm not calling with proper syntax).
    Please provide me with the solutiuon to get rid of this problem.

    We are using BEX 7.0.
    I got a macro code which is working. The code is as follows.
    Dim resultArea As Range
    Set resultArea = varname(1)
    Dim c As Range
    For Each c In resultArea.Cells
    If c.Value = "#" Then c.Value = " "
    Next c
    This works fine but the problem is that this macro code should be added each and every time when the query is run.
    Can any one suggest me where the code can be added in Bex Analyzer itself, so that when the query is run the above macro runs along with it and removes the #.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Text item with a blank space

    I am trying to save a blank space in a text item but everytime i do, the item is getting trimmed.
    if i put in " " then it trims to null.
    If i put in "P " then it rtrims to "P"
    What am i doing wrong?

    I dont think i have been clear on what we are trying to achieve. They will not always need a blank space but could need one if they choose to do so.
    The form concatenates a set of values. So we have a set of information that is exported by the form.
    on button press turns into ONETWOTHREEFOUR
    they then have a custom seperator text item to specify what seperator is used to seperate the values. So this is where i want the user to be able to specify anything they want, including a blank space or anything else they require like comma etc so if they entered ", "
    on button press turns into ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR
    at present it trims it turning it into ONE,TWO,THREE,FOUR
    Hope this makes sense as to why i want the blank space.
    I can add it as a list item and concatenate it on save but this this is a little OTT for what is a simple task

  • How to prevent large blank spaces on webpage when using Slide Behaviors?

    I searched the forums for similar problems with applying the Slide Behaviour to elements through the DW CS5 interface and found a useful post titled "Problem with Applying Spry "Slide Effect" so now my slide effects works the way I want, except instead of sliding out a caption after clicking on an image, I slide out a list of text items when clicking on a section of text.  This works, but there is a large gap when the webpage first loads. How can I remove/prevent this large white space from appearing?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Testing Document</title>
    <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="../SpryAssets/SpryEffects.js"></script>-->
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryEffects.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function MM_effectSlide(targetElement, duration, from, to, toggle)
              Spry.Effect.DoSlide(targetElement, {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle});
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <style type="text/css">
    #LOdiv{ visibility: hidden;}
    #Countries{ visibility: hidden;}
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <div id="ListOne" onclick="MM_effectSlide('LOdiv', 1000, '0%', '100%', true)">
    <p><strong>Drop Down List One            + show      </strong></p>
        <div id="LOdiv">
          -  Item A<br/>
          -  Item B<br />
          -  Item C<br />
          -  Item D<br />
          -  Item E<br />
          -  Item F<br />
          -  Item G<br />
          -  Item H<br />
          -  Item I</div>
    <div id="ListTwo" onclick="MM_effectSlide('Countries', 1000, '0%', '100%', true)">
    <p><strong >List Two            + show </strong></p>
    <div id="Countries">
                   -  USA<br/>
          -  Germany<br />
          -  France<br />
          -  Italy<br />
          -  Japan<br />
          -  China<br />  
    <span style=' width:990px; height:21px'><img width=990 height=21

    The link to the html code can be found at:
    https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_S-KEeOr-KhNzQwYzQ5MWQtNTVhYy00OTg1LWJjYTQtODIzOWUwM2ExM 2Yx&hl=en_US
    but it needs to access the link SpryAssets/SpryEffects.js   (from DW)
    When you open it in a browser you will see a large gap between the two lines:
    "Drop Down List One  +show"  and
    "Drop Down List Two + show"
    clicking the mouse on "Drop Down List One  +show" causes a hidden element to drop down. re-clicking causes it to shrink, and thus removing the large blank space between. I  don't know how to initially present the two lines without the large initial blank gap between them.
    I tried previewing in  Chrome, Firefox, and IE - all look the same.

  • IMovie 08 Missing Buttons & Blank Space on Screen

    Sorry if this topic has been discussed in another post but I couldn't find it.
    I have been using iMovie08 for a few months now and everything has been working fine.
    This week I noticed that when I started the application all the buttons in the middle of the window were gone (voice over record, titles, audio edit, and the media buttons to the right) and all that is left is a blank space.
    Then to the top left where I have my Projects, I am only seeing two of the ten projects I have created (The actual names of the project).
    The weird thing is I can click on the empty window where my missing project names should be, it loads in the viewer, only very slow, but it plays alright, I just can't see the name in the project window.
    So as a result of not seeing the other buttons for editing, only empty space, I can't edit my projects.
    It also will freeze if I try and click around too much, and I have to force quit.
    I trashed the application, reinstalled it and nothing changed.
    I was thinking it was a problem with a quicktime file or something that might be on my desktop, so I cleaned all that off, but it didn't help.
    iMovie 08 was working great and I was pretty happy with it until now. The only new application I have recently installed is Firefox 3 Beta, unless that causes a problem, I don't think that it would but you never know.
    If anyone else has had the same problem, I would really appreciate any help I can get.
    Thank you!

    Do you use an external firewire drive? If the connection to the drive is not working, it could cause a hang like this. The solution might be to eject the external drive, if you can, turn off the computer, disconnect the firewire. Disconnect the power to the external drive. Then hook everything up again in reverse order and reboot.
    This could also happen if you are in the middle of a time machine backup or a spotlight indexing or an antivirus scan.
    Also, has anything changed with iPhoto? On startup, iMovie will try to scan the iPhoto library for new videos, and it can hang here.
    Also, this could be a symptom of fragmented virtual memory, but a simple reboot would cure this.

  • Fill with blanks(spaces) a VARCHAR2 type

    Thanks in advance,
    I have a VARCHAR2 type rtesta's var of length x(100 char)
    how i can fill(write) it without create a other varchar2 var that it'll be only filled with blanks(spaces). e.g
    rtesta := ' PC'||fil1||'xxx||fill2....
    where fil1 = say 10 spaces.. fill2 = 63 spaces and so on
    I would like something as
    rtesta := ' PC'|| RPAD(null,10)||'xxx||RPAD(null,63) ...
    but.... Oracle treats an empty string as null. And nulls are always a bit special within Oracle. Particularly, rpad('', n) and lpad('', n) returns null.
    Exists a built in for my problem?

    alter table your_table modify(your_column char(100));
    update your_table set your_column = ' '
      where your_clumn is null;  /* (added) But,this is no good for performance */
    alter table your_table modify(your_column varchar2(100));Exapmples.
    SQL> set null (null)
    SQL> create table test (vc varchar2(100));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into test values ('');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into test values ('a');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into test values ('abcde');
    1 row created.
    SQL> select substr(vc,1,10) vc,length(vc) len from test;
    VC                          LEN
    (null)               (null)
    a                             1
    abcde                         5
    SQL> alter table test modify(vc char(100));
    Table altered.
    SQL> update test set vc = ' ' where vc is null;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> alter table test modify(vc varchar2(100));
    Table altered.
    SQL> select substr(vc,1,10) vc,length(vc) len from test;
    VC                          LEN
    a                           100
    abcde                       100----
    I misread OP's problem, sorry.
    Message was edited by:

  • How to use blank space replace NULL on discoverer viewer

    There is a report that has a varchar field should show text values, and if NULL, I need it show blank space, and does in disco desktop, but on viewer, the same worksheet shows NULL.
    Even I changed in the Tools - Options - Format menu(desktop), it still show NULL on viewer.
    please help! thanks!

    Hi Sammy,
    Unfortunately ‘some’ of the settings set in Desktop do not carry over to Viewer. These options need to be defined for Viewer itself.
    A temporary way to set the Viewer settings is to click on ‘Options’ when logged in Viewer itself. You’ll have to open a responsibility or report before this option becomes available to select. Within here you’ll be able to change the way NULL values are seen. However this method only makes the change for the User you logged in with.
    To make the change for all users, it’s best to edit the PREF.TXT file on the Discoverer Server. Please view the documentation below for more information on how to configure Viewer. For windows platform click here : http://download-uk.oracle.com/docs/html/A90287_01/toc.htm,
    For Unix platform click here : http://download-uk.oracle.com/docs/html/A90288_01/toc.htm. Once you’ve run the applypreference script, these settings will be forced down to all users of Discoverer.
    Hopefully this will help ;-)

  • I recently deleted a partition on my mac that was intended to install windows. Now it is just blank space. I attempt to resize my Macintosh HD partition to cover entire hard drive space and hit apply but nothing happens (disk utility). Any ideas?

    I have a few problems...
    I wanted to make a partition to install windows, I tried to use bootcamp 5 where it wanted to partition and install windows at the same time. I do not have a cd of windows but instead had it on a flash drive. Bootcamp couldn't find it. Instead I was reading forums and found that there was another way to install windows by partioning your harddrive using the disk utility, downloading the bootcamp drivers, and installing rEFIt (an app that when starting the compouter a menu would come up to boot windows from the flashdrive). I try that and the windows install screen gets me to the point where I pick a partition. I attempt to pick the partitioned drive but a message comes up telling me that "this is of the GPT partition style" and windows cannot be installed on the drive.
    So now I went back to disk utility and deleted the partition but there is still blank space. I wanted to retry and install windows through bootcamp (somehow) but a message comes up that there cannot be any partitions or that a partition must be created using bootcamp. SO i keep trying to drag the partition over the blank space and hit apply but nothing happens.
    By the way I was trying to install windows 8 pro, some forums would say that you cant install win8 however I found others that said you could. How do I fix my partition and how do I use bootcamp to install windows (preferrably 8)?

    Csound1 What Ive been trying to explain is that I have been running bootcamp, I open the app where the first screen is the introduction, i hit continue, the first time I select "download the latest windows support software fromm Apple" then I return and instead select "Install Windows 7." Then hit continue. The third screen is where I "Create a Partition for Windows" I set Windows to 80 gigs then hit INSTALL. As stated before Bootcamp cannot find the install drivers saying "The installer disc could not be found." My windows software is on a USB drive not a disc, I tried using a virtual disc reader to make it appear that the windows software was running on a disc, still no luck. What I would like to know is how to install windows on bootcamp.

  • Blank spaces in alv report

    hi experts,
    i have a requirement that i need to develop a report which is same as t-code cs11,
    but in cs11 we are getting the report for a single material and its bom components  .
    in my require ment  i need to develop a report for range of materials, i almost did that but the problem i am facing
    is how to obtain a blank space in alv report, after completion of single material  and its components r displayed.
    can any body pls suggest me.

    hi srihari,
    i tried that but the blank lines r appending at the end of internal table.
    the following is the table ( t_main ) i am passing to the function module
        CLEAR W_MAIN.
    can u pls send me some sampe code.

  • How to remove the extra or blank space from RTF Template

    Hi All,
    Try to remove the extra space from  xml template.
    Here I have attached the .xml file with .rdf, here the issue is when you load the data we will get 2 page output but when I am trying to add any column or extra space in the last page of this template the output getting 4 pages with lot of blank space. Could you please guide me to solve this issue.
    Could you please let me know how to do the attachement in this forum as I am new to this community.

    Can you drop in a mail with RTF, xml data to [email protected], I will help you on the issue.

  • Instead of showing 0 in report its getting blank space

    Hi Sap Gurus.
    I am running the query in rsrt, in my report i am getting instead of 0 values it is showing Blank space. But in my source data there is value is 0. But when i execute the query its getting blank space. How to over come this problem.
    could u please let me know.
    Best Regards,

    Check out this.. it might solve your issue.
    in Query Properties
    Tab: value display >> Zero value Display >> Select "zero as Default Text"  under Display Zeros
    And Tab:  Rows/Columns >> Supress Zeros Option  >> "Do not Supress"  is selected.
    Edited by: Jitenderkumar Danduvia on Feb 23, 2010 12:45 PM

  • RTF Template Blank Spaces Issue

    I have one issue in the RTF File. I have developed templates for the dunning letter report.
    If i have only one line in the main body table and below this table i have some contents information for the customer to print in the report. The issue is there is blank spaces between the table and the contents when i am printing one or two invoices in the report.
    I want to remove this blank spaces and bring the contents information to print just below the table even it is sinle report or many records in the report.
    please guide me if any one come accross with this issue.
    with regards

    Make sure there are no spaces before/after your form fields - put them on their own line with no spaces in between. On their own line they don't generate an extra line.
    If you are still having problems email me the xml and rtf ggr888 [AT] gmail [D0T] com
    Blog: http://garethroberts.blogspot.com/

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