TM OTR and FU data

Hi Experts,
  I have requrement that need to fetch the data of the OTR(order transporation request) and FU(Freight Units) , I Have the OTR number and the FU Number Which I got it from the Document flow of the Freight Order, Now I want the OTR and FU data Please help me in this.
Thanks in Advance,

Hi Swamy,
It is very similar to the OTR except the object is now the /smctms/tor [Order Object, whereas the TRQ is the Requirement object]
Go to your TM system and enter t-code /n/bobf/test_ui, you with enter the BOPF test workbench.
Enter /scmtms/TOR in the "Select BO" text box.
Click on Load Instances - Load Node Instances by Alternative Key - ROOT - TOR_ID and a new window will open.
Click on the Create button (blank piece of paper icon) in the new window
Enter the FU number and click on the check mark on the bottom left
The FU is now displayed
Double Click on the TOR_ID in the Table Editor and the Node Instance Editor will populate with the FU data.
I would suggest that you practice with the TRQ and TOR objects in the TEST_UI which is a really helpful tool to determine how the data passes from one object to the next.  Try drilling down into the various nodes in the underlying xml.
/SCMTMS/TOR --> FU, FO, Booking Orders, etc.
These two are the ones I use the most, but you may want to look at some of the others as well.
Have fun!

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    <% endif. %>
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    Thanks Raja for posting back. The issue is slightly more complex: there are other "src" usages, but they are working fine in other sections of the layout code. The MIME objects have all been stored at right places.
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    Thanks, best regards,

    First can you please post all log file errors
    >> I can't really give you a solution or specific recommendation since I did not saw this error yet myself, but on your own risk you can try:
    1. You may try to just register 'dts.dll' using regsvr32.exe, but this error may indicate a bigger problem with setup.
    If you are running SQL Server 64bit then try running this at the command prompt: %windir%\syswow64\regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\dts\binn\dts.dll"
    2. You can try reinstall from start (In this case you have to make sure that you un-install all)
    [Personal Site] [Blog] [Facebook]

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    export all image of each page try like this
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    var myFolder = myDoc.filePath;
    var myImage = myDoc.allGraphics;
    for (var i=0; myImage.length>i; i++){[i]);
        var MyImageNmae  = myImage[i];
        app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.high;
        app.jpegExportPreferences.exportResolution = 300;
           app.selection[0].exportFile(ExportFormat.JPG, File(myFolder+"/"+MyImageNmae+".JPEG"), false);

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    I can say that anybody with
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    MSSQLServer 2000.
    Anybody with no experience should not mess up my Oracle Databases !

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    Source Data day of entering BI
    MasterID ATTR1 ATTR2
    123506 Y REWAR day1
    123506 N REWAR day4
    123506 Y ADJUST day4
    123506 N ADJUST dayn
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    On day 1 the following data enters BI,
    day 1
    1 123506 Y REWAR 2/10/2009 12/31/9999
    On day 4, 2 data records enter with same PID,
    2 123506 N REWAR 2/13/2009 12/31/9999
    3 123506 Y ADJUST 2/13/2009 12/31/9999
    the EXP_DATE of the record of day 1 needs to be changed to current date.
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    so the following changes should happen,
    1 123506 Y REWAR 2/10/2009 2/13/2009
    3 123506 Y ADJUST 2/13/2009 2/22/2009
    On day n, one data record enters with same PID,
    4 123506 N ADJUST 2/22/2009 12/31/9999
    The change is ,
    3 123506 Y ADJUST 2/13/2009 2/22/2009
    The data expected in P-table is as below, on Day n or after Day n, untill any other record enters for this MasterID,
    1 123506 Y REWAR 2/10/2009 2/13/2009
    2 123506 N REWAR 2/13/2009 2/13/2009
    3 123506 Y ADJUST 2/13/2009 2/22/2009
    4 123506 N ADJUST 2/22/2009 12/31/9999
    Has anyone worked on type 2 dimensions earlier? Or any ideas to implement this logic would be appreciated.

    Compound the Master ID with eff date and other attribute as superior objects
    so you will get P-table as
    ATTR1   ATTR2   MAT ID  
    1 2/10/2009 2/13/2009 123506 Y REWAR
    2 2/13/2009 2/13/2009 123506 N REWAR
    3 2/13/2009 2/22/2009 123506 Y ADJUST
    4 2/22/2009 12/31/9999  123506 N ADJUST

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    Edited by: kent2066 on 2009-5-18 上午8:46

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    Sorry forgot to mention versions.
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    Font Dir: C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts
    Run XDO Start
    Template: C:\work\employee.rtf
    RTFProcessor setLocale: en-us
    FOProcessor setData: C:\work\employee.xml
    FOProcessor setLocale: en-us
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    Check this out, hopefully it'll help you

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    I ended the connection in the Conn.mgr. Closed all the apps in the phone and waited a minute. Then it started one new connection in the background again! Same procedure, checked and closed it...! This did not stop, every time the phone started a new connection after a minute? 
    I did try to find what could cause this, but no success. What is going on, any ideas for what to check? 
    I finally deleted my  3G access point in menu->settings->settings->connection->destinations->internet
    This did stopp the phone from connecting and transfering data. 
     Back home I connected to my WiFi at home, used the browser and closed the connection. Guess what, the phone did now connect via the WiFi in the background doing exactly the same type of small data transfer - without asking!? 
    What is this? I downloaded the latest F-Secure mobile version to check for virus, but nothing, it was clean.
    I did shut down the phone, will not use it until I can stop these unwanted connections and transfers. Please help.

    Finally I found the reason for these data transfers. The upgrade of the mentioned files did have something to do with all of this, but the removal of the files did not help. 
    So, I did go through all the settings in again for Connections and the setting for Share Video were set On...? Turning this setting Off did stop the background data transfers. 
    Problem solved perhaps. But I still wonder why the Share Video setting did start sending data while the phone was not in use? A bug? A virus? A hacker trying to activate the webcam?

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    Article quote: " SSAS provides the way to secure analysis services database/cube data from unauthorized access. Analysis services provides secure access by creating object called "roles". After creation of role, user's windows login credential can be used
    to enroll into particular role because analysis services identifies user from their windows login credentials . You can protect your data in roles at two levels:
    1) Dimension level
    2) Cell level
    If user has been assigned more than one role, analysis services loop through all assigned roles after login. Analysis services finds all permission level for the particular user and  union all the permission levels.
    If two roles has contradictory access for user then particular access will be allowed. Suppose role1 says Australia data access and role2 denies Australia data access then access to Australia data will be allowed. "
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    IPAD SELECT Query Video Tutorial 3.5 Hours
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

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    Dear Friends;
                    I have to find out the days difference between sy-datum and any valid date that come from table . Is there any function available in SAP that will give me
    the difference in  no. of  days between sy-datum and any date that come from table??
                   please help me out.

    Just subtract the dates from each other and you will get the number of days. I have used it and it works prefect
    try this:
    DATA: date1 like sy-datum,
    date2 like sy-datum.
    data I type i.
    date1 = '20070301'.
    date2 = '20070228'.
    i = date1 - date2.
    write: / date1, date2, i.
    date1 = sy-datum.
    date2 = sy-datum - 30.
    i = date1 - date2.
    write: / date1, date2, i.

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    What is the main Diff B/W master data and transaction data.  give me some example ?
    Thanks in Advance

    hi krish,
    MASTER Data is the data that exists in the organization like employee details, material master, customer master, vendor master etc. These are generally created once.
    Master data are distributed throughout the company, they are often not standardised and often redundant. As a result it is very costly to offer efficient customer service, keep track of supply chains and make strategic decisions. With SAP Master Data Management (SAP MDM) these important business data from across the company can be brought together, harmonised and made accessible to all staff and business partners. As a key component of SAP NetWeaver, SAP MDM ensures data integrity via all IT systems.
    Regardless of the industry, companies often work with different ERP and Legacy systems. The result: the business processes are based on information about customers, partners and products which is displayed in different ways in the systems. If the data are recorded manually, there are more inconsistencies: some data sets are entered several times, others cannot be retrieved by all divisions of the company.
    As corporate applications are becoming increasingly complex and produce ever greater amounts of data, the problem is intensified further. Nevertheless, your employees must work with the inconsistent data and make decisions on this basis. The lack of standardised master data easily leads to wrong decisions, which restrict efficiency and threaten customer satisfaction and profitability.
    In a word: in order to save costs and ensure your company’s success it is necessary to consolidate master data about customers, partners and products, make them available to all employees beyond system boundaries and use attributes valid company-wide for the purpose of description.
    TRASNACTION Data - These are the business documents that you create using the master data - Purchase orders, sales orders etc

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    We have a requirement to fetch the value of 'No of days' between Invoice date and due date (Two variable date fields on the template) in an Analysis.
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    it's good for ideas but implementation a bit different
    Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Report Designer's Guide
    This function provides a method to get the difference between two dates in the given locale. The dates need to be in "yyyy-MM-dd" format. This function supports only the Gregorian calendar. The syntax is as follows:
    <?xdoxslt:date_diff(‘format’, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’, $_XDOLOCALE, $_XDOTIMEZONE)?>
    format is the time value for which the difference is to be calculated
    <?xdoxslt:date_diff(‘d’, ‘2006-04-08’, ‘2006-04-01’, $_XDOLOCALE, ‘America/Los_Angeles’)?>

  • Iphone 5s and "forced data useage"

    Hi all,
    I was an android guy for years but finally went for an iphone 5s this time around and signed up with Verizon for the new $45 plan. Unltd Text, talk, and 250MB of data or AKA "The Wifi Only Plan." I came from metro PCS and enjoyed the same deal, but now I get with a better carrier with better coverage. I am fine with a low data amount plan because I have wifi at home and work. But this iphone 5s is forcing me to use data and I believe that it is not fair and want a rep to chime in on this situation. Some of the points may be able to be fixed on my end - so let me know how, but i think most are in a catch 22.
    1) Most importantly... Voicemail. I go to the voicemail icon on my phone and if my cellur data is disabled... then I can not reach it. This forces me to turn on my data just to fetch voicemail which is a basic service and should be inclusive into my unlimited voice portion of the plan. Is there a way in the iphone 5s to get around this?
    2) iMessage. This is sent across the data line of the carrier. I have had a few problems sending and receiving messages iphone to iphone because I have supposedly turned the data feature to iMessage off. Not good, not reliable service.
    3) System Services. Eventhough it is only KBs of data it is still my data pool and should not have to pay for the auto system services that run on the phone. If I can control this on Iphone, lemme know where, but it seems that if I turn my data on for my phone these will auto send and receive data to where as individual apps I can block.
    Also is there a data warning text I can receive when I get close to my monthly alotment?

    I'm not a rep, but ....
    1. Dial *86 instead of using the built in Visual Voice Mail.
    2. Don't use iMessage. Unassociate your device with iMessage. Turn it off and just use SMS.
    3. You can't change that.  And as you noted, it doesn't use much data.
    Yes.  Log in to your My Verizon account you can set data alerts.

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