TitleWindow with 7 combobox increase cpu usage at second opening...

Hi flex comunity!!
Here is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TitleWindow creationComplete="init()" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
layout="absolute" width="1124" height="748" close="cerrar()" backgroundColor="#79B86E"
showCloseButton="true" title="IRI - Interfaz de Registro de Incidencias"
titleIcon="@Embed(source='images/alarm.png')" xmlns:ns1="*" creationPolicy="auto">
    <mx:Canvas x="10" y="10" width="1084" height="688">
        <mx:Canvas x="6" y="5" width="1074" height="678" backgroundColor="#F3F3F3">
            <mx:Label x="20" y="10" text="Tipo de incidencia"/>
            <mx:ComboBox change="cargarSubTipoIncidencia(event)" prompt="Seleccione tipo incidencia..."
                x="20" y="27" width="424" id="cmbTipoIncidencia" ></mx:ComboBox><!--dataProvider="{listaTiposIncidencias}"-->
            <mx:Label x="20" y="66" text="Sub-tipo de Incidencia"/>
            <mx:ComboBox prompt="Seleccione sub-tipo incidencia..." x="20" y="82" width="424" id="cmbSubTipoInci"
                 enabled="false" change="{validaSubTipoInc()}"></mx:ComboBox><!--dataProvider="{listaSubTipoIncidencias}"- ->
            <mx:Label x="20" y="126" text="Tipo de Localización"/>
            <mx:ComboBox prompt="Seleccione tipo localización..." x="20" y="142" width="202" id="cmbTipoLocalizacion"
                 change="{validaLocalizacion()}"></mx:ComboBox><!--dataProvider="{listaTipoLocalizaciones} "-->
            <mx:Canvas x="20" y="206" width="202" height="37" borderColor="#020202" borderStyle="solid">
            <mx:Label x="255" y="126" text="Ficheros adjuntos"/>
            <mx:Image x="395" y="113" source="images/FolderDocuments.png" width="34" height="32"/>
            <mx:TextArea x="255" y="144" width="189" height="197" id="txtFichAdjuntos">
            <mx:Label x="20" y="188" text="Afecta Circulación"/>
            <mx:Image x="302" y="347" source="images/document-add.png"/>
            <mx:Image x="370" y="347" source="images/document-delete.png"/>
            <mx:Label x="20" y="267" text="Prioridad"/>
            <mx:Canvas x="20" y="283" width="202" height="37" borderColor="#020202" borderStyle="solid">
            <mx:Label x="23" y="339" text="Incidencia Asociada"/>
            <mx:TextInput x="23" y="357" width="158" id="txtIncidAsociada"/>
            <mx:Label x="23" y="399" text="Descripcion"/>
            <mx:TextInput change="validarDescripcion()" x="23" y="414" width="421" id="txtDescripcionAlarma"/>
            <mx:Label x="23" y="458" text="Notas Adicionales"/>
            <mx:Image x="126" y="443" width="34" height="33" source="images/Notes.png"/>
            <mx:TextArea x="23" y="476" width="421" height="69" id="txtNotasAdic"/>
            <mx:Label x="23" y="563" text="Contactos"/>
            <mx:Image x="87" y="549" source="images/Contacts.png" width="29" height="31"/>
            <mx:TextArea x="23" y="581" width="391" height="87" id="txtContactos"/>
            <mx:Image x="422" y="583" width="22" height="20" source="images/Person-group-add.png" toolTip="Agregar contacto..."/>
            <mx:Image x="422" y="611" width="22" height="20" source="images/Person-group-x.png" toolTip="Eliminar contacto..."/>
            <mx:Image x="422" y="642" width="22" height="20" source="images/View.png" toolTip="Ver Datos..."/>
            <mx:Label x="476" y="413" text="Modo de Detección"/>
            <mx:Label x="799" y="413" text="Grupo/Unidad"/>
            <mx:ComboBox change="{validaModoDeteccion()}" prompt="Seleccione modo de detección..." x="476"
                y="432" width="262" id="cmbModoDeteccion"></mx:ComboBox><!--dataProvider="{listaModosDeteccion}"-->
            <mx:ComboBox change="{validaGrupoUnidad()}" prompt="Seleccione grupo/unidad..." x="799" y="432"
                width="206" id="cmbGrupoUnidad" ></mx:ComboBox><!--dataProvider="{listaGruposUnidades}"-->
            <mx:Label x="476" y="477" text="Canal de Comunicación"/>
            <mx:Label x="800" y="479" text="FH de Detección"/>
            <mx:Image buttonMode="true" click="generarHora()" x="954" y="465" source="images/chronometer.png" width="27" height="31" toolTip="Generar hora..."/>
            <mx:Image x="881" y="413" source="images/asterisk_orange.png" toolTip="Campo obligatorio"/>
            <mx:ComboBox change="{validaCanalComunicacion()}" prompt="Seleccione canal de comunicación..." x="476"
                y="493" width="262" id="cmbCanalComunicacion" ></mx:ComboBox><!--dataProvider="{listaCanalesComunicacion}"-->
            <mx:TextInput x="799" y="496" width="206" id="txtFHDeteccion" editable="false"/>
            <mx:Label x="476" y="563" text="Sistema de Origen"/>
            <mx:ComboBox change="{validaSistemaOrigen()}" prompt="Seleccione sistema origen..." x="476" y="581" width="262"
                 id="cmbSistemaOrigen" ></mx:ComboBox><!--dataProvider="{listaSistemaOrigen}"-->
            <mx:Image buttonMode="true" x="826" y="593" width="81" height="75" source="images/button_ok.png" click="altaIncidencia()"/>
            <mx:Image buttonMode="true" x="915" y="600" height="60" width="71" source="images/button_cancel.png" click="cerrar()"/>
            <mx:Image x="954" y="393" source="images/people.png" width="38" height="34"/>
            <mx:Image x="671" y="546" source="images/server.png" width="37" height="35"/>
            <mx:Image x="650" y="381" source="images/Modem_Connection.png" width="67" height="66"/>
            <mx:Label x="477" y="11" text="Geolocalización"/>
            <mx:Image x="574" y="4" source="images/worldGlobe.png" width="38" height="25"/>
            <mx:Image x="1014" y="10" source="images/logoAdifICO.jpg"/>
            <ns1:GeoLocalizacion x="489" y="36" width="516">
            <mx:RadioButton x="48" y="214" label="SI" group="{afectaCirc_group}" id="afectaCirculacionSI" />
            <mx:RadioButton x="157.5" y="215" label="NO" group="{afectaCirc_group}" id="afectaCirculacionNO" />
            <mx:RadioButton x="30" y="290" label="Alta" group="{impacto_group}" id="prioridadAlta" change="{validaPrioridad()}" />
            <mx:RadioButton x="92" y="290" label="Media" group="{impacto_group}" id="prioridadMedia" change="{validaPrioridad()}" />
            <mx:RadioButton x="163" y="290" label="Baja" group="{impacto_group}" id="prioridadBaja" change="{validaPrioridad()}"/>
            <mx:Image x="127" y="8" source="images/asterisk_orange.png" toolTip="Campo obligatorio"/>
            <mx:Image x="151" y="64" source="images/asterisk_orange.png" toolTip="Campo obligatorio"/>
            <mx:Image x="137" y="124" source="images/asterisk_orange.png" toolTip="Campo obligatorio"/>
            <mx:Image x="78" y="264" source="images/asterisk_orange.png" toolTip="Campo obligatorio"/>
            <mx:Image x="587" y="412" source="images/asterisk_orange.png" toolTip="Campo obligatorio"/>
            <mx:Image x="612" y="474" source="images/asterisk_orange.png" toolTip="Campo obligatorio"/>
            <mx:Image x="587" y="562" source="images/asterisk_orange.png" toolTip="Campo obligatorio"/>
            <mx:Image x="893" y="477" source="images/asterisk_orange.png" toolTip="Campo obligatorio"/>
            <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="afectaCirc_group" enabled="false" />
            <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="impacto_group" enabled="false" />
            <mx:Button x="185.5" y="357" label="..." width="36.5" toolTip="Asociar incidencia..."/>
            <mx:Image x="89" y="395" source="images/asterisk_orange.png" toolTip="Campo obligatorio"/>
I have a titleWindow with seven combobox and anything else, like labels, radios, etc.
The second time I open the titleWindow (the first time works fine), my cpu usage increase at least 50% and my browser became so slowly. I must to re-open the browser to work normally.
I have tried to delete all the combobox´s and works perfect.
I open and close the titleWIndow with PopUpManager, so I do not understand why the memory is not dispose.
Is there any solution??
Any idea??
Thanks a lot.

I have used the profiler with the next result:
I do not know about ChildConstraintInfo, but it seems to be the cause of my high cpu use.
Do you know what ChildConstraintInfo is?
What can I solve this high consume?
Thanks in advance for your attention

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    Perform a SMU reset.
    Remove the anti-virus, it's running a root level process all the time that's taking your CPU and it's not necessary as there are no Mac viruses, Apple has the trojan angle covered already.
    Always on anti-virus on a Mac is always a source of problems, also is MacKeeper, uninstall that here if you have it.
    If you need to clean the Windows filth off PC files, then use the free, run as you need, ClamXav.
    It seems your machine is used in a corporate enviroment, thus likely a rule that anti-virus must be used, you can avoid high CPU usuage by using the ClamXav instead.

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    By "lately" do you mean this is something that started happening recently?
    If so, can you remember any changes (updates, service packs, other software, etc.) you might have made to your boxes recently?
    Are you updated to 9.0.2?
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    9.0 to 9.0.1
    http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=1100%3E%3Cu%3E9.0.1%20to%209.0.2%3 C/u%3E%3C/a%3E

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    Can you use process explorer to narrow down the culprit?
    Process Explorer v16.02
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Please see the test results attached. Any input greatly appreciated!
    Original stackoverflow post:
    Performance Log 020114_095115.png ‏82 KB

    I have had a look at your graphs and understood what you are trying to do. To me it seems that as the image gets more complex it gets harde to render which wold likely cause increase in CPU usage resulting in the freeze. I would suggest you try running the program on anoher computer to check on the RAM front of things. If this is a limitation of the GE Plugin then unfortunately I can not do much to help, but if you think this is a problem coming from your LabVIEW code then you can post your code here and I can take a look.

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    Per se, MacOS X does not impose any CPU usage limits other than those from the processor scheduling priorities. Standard Unix scheduling priorities go from -20 to +20, with the default being 0. If you have administrator privileges, you increase your process' priority (a more negative value) with the nice or renice commands. See their man pages. On a four-core 15" or 17" MBP, even setting max -20 priority should not impact the rest of the system too much.
    You may also want to go over and discuss these things in the Unix forums:

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    Verified on another ME3600X-24CX and checked with various SFP modules.
    Dalibor Toman

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    test platform link_poll set_interval 80
    The CPU usage lowered significantly. And the response time on smokeping graph is slightly better too (less higher response time peaks on the graph)
    I have attached a graph of CPU usage for last 2 years. During may 2014 we replaced Cisco 3650G with the ME3600X and cpu usage went up. Next month we reconfigured the poll period and cpu went lower. During november we moved about 8 links to another device so the CPU usage lowered again.
    D. Toman

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    Sorry, I cannot test because of missing subVIs, but I would NOT place waits inside these FOR loops! They run for a limited number if iterations and do nothing special except some property nodes. Since your code is heavily sequentialized (sic ) all you do with these waits is prevent the program from doing anything useful.
    What might help would be do defer panel updates during the sequence of FOR loops containing property nodes. (see e.g. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=164135#M164135)
    You have a lot of duplicate code that could be consolidated. Overall, the code is very hard to navigate because of the deep stacks of sequence structures.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 10-24-2007 07:08 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • High CPU Usage on Terminalserver (Win2k3)

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    Outlook is installed on Windows 7 fat clients, but most users access their mailbox with Outlook running on a Win2k3 Terminalserver (extended support till 2016).
    While the users on the fat clients don't have any problems, the thin client users experience problems with high cpu usage.
    Following example:
    Terminalserver, 12 users, 6 running Outlook, 2 users splitting almost the whole cpu between them (usage around 90-100%).
    This makes working on that terminalserver nearly impossible.
    I tried safe mode, I tried disabling their add-ins, I tried deleting their terminalserver profile to no avail.
    How can I figure out what's causing this?

    Anti Virus email scanners are known to cause similar behavior, please first check if you have any Anti Virus scanner integrated with Outlook. Try to disable it, and check result.
    A corrupted data file might also cause this kind of issue, try to repair your data file with Scanpst.exe tool.
    Please refer to this article on how to use scanpst.exe:
    Please also have a look at this thread, try the workarounds in it and see if issue persists:
    Hope this helps.
    Ethan Hua CHN
    TechNet Community Support

  • 10.6.8 randomly freezing, CPU usage goes to 200% and never reduces

    Hi everyone,
    I have a Macbook running 10.6.8 and in my account, there are random times where CPU usage spikes, applications cannot be launched, and killing various processes causes them to spike right after relaunch. It almost always seem to have one of Google Software Update, pbs, or plugin-container in the list of processes taking up all of my CPU (eg. 70% Finder, 70% PBS, 60% Activity Monitor). If I kill all of those processes, when Finder relaunches it goes back to a huge amount of load and no responsiveness. Oddly enough, I can still use Quicksilver and occasionally Firefox when this occurs.
    I'm only ever running Firefox and Quicksilver and never had these issues before.
    I've verified & repaired permissions and verified the disk to no avail.
    Would anyone please be able to help? When it happens, I have no choice but to restart the computer by holding down the power button because it won't respond for 20minutes + when I tried leaving it alone.
    When I ran the 10.6.8 update last week it say Flashback was removed; I'm hoping this isn't related to some sort of malware....

    macbookcx16 wrote:
    When I ran the 10.6.8 update last week it say Flashback was removed; I'm hoping this isn't related to some sort of malware....
    It most certainly is or was malware. A Backdoor Trojan, to be exact.  Make sure you have installed everything that Software Update recommended as there were some subsequent updates to Java which will prevent you from being re-infected and I highly recommend you don't wait so long to update in the future.  Then disable Java (not JavaScript) in your browsers so as not to become infected when the next vulnerability is exploited.
    I don't think any of your current problems are related to Flashback, especially since it informed you that it had been removed. The symptoms were redirection of your browser to advertising sites and crashes of various applications, mostly Safari.
    Hopefully somebody else will come along with some ideas about CPU usage.

  • CPU usage 100%  when WLS 10.3.3 is idle on OS X 10.6.4 (Snow Leopard)

    I've installed WLS 10.3.3 on OS X 10.6.4 and executed using the instructions in the README (including setting the MEM_ARGS).
    Upon startup, the CPU usage spikes to ( then stays ) around *104%* ( dual-core CPU ); this, of course cripples the computer to where all running applications suffer. Attempting to access the console, brings the system to it's knees. This happens even if it is the only (non-system) application running.
    We need to be able to run WLS on our local development machines (MacBook Pros from 2007-present).
    We are currently running OAS (OC4J) on the machines with out any issues (CPU usage at OAS idle = ~1.1%).
    Are there any WLS performance settings that can be adjusted to alleviate the CPU utilization issue?
    My System Info:
    Model Name:     MacBook Pro
    Model Identifier:     MacBookPro4,1
    Processor Name:     Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed:     2.4 GHz
    Number Of Processors:     1
    Total Number Of Cores:     2
    L2 Cache:     3 MB
    Memory:     4 GB
    Edited by: user8664206 on Aug 3, 2010 8:54 AM

    Thank you!
    The key was modifying the "setDomainEnv.sh" file (this file is generated using the domain GUI configuration tool).
    I added the following at the top of the script (just below the comments):
    export JAVA_VENDOR
    I modified:
    export SUN_JAVA_HOME
    ...to be:
    export SUN_JAVA_HOME
    Now when I execute the container, it consumes only 0.2% of the CPU.
    Thanks again,

  • High CPU Usage CS4 in Snow Leopard

    I have some weird problems going on with Photoshop CS4 on my iMac.
    I have an iMac dual core, with 4GB of ram.
    Never had any problems regarding the CPU usage.
    The last couple of days I have an high CPU usage when I open an picture.
    The CPU usage will rise around 150%
    I have had an clean install of SL but this didnt fixed the problem.
    Anyone that can help me?
    greetz and thanks danny

    Why is this a problem?
    Like high RAM usage you should be glad that your resources are being used instead of sitting there idle.

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    I have gone through the other posts where in a parameter is sent to query created by power query but my ask is a bit different.  I am using a sql query to retrieve data using Power query which has 2 variables declared in the DECLARE section in the qu

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    Hi Friends, when am creating new adf page and starting Run the ADF page it will through an error *** Using port 7101 *** "C:\Users\Rama Krishna\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\DefaultDomain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd" [waiting for the s

  • URI to a track within a particular playlist?

    I can get the URI for a track, no problem.I can get the URI for a playlist, no problem.But I can't in the general case figure out how to get the URI for a track that's in the context of a particular playlist.  I'd like to be able to start my player a

  • Error on installing AIA Demo

    I am trying to install AIA Demo on Windows XP. The version I am trying to install is 2.2.1. Getting the following error. [exec] deploy: [exec] [echo] =============D:\oracleaia\AIAHOME/util/DeployTool/AIABuild.properties============= [exec] [exec] run

  • Java app not working

    I have a MacBook Pro laptop and after I followed your advice I constantly get a message that reads, "Alert! This update requires Mac OS X version 10.6. My latest version is 10.8.2. It is too late for me to phone AppleCare. Community, please help with